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Submission Date:June/23/2023

1. History and Background of Database
A Timeline of Database History & Database Management
The Before Times

Human beings began to store information very long ago. The first human beings surely
had to track and manage their limited resources to make informed decisions. Whether they
knew they were early adopters of database management remains to be seen. Ancient
civilizations like the Egyptians and Sumerians, however, did know what they were doing
when they pioneered accounting techniques to keep track of data and understand their day-
to-day lives.

A database is a collection of organized data that can be easily accessed, managed, and
updated. Databases have been a fundamental component of modern computing since their
emergence in the mid-20th century.

The concept of a database first emerged in the 1960s, when the need arose for an efficient
and organized way to store and manage large amounts of data. At that time, computer
systems were becoming more powerful, and organizations began to generate large volumes
of data that needed to be stored and accessed quickly.

The first database management systems (DBMS) were created in the 1960s and 1970s,
with notable examples including IBM's IMS and the first relational database management
system (RDBMS), the Integrated Data Store (IDS) developed by Charles Bachman.

The 1980s saw the rise of commercial relational database management systems, with
companies such as Oracle, IBM, and Microsoft entering the market. These systems
provided a standardized way to store and access data, allowing organizations to easily
manage their data and streamline their operations.

In the 1990s, object-oriented databases and object-relational databases emerged as an

alternative to traditional relational databases. These systems allowed for more complex
data structures and better support for multimedia dsata.

In the 2000s, the rise of web-based applications and the explosion of data generated by the
internet led to the development of NoSQL databases, which provided better scalability and
performance for handling large volumes of unstructured data.

Today, databases continue to evolve and adapt to new technologies and data management
challenges. Cloud-based databases, distributed databases, and graph databases are just a
few examples of the latest trends in the database industry.

Overall, the evolution of databases has been driven by the need for efficient and organized
ways to store and manage data as technology has advanced. Databases have become a
critical component of modern computing, enabling organizations to efficiently store,
manage, and analyze vast amounts of data for a wide range of applications and use cases.


Computerized databases started in the 1960s, when the use of computers became a more
cost-effective option for private organizations. The history of computers and databases are
interlinked. As prices dropped it became easier to shift data storage and databases to

There were two popular data models in this decade: a network model called CODASYL
and a hierarchical model called IMS. One database system that proved to be a commercial
success was the SABRE system that was used by IBM to help American Airlines manage
its reservations data.


The Introduction of the Relational Database

E.F. Codd published an important paper that served as the introduction of the relational
database, and his ideas changed the way people thought about databases. In his model, the
database’s schema, or logical organization, is disconnected from physical information
storage, and this became the standard principle for database systems.

Two major relational database system prototypes were created between the years 1974 and
1977, and they were the Ingres, which was developed at UBC, and System R, created at
IBM San Jose. Ingres used a query language known as QUEL, and it led to the creation of
systems such as Ingres Corp., MS SQL Server, Sybase, Wang’s PACE, and Britton-Lee.
On the other hand, System R used the SEQUEL query language, and it contributed to the
development of SQL/DS, DB2, Allbase, Oracle, and Non-Stop SQL. It was also in this
decade that Relational Database Management System, or RDBMS, became a recognized

In 1976, new database model called Entity-Relationship, or ER, was proposed by P. Chen
this year. This model made it possible for designers to focus on data application, instead of
logical table structure.


Structured Query Language, or SQL, became the standard query language, selected by the
American National Standards Institute in 1986 and the International Organization for
Standardization in 1987.

Relational database systems became a commercial success as the rapid increase in

computer sales boosted the database market, and this caused a major decline in the
popularity of network and hierarchical database models. DB2 became the flagship
database product for IBM, and the introduction of the IBM PC resulted in the
establishments of many new database companies and the development of products such as

PARADOX, RBASE 5000, RIM, Dbase III and IV, OS/2 Database Manager, and Watcom


The 1990s served a pivotal role in the advancement of databases and database software.
Similar to the 1960s, a broader culture shift led to further developments in the industry.
After a shakeout, most of the surviving companies sold complex database products at high

Around this time, new client tools for application development were released, and these
included the Oracle Developer, PowerBuilder, VB, and others. A number of tools for
personal productivity, such as ODBC and Excel/Access, were also developed. Prototypes
for Object Database Management Systems, or ODBMS, were created in the early 1990s.

