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What is Mutual fund?

A Mutual fund is a financial instrument that collects money from various investors and invest in
various investment options like shares, bonds etc. This is managed by experts

What are the types of mutual funds?

Mutual funds can be classified into three types ie Equity, Debt and Hybrid. Equity mutual
funds invest in shares of companies listed on the stock exchange, Debt funds invest in
bonds of reputed companies and government. Hybrid funds invest in both.

What is KYC?

KYC is an acronym for "Know Your Client", a term commonly used for Client Identification Process.
SEBI has prescribed certain requirements relating to KYC norms for Financial Institutions and
Financial Intermediaries including Mutual Funds to 'know' their clients. This would be in the form of
verification of identity and address, financial status, occupation and such other personal
information. Applicant must be KYC compliant while investing with any SEBI registered Mutual Fund.
An investor can check their KYC Status by clicking on name of any of the below listed KYC
Registration Agency (KRA)

What are the provisions of SEBI circular No. Cir/ IMD/ DF/9/ 2011 dated May 19, 2011?

With a view to popularize the option of holding mutual fund units in demat form, SEBI has
mandated mutual funds with effect from October 1, 2011 to:
Provide an option to the investors to receive allotment of mutual fund units in their demat
account while subscribing for units in any scheme.


Can an NRI/ Person of Indian Origin (PIO) invest in Mutual Fund schemes in India?
Yes. NRIs / Persons of Indian Origin are entitled to invest in Mutual Fund schemes in India under a
general permission from the Reserve Bank of India. However, residents of USA and Canada are
restricted for investment into the schemes of Kotak Mutual Fund. They can invest along with
declaration form which is available on web site.

How can an NRI investor invest in Mutual Fund schemes in India?

NRI Investors can invest in our schemes either through money lying to the credit of their NRO / NRE /
FCNR Account or through approved Banking Channels. An NRI investor cannot invest in foreign
What the different modes of investment in the schemes of Kotak Mutual Fund?
An NRI investor can invest through Physical Mode or through Electronic Mode. However NRE investors
from US/Canada cannot invest via electronic mode. For investment through physical mode, the
investor has to submit duly filled in investment application form along with investment cheque drawn
in the name of the scheme, his KYC Acknowledgement and FATCA Declaration Form.

Can an NRI investor register overseas bank account details?

No, an NRI investor cannot register his overseas bank account details. He has to mandatorily maintain
a bank account in India.

How can an NRI investor get his redemption proceeds?

The redemption proceeds of a unit holder shall be paid to first unit-holders registered bank account
details only. Redemption proceeds shall be payable in Indian Rupees only.

How can an NRI Investor seek repatriation of the redemption proceeds?

NRI Investors can seek repatriation of the redemption proceeds on their investment where the
investment is made through debit to their NRE Account.

What is the tax treatment for NRI investor?

The tax treatment for NRI investors with respect to Mutual Fund investments is the same that is
applicable for Resident Investors except that applicable tax would be deducted at source for NRIs.

What is the proof of the Tax Deduction at Source?

A TDS certificate is issued in the name of the First/ Sole Unit holder mentioning the details of the
transaction and the tax deducted.

Can a Power of Attorney (POA) invest on behalf of the NRI investor?

Yes, a POA holder can invest on behalf of the NRI investor. The POA holder needs to submit a duly
attested / notarized copy of POA. The Power of attorney should contain the signature of the first
holder and the POA holder. Only when the POA is registered does the POA holder have the right to
transact on behalf of the NRI investor. His signature will be verified for processing any transaction/
request. However, in case of US/ Canada NRI, declaration has to be signed by the investor himself.
POA holder cannot sign the declaration.

Can Nomination be allowed for an investment where the first unit holder is NRI?
Yes, nomination is allowed for NRI investors.

Can a resident Indian have an NRI as nominee?

Yes, an NRI can be a nominee in a folio where the first/sole unit holder is a Resident Indian.

Can an NRI investor request for change in tax status, to Resident Individual?
Yes, an NRI investor can request for change in tax status for his existing investment. However, such
request needs to be accompanied with a request for Change in his Bank Details as well.
Can a Resident Individual investor request for change in tax status, to NRI?
Yes, a resident individual investor can request for change in tax status for his existing investment.
However, the tax status can be changed only on Non-Repatriable basis. Also, such a tax status request
needs to be accompanied with a request for Change in the Bank Details as well.


Primarily investor has to update his change of address in his KYC. Once the same is updated in KYC, it
will be auto updated against respective folio’s.


Investor need to submit below documents for change in bank

1. Request for change in bank or Change in bank form duly filled and signed as per mode of
2. Old Bank proof & New Bank proof.(Refer below documents which can be submitted as bank

3. Cancelled original cheque leaf *

Photo copy of passbook or bank account statement (self-attested & attested by AMC/CAMS
Bank Letter (Confirming investor PAN & Address proof as per AMC records)*

* All cancelled cheque leafs to be submitted in original. If photocopy of Old or New Bank
Proof document is submitted than it should be self-attested & OSV to be done by AMC or
CAMS ISC. Investor Name should be pre-printed on Cheque Leaf. If the same is not pre-
printed then Bank Account Statement/Passbook Copy also needs to be submitted with
Cancelled Cheque Leaf.

Change of Name of Investor -

In the event that an Investor changes his name, the Investor will have to submit the following
documents, in case of Individual Investor:

1. Request Letter/form to update the new name in AMC/ RTA records.

2. Certified copy of the gazette notification regarding change of name
3. Certified copy passport/documentation under the relevant jurisdiction evidencing the
change in name (in case of a NRI/OCB)
4. In case of change of name of an Investor due to marriage, the Investor would have to furnish
the details along with the certified copy Marriage Certificate.
5. Self-Attested copy of PAN Card bearing the new name
6. If there are any changes in the signature, "Signature Updation Form" should be separately
7. KYC & FATCA Acknowledgement of the investor bearing the new name

Below mentioned documents would be required for Change of Name for a non-individual investor:
1. Request Letter to update the new name in AMC/ RTA records
2. Copy of Certificate of Incorporation consequent to Change of Name - truly and completely
attested either by Notary Public or Company Secretary
3. Board Resolution
4. Authorized Signatory List
5. Court Order, if any
6. Copy of PAN Card - attested by Company Secretary
7. KYC Acknowledgement of the investor bearing the new name

Process for investments made on behalf of Minor through Guardian

Investors are requested to note that, pursuant to SEBI Circular No. SEBI/HO/IMO/POD-II/CIR/P/2023/0069dated May 12, 2023
and in partial modification to the SEBI Circular no. SEBI/HO/IMD/DF3/CIR/P/2019/166 dated December 24, 2019, the following
process shall be applicable with respect to Investment in units of Mutual Funds in the name of minor through guardian
w.e.f. June 15, 2023.

