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INFO: Augustus version 4.0.

0, x86 build
INFO: Running on: Windows (unknown version)
INFO: Initializing SDL
INFO: SDL initialized, version 2.28.5
INFO: Loading game from working directory
INFO: No key found on layout for [
INFO: No key found on layout for ]
INFO: No key found on layout for =
ERROR: 'c3.eng' or 'c3_mm.eng' files not found or too large.
INFO: Loading game from base path C:\Users\Ege\Downloads\augustus-4.0.0-windows\
INFO: Location: C:\Users\Ege\AppData\Roaming\augustus\augustus\
INFO: Loading game from user pref C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\
Caesar 3\C3
INFO: No key found on layout for [ (message repeats 1 time)
INFO: No key found on layout for ] (message repeats 1 time)
INFO: No key found on layout for = (message repeats 1 time)
INFO: 'c3.eng' or 'c3_mm.eng' files not found or too large. (message repeats 1
INFO: Config key enable_audio
INFO: Config key master_volume 100
INFO: Config key enable_audio_in_videos
INFO: Config key video_volume 100
INFO: Config key gameplay_fix_immigration
INFO: Config key gameplay_fix_100y_ghosts
INFO: Config key screen_display_scale 100
INFO: Config key screen_cursor_scale 100
INFO: Config key screen_color_cursors
INFO: Config key ui_sidebar_info 1
INFO: Config key ui_show_intro_video
INFO: Config key ui_smooth_scrolling 1
INFO: Config key ui_disable_mouse_edge_scrolling
INFO: Config key ui_visual_feedback_on_delete
INFO: Config key ui_allow_cycling_temples
INFO: Config key ui_show_water_structure_range 1
INFO: Config key ui_show_water_structure_range_houses
INFO: Config key ui_show_construction_size 1
INFO: Config key ui_highlight_legions 1
INFO: Config key ui_show_military_sidebar
INFO: Config key ui_disable_map_drag
INFO: Config key ui_show_max_prosperity
INFO: Config key ui_digit_separator
INFO: Config key ui_inverse_map_drag
INFO: Config key ui_message_alerts
INFO: Config key ui_show_grid 1
INFO: Config key ui_show_partial_grid_around_construction
INFO: Config key ui_always_show_rotation_buttons
INFO: Config key gameplay_change_max_grand_temples 2
INFO: Config key gameplay_change_jealous_gods
INFO: Config key gameplay_change_global_labour 1
INFO: Config key gameplay_change_retire_at_60
INFO: Config key gameplay_change_fixed_workers
INFO: Config key gameplay_wolves_block
INFO: Config key gameplay_buyers_dont_distribute
INFO: Config key gameplay_change_getting_granaries_go_offroad 1
INFO: Config key gameplay_change_granaries_get_double 1
INFO: Config key gameplay_change_allow_exporting_from_granaries 1
INFO: Config key gameplay_change_tower_sentries_go_offroad
INFO: Config key gameplay_change_farms_deliver_close
INFO: Config key gameplay_change_only_deliver_to_accepting_granaries
INFO: Config key gameplay_change_all_houses_merge 1
INFO: Config key gameplay_change_random_mine_or_pit_collapses_take_money
INFO: Config key gameplay_change_multiple_barracks
INFO: Config key gameplay_change_warehouses_dont_accept
INFO: Config key gameplay_change_houses_dont_expand_into_gardens
INFO: Config key gameplay_change_monuments_boost_culture_rating
INFO: Config key gameplay_change_disable_infinite_wolves_spawning 1
INFO: Config key gameplay_change_romers_dont_skip_corners
INFO: Config key gameplay_change_yearly_autosave
INFO: Config key gameplay_change_auto_kill_animals 1
INFO: Config key ui_language_dir
INFO: Config value
INFO: No key found on layout for [
INFO: No key found on layout for ]
INFO: No key found on layout for =
INFO: Detected language: English
INFO: Detected encoding: 1252
INFO: Creating screen 1427 x 801, windowed, driver: windows
INFO: Creating renderer
INFO: Loaded renderer: direct3d
INFO: Render texture created (1427 x 801)
INFO: Trying asset path at C:\Users\Ege\Downloads\augustus-4.0.0-windows\/assets
INFO: Asset path detected at
INFO: Loading assetlist file administration.xml
INFO: Loading assetlist file aesthetics.xml
INFO: Loading assetlist file entertainment.xml
INFO: Loading assetlist file flags.xml
INFO: Loading assetlist file health_education.xml
INFO: Loading assetlist file Industry.xml
INFO: Loading assetlist file logistics.xml
INFO: Loading assetlist file military.xml
INFO: Loading assetlist file religion.xml
INFO: Loading assetlist file ui.xml
INFO: Loading assetlist file walkers.xml
INFO: Creating atlas texture with size 2633x2633
INFO: Creating atlas texture with size 3245x3245
INFO: Creating atlas texture with size 756x756
INFO: Model loaded
INFO: Asset image not found: Garden_Gate
INFO: Asset group is: Aesthetics
INFO: Asset image not found: Garden_Wall_C
INFO: Using default audio driver: directsound
INFO: Asset group is: Aesthetics (message repeats 1 time)
INFO: Loading audio files
INFO: Window 1 shown
INFO: Window 1 exposed
INFO: Loading saved game Quaestor.svx
INFO: Savegame version 139
INFO: Creating atlas texture with size 3253x3253
INFO: Creating atlas texture with size 799x799
INFO: Loading saved game mission1.pak
INFO: Savegame version 102
INFO: Window 1 exposed
INFO: Window 1 exposed
INFO: Exiting game

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