During the middle of the decade the advent of the Internet led to exponential growth of the
database industry. Average desktop users began to use client-server database systems to
access computer systems that contained legacy data. As more and more users purchased
personal computers and went online, there became a larger need to enhance databases.

Toward the end of the 1990s, increased investment in online businesses resulted in a rise in
demand for Internet database connectors, such as Front Page, Active Server Pages, Java
Servelets, Dream Weaver, ColdFusion, Enterprise Java Beans, and Oracle Developer 2000.
The use of CGI, GCC, MySQL, Apache, and other systems brought open source solution
to the Internet. With the increased use of point-of-sale technology, online transaction
processing and online analytic processing began to come of age.

The Beginning of the NoSQL Database

Since the 1980s SQL had served as the standard query language. But in 1998 Carlo Strozzi
coined the term “NoSQL” when naming his database Strozzi NoSQL. This initial offering
was still relational in nature, however. It would take until 2009 for NoSQL to re-enter the

industry’s vocabulary, when developer Johan Oskarsson organized an event to discuss
non-relational databases. Since that point, NoSQL has remained in the zeitgeist and there
are numerous databases that fit the bill.


Although the Internet industry experienced a decline in the early 2000s, database
applications continued to grow. New interactive applications were developed for PDAs,
point-of-sale transactions, and consolidation of vendors. Presently, the three leading
database companies in the western world are Microsoft, IBM, and Oracle.


Today, databases are everywhere and are used to enhance our day-to-day life. From
personal cloud storage to predicting the weather, many of the services we utilize today are
possible due to databases. Presently, there are many new players in the non-relational
database space offering specific solutions. Some of the current relational databases include
giants such as Oracle, MySQL, and DB2. We're also seeing new trends emerging that
focus on making powerful technology accessible to everyone. Quickbase is an online
database platform built on a relational database, which gives users of any skill level the
ability to create custom business applications using the power of a relational database, but
with the simplicity of a point-and-click user interface.

The Future of Databases & Database Management

If you’ll allow us, let’s peer into the crystal ball to see what the future might hold for
databases and database management. Data is the lifeblood of so many of the applications
and processes that drive our world. How to collect, store, and sort a continuously growing
mountain of data will be a critical question to answer for database management platforms
and their developers.

Just like the beginning of the history of databases and database management, the future
will be closely tied to overall developments in processing and computing. Machine
learning and artificial intelligence will continue to improve and become integral parts of
databases and their management. Faster and more efficient database management tools
will come to market while industry standards continue to iterate based on latest
developments. In the end, the future looks incredibly bright for the database industry.

2. Application of Database [Where we can apply

database and its benefits]

Database Applications

Nowadays, any business that has small or large amounts of data needs a database to
store and manage the information. The database is an easy, reliable, secure, and
efficient way to maintain business information. There are many applications where
databases are used.

In this article, we will discuss some of the applications of databases, which are
mentioned below:

1. Universities:

It is an undeniable application of the database. Universities have so much data which

can be stored in the database, such as student information, teacher information, non-
teaching staff information, course information, section information, grade report
information, and many more. University information is kept safe and secure in the

Anyone who needs information about the student, teacher, or course can easily
retrieve it from the database. Everything needs to be maintained because even after
ten years, information may be required, and the information may be useful, so
maintaining complete information is the primary responsibility of any university or
educational institution.

2. Banking:

It is one of the major applications of databases. Banks have a huge amount of data as
millions of people have accounts that need to be maintained properly. The database
keeps the record of each user in a systematic manner. Banking databases store a lot of
information about account holders. It stores customer details, asset details, banking
transactions, balance sheets, credit card and debit card details, loans, fixed deposits,
and much more. Everything is maintained with the help of a database.

3. Railway Reservation System:

It is an inevitable area of application of databases. They store information such as

passenger name, mobile number, booking status, reservation details, train schedule,
employee information, account details, seating arrangement, route & alternate route
details, etc. All the information needs to be maintained, so railways use a database
management system for their efficient storage and retrieval purpose.