Payment for investment by any mode shall be accepted from the bank account of the minor, parent or legal guardian of
the minor, or from a joint account of the minor with parent or legal guardian. For existing folios, the AMCs shall insist
upon a Change of Pay-out Bank mandate before redemption is processed.

Redemption proceeds shall be credited only in the verified bank account of the minor, i.e. the account the minor may hold
with the parent/ legal guardian after completing all KYC formalities.

Change of Guardian

In case of a change in guardian either due to mutual consent or demise of existing guardian, the
below mentioned documents are required to be submitted for registering the new guardian,

1. Request Letter from the New Guardian,

2. In case the existing guardian is alive, No Objection Letter (NoC) or Consent Letter from
existing guardian or Court Order is required
3. Notarized copy or attested copy of the Death Certificate of the deceased guardian, where
4. Bank attestation attesting the signature of the new guardian in a bank account of the minor
where the new guardian is registered as the guardian
5. Cancelled Cheque Leaf of new Bank account/ Attested copy of Cancelled Cheque Leaf of new
Bank account
6. In case of natural guardian, any suitable proof evidencing the relationship status of the
guardian with minor
7. In case of court appointed legal guardian, supporting documentary evidence shall be
8. KYC & FATCA acknowledgement of New Guardian

It is important to note that the new guardian must be a natural guardian (i.e. father or mother) or a
court appointed legal guardian.
Change in Status from Minor to Major
1. The prescribed MAM form duly filled in all respects. Note: Signature of the applicant
(minor who has turned major) in the MAM form shall be duly attested in the space
provided therein by the parent/guardian whose signature is registered in the records of
the mutual fund against the folio of the minor unit holder or by a Notary or a Judicial
Magistrate First Class(JMFC). Alternatively, the applicant’s signature may be attested by
the unit holder’s bankers in the prescribed form as per format given in Annexure 1.
2. Copy of PAN Card of the applicant
3. KYC Acknowledgment or a duly competed KYC form.
4. A cancelled cheque leaf with the applicant’s name pre-printed or the applicant’s latest
Bank Statement/Passbook.
5. Signature attestation by the bankers in Annexure 1 (if the signature of the applicant is not
attested by the guardian or a Notary or a JMFC in the MAM form)
6. Nomination Form

All transactions including SIP, STP, SWP shall be suspended in case the documents to change the
status are not received by the date when the minor attains majority. The account shall be frozen
for operation by the guardian on the day the minor attains the age of majority and no transactions
shall be permitted till the documents for changing the status are received.

Nomination - Registration / Cancellation & Change of Nominee

An investor can register a nominee, make changes to the existing nomination under his folio as well
as cancel the existing nomination by using the Nomination Form.

As per SEBI Circular dated Oct 01, 2023, w.r.t Nomination for existing individual investor vide SEBI
Circular No: SEBI/HO/IMD/IMD-I POD1/P/CIR/2023/47 dated March 28, 2023 it’s mandatory for
existing clients to submit nominee registration/ declaration for Opt-Out of nomination for their
investments in mutual funds latest by Sep 30, 2023. Further, In case investors fail to add/ update the
nominee for their investment or submit a declaration to opt out of the nomination by Sep 30, 2023,
their folios’ shall be frozen for debit.

Few important points to note in respect of the same:

1. The nomination can be made only by individuals applying for/holding units on their own behalf
singly or jointly.
2. Non-individuals including a Society, Trust, Body Corporate, Partnership Firm, Karta of Hindu
Undivided family, a Power of Attorney holder and/or Guardian of Minor unit holder cannot
3. Nomination is not allowed in a folio of a Minor unit holder.
4. If the units are held jointly (i.e., in case of multiple unit holders in the folio), all joint holders need
to sign the Nomination Form (even if the mode of holding/operation is on “Anyone or Survivor”
5. A minor may be nominated. In that event, the name and address of the Guardian of the minor
nominee needs to be provided.
6. Nomination can also be in favor of the Central Government, State Government, a local
authority, any person designated by virtue of his office or a religious or charitable trust.
7. The Nominee shall not be a trust (other than a religious or charitable trust), society, body
corporate, partnership firm, Karta of Hindu Undivided Family or a Power of Attorney holder.
8. A Non-Resident Indian may be nominated subject to the applicable exchange control regulations.
9. Multiple Nominees: Nomination can be made in favor of multiple nominees, subject to a
maximum of three nominees. In case of multiple nominees, the percentage of the allocation/share
should be in whole numbers without any decimals, adding upto a total of 100%. If the total
percentage of allocation amongst multiple nominees does not add up to 100%, the nomination
request shall be treated as invalid and rejected. If the percentage of allocation/ share for each of the
nominee is not mentioned, the allocation /claim settlement shall be made equally amongst all the
10. Every new nomination for a folio/account shall overwrite the existing nomination, if any.
11. Nomination made by a unit holder shall be applicable for units held in all the schemes under the
respective folio / account.
12. Nomination shall stand rescinded upon the transfer of units.
13. Death of Nominee/s: In the event of the nominee(s) pre-deceasing the unit holder(s), the unit
holder/s is/are advised to make a fresh nomination soon after the demise of the nominee. The
nomination will automatically stand cancelled in the event of the nominee(s) pre-deceasing the unit
holder(s). In case of multiple nominations, if any of the nominee is deceased at the time of death
claim settlement, the said nominee’s share will be distributed equally amongst the surviving
14. Transmission of units in favour of a Nominee shall be valid discharge by the asset management
company/ Mutual Fund / Trustees against the legal heir(s).
15. Cancellation of Nomination: Request for cancellation of Nomination made can be made only by
the unit holders. The nomination shall stand rescinded on cancellation of the nomination and the
AMC shall not be under any obligation to transfer / transmit the units in favor of the Nominee.
16. Unit holders who do not wish to nominate are required to confirm the same by indicating their
choice in the space provided in the nomination form.
17. The nomination will be registered only when this form is completed in all respects to the
satisfaction of the AMC.
18. In respect of folios/accounts where the Nomination has been registered, the AMC will not
entertain any request for transmission / claim settlement from any person other than the registered
nominee(s), unless so directed by any competent court.

