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Ministry of Innovation and Technology

Title: Customer Relationship Management

Software Requirements Specification (SRS)

Prepared by:-

1. Kengitan Kebato
2. Lemesa Kesim
3. Yaduma Lechisa
4. Tewodros Million
5. Bethlehem Zeray
Table of Contents
1. Introduction.............................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Purpose..............................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Scope.................................................................................................................................................1
1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations.........................................................................................1
1.4 References.........................................................................................................................................2
1.5 Overview............................................................................................................................................2
2. Overall Description..................................................................................................................................2
2.1 Product Perspective...........................................................................................................................2
2.2 Product Functions..............................................................................................................................3
2.3 User Characteristics...........................................................................................................................4
2.4 Constraints.........................................................................................................................................4
2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies........................................................................................................5
3. Specific Requirements.............................................................................................................................5
3.1 External Interface Requirements.......................................................................................................5
3.2 Functional Requirements...................................................................................................................6
3.3 Use Case Modeling............................................................................................................................6
4. Non-functional Requirements.................................................................................................................7
5. System Architecture................................................................................................................................7
6. System Modeling.....................................................................................................................................8
7. Appendices..............................................................................................................................................8

1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this Software Requirements Specification (SRS) is to provide a
detailed description of the requirements for the development of a Customer
Relationship Management (CRM) web application for the Ministry of Innovation
and Technology. The CRM system will help the ministry manage and enhance its
relationships with various stakeholders, including citizens, businesses, and other
government agencies.

1.2 Scope
The CRM web application will serve as a centralized platform to store and manage
customer-related information, interactions, and communications. It will provide
features for tracking customer inquiries, managing complaints, capturing feedback,
and facilitating collaboration among ministry staff. The application will be
accessible through web browsers and will support multiple user roles with different
levels of access and functionality.

1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations
- CRM: Customer Relationship Management
-SQL> Structured query Language ER-> Entity Relationship
-UML -> Unified Modeling Language
-IDE-> Integrated Development Environment SRS-> Software Requirement

1.4 References
 Books
 Software Requirements and Specifications: A Lexicon of Practice,
Principles and Prejudices (ACM Press) by Michael Jackson.
 Software Requirements (Microsoft) Second EditionBy Karl E. Wiegers.
 Software Engineering: A Practitioner’s Approach Fifth Edition By Roger
S. Pressman.
 Websites

1.5 Overview
This SRS document will outline the overall description of the CRM web
application, including its product perspective, functions, user characteristics,
constraints, and assumptions. It will also specify the external interface
requirements, functional requirements, non-functional requirements, system
architecture, system modeling, and any appendices containing additional relevant

2. Overall Description
2.1 Product Perspective
The CRM web application will be a stand-alone system integrated with existing
systems and databases within the Ministry of Innovation and Technology. It will
exchange data with other applications to ensure a seamless flow of information.
The CRM system will provide a consolidated view of customer interactions and
enable efficient collaboration among ministry staff.

This diagram illustrates the Admin and User interacting with various
functionalities within the CRM System, including managing inquiries/complaints,
handling product details, managing the sales pipeline, and user activities such as
viewing product details, raising complaints, and providing feedback

2.2 Product Functions

The CRM web application will include the following key functions:
- Customer information management: Capture and store customer details,
including contact information, preferences, and historical interactions.
- Interaction tracking: Record and analyze customer interactions across various
channels, such as emails, phone calls, and meetings.
- Complaint management: Track and resolve customer complaints, assigning
them to relevant staff members and tracking their progress.
- Inquiry management: Manage customer inquiries, ensuring timely responses
and escalation as required.
- Feedback management: Collect and analyze customer feedback to identify areas
for improvement and measure customer satisfaction.
- Collaboration tools: Provide features for internal communication, task
assignment, and knowledge sharing among ministry staff.
- Reporting and analytics: Generate reports and analytics to gain insights into
customer trends, service performance, and resource allocation.

2.3 User Characteristics
The CRM web application will cater to different user roles within the Ministry of
Innovation and Technology, including:
- Administrators: Responsible for system configuration, user management, and
overall system administration.
- Customer service representatives: Handle customer inquiries, complaints, and
- Managers: Access reports and analytics, monitor team performance, and make
data-driven decisions.
- Executives: Review high-level metrics, monitor customer satisfaction, and
identify strategic areas for improvement.

