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A Qualitative Research Proposal

Presented to

The Faculty of the Senior High School

PHINMA – Cagayan de Oro College
Cagayan de Oro City

In Partial Fulfillment of Course Requirements

APP 005: Practical Research 1

COC-B1-G11-ABM-02-P – GROUP 1
NOVEMBER 17, 2023


This Action Research attached hereto, entitled, THE FACTORS AFFECTING THE


JOLLIBEE FOOD DELIVERY SERVICES prepared and submitted by

COC-B1-G11-ABM-02-P – GROUP 1, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

Course APP 005: Practical Research 1.


Research Instructor

Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Course APP 005: Practical

Research 1







INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................... 4

BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY..............................................................................................5

STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM.............................................................................................6

SCOPE AND DELIMITATION.................................................................................................... 6

SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY..............................................................................................7

THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK.................................................................................................8

RESEARCH PARADIGM......................................................................................................... 11


RELATED LITERATURE......................................................................................................... 12

RELATED STUDIES ............................................................................................................... 14


RESEARCH DESIGN.............................................................................................................. 19

RESEARCH ENVIRONMENT................................................................................................. 20

RESPONDENTS OF THE STUDY.......................................................................................... 21

RESEARCH INSTRUMENT.................................................................................................... 21

DATA GATHERING PROCEDURE..........................................................................................21



In recent years, there has been a noticeable trend towards the widespread usage of food

delivery services. With the accessibility and convenience it provides, more individuals are

choosing to use this service to have their preferred meals delivered right to their doorstep.

Jollibee, one of the top fast-food businesses in the Philippines, has entered the market for food

delivery, giving its customers a practical choice. Although food delivery services are very

popular now, consumers' happiness and satisfaction still matter in deciding how successful

these services are. particularly among the students, and it is crucial to comprehend the

variables that affect consumers' happiness with Jollibee's food delivery services. Understanding

these factors and their impact on student satisfaction is important for Jollibee, as it helps them

identify areas for improvement and enhance the overall customer experience.

The researchers were motivated to undertake this research to gain a better

understanding of how consumers shape their opinion and satisfaction towards Jollibee’s food

delivery services, how Jollibee and other fast food chain can improve their services based on

the recommendations of the PHINMA-COC ABM students, and how small or startup businesses

can use this study as their guide and start with their food delivery services with much more

insights on what their customers would prefer to experience. Several factors, including delivery

time, food quality, pricing, and convenience, may significantly affect the satisfaction of

PHINMA-COC Grade 11 ABM students with Jollibee food delivery service. Specifically, it is

expected that shorter delivery times, higher food quality, reasonable pricing, and improved

convenience will lead to greater satisfaction among the students.

The purpose of this research paper is solving the consumers' satisfactions and their

preferences towards Jollibee food delivery services and how Jollibee and other fast food chains

improve their services to raise customers’ satisfaction. The surveys and questionnaires will also

help us gather and analyze data more accurately. Because of this, it will be easier for the

researchers to gather information within the consumers preferences and their opinions towards

the Jollibee food delivery services. With the information and opinions of the consumers, it will

also raise questions such as what are the factors that influence this problem and how does this

improve as a greater satisfaction for the consumers.


The study is important because the researchers want to understand why customers feel

satisfied or dissatisfied with how Jollibee delivers their food. It is needed to figure out if

customers like the way Jollibee delivers their food and if they're happy with it. To do that, there

are things to consider like: how quickly the food arrives, whether the food is still good when it

gets there, if they make mistakes with the orders, how friendly the delivery people are, and how

easy it is to order.

With this study, the researchers get a better picture of what makes customers happy or

unhappy when it comes to Jollibee's food delivery. It will help with which things matter the most

and how they affect people's overall satisfaction with Jollibee's delivery service. This information

will be really useful for understanding how Jollibee can improve its food delivery service.


This study aims to identify the factors that affect customer satisfaction and identify the

percentage of ABM students of PHINMA-COC Puerto who use Jollibee’s food delivery service

based on gender and age.