Pledge of Units / Lien on Units

Lien Marking

The units under the respective scheme(s) may be offered as security by way of a pledge/ charge in
favour of scheduled banks, financial institutions, non-banking finance companies (NBFCs) or any other
body. The AMC and/ or the ISC will note and record such Pledged Units.

Documents required to be submitted by the unit holder for this purpose, are stated below:

1. Request Letter from Investor

2. Board Resolution + Authorized Signatory List of Investor (in case the investor is non-
3. Request Letter from Financier
4. Board Resolution + Authorized Signatory List of Financier
The AMC shall mark a lien only upon receiving the above stated documents
The Pledger will not be able to redeem units that are pledged until the entity to which the units are
pledged provides written authorization to the Mutual Fund that the pledge / lien charge may be
removed. As long as units are pledged, the Pledgee will have complete authority to redeem such Units.

Lien Release
The financier needs to submit Lien Release Letter preferably in standard format for un-pledge of
units / lien release on units, along with the latest BR and ASL.

Lien Invocation
In the event, that a financier desires to invoke the lien in respect of the units pledged in their favour,
they need to submit Lien Invocation Letter preferably in standard format. On any business days, in
order to get the same day NAV, the financer need to submit the same before cut off, along with the
latest BR and ASL.

Consolidation of Folios
Unit holders of any of the schemes of the fund have the option of consolidating their investments
under separate folios into a single folio, provided the mandated details in all their folios are same.

How to Consolidate?
The request for consolidation of folios must be signed and submitted at any of the Official Acceptance
Points or at the office of the Registrar at Chennai on any Business Day. For consolidation of folios, the
following details in all the folios should match:

 Unit Holder(s) Name

 Order of Unit Holder(s)
 Mode of Holding
 Contact Details
 Bank Mandate
 Signatures of Unit Holder(s)
 Nomination Details

Transfer of Units

Units held, either in the form of Account Statements or in the form of unit certificates, are non-
transferable. The Trustee reserves the right to make the Units transferable at a later date subject to
the Regulations issued from time to time.

Also, any addition / deletion of name from the folio of the unit holder(s) are deemed as transfer of
units. In view of the same additions/ deletions of names will not be allowed under any folio. The said
provisions in respect of deletion of names will not be applicable in case of death of a unit holder (in
respect of joint holdings) as this is treated as transmission of units and not transfer. Also the said
provisions shall not apply for change of name.

Further, it is important to note that the units of Exchange Traded Funds and units held in demat
form, are transferable subject to the provisions of the Depositories Act, SEBI (Depository
and Depository Participant) Regulations, 1996 and other applicable provisions.
Thus, Units of all schemes of Kotak Mahindra Mutual Fund which are held in demat form shall be
freely transferable under the depository system.



i. Transmission Request Form (Form T2) for Transmission of Units to the surviving unit Holder/s.

ii. Death Certificate of the deceased unit Holder(s) in original OR photocopy duly attested by a
Notary Public or a Gazetted Officer.

iii. Copy of PAN Card of the Surviving Joint Holder(s) (if PAN is not provided already)

iv. Cancelled cheque of the new first unit holder, with the claimant’s name pre-printed OR Recent
Bank Statement/Passbook (not more than 3 months old) of the new first holder.

v. KYC Acknowledgment OR KYC Form of the surviving unit holder(s), if not KYC compliant.



i. Transmission Request Form (Form T3) for Transmission of Units in favor of the Nominee(s).

ii. Death Certificate of the deceased unit holder(s) in original OR photocopy duly attested by a
Notary Public or a Gazetted Officer.

iii. Copy of Birth Certificate, in case the Nominee is a minor.

iv. Copy of PAN Card of the Nominee(s) / Guardian (in case the Nominee is a minor)

v. KYC Acknowledgment OR KYC Form of the Nominee(s) / Guardian (where Nominee is a Minor)

vi. Cancelled cheque with the Nominee’s name pre-printed OR Copy of the Nominee’s recent Bank
Statement/Passbook (which is not more than 3 months old).

vii. If the transmission amount is upto ₹2 Lakh, Nominee’s signature attested by the Bank Manager
as per Annexure-Ia. In case the Nominee is a Minor, signature of the Guardian (as per the bank
account of the Minor or the joint account of the Minor with the Guardian) shall be attested. If the
transmission amount is for more than ₹2 Lakh, as an operational risk mitigation measure, signature
of the Nominee shall be attested by a Notary Public or a Judicial Magistrate First Class (JMFC) in the
space provided for signature attestation in the TRF itself below the signature of the claimant.


i. Transmission Request Form (Form T3) for Transmission of Units to the Claimant

ii. Death Certificate of the deceased unit holder(s) in original OR photocopy duly attested by a
Notary Public or a Gazette Officer.,

iii. Copy of Birth Certificate in case the Claimant is a minor.

iv. Copy of PAN Card of the Claimant / Guardian (in case the Claimant is a minor).

v. KYC Acknowledgment OR KYC Form of the Claimant / Guardian (in case the Claimant is a Minor)
vi. Cancelled cheque with the claimant’s name pre-printed OR Copy of the Claimant’s recent Bank
Statement/Passbook (which is not more than 3 months old). If the transmission amount is up to ₹2
Lakh –

a. Bank Attestation of signature of the Claimant by the Bank Manager as per Annexure-Ia. In case the
Claimant is a Minor, the signature of the Guardian (as per the bank account of the Minor or the joint
account of the Minor with the Guardian) shall be attested.

b. Any appropriate document evidencing relationship of the claimant/s with the deceased unit

c. Bond of Indemnity - as per Annexure-

without production of Legal Representation.

Provided that in case the legal heir(s)/claimant(s) is submitting the Succession Certificate or Probate
of Will or Letter of Administration wherein the claimant is named as a beneficiary, an affidavit as per
Annexure-III from such legal heir/claimant(s) alone would be sufficient; i.e., Bond of Indemnity is not

d. Individual Affidavits to be given by each legal heir as per Annexure-III

e. NOC from other Legal Heirs as per Annexure – IV, where applicable.