2.4 Constraints
The development of the CRM web application is subject to the following
- Compliance with data protection regulations and privacy policies.
- Integration with existing systems and databases within the Ministry of Innovation
and Technology.
- Compatibility with modern web browsers and mobile devices.
- Scalability to accommodate growing data volumes and user loads.
- Performance requirements to ensure fast response times and efficient data

2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies
The successful development and deployment of the CRM web application depend
on the following assumptions and dependencies:
- Availability of necessary hardware and software infrastructure.
- Access to relevant data sources and APIs for integration.
- Cooperation and support from the Ministry of Innovation and Technology's
stakeholders and staff.
- Timely availability of resources, including development teams, project
management, and testing personnel.

3. Specific Requirements
3.1 External Interface Requirements
The CRM web application will have the following external interfaces:
- User interface: A web-based interface accessible through modern web browsers,
designed to be intuitive and user-friendly.
- Integration interfaces: APIs and data connectors to exchange data with existing
systems, databases, and external services.
- Email interface: Integration with email servers to capture and track customer
interactions via email.
- Reporting interface: Capability to export reports and analytics in various
formats, such as PDF.

3.2 Functional Requirements
The functional requirements of the CRM web application include, but are not
limited to:
- User authentication and authorization: Secure login functionality with role-
based access control to ensure data confidentiality.
- Customer information management: Capture, update, and retrieve customer
details, including contact information and preferences.
- Interaction tracking: Record and categorize customer interactions, assign them
to relevant staff members, and track their status.
- Complaint management: Capture and manage customer complaints, assign
them to appropriate staff, and track resolution progress.
- Inquiry management: Capture and track customer inquiries, ensuring timely
responses and escalation as necessary.
- Feedback management: Capture and analyze customer feedback to identify
trends and areas for improvement.
-Collaboration tools: Provide features for internal communication, task
assignment, and knowledge sharing among ministry staff.
- Reporting and analytics: Generate reports and analytics to gain insights into
customer trends, service performance, and resource allocation.
- Notifications and alerts: Send notifications and alerts to relevant staff members
for important updates, deadlines, or escalations.

3.3 Use Case Modeling
Use case modeling will be employed to capture and describe the interactions
between users and the CRM web application. It will document the various
scenarios and actions performed by different user roles, outlining the system's
response and behavior in each case.

4. Non-functional Requirements
Non-functional requirements for the CRM web application include:
- Performance: The system should provide fast response times and efficient data
processing, even with a large user base and data volume.
- Security: The application should implement appropriate security measures to
protect customer data and prevent unauthorized access.
- Scalability: The system should be scalable to accommodate increasing data
volumes and user loads without compromising performance.
- Usability: The user interface should be intuitive, user-friendly, and accessible on
various devices and screen sizes.
- Reliability: The system should be reliable, minimizing downtime and ensuring
data integrity.
- Compatibility: The CRM web application should be compatible with modern
web browsers and mobile devices.
- Data privacy: The system should comply with data protection regulations and
privacy policies.

5. System Architecture
The CRM web application will follow a three-tier architecture, consisting of:
- Presentation layer: The user interface accessible through web browsers, built
using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
- Application layer: The business logic and functionality of the CRM system,
implemented using a server-side programming language such as Python or Java.
- Data layer: The database management system (DBMS) to store and retrieve
customer data, interactions, and other system information.

6. System Modeling
System modeling will be employed to represent the structure, behavior, and
interactions of the CRM web application components. It will include diagrams
such as entity-relationship diagrams, class diagrams, and sequence diagrams to
illustrate the relationships and flows within the system.

7. Appendices
The appendices may include additional relevant information, such as:
- Glossary: Definitions of terms used throughout the SRS document.
- Use case diagrams: Visual representations of the various use cases and
interactions between users and the CRM system.
- Entity-relationship diagrams: Diagrams illustrating the relationships between
different entities and their attributes.
- Wireframes and mockups: Visual representations of the user interface design.
- Test cases: Detailed test cases to verify the functionality and performance of the
CRM web application.

Note: This SRS document provides a broad outline of the requirements for the
CRM web application. It is recommended to further refine and elaborate on each
section based on the specific needs and priorities of the Ministry of Innovation and


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