4. Social Media Sites:

Nowadays, everyone has a smart phone and accounts on various social media sites
like Facebook, Linked In, P interest, Twitter, Instagram, etc. People can chat with
their friends and family and make new friends from all over the world. Social media
has millions of accounts, which means they have a huge amount of data that needs to
be stored and maintained. Social media sites use databases to store information about
users, images, videos, chats, etc.

5. Library Management System:

There are hundreds and thousands of books in the library, so it is not easy to maintain
the records of the books in a register or diary, so a database management system is

used which maintains the information of the library efficiently. The library database
stores information like book name, issue date, author name, book availability, book
issuer name, book return details, etc.

6. E-commerce Websites:

E-commerce websites are one of the prominent applications of the database. Websites
such as Flipkart, Myntra, Amazon, Nykaa, Snapdeal, Shopify, and many more, are
online shopping websites where people buy items online. These websites have so
much data. These websites use databases to securely store and maintain customer
details, product details, dealer details, purchase details, bank & card details,
transactions details, invoice details, etc. You can analyze the sales and maintain the
inventory with the help of a database.

7. Medical:

There is a lot of important data collection in the medical field, so it is necessary to use
the database to store data related to the medical field, such as patient details, medicine
details, practitioner details, surgeon details, appointment details, doctor schedule,
patient discharge details, payment detail, invoices, and other medical records. The
database management system is a boon for the medical field because it helps doctors
to monitor their patients and provide better care.

8. Accounting and Finance:

When there is big data regarding accounting and finance, there is a need to maintain a
large amount of data, which is done with the help of a database. The database stores
data such as accounting details, bank details, purchases of stocks, invoice details,
sales records, asset details, etc. Accounting and finance database helps in maintaining
and analyzing historical data.

9. Industries:

The database management system is the main priority of industries because they need
to store huge amounts of data. The industry database stores customer details, sales

records, product lists, transactions, etc. All the information is kept secure and
maintained by the database.

10. Airline Reservation System:

It is one of the applications of database management systems that contain data such as
passenger name, passenger check-in, passenger departure, flight schedule, number of
flights, distance from source to destination, reservation information, pilot details,
accounting detail, route detail, etc. The database provides maintenance and security to
airline data.

11. Telecommunication:

We cannot deny that telecommunication has brought a remarkable revolution

worldwide. The Telecom field has huge data, and it is very difficult to manage big
data without a database; that is why a telecom database is required, which stores data
such as customer names, phone numbers, calling details, prepaid & post-paid
connection records, network usage, bill details, balance details, etc.

12. Manufacturing:

In the manufacturing field, a lot of data needs to be maintained regarding supply chain
management, so the database maintains the data such as product details, customer
information, order details, purchase details, payment info, worker's details, invoice,
etc. Manufacturing companies produce and supply products every day, so it is
important to use a database.

13. Human Resource Management:

Any organization will definitely have employees, and if there are a large number of
employees, then it becomes essential to store data in a database as it maintains and
securely saves the data, which can be retrieved and accessed when required. The
human resource database stores data such as employee name, joining details,
designation, salary details, tax information, benefits & goodies details, etc.

14. Broadcasting:

Broadcasting is distributing video and audio content to a dispersed audience by
television, radio, or other means. Broadcasting database stores data such as subscriber
information, event recordings, event schedules, etc., so it becomes important to store
broadcasting data in the database.

15. Insurance:

An insurance company needs a database to store large amounts of data. Insurance

database stores data such as policy details, user details, buyer details, payment details,
nominee details, address details, etc.

3. Feature of Database in Past, Present and Future.

here are some features of databases that were commonly found in the past:

File-based storage: In the early days of databases, data was often stored in flat files on
disk, rather than in a structured database management system.

Hierarchical and network models: Before the relational model became dominant,
databases were often organized using hierarchical or network models, which relied on
parent-child relationships between entities.

Batch processing: In the early days of databases, data processing was often done in batch
mode, where data was collected over a period of time and processed in batches at regular

Limited capacity: Early databases were often limited in terms of storage capacity and
processing power, making it difficult to store and manage large amounts of data.

Limited functionality: Early databases often had limited functionality and were primarily
used for simple data storage and retrieval tasks.

Limited scalability: Early databases were often limited in their ability to scale up or down,
making it difficult to handle large numbers of users and transactions.