If the transmission amount is more than ₹2 Lakh –

a. Signature of the Claimant duly attested by a Notary Public or a Judicial Magistrate First Class
(JMFC) in the space provided for signature attestation in the TRF itself below the signature of the
claimant. In case the Claimant is a Minor, the signature of the Guardian (as per the bank account of
the Minor or the joint account of the Minor with the Guardian) shall be attested.

b. Individual Affidavits to be given each legal heir as per Annexure-III

c. Any one of the documents mentioned below:

. Notarized copy of Probated Will; OR

. Succession Certificate issued by a competent court; OR

. Letter of Administration or court decree, in case of Intestate Succession.


If the case of a HUF, the property of the HUF is managed by the Karta and the HUF does not come to
an end in the event of death of the Karta. In such a case, the members of the HUF will need to appoint
a new Karta, who needs to submit following documents for transmission:

i. Request Form (Form T4) for change of Karta upon demise of the registered Karta.

ii. Death Certificate of the deceased Karta in original OR photocopy duly attested by a Notary Public
or a Gazette Officer.

iii. Bank’s letter certifying that the signature and details of new Karta have been updated in the bank
account of the HUF & attesting the Signature of the new Karta as per Annexure-1b.

iv. KYC Acknowledgment OR KYC Form of the new Karta and the HUF, if not KYC compliant.

v. Indemnity Bond as per Annexure V signed by all surviving coparceners (including new Karta).
vi. If the transmission amount is upto ₹2 Lakh, any appropriate document evidencing relationship of
the new Karta and the other coparceners with the deceased Karta.

vii. If the transmission amount is more than ₹2 Lakh, any one of the documents mentioned below –

. Notarized copy of Settlement Deed, or

. Notarized copy of Deed of Partition, or

. Notarized copy of Decree of the relevant competent court.


i. Transmission Request Form (Form T5) for Transmission of Units to the Claimant.

ii. Death Certificate of the deceased Karta in original OR photocopy duly attested by a Notary Public
or a Gazette Officer.

iii. Copy of Birth Certificate in case the Claimant is a minor.

iv. Copy of PAN Card of the Claimant(s) / Guardian (in case the Claimant is a minor)

v. KYC Acknowledgment OR KYC Form of the Claimant(s) / Guardian (in case the Claimant is a Minor)

vi. Cancelled cheque with the claimant’s name pre-printed OR Copy of the Claimant’s recent Bank
Statement/Passbook (which is not more than 3 months old).

vii. If the transmission amount is upto ₹2 Lakh, attestation of signature of the claimant by Bank
Manager as per Annexure-Ia. In case the claimant is a Minor, the signature of the Guardian (as per the
Minor’s bank account / Minors joint account with the Guardian) shall be attested.

If the transmission amount is for more than ₹2 Lakh, signature of the claimant shall be attested by a
Notary Public or a Judicial Magistrate First Class (JMFC) in the space provided for signature attestation
in the TRF itself below the signature of the claimant.

viii. Bond of Indemnity to be furnished by the Claimant as per Annexure-VI.

ix. If the HUF has been dissolved/partitioned by the surviving members after demise of the Karta, the
transmission of units should be effected only on the basis of any of the following documents:

. Notarized copy of Settlement Deed, OR

. Notarized copy of Deed of Partition, OR

. Notarized copy of Decree of the relevant competent Court.


 In case of death of the 1st holder, if there are two surviving joint holders, the surviving
2nd holder will be treated as the new primary / 1st holder.
 PAN card copy of the nominee /claimant/s need not be insisted separately, if the same
is available in KYC data. In case of residents of Sikkim, appropriate Id. proof shall be
collected in lieu of PAN card. c. Where the units are to be transmitted to a claimant
who is a minor, various documents like KYC, PAN, Indemnity should be of the Guardian
of the minor nominee / legal heir. Bank Attestation of the Signature of the Guardian
of the minor shall be as per the bank account of the Minor or the joint account of the
Minor with the Guardian.
 In case of multiple nominees/ claimants, the monetary threshold of more than ₹2 lakh
for the purpose of obtaining the Indemnity Bond shall be the determined on the basis
of the aggregate value of the Units under all the folios for which the claim is being
submitted as per the latest NAV as on the date of receipt of the claim, before dividing
/ splitting the claim amongst multiple nominees or claimants/ surviving co-parceners.
 Also, where there are more than one nominees / legal heirs (claimants) in a folio or
set of folios, the nominees / legal heirs should be encouraged / requested to submit
the Transmission request together, so that all the Units held by the deceased unit
holder(s) could be transmitted in one-go to for operational efficiency and
 If the deceased unit holder(s) held units in several folios, as 1st holder(s) in some folios
and as joint holder in other(s), a single claim form may be accepted for operational
ease, provided the ALL the deceased holders are common across the multiple folios
(irrespective of the order of names) AND the nominee(s) / claimant(s) is/are also
common/same across ALL the folios.
 Once a transmission request is received, it is incumbent upon the AMC/RTA to
determine if the deceased unit holder had any unit holdings under any other scheme
/ folio, and put a flag in the system against all other folios of the deceased unit holder,
basis PAN / PEKRN with a suitable communication to the surviving unit holders /
nominee/s (if any, registered against the folios) to submit the claim form with reqd.
documents in respect of the remaining folios.
 In such cases where the deceased was the 1st holder in respect any one of the
folios/funds, units in all other holdings across all other folios/schemes, where the
deceased was the 1st unit holder shall be ‘Stop’ marked/blocked against any further
transactions basis PAN or PEKRN.
 The process and documentation for transmission of units where the claimant /
nominee is a mentally unsound person, shall be the same as applicable to a Minor
claimant, except that the Guardian shall be a court appointed guardian. Additionally,
a Medical Certificate from an appropriate registered medical practitioner may be
obtained regarding the mentally unsound person.
 Copies of all supporting documents submitted for settlement of the claim, such as the
Death Certificate of the deceased, Birth certificate of the minor, Probate of Will,
Succession Certificate, Letter of Administration shall be duly attested by a Notary
Public or a Gazette Officer.
 If the transmission amount is for more than ₹2 Lakh, as an operational risk mitigation
measure, the signature of the Nominee/ Claimant shall be attested only by a Notary
Public or a Judicial Magistrate First Class (JMFC) in lieu of banker’s attestation. For this
purpose, space has been provided for signature in the TRF itself below the signature
of the claimant.
 While the list of documents mentioned above should be taken in all cases, in specific
cases and situations related to transmission of units that are not enumerated in
section 1 to 6 above, AMCs should adopt proper due diligence and request for
appropriate documents depending on the circumstances of each case and apply the
general principles enumerated in sections above before transmitting the units in
favour of the claimant/s.