Specifically, this study sought to answer these research questions to solve the case.

1. What is the percentage of students who uses Jollibee food delivery service based


a. age

b. gender

2. What are the factors that affect the satisfaction of PHINMA-COC Grade 11 ABM

students in Puerto?


This study aims to discover the factors that affect the satisfaction of customers that use

Jollibee’s food delivery services. In the academic year 2023–2024, this study will involve Grade

11 ABM students at PHINMA-COC. This study exclusively comprises Grade 11 ABM students

and asks them about their opinions of Jollibee food delivery services and how their preferences

relate to their personal situations. The researchers will use a survey or questionnaire to verify

the students' responses.


Jollibee can make informed decisions in improving the quality and affordability of their

food delivery services. By identifying the factors that influence student satisfaction, future

studies can develop a deeper understanding of how to improve the overall customer

experience. This knowledge can drive improvements in service quality, delivery efficiency, and

customer engagement, ultimately leading to increased satisfaction for all food delivery

customers. This study would be significant for the following groups of people:

Jollibee. It can help to contribute potential valuable insights to Jollibee and understand the

needs and expectations of the PHINMA-COC Grade 11 ABM students.

Grade 11 ABM students of PHINMA-COC. The study's direct impact on students'

understanding of customer satisfaction and service quality will be beneficial in their future

careers and business or marketing studies.

Future food chain delivery service owners. This study also has the potential to contribute to

the overall enhancement of the food delivery market, as other services can learn from Jollibee's

best practices in providing customer satisfaction. And as a result, this can lead to a more

competitive and innovative food delivery industry, benefiting all consumers.

Future researchers. This study's findings can serve as a foundation for further research in the

field of customer experience in the food delivery industry.




DELIVERY SERVICES” is anchored on the following theory: Technological Acceptance Model

Theory, Theory of Consumption Values, and Theory of Planned Behavior.

The study is supported by the theory of the Technology Acceptance Model by Fred Davis

(1986 - 1989), or TAM, where there are two factors that determine its potential users: (1)

perceived usefulness, and (2) perceived ease of use. The feature of this model is its underlying

perception of the potential user. This model is about observing people's perceptions and their

rational actions or irrational actions. It depends on the potential user's perception and their

choices on what to do with the device. TAM posits that individuals' satisfaction and adoption of

technology are determined by their perceived usefulness and ease of use of the technology,

Additionally, TAM considers behavioral intention and actual usage as key outcomes. The

relevance of using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) in this study about student

satisfaction with Jollibee food delivery services lies in its ability to provide a structured way to

explore why students choose to use or not use the service. TAM helps the researchers

investigate factors like how useful and user-friendly the service is, giving insights into what

influences student satisfaction. By applying TAM, it can predict whether students will continue

using the service and identify potential improvements. Additionally, TAM acknowledges the

impact of external factors like social influence, which is important in a student context.

Therefore, TAM serves as a valuable framework for this research to understand the dynamics of

technology adoption and COC's students satisfaction with the Jollibee delivery service.

The "Theory of Consumption Values'' is one of the theories that can be used to support

the study of "The Factors Affecting the Satisfaction of the PHINMA-COC Grade 11 ABM

Students Towards Jollibee Food Delivery Services." It was proposed by Sheth et al. (1991). The

TCV is a method for studying customer behavior while choosing products and services. It

proposes five consumption values: functional, emotional, social, epistemic, and conditional

values (Sheth et al., 1991, pp. 160–163). In the context of Jollibee Food Delivery Services, the

theory could be used to estimate student satisfaction with the service. For example, the

PHINMA-COC Grade 11 ABM students who have a positive attitude towards Jollibee Food

Delivery Services, who believe that their friends and family think they should use the service,

and who also believe that the service is easy to use, are more likely to be satisfied with the

service. Consumption values may be used to describe factors that influence PHINMA-COC

