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Prepared by: Johnrico C. Enricoso

At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
1. define velocity,
2. solve problems involving velocity,
3. show appreciation on the concept of velocity in real-life situations.

Content Standards: The learners demonstrate understanding of motion in one dimension.

Learning Competency: Describe the motion of an object in terms of velocity.


a. Topic: Velocity
b. References: Science Learner’s material
c. Materials: Power Point Presentation, Instructional Materials
d. Science Concept: Velocity is a fundamental concept in physics that describes the rate
at which an object changes its position. It is a vector quantity and is often denoted by
the symbol .
e. Process Skills: Analyzing, Inferring
f. Values Integration: Teamwork, Cooperation
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

• Introduction & Greetings

Good afternoon class! Good afternoon, Sir!

Please pick up the papers under your chairs (Students will organize their seats and
and arrange your chairs properly and quietly. pick up some pieces of paper.)

• Prayer
Before we start our class, let us have a prayer
first. Everyone, please stand.

(Teacher will call someone to lead the prayer.) (The students will pray.)
Amen Amen

Everybody take your seat.

How are you today? We are doing great.
Very Good! I am glad to hear that.

• Setting Classroom Rules

Before we start the class, simple classroom
rules will be imposed all throughout the
1. Respect when someone is speaking.
2. Raise your hand if you have questions or
3. Share new ideas.

Do I make myself clear? Yes, Sir.

• Checking of Attendance
May I call on the class secretary for the
attendance? Is there anyone absent today? None, Sir

Since everyone is around, please give (Students will execute “Darna Clap”)
yourselves a “Darna Clap”.

• Collecting of Assignments
Last meeting, I gave you an assignment. (Students will submit the assignments.)
Without leaving your seats, kindly submit your
papers in front.

• Review of the past lesson

Before we proceed to our next topic, let us first
recall what we have discussed in our previous
session. Who among you here can remember
what our topic was about? Sir, we talked about Speed.

That is correct, Princess. Now, what is speed? Princess: Speed is a type of rate that
measures how long it takes to travel a

Very good! What factors affect the speed? Dave: Time and distance

Very good! I’m glad that you still clearly

remember our topic yesterday. Now let’s
proceed to a new lesson.

I prepared a little guessing game for you called
4 pics 1 word.

It presents you with four pictures and then

tasks you with guessing what specific word fits
with the theme of the photos presented.

VTICOLEY Answer = Velocity

Based on our activity, what do you think our
topic will be?
Yes, Dave? Dave: Velocity
Very good!

We have here our objectives for us to be
guided throughout our discussion for today.
Everybody kindly read. At the end of the lesson, the learners
should be able to:
1. define velocity,
2. solve problems involving velocity,
3. show appreciation on the concept of
velocity in real-life situations.
Okay, after the discussion, you guys, my dear
students are expected to
1. define velocity,
2. solve problems involving velocity,
3. show appreciation on the concept of
velocity in real-life situations.


● Magnitude. Simply as a number.

● Direction. Refers to the path along which (The students read the different terms
something moves.
and its definition)
● Vector. A vector is a quantity that has
both magnitude and direction.


• Activity
Let us have a group activity. I will group you
into two, and I will give each group the
materials needed for the activity.

I will give you 10 minutes to finish the task and

answer the table below and then you'll have a
few minutes to collaborate with the other
group to answer the question.

Your activity will be graded based on the Yes, Sir!

rubrics. Are we all clear?

Group Activity
Speed in a Given Direction!
For Group 1

• Stopwatch (cell phone will use)
• Compass
• Meter stick

Instructions: (The students perform the activity)

1. Choose 1 player from your group to
perform the task.
2. Using the floor, mark the starting and end
point of a 2 meters distance with a direction.
3. As a group, discuss the result and complete
the table below.

Record your data from the experiment in the


Task: Walking on one leg

Direction Distance Time Average

East 2m
Which task can cover a distance of 2 meters
the quickest?

For Group 2


• Stopwatch (cell phone will use)

• Compass
• Meter stick

1. Choose 1 player from your group to
perform the task.
2. Using the floor, mark the starting and end
point of a 2 meters distance with a direction.
3. As a group, discuss the result and complete
the table below.