1. Annexure B - Transmission Documents Matrix - Ready Reckoner

2. Form T1 - for Deletion of Name of the deceased 2nd or 3rd Jt. Holder

3. Form T2 - for Transmission of Units - Where the 1st holder is deceased

4. Form T3 Transmission Request Form for Nominee & Legal Heir

5. Form T4 Transmission Request Form for change of Karta upon demise of the registered Karta

6. Form T5 Transmission Request Form where HUF is dissolved upon demise of Karta

7. Annexure-Ia – Form for Bank Attestation of Signature & bank account details

8. Annexure-Ib – Form for Bank Attestation of Signature of the new Karta

9. Annexure-II - Bond of Indemnity furnished jointly by all Legal Heirs for Transmission without Legal

10. Annexure-III - Individual Affidavits to be given by ALL the Legal Heirs

11. Annexure-IV - NOC from other legal heirs (when there is no

12. Annexure-V - Indemnity from coparceners for change of Karta

13. Annexure-VI - Bond of Indemnity by surviving member of dissolved HUF

14. Standard MF Nomination Form

Power of Attorney

In the case of an application by Power of Attorney (POA) holder on behalf of a unit holder, an attested
/ notarized copy of the POA along with the KYC Acknowledgement of the POA needs to be submitted
along with the investment application form.

In case of non-receipt of certified copy of POA/ KYC Acknowledgement of POA holder, the
application is liable to be rejected or a request for redemption/ switch may not be processed.

The POA can be attested by:

 A gazette officer; or a practicing Chartered Accountant or Advocate; or

 The manager of a public sector bank, specifying the manager's bank identification number;
 Notarised by a Notary Public.
The POA registered under a folio can be revoked by way of a request letter from the investor.

*Please note the POA holder cannot nominate and neither can they be a nominee.

Documents Required Along With Application Forms

The investment application form needs to be accompanied with:

1. Investment cheque mentioning the amount and favouring the scheme in which the investor
wants to invest. Ensure that it should be dated and signed
2. KYC & FATCA Acknowledgement of all applicants are submitted
3. A cancelled Cheque leaf of the Bank is enclosed in case your investment cheque is not from
the same bank account.
Further, please ensure that:

1. The Application Form is complete in all respects & signed by all applicants
2. Name, Address and Contact Details are mentioned in full.
3. Bank Account Details are entered completely and correctly.
4. The 9 digit MICR Code and the 11 IFSC Code of the bank account is mentioned in the
Application Form.
5. KYC & FATCA Acknowledgement of all applicants are submitted
6. Appropriate Investment Option is selected. If the IDCW Option is chosen, IDCW Payout or
Re-investment and IDCW Frequency is indicated.
7. If units are applied for Jointly, Mode of Operation of account is indicated.
8. Investment Cheque/ DD is drawn in favor of Scheme / Plan, dated and signed.
Document Comp Trus Societ Partn NRIs/ FII’ Investment
anies ts ies ers PIOs s s through
hip Constituted
Fir Attorney
1. Resolution / Authorization to invest
2. List of Authorized Signatories with
Specimen Signature(s)
3. Memorandum & Articles of
4. Trust Deed
5. Bye-Laws
6. Partnership Deed
7. Notarised Power of Attorney
8. Account Debit / Foreign inward
Remittance Certificate from
remitting Bank
All documents in 1 to 8 above should be originals / true copies certified by the Director /
Trustee / Company Secretary / Authorised Signatory / Notary Public

Revalidation of IDCW/ Redemption Warrant

In case an Investor intends to change the bank details printed on the IDCW/ redemption warrant
received by him or incase the same has expired, he needs to submit the below mentioned documents
to Kotak Mutual Fund:

1. Original IDCW/ Redemption Warrant received by the investor

2. Request letter/Form for revalidation
3. In case of Change of Bank Details any one of the below mentioned documents need to be
 Cancelled original cheque of the new bank mandate with first unit holder name and
bank account number printed on the face of the cheque.
 Self attested copy of bank statement.
 Bank passbook with current entries not older than 3 months.

Please note that in case of receipt of new bank details, the revalidation request will also be treated
as a change of bank mandate request. Resultantly, the new bank account details will be updated in
our records, subject to receipt of necessary documents from the Investor.

It is important to note that in case of revalidation of IDCW/ redemption, Kotak Mutual Fund shall
attempt to payout the IDCW / Redemption vide electronic payment to the updated bank account, in
lieu of the warrant.

Loss / Non-Receipt of IDCW/ Redemption Warrant

In case an Investor has lost/ not received his IDCW or redemption warrant, the same can be brought
to the notice of Kotak Mutual Fund. The Investor will have to provide the following documents for
re-issue of duplicate IDCW/ redemption warrant

1. Request letter for issue of duplicate warrant

2. Indemnity Bond - It should be stamped as per the law in the place of execution.
It is important to note that wherever possible, Kotak Mutual Fund shall attempt to payout the IDCW
/ Redemption proceeds vide electronic payment to the updated bank account, in lieu of the warrant.


Can I hold units in my demat account in all schemes?

You can hold units in your demat account in all the schemes offered by Kotak Mutual
fund. How do I opt for receiving units in my demat account?
Pursuant to SEBI Circular no. CIR/IMD/DF/9/2011 dated May 19, 2011, investors of Kotak Mahindra
Mutual Fund have an option of holding the units in demat form with effect from October 01, 2011.

Investors have to provide the demat account details on the Fresh investment application form along
with the supporting documents evidencing the accuracy of the demat account (CML copy).
For existing units, investor has to approach his DP for dematerialization.

If I purchase units and wish to receive units in my demat account, when will I be able to
view the units in my demat account?
The units will be credited to investors Demat Account on T+3 basis on realization of funds and after
posting of the units. While submitting the form, correct and complete DP details should be filled in
the respective form along with the CML copy.

I wish to redeem the units which are in my demat account. How can I do that?
For redeeming units from your demat account, you have to approach your Depository
Participant (DP) / broker for stock exchange transactions for redeeming them . You will
not be able to redeem these units from any office of Kotak Mutual Fund / CAMS.