Grade 11 ABM students' happiness with Jollibee food delivery services. Consumption values

refer to the personal benefits that consumers seek when making purchasing decisions. These

values can include functional value (such as convenience and reliability), emotional value (such

as enjoyment and happiness), and social value (such as fitting in with peers or expressing one's

identity). Students in PHINMA-COC Grade 11 ABM choose to buy or use a product, like Jollibee

food delivery services, according to the consumption values they relate to it. For example,

students are more likely to prefer Jollibee's delivery service over other meal delivery choices if

they believe it to be convenient, dependable, and pleasant. This theory is relevant to the

research because it provides an explanation for understanding why PHINMA-COC students

make decisions about Jollibee's meal delivery services. The researchers can study which of

these is more significant in creating student choices and satisfaction when it comes to ordering

meals from Jollibee by using this theory of consumption values. It also intends to collect

information on how to help food industry entrepreneurs build their businesses in order to learn

more about consumer satisfaction and how these aspects impact it. The values of society may

also be influenced.

The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) is a psychological theory that helps understand

and predict human behavior. It suggests that individuals' intentions and attitudes toward a

specific behavior are influenced by three factors: their beliefs about the behavior, subjective

norms, and perceived behavioral control. study on the satisfaction of PHINMA-COC Grade 11

ABM students towards Jollibee food delivery services, the TPB can be connected through

beliefs about the behavior, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control. Beliefs about

behavior refers to the student's perception and evaluation of the behavior in question, which is

using Jollibee food delivery services. In this study, the researchers will analyze the students'

beliefs about the convenience, quality, variety, and speed of food delivery. Their perceptions of

these factors will likely influence their satisfaction with the service. Subjective norms refers to

the social influences that shape an individual's behavior. The researchers will examine the

influence of peers, friends, and family members on the students' satisfaction with Jollibee food

delivery services. If their social circle holds positive views about the service, it may influence the

students to have a higher level of satisfaction. Perceived behavioral control refers to an

individual's perception of their ability to engage in a particular behavior. The researchers will

assess the students' perception of the ease or difficulty in ordering from Jollibee, the accuracy of

fulfilling their preferences, and the overall control they feel they have over the delivery process.

Their perceived control can influence their satisfaction levels.


Figure 1. Input, Process, and Output Model

The model illustrates the relationship between the three primary components of
the research paradigm: the input, process, and output.

Input. It contains the demographic characteristics of the Grade 11 ABM students

in PHINMA-COC Puerto that uses Jollibee food delivery services and the factors that
affect their satisfaction.
Process. It contains the methods that the researchers used in collecting data.
The research used survey questionnaires.
Output. It contains the outcome of the study: identifies the satisfaction of
customers, offers recommendations and improvements, and provides further insights for
other businesses and start-ups.



This chapter includes ideas, finished thesis, generalization or conclusions,

methodologies, and others. The data included in this chapter helps in familiarizing information

that are relevant and similar to the present study.


The Theory of Consumption Value (TCV), a fundamental concept in the investigation of

consumer behavior, seeks to understand the several consumption values that influence what

consumers buy in order to shed light on the reasons behind those decisions. The article by

Ceyda Tanrikulu, "Theory of consumption values in consumer behavior research: A review and

future research agenda," which was released in March 2021, is a significant contribution in this

area because it conducts a methodical literature review in order to present an integrated

understanding of TCV and establish a comprehensive research agenda for future investigations.

The review's primary findings show that this theory has undergone constant change, that it is

frequently applied to explain why consumers make certain decisions, and that it is still relevant

in the literature on consumer behavior. As a result, consumer behavior related to consumption

has improved; however, some issues still require more investigation. To encourage and improve

understanding of value through TCV, more specific recommendations for future studies are

created. As a result, the research article promotes the development of knowledge in the field by

providing a thorough reference for researchers and educators who are interested in this

essential aspect of consumer behavior theory.

