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NEW TOTAL ENGLISH B - Final Exam Review

Task 1 → Choose the correct options to complete the sentences.
1. After we get back from the break, the students will carry _____ with their presentation.
a. up b. on c. in

2. Sarah’s baby will _____ over her parents with that super cute smile!
a. win b. gain c. play

3. My mother doesn’t trust in _____ of the art products, they often have too many flaws.
a. makes b. brand c. state

4. Watching a documentary about veganism was a wake up _____ for me and I decided to
become vegan myself.
a. moment b. time c. call

5. If she had listened to her _____ feelings, this wouldn’t have happened.
a. gut b. head c. heart

6. I can travel all over the world, but I’ll always have my roots _____ here!
a. on b. in c. at

7. It’s so difficult to keep _____ with all the new gossip you tell me!
a. up b. on c. in

8. Sometimes you just have to take a deep breath and go with the _____ .
a. current b. tide c. flow

Task 2 → Use some words/expressions from the list to complete the conversations.

over the moon aloof kind friendly tricky overrated wound up

sympathetic resolute masterpiece underrated performance type easy

1. A: The Guernica is considered to be Picasso’s finest _____________.

B: Oh, I don’t know… I’m very fond of Le Rêve and La Vie.

2. A: If we want to win the game, we must remain _____________ .

B: Yes, coach, I agree with you.
NEW TOTAL ENGLISH B - Final Exam Review

3. A: He always tries to be ___________ with his patients.

B: Oh, yes, I love this doctor!

4. A: Two thousand euros? Is this the correct price?

B: This is a design piece — it’s one of a ___________. That’s why it’s worth that much.

5. A: Do you have any reason to get so ___________ when you’re near her?
B: She can’t be trusted.

6. A: I don’t know why people love this singer so much. To me, she’s completely _________.
B: Yeah, I hate her songs.

7. A: I’m so frustrated I couldn’t do it on the first try.

B: That’s ok, backflips can be a little _____________ at first.

Language Focus
Task 1 → Choose the correct options to complete the sentences.
1. Listening to ______ music can help you get energized to do a workout routine.
a. the b. a c. – (no article)

2. ______ as I enjoy literature, I’d hate to be a writer.

a. Much b. Though c. Despite

3. Isn’t that the girl ______ dog got lost last week?
a. who b. whom c. whose

4. George always said his father devoted his life ______ supporting animal shelters.
a. on b. to c. with

5. They ______ feel tired of walking yet, it’s only been half an hour!
a. must b. can’t c. might

6. I don’t really know what time is best, just show up ______ you want.
a. whatever b. wherever c. whenever
NEW TOTAL ENGLISH B - Final Exam Review

Task 2 → Complete the conversations with the correct form of the verbs in
1. A: If only people ____________________ more about the topic. (talk)
B: Yes, I always thought this subject should be more discussed.

2. A: If that factory doesn’t stop _______________ the river, our water will be damaged
forever. (pollute)
B: Yeah, we, as citizens, need to do something about it soon.

3. A: He said to me he __________ that he can’t trust you anymore. (feel)

B: I know I wronged him, but I’ll win him over again.

4. A: Mom? You wanted to talk to me?

B: It’s about time you _________________________ to think about your future. (start)

5. A: __________ you ever __________ the sound of water falling down a waterfall? It’s so
calming and relaxing. (hear)
B: Yes, I love going to forests with waterfalls to relax!

Task 3 → Rewrite the sentences using the information in parentheses so that the
meaning stays the same.
1. Jake: “Don’t let others put you down, Phil.” (warn)

2. We will never be able to get out of this System the Government put us in. (the fact)

3. I regret not going to the movies with you guys! (wish)


4. Sophia will probably hear us if we continue talking here. (likely)


5. I feel so sad all the time. (If only)

NEW TOTAL ENGLISH B - Final Exam Review

Listening Comprehension Vocabulary

Task 1 → Match the expressions (1-5) to their meanings (A-E).

1) to have a wake up call

2) to enjoy life in the fast lane
3) to go with the flow
4) to enjoy the buzz
5) to have itchy feet

A) _______ → to be relaxed and accept your situation; to be laid back.

B) _______ → to appreciate a hectic, energetic lifestyle.
C) _______ → something bad or surprising happened, making you realize that it’s time to
take action and change a situation.
D) _______ → to have a strong desire to change things up (your job, your house, your
hobbies, etc).
E) _______ → a way of living that is full of excitement, activity and, often, danger.

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