Can I switch units from the scheme which is in my demat account to any other scheme?
Yes, you can switch units held in your demat into another scheme via your Depository
Participant (DP) / broker for stock exchange transactions

Can the investor subscribe for units in Kotak Mutual fund through exchange platform

How can an investor transact in mutual fund through exchange platform (BSE/NSE)?
The investor needs to transact to purchase /sell units through brokers of the stock
exchange who are registered with AMFI (ARN holders) as mutual fund distributors have
necessary certifications and are empaneled with Kotak Mutual fund.

Is it Mandatory for the investor to have Demat account for purchase / sale of units of
Kotak Mutual fund?
Kotak Mutual fund accepts transactions for investors holding demat and non demat
account. However, Demat account is mandatory for the transaction in ETF schemes.


What is “ASBA”?

ASBA Stands for “Application supported by Blocked Amount”. ASBA is an application

containing an authorization to the investors bank to block the application money when
he/she subscribes for units of a new scheme during NFO – New fund offering. If an
investor applies through ASBA, his / her application money shall be debited from bank
only if his / her application is selected for allotment after the basis of allotment is

What are the prerequisites for an investor to app ly through ASBA Facility?

To apply through the ASBA facility, the investor must fulfil the following conditions:
 The investor should hold a bank with SCSB (Self certified Syndicate Bank)
 The investor should hold Demat account

What are the advantages an investor has by applying through ASBA VIS-À-VIS applying
through an application with a cheque?

The investor has the following advantages by applying through ASBA:

 The investor need not pay the application money by cheque, instead the investor
submit ASBA which accompanies an authorization to his / her bank to block the
application money in his / her bank account.
 With ASBA, the investor does not have to bother about refunds, the application
money remains in his /her bank account. At the time of allotment, the amount taken
from his / her bank account tis only to the extent of the number of unis allotted to
him / her after the basis of allotment is finalized.
 The investor continues to earn interest on the application money as the same
remains in his / her bank account which is not the case of other modes of payment.
 The application form is simpler. The investor deals with a known intermediary ie his
/ her own bank.
Is it mandatory for investor eligible for ASBA, to apply through ASBA Only?

No, it is not mandatory. An investor, who is eligible for ASBA, has option of applying for
an NFO through ASBA or through any existing facility such as issuing a cheque.

How can an investor subscribe to units of a scheme of Kotak Mutual fund through

The investor needs to submit the completed ASBA application form to a Self -certified
Syndicate Bank (SCSB) with whom the investor holds a bank account through one of the
following modes –

 Submit the form physically with designated branches (DB’s) of SCSB (“Physical
 Submit the form electronically through the internet banking facility offered by
SCSB (“Electronic ASBA”).

Where can the investor get the list of Self certified syndicate banks(SCSB) and their
designated branches?

The list of self-certified Sydicate banks (SCSB’s) and their designated branches ie the
branches where ASBA application form can be submitted, is available on the website of
BSE ( and NSE ( and the website of SEBI


SCSB is a bank which is recognized as a bank capable of providing ASBA services to its
customers. A list of such banks is available on the website of SEBI, NSE and BSE.

Can the investor submit the ASBA form in any SCSB Bank?
No, the investor needs to submit his / her ASBA form to the SCSB with which the investor
has bank account.

Is the investor required to submit the ASBA form only physically?

No the investor can either fill up the physical ASBA form available with the SCSB and
submit the SCSB or apply electronically through the internet facility if provided by the

Can the investor invest in SIP during the NFO through ASBA?

No, this facility is available for making Lump sum investment during NFO.

Can the ASBA form submitted to any of the KMAMC branches?

No, the investor needs to submit the completed ASBA form only to SCSB with which
he/she has an account.

Can the ASBA form be modified?

Yes, however the investor is allowed to withdraw or modify only during NFO period.
Will the investor’s bank account be blocked or only the amount to the extent of the
application money is blocked?
The investor’s bank account will not be blocked. Only the amount equal to the application
money authorized in the ASBA will be blocked. The balance money in the account can be
used by the investor for other purpose.

Is it possible for the investor to submit the ASBA to the broker as currently only the
application with cheques are submitted?
The Investor has to submit ASBA to SCSB only.

Will the investor get acknowledgement for the application submitted through ASBA
from the SCSB?
Yes, the SCSB will give the counterfoil as an acknowledgement on receipt of ASBA. SCSB
will also give the investor the order number generated at the time of uploading the
application details on request.

Is there any difference in the treatment in allotment for ASBA and Non ASBA for ms?
No, ASBA forms will be treated in the same way as non ASBA forms while finalizing the

In case of any complaints regarding ASBA application, whom can the investor approach?
In case of any complaints, the investor can approach SCSB where the application was
submitted or the registrar to the issue.


What is OTM facility?

It is one time registration process where you authorize your bank to execute debits to
your bank account into a certain specified limit, as and when you invest with Kotak
Mahindra Mutual fund without having to initiate any payment from your end.

What is the time taken to register OTM?

It usually takes 21 days to register OTM.

Do I need to have an account with any specific bank to register for CAMS Common OTM facility?
No. The OTM facility is not restricted to a particular bank/ branch/ location. As long as a bank is
participating in the NACH (National Automated Clearing House) system, you can register CAMS
Common OTM facility for any of the bank branches.

Can I transact for any amount once the mandate is registered?

Investor needs to provide an upper limit amount in the mandate form. This limit is applicable for
every debit instruction that is presented to the bank account. As the upper limit amount is
applicable for every transaction, multiple transactions can be presented on the same day. However,
no single transaction can exceed the upper limit set in the mandate.

How do I register CAMS Common OTM? Do I have to be an investor for registering Common
You do not have to be an existing investor to register for Common OTM. You can provide the CAMS
Common OTM along with your first SIP. Once the mandate is registered, any subsequent SIPs/
lumpsum in any CAMS serviced Mutual Fund can be linked to this mandate.
If you are an existing investor in any of the CAMS serviced Mutual Funds, you can give a standalone
Common OTM which will be registered centrally at a PAN level and be made available for any
subsequent new SIP or lump sum transaction in any of the CAMS serviced Mutual Fund.

What are the documents are required for setting Common OTM and where do I submit?

You can access CAMS Common OTM form at Alternately, printed forms are
available at the nearest CAMS CSC. The filled forms can be submitted to your nearest AMC Branch /
CAMS Service Center or to your financial advisor. No additional documents are required besides the
completed form.