This study is also supported by the theory of the Technology Acceptance Model by Fred

Davis, or TAM, where there are two factors that determine its potential users: (1) perceived

usefulness, and (2) perceived ease of use. The feature of this model is its underlying perception

of the potential user. This model is about observing people's perceptions and their rational

actions or irrational actions. It depends on the potential user's perception and their choices on

what to do with the device. TAM posits that individuals' satisfaction and adoption of technology

are determined by their perceived usefulness and ease of use of the technology, Additionally,

TAM considers behavioral intention and actual usage as key outcomes. The relevance of using

the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) in this study about student satisfaction with Jollibee

food delivery services lies in its ability to provide a structured way to explore why students

choose to use or not use the service. TAM helps the researchers investigate factors like how

useful and user-friendly the service is, giving insights into what influences student satisfaction.

By applying TAM, it can predict whether students will continue using the service and identify

potential improvements. Additionally, TAM acknowledges the impact of external factors like

social influence, which is important in a student context. Therefore, TAM serves as a valuable

framework for this research to understand the dynamics of technology adoption and Cagayan

de Oro College Grade 11 ABM students’ satisfaction with the current Jollibee delivery service.

Another theory that supports this research is the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)— a

psychological theory that helps understand and predict human behavior. TPB suggests that

individuals' intentions and attitudes toward a specific behavior are influenced by three factors:

their beliefs about the behavior, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control. study on

the satisfaction of PHINMA-COC Grade 11 ABM students towards Jollibee food delivery

services, the TPB can be connected through beliefs about the behavior, subjective norms, and

perceived behavioral control. Beliefs about behavior refers to the student's perception and

evaluation of the behavior in question, which is using Jollibee food delivery services. In this

study, the researchers will analyze the students' beliefs about the convenience, quality, variety,

and speed of food delivery. Their perceptions of these factors will likely influence their

satisfaction with the service. Subjective norms refers to the social influences that shape an

individual's behavior. The researchers will examine the influence of peers, friends, and family

members on the students' satisfaction with Jollibee food delivery services. If their social circle

holds positive views about the service, it may influence the students to have a higher level of

satisfaction. Perceived behavioral control refers to an individual's perception of their ability to

engage in a particular behavior. The researchers will assess the students' perception of the

ease or difficulty in ordering from Jollibee, the accuracy of fulfilling their preferences, and the

overall control they feel they have over the delivery process. Their perceived control can

influence their satisfaction levels.



A study entitled “The Level of Customer Service Satisfaction of the Online App in

Jollibee Waltermart Dasmarinas Cavite” authored by Airine G. Sarono, Maria Elizabeth B. Diza,

Lawrence C. Doria, and Mr. Frederico C. Abut. This study was published on the 14th day of July

2020, and it starts by knowing what the common positive and negative effects are that

customers attain using this online app to order food when it comes to their demographic profile.

Secondly, know what the main causes are of these effects on customer satisfaction, and lastly,

finalize the data by creating a tabulation of all the data collected from the customers. The

ultimate aim of this study is to know the satisfaction customers get when they use this online

app to order their food at Jollibee Waltermart Dasmarinas. An online survey in the form of

Google Forms was used as a methodology to gather data from 100 out of the population in

Dasmarinas, Cavite, who voluntarily took the survey. Results indicated that the majority of the

people who use this application are female, and people in the range of 25 years old and older

who are single and employed are satisfied with using this online app to order food at Jollibee

Waltermart Dasmarinas. The overall similarities in this study is that it also aims to determine

customer satisfaction while using the online app to order Jollibee food. While the differences in

this study are that the people who use delivery applications are often female or people who

range from 25 years old and above.

This relates to a study conducted by Arvin M. Adan in March 2015 titled "Analysis of

How Much Jollibee Foods Corporation's Food Costs for Filipino Customers." The study

examines the affordability of Jollibee Foods Corporation's products and their benefits to the

public, as well as how Filipinos actually perceive them. The aim is to clarify how Jollibee decides

on pricing and how customers feel about this popular fast food chain in the Philippines. The

research examines the cost of Jollibee's food options in the local market, taking into account

various factors such as pricing, value for money and customer sentiment. This helps us analyze

the details obtained from Jollibee's patrons on their pricing and value perceptions to identify

their tastes and differences in affordability views, although the research did not contain any

satisfactory results towards their food delivery services.