Overall, databases have come a long way since their early days, with significant
advancements in terms of capacity, scalability, functionality, and performance.
Today's databases are much more powerful and sophisticated than their predecessors,
and are used in a wide range of applications and industries.

here are some of the features of databases that are commonly found in the

Relational data model: The relational data model is the most commonly used model
for databases today, which organizes data into tables with rows and columns.

Structured Query Language (SQL): SQL is the standard language used for
communication with relational databases and allows users to insert, update, delete,
and retrieve data from databases.

Object-Relational Mapping (ORM): ORM is a technique used to map object-

oriented programming languages to relational databases, allowing developers to work
with databases more easily.

NoSQL databases: NoSQL databases are non-relational databases that can handle
unstructured and semi-structured data, such as documents, graphs, and key-value pairs.

Big Data: Databases have evolved to handle large volumes of data, known as big data,
which requires the ability to store, process, and analyze massive amounts of data.

Cloud databases: Cloud databases are databases that are hosted and managed in the
cloud, offering scalability, flexibility, and cost savings compared to traditional on-
premise databases.

Machine learning and AI: Databases are being used more and more in machine
learning and artificial intelligence applications, helping to store and manage large
amounts of data used for training and prediction.

Overall, databases today are more versatile, scalable, and sophisticated than ever
before, offering a wide range of features and capabilities for managing and analyzing

Predicting the future of technology is always challenging, but here are some
potential features and trends that we may see in databases in the future:

Blockchain databases: Blockchain technology is being explored for use in databases,

offering decentralized, secure, and transparent data storage and management.

Quantum databases: Quantum databases, which use quantum computing technology,

could revolutionize data storage and processing, offering significant speed and
capacity improvements.

Edge computing: Databases are being optimized for use in edge computing, where
data is processed on devices at the edge of the network, rather than in the cloud or
data center.

Graph databases: Graph databases, which store data in nodes and edges, rather than
tables, are becoming more popular for applications such as social networks,
recommendation engines, and fraud detection.

Data privacy and security: With increasing concerns over data privacy and security,
databases are likely to incorporate more advanced encryption, access controls, and
auditing features.

Artificial intelligence integration: Databases are likely to become more tightly

integrated with artificial intelligence and machine learning applications, enabling
more advanced data analysis and prediction.

Overall, the future of databases is likely to be characterized by continued innovation

and evolution, with new technologies and capabilities emerging to meet the changing
needs of users and businesses.

4. Conclusions.

In conclusion, databases are fundamental to modern data management and analysis.

They provide a structured way to store and retrieve data, making it easier to manage and
analyze large volumes of information. Over the years, databases have evolved
significantly, from hierarchical and network databases to relational and NoSQL
databases. The emergence of big data and the need for real-time data analysis has led to
the development of distributed databases that can handle massive amounts of data across
multiple nodes. Looking to the future, the amount of data being generated will continue
to increase, and new technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning
will require even more advanced databases. Therefore, ongoing research and
development in database technology will be crucial to meet the evolving needs of the
data-driven world.

In today's time, there is a lot of data that needs to be maintained and protected which
can be done only with the help of a database; hence database management system has
become necessary for almost every business, industry, or organization.

5. Benefits of Doing This Assignment.

There are several benefits of doing this Assignment including:

Understanding the evolution of database technology: A comprehensive study on

databases helps to understand the history, development, and evolution of database
technology. This understanding can help in appreciating the significance of different
database technologies and their impact on modern data management.

Identifying the strengths and weaknesses of different database technologies: A

comprehensive study on databases helps to identify the strengths and weaknesses of
different database technologies. This can help organizations choose the right database
technology that fits their specific needs.

Enhancing knowledge of modern data management: A comprehensive study on

databases helps to enhance knowledge of modern data management. It provides insights
into the latest trends and technologies in data management, helping organizations to
remain up-to-date with the latest developments.

Improving decision-making: A comprehensive study on databases can help in making
informed decisions related to data management. It can help organizations understand the
pros and cons of different database technologies and choose the one that suits their

Preparing for the future: A comprehensive study on databases can help organizations
prepare for the future. It can provide insights into the direction that database technology
is heading, helping organizations to plan for future data management needs.

Overall, a comprehensive study on databases is beneficial for individuals and

organizations that deal with data on a regular basis. It can help in understanding the
history, development, and evolution of database technology and provide insights into
modern data management.


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