In how many days will CAMS Common OTM get registered?

Mandate registration varies from bank to bank. It can take from 12 days to 30 days. Once the
mandate is registered, subsequent new SIPs can be initiated with this readily set-up mandate.
Lumpsum investments can also submitted selecting payment option of CAMS.

Is there any transaction limit for the OTM facility?

Yes, you can specify the limit in the field on the OTM Form. This is as per the transaction limit.

I wish to gift my units in mutual funds to my children. Can I do this by executing a gift deed for this
Mutual funds units held in physical mode cannot be transferred through a gift deed.

QUESTION Form 15G Form 15H

Who can file? Resident Indians below 60 Resident Indians aged 60 years or
years of age above

Hindu Undivided Family (HUF)


When to submit? Total taxable income is below Total taxable income is below Rs 3
Rs 2.5 lakhs lakhs (5 lakhs for 80 years and above)

Or Interest received is the only Or Interest received is the only

income for the financial year. income for the financial year.

[&] Interest payment is below [&] Interest payment is below Rs 3

Rs 2.5 lakhs lakhs

Why submit? Save TDS on interest payments Save TDS on interest payments

Validity Valid for one financial year Valid for one financial year

Where to get the Banks, Post Offices, Insurers, Banks, Post Offices, Insurers, Income
forms? Income Tax website Tax website
Compulsory PAN PAN


What is a "Direct Plan"?

SEBI has directed Mutual Funds /AMC vide SEBI Circular no. CIR/IMD/DF/21/2012 dated
September 13, 2012 to provide a separate plan for direct investments, i.e. investments
not routed through a distributor, in existing as well as new schemes.

When have the "Direct Plans" been launched?

The "Direct Plans" were launched with effect from January 1, 2013.

Who can apply under the Direct Plan?

Investments under the Direct Plan are open to all categories of investors who choose to
invest without routing the transaction via a distributor.

How many plans will be available with effect from January 1, 2013?
All Plans / Options / Sub-Options offered currently under "Regular Plans" of the Schemes
are also available for subscription under the "Direct Plan". Thus, there shall be 2 plans
available for subscription under the schemes viz. Regular Plan and Direct Plan.

Which modes are available for investing into Direct Plans?

Investments under Direct Plans can be made through various modes offered by us for
investing directly except Stock Exchange platform(s) and any other platform(s) where
investors’ applications for subscription of units are routed through distributors.

Which schemes are not eligible under the "Direct Plan"?

"Direct Plan" will not include Exchange Traded Funds and plans under existing schemes
which are discontinued for further subscriptions.

Which Plans / Options / Sub-options are available under the "Direct Plan"?
All Plans / Options / Sub-Options offered under the schemes will also be available for
subscription under the "Direct Plan" (except Plans / Options / Sub -Options that have been
Will the scheme portfolio change in the "Direct Plan"?
No, the scheme portfolio will be the same for both "Regular plan" and "Direct Plan."

Will the scheme characteristics change in the "Direct Plan"?

No, scheme characteristics such as Investment Objective, Asset Allocation Pattern,
Investment Strategy, risk factors, facilities offered and terms and conditions including
load structure will be the same.

How can I invest in "Direct Plan"?

Investors subscribing under Direct Plan of any scheme will have to indicate the Scheme /
Plan name in the application followed by "Direct Plan". Additionally, investors should
mention "Direct" in the ARN column of the application form.

What will happen if I mention a wrong/ invalid/ incomplete ARN on the application form?
In cases of wrong/ invalid/ incomplete ARN codes are mentioned on the application form,
the application shall be processed under Regular Plan. The AMC shall contact and obtain
the correct ARN code within 30 calendar days of the receipt of the application f orm from
the investor/ distributor. In case, the correct code is not received within 30 calendar days,
the AMC shall reprocess the transaction under Direct Plan from the date of application
without any exit load.

What will happen if I don’t mention "Direct Plan" in the scheme name and also don’t
mention broker code on my purchase request?
In this scenario, the units will be allotted under the "Direct Plan" of the scheme. In such
cases, the minimum additional application amount for the scheme will apply as the
minimum investment amount for "Direct Plan".

In case I do not clearly indicate the choice of plan in my application, what will be the
default option under which the application will be processed?
Investors should indicate the Plan (viz. Direct Plan / Regular Plan) for which the
subscription is made by indicating the choice in the appropriate box provided for this
purpose in the application form. In case of valid applications received without indicating
any choice of Plan, the application will be processed for the Plan as under:

Plan mentioned by the Default Plan to

Scenario ARN Code mentioned by the investor investor) be captured)

1 Not mentioned Not mentioned Direct Plan

2 Not mentioned Direct Direct Plan

3 Not mentioned Regular Direct Plan

4 Mentioned Direct Direct Plan

5 Direct Not mentioned Direct Plan

6 Direct Regular Direct Plan

7 Mentioned Regular Regular Plan

8 Mentioned Not mentioned Regular Plan

What will happen in case the distributor code is mentioned in the application form, but
"Direct Plan" is indicated in the scheme name?
In this scenario, the distributor code will be ignored and the units for the investment will
be allotted under Direct Plan. In such cases, the minimum additional application amount
for the scheme will apply as the minimum investment amount for "Direct Plan".

What will happen to my existing investments which are not routed through
Such investments will continue to be under the "Regular plan". In case you wish to
transfer them to the Direct Plan of the same scheme, you may submit a switch request.
Such switches will not be subject to exit load. However, investors should consult their
professional tax advisor before initiating such requests.

If I submit a transaction slip with the words "Multiple Brokers" pre-printed on it and
the words "Direct Plan" are not mentioned in the name of the switch-in scheme, will
the switch-in be processed into the "Direct Plan" or "Regular Plan" switch-in scheme?
In this scenario, the units will be switched into the "Regular Plan" switch -in scheme
irrespective of whether the units being switched are routed vide a broker or not. Please
note that such switches may entail exit load / tax consequences. Investors should consult
their professional tax advisor before initiating such requests.

Will exit load be charged if I switch my investments from "Regular plan" to "Direct
plan" and vice versa?
For your investments which were routed through a distributor whether before or after
January 1, 2013, any switch-out of these units from Regular Plan to Direct Plan of the
same / other Scheme / Plan shall be subject to applicable exit load, if any.