In addition, Ardvin Kester S.Ong, Yogi Tri Prasetyo, Klint Allen Mariñas, Jehorom Px

Alegre Perez, Satria Fadil Persada, Reny Nadlifatin, Thanatorn Chuenyindee, and Thapanat

Buaphiban, with their research entitled Factors Affecting Customer Satisfaction in the Fast Food

Restaurant “Jollibee'' during the COVID-19 Pandemic. According to researchers, "Every

business focuses on strategies that will provide a competitive advantage over the others. When

it comes to strategic responses in food businesses, competitive prices, sales promotion, quality

of the food, and good customer service are the key drivers for customer patronization and

satisfaction, which will lead to customer loyalty. Customer loyalty is also known to be linked with

customer satisfaction. The researchers conducted a survey, and a total of 303 people answered

the survey. They were the individuals who regularly eat at Jollibee or any fast food restaurant.

The researchers conducted the survey through an online questionnaire due to the strict

lockdown caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The data were collected from December 2021

until January 2022 through the use of different social media platforms. The survey suggested

that 62.6 million Filipinos, or 10% of the margin of error, of the 100 participants can be utilized.

After collecting the data, it was seen that 36.12% of the result was obtained, lower than the 50%

threshold. Generally, the results of this study showed that tangibles and empathy significantly

affect service quality; at the same time, the service quality, COVID-19 protocols, food quality,

pricing, and cultural/social influence significantly affect customer satisfaction in Jollibee

Philippines during the COVID-19 pandemic. Utilizing SEM, different results were seen such as

the insignificant effect of responsiveness, reliability, and assurance.


The study titled "Factors Affecting Customer Satisfaction in Fast Food Restaurant

'Jollibee' during the COVID-19 Pandemic," conducted by Ong, Prasetyo, Mariñas, Perez,

Persada, Nadlifatin, Chuenyindee, and Buaphiban, was published on November 21, 2022. This

study investigates the SERVQUAL aspects of price, food quality, culture, and social impact as

they relate to customer satisfaction at Jollibee. The research indicated that pricing, cultural

influence, food, and service quality had significant relationships with consumer satisfaction,

responsiveness, reliability, and assurance that contained small but significant effects on service

quality. The study highlights the impact of cultural and societal influences on Jollibee customers'

satisfaction and emphasizes the significance of cleanliness, staff friendliness, food quality, and

price in satisfying Jollibee customers. Additionally, this study was related to "Factors Affecting

the Satisfaction of the PHINMA-COC Grade 11 ABM Students Towards Jollibee Food Delivery

Services" because both of them focused on grasping the factors that affect consumer

satisfaction in relation to fast food restaurant chain Jollibee. However, there are some

differences between the two studies. For instance, the second study is exclusively focused on

students who use Jollibee's food delivery services, whereas the first study focuses on

consumers who visit branches of Jollibee during the COVID-19 pandemic. Thus, the first study

aims to provide insights into how fast-food chains may increase customer satisfaction during the

pandemic, while the second seeks to provide insights into how Jollibee can enhance its meal

delivery services in order to meet the demands and preferences of its customers.

For the Study of the Effects of Customer Service Quality and Product Quality on

Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty, conducted by Altejar, Lyndell Urbano, Deloria,

Juniele Dagodog and Dizon, Camille De Guzman. Published in October 2019. The researchers

address the effects of customer service quality and product quality on customer satisfaction and

customer loyalty. As for their juicy and delicious Chicken Joy, the Jollibee is now a top food

chain in the Philippines. Results of the study show that product and customer service quality

only has a small effect on customer satisfaction; and customer satisfaction does not guarantee

the loyalty of the customers. Both Study of the Effects of Customer Service Quality and Product