Record your data from the experiment in the


Task: Walking on two legs

Direction Distance Time Average

East 2m
How can you determine that the task that group
1 chooses is the quickest?

• Analysis

(The teacher will let the representative in each

group to share their answers in the front) (The student presents their output.)
Did the activity give you an idea of what is Yes, Sir

• Discussion
In relation to the activity that we just had, we
will be going to talk about velocity. By
definition, velocity measures how fast
something is moving plus the direction that the
object is moving.

So velocity is the rate of displacement of a

moving object over time.

It could appear that today's lesson and the one

we just completed are similar. But if you’re
studying physics, it’s important to know the
difference between these two concepts. Speed
and velocity both measure an object’s rate of
motion. However, speed is a scalar quantity,
and velocity is a vector quantity, which
depends on direction as well as magnitude.
Velocity is a vector quantity that has both
magnitude and direction.

The unit of measurement of velocity is m/s.

Now, let’s proceed on how to calculate the
average velocity.

To get the average velocity, you need to

divide the change in displacement (d) over
the change in time (t).

See for example, we have here a problem.

Problem #1. Glenn walks 100 m East to a

( Students read the problem #1)
friend’s house and walks another 50 m East in
200 s. What is George’s average velocity?
Following the GUESS format:

Given: = 100 m E + 50 m E
= 150 m E
t = 200 s


Substitution: = 150 m E /200

Simplify : = 0.75 m/s East

Therefore, Glenn's average velocity is 0.75

meters per second in the eastward direction.

Now try answering in your paper, problem


(Students read the problem #2)

Problem #2. A runner runs 50 meters North in
20 seconds and another 50 meters North in 30
seconds. What is the runner's average velocity?

Following the GUESS format:

Given: = 50 m N + 50 m N = 100 m
t = 20 s + 30 s = 50 s


Substitution: 100 m N/ 50 s
Simplify: = 2 m/s North

Therefore, the runner's average velocity is 2

meters per second in the northward direction. (Students practicing answering the
Daisy Joy, show your answer on the board and
explain your answer. (Daisy Joy writes her answer on the
board and explain)
Do you think the answer of Daisy Joy is
correct? Yes, Sir!

● Application

In everyday life, velocity can be observed and

experienced in various situations, such as:

Driving a car: The velocity of the car

determines how quickly it can cover a certain
distance and how long it will take to reach a

In navigation, knowing the velocity and

direction of a vehicle or ship can help in
planning a route and estimating the time of

Sports and physical activities. By measuring

the speed at which an athlete or participant
moves, coaches and educators can gauge their
progress, identify areas for improvement, and
set specific goals to enhance performance.


Based on our discussion earlier, what is

Yes, Princess? Very good! Princess: velocity measures how fast
What is the unit of measurement of velocity? something is moving plus the direction
Yes, Dave? Very good! that the object is moving.

What is the formula of velocity? Yes, Daisy? Dave: meter per second or m/s
Very good! Daisy
If you don’t have any questions or
clarifications, then we will have our quiz.

(The teacher provides the quiz materials.)



Name & Section:

Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct, and FALSE if it is incorrect.
1. In physics, velocity measures how fast something is moving plus the direction that the object is
moving. - TRUE
2. In navigation, knowing the velocity and direction of a vehicle or ship can help in planning a
route and estimating the time of arrival. – TRUE
II. Solving
Find the average velocity of the given problem. Show your solution. Follow the GUESS
format. (3pts)
A car travels 500 meters north in 20 seconds and travels 300 meters more in 15 seconds. What is
the car's average velocity?
Given: t= 20 seconds + 15 seconds = 35 seconds.
= 500 meters North + 300 meters North = 800 meters North

Substitution: 800 m North / 35 s
Simplify: = 22. 86 m/s North

Find the average velocity of the following problem. Write it in a ½ crosswise.
Deadline: May 23, 2023

1. A runner runs 50 meters north in 10 seconds and then 100 meters south in 20 seconds.
What is the runner's average velocity with direction for the entire journey?


Practice Teacher