No exit load shall be levied in case of switch of units from Direct Plan to Regular Plan of
the same Scheme/ Plan. However, any switch-out or redemption of such investment from
the Regular Plan shall be subject to exit load based on the original date of investment in
the Direct Plan.

I want to switch my investments from "Regular plan" to "Direct plan" of the same
scheme. What will be the NAV applicable for the switch-in scheme?
The NAV for the switch-in scheme will be as on the same date as that of the switch -out

What will be the criteria for NAV applicability for investments under "Direct Plan"?
The criteria of NAV applicability will remain the same as applicable for Regular plans of
the schemes.

My distributor does not want brokerage but wants to maintain his code under the
Direct Plan since he advised me about investing in the same. Is this allowed?
This is not allowed since investments made under the Direct Plan cannot be routed
through a distributor code. In case they have RIA code, the same can be mentioned.

If I hold units in the Regular as well as Direct Plans of the same scheme and I submit a
redemption / switch-out request without mentioning any specific plan, will my request
be processed?
Investor need to mention complete scheme name, plan and option while submitting the

If I hold units in the Regular as well as Direct Plans of the same scheme and I wish to
redeem / switch-out units from both plans, what should I mention on the redemption /
switch-out request?
In this case, you have to submit 2 separate redemption / switch-out requests, one for
each plan.

What will happen if there is a scheme/plan mismatch in the investment instrument and
The scheme/plan will be determined from the transaction request.
Can I invest in the Direct Plan vide the stock exchange platforms (BSE STAR or NSE
Since the stock exchange platforms necessitate routing transactions through distributors,
these platforms cannot be used for investing in the direct plans. However, investors
holding units in the demat mode can redeem units in these plans from their demat
account using the stock exchange platforms.

How can I add a distributor’s code to my existing investments in the direct plan?
Since the NAVs in the direct plan and Regular plan of a scheme are different, requests for
addition / deletion of broker code cannot be processed. You will have to submit a switch
request from the direct plan to the Regular plan.

What is Money Laundering?

Money laundering is the process by which persons with criminal intent or persons involved in criminal
activity attempt to hide and disguise the true origin and ownership of the proceeds of their criminal
activities, thereby avoiding prosecution, conviction and confiscation of the criminal funds. The term
“Money Laundering” is also used when the funds are used for terrorist financing though the origin of
the funds may be legitimate.

What is Terrorist Financing?

Terrorist financing involves the solicitation, collection or provision of funds with the intention that
they may be used to support terrorist acts or organizations. Funds may stem from both legal and illicit
sources. More precisely, according to the International Convention for the Suppression of the
Financing of Terrorism, a person commits the crime of financing of terrorism "if that person by any
means, directly or indirectly, unlawfully and willfully, provides or collects funds with the intention that
they should be used or in the knowledge that they are to be used, in full or in part, in order to carry
out" an offense within the scope of the Convention.
The primary goal of individuals or entities involved in the financing of terrorism is therefore not
necessarily to conceal the sources of the money but to conceal both the financing and the nature of
the financed activity.

Tax Deducted at source (TDS)

It is the income tax that is subtracted from an amount during a certain payment. The Income Tax
Act of India, 1961, states that if an individual or organization's income exceeds the predetermined
threshold, they must pay the tax. TDS applies to various payments, including wages, commissions
received, rent, interest paid by banks, and professional or consulting fees, among others.

What is rule 37BA read with section 199 of Income Tax Act?
Section 199 of the Income Tax Act read with Rule 37BA of the Income Tax Rules inter alia states that
if the income on which the tax has been deducted at source is assessable in the hands of a person
other than deductee, credit of tax deducted at source shall be given to the other person and not to
the deductee.

Where can an investor look out for information on Mutual funds?

Almost all the mutual funds have their own web sites. Investors can also access the NAVs, half-yearly
results and portfolios of all mutual funds at the web site of Association of mutual funds in India
(AMFI) . AMFI has also published useful literature for the investors.
Investors can log on to the web site of SEBI and go to "Mutual Funds" section for
information on SEBI regulations and guidelines, data on mutual funds, draft offer documents filed by
mutual funds, addresses of mutual funds, etc. Also, in the annual reports of SEBI available on the
web site, a lot of information on mutual funds is given.

There are a number of other web sites which give a lot of information of various schemes of mutual
funds including yields over a period of time. Many newspapers also publish useful information on
mutual funds on daily and weekly basis. Investors may approach their agents and distributors to
guide them in this regard.

How can investors redress their complaints?

The name of the investor’s relations officer / contact person is mentioned in the scheme information
document (SID) of the mutual fund scheme and also on the website of the concerned mutual fund,
whom one may approach / write to in case of any query, complaints or grievance.

Investor should approach the concerned mutual fund / investor service center of the mutual fund in
case of any complaint. If the complaint remains unresolved, the investor may approach SEBI by
logging their complaint of SEBI’s redressal system.

Investors are requested to get in touch with Investor Service Centres (ISCs) of Kotak Mahindra
Mutual Fund or their respective brokers for further details.

Grievance Redressal/ Escalation Matrix

We at Kotak Mahindra Mutual Fund (KMMF), strive to ensure that our investors are offered
paramount services. We understand investors' grievance and shall endeavor to resolve it by
ascertaining all facts and documents available to provide you a fair resolution. This shall also
constitute as a Feedback Mechanism System, wherein apart from addressing investors' concern, it
shall equally benefit us in terms of enhancing our quality, efficiency and services to strengthen our
association & commitments towards our investors.

Please Click Here to register your email address /mobile number with us to enable us respond
quickly. Since, we shall reply you on your registered contact details only for security reasons. Kindly
ignore if already registered.

LEVEL 1: You can let us know of your concerns through any of our touch points mentioned below:

Contact Number : +91-8048893330 (Mon to Fri.: 9:30 am to 6:00 pm & Sat: 9:30 am to 12:00
Email Address :

You shall receive your Case ID as an auto response to your email. We shall respond to the same
within 3 business days.

Escalation Matrix:

In case you are dis-satisfied with our response, you may follow the below Escalation Matrix for
reporting your issue. Please ensure that you mention your Case ID in your Escalation Mail.

Compliance Officer

Name : Ms. Jolly Bhatt

Email :

Investor Relations Officer

Name : Ms. Sushma Mata

Email :

Managing Director Office

Name : Mr. Nilesh Shah

Email :

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