Quality on Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty and The study on the factors affecting

the satisfaction of PHINMA-COC Grade 11 ABM students towards Jollibee food delivery

services share a common focus on customer satisfaction, highlighting the importance of

addressing the effects of product quality on customer satisfaction, but there is also differences

between Effects of Customer Service Quality and Product Quality on Customer Satisfaction and

Customer Loyalty and The study on the factors affecting the satisfaction of PHINMA-COC

Grade 11 ABM students towards Jollibee food delivery services, because their study focuses

customers loyalty and satisfaction and this study focuses on Jollibee food delivery services


Lastly, from the study “How to Make Jollibee Popular in China Mainland Market by

Taking the Advantages of Four Principles of Contagiousness?” by Tianchang Wang, the author's

discussion primarily centers around leveraging the four principles of contagiousness to enhance

Jollibee's popularity in the Chinese mainland market. They emphasize the significance of

creating a sense of exclusivity and prestige through Jollibee's unique offerings and distinctive

flavors, while also highlighting the practical benefits of affordability, convenience, and quality. the

researchers gathered data for their study on 'How to Make Jollibee Popular in the China

Mainland Market by Leveraging the Four Principles of Contagiousness.' The data collection

process involved three key sources: iiMedia Research, which likely provided market-related data

and trends; the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, which could have contributed insights into labor

and employment factors; and 'Six Principles of Contagiousness' by Jonah Berger, which

presumably informed the study's marketing strategies. These sources played a crucial role in

acquiring the diverse data necessary to draw meaningful conclusions for the research.



This study discusses the research design, research setting, sampling procedure, research

instrument, data gathering procedures and statistical tools.

Research Design

The study will use the qualitative approach, to dig deeper into students' lived

experiences and thoughts and give them the chance to voice their individual opinions and

feelings about food delivery services. The purpose of this qualitative study is to examine the

variables that affect the Grade 11 ABM students at PHINMA-COC's satisfaction with food

delivery services. Surveys, interviews, and observations can be done using this simple yet

effective method. Additionally, to fully understand the respondents' points of view, it emphasized

the significance of the findings and provided a thorough and complete explanation. It could be

easier for the researchers to focus on the study if there were fewer respondents. Furthermore, it

helps researchers explore captivating topics in further detail and determine correspondent

satisfaction. This design is appropriate since it encourages participants to express their thoughts

and feelings in their own words, facilitating a comprehensive understanding of their satisfaction.

Research Environment

Figure 2. Map of PHINMA Cagayan de Oro City - Puerto Campus

The study will be conducted in the division of Cagayan de Oro City, also known as "The

City of Golden Friendship". Specifically, in the PHINMA Cagayan de Oro College Puerto

Campus. Cagayan de Oro is located in the province of Misamis Oriental. It also serves as the

regional center of Northern Mindanao (Region X).

Respondents of the Study

The participants in this study will be Grade 11 ABM students from the Senior High

School Department at PHINMA-COC Puerto Campus. A purposive sampling method will be

used to select a diverse group of participants, ensuring representation from different

backgrounds and characteristics. Specifically, this study is exclusive to Grade 11 ABM students

at the PHINMA-COC Puerto Campus who use food delivery services. In order to validate and

support the qualitative results, fewer students will be selected for in-depth interviews. For

participants to provide an in-depth understanding of the variables impacting how satisfied they

are with these services, selection criteria will take into account factors including frequency of

use of food delivery services, satisfaction levels, and a variety of preferences.

Research Instrument

In this study, the researchers will use survey questionnaires as its research instrument.

The questionnaire is a set of questions that have been thoughtfully organized to be answered by

a group of individuals for the purpose of gathering information and data.

Data Gathering Procedure

With the permission from the head/adviser, the researchers would be able to perform a

survey for the purpose of gathering information from the respondents which are the Grade 11

ABM students at the PHINMA-COC Puerto Campus who use food delivery services. The

researchers may use survey questionnaires for data collection. After collecting the answers of

the respondent, the researchers will need to organize the data for easier transfer to the final



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