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UNIT 3: Language Test


Name: ________________________ GRAMMAR

Class: ________________________
3 Write questions that go with the answers. Use
VOCABULARY the same verb as in the answer.
1 Complete the sentences using the words in 0 When did you start school ?
the box. There are four extra words that you I started school in 2004.
do not need to use.
1 When__________________________________?
elephants mouth donkeys ants
She arrived at four o’clock.
giraffe fur adventurous tigers
2 How___________________________________?
forgetful wings chimps aggressive
I opened the door with a key.

0 Elephants are very large, grey animals with 3 Where_________________________________?

very big ears. They changed their clothes in the bedroom.
1 Birds use their to fly with. 4 When__________________________________?
2 If you are , you like trying lots of new He was at Oxford University in 2007.
things and going to new places.
5 What__________________________________?
3 All are very dangerous animals and
most of them live in forests and jungles. I wanted to watch the news last night.

4 A lot of adults, especially older ones, can’t 6 Which_________________________________?

remember things well – they’re . I listened to hip hop last night.
5 Most live in a family group in trees 7 Where_________________________________?
and they are very good at climbing.
We were at the cinema at 8 o’clock last night.
6 A lot of animals, for example bears and dogs are
covered in to keep them warm. /7

7 All are insects and most live in large

nests and work together to find food and look after 4 Complete the text using the Past Simple of
each other. the verbs in the box. You need to use positive
and negative forms.
arrive not appear use
2 Put the phrases in the box into the table
below. shout not have cross
do dangerous feed it give lots of advice walk disappear contact
talk about the come home late empty its litter
past tray
take it for a walk do the same thing are impulsive Lucky Cat
every day A very lucky cat called Lucky (0) arrived home
yesterday after a four kilometre journey with his
Typical Typical Typical pet head stuck inside an empty tin of cat food! When
teenagers… adults… owners… Lucky (1) __________, his owners, John and Amy
0 do dangerous 3 6
things Marshall (2) __________ Lucky’s name but he
1 4 7 (3) __________ back at his home They even
(4) __________ the police.
2 5 8 Lucky (5) __________ for two days, travelling more
than four km with his head still in the tin. He
(6) __________ many roads but (7) __________
any accidents. A local vet noticed Lucky in his
garden and (8) __________ gloves to hold Lucky
and remove the tin. Lucky’s address was on his
collar so John, Amy and Lucky were soon together

© 2017 Pearson PHOTOCOPIABLE 1

UNIT 3: Language Test


5 Use the words in the box to complete the 6 Put one word into each gap in the text.
dialogue. There are three extra words that you
do not need to use.

frightened serious after angry happen Ch

(1) __
listen could forgive realise was
so all feel Aft
(3) __
Jim: Hi, Max, it’s Jim here.
Max: Oh hi, Jim. Are you OK? You sound a bit, well,
frightened. a TV
Jim: No, I’m OK. I wanted to talk to you because… first t
well… you know that computer I borrowed Show
from you?
old. H
Max: Yes, my big brother’s one. What about it?
Jim: Well, I’m 1 sorry, Max. It was my
little sister, you see, I didn’t differ
, but she walked off with it /10
and… His
Max: Jim, you promised to look 3 it. desig
Why did I 4 to you?
Jim: I 5 terrible! It was quite a new
computer too, wasn’t it? New
(10) _
Max: Yes, it was. These things 6 ,
I know, but how 7 you be so help
Jim: It wasn’t really my sister, it was /50
my fault!
Max: Why, Jim? What really happened?
Jim: She dropped it on the floor. It
an accident. She wanted to
use it in her bedroom and asked me to carry it
for her. I was busy and didn’t want to do it.
Max, I know you’re really
about this, I really do!
Max: OK, Jim – calm down. Why didn’t you tell me
the truth before?
Jim: Listen, I can ask my cousin to try and fix it –
she’s really good at repairing electronic
Max: That would be great!
Jim: No problem. I’ll ask her tonight.
Max: Thanks, Jim.

© 2017 Pearson PHOTOCOPIABLE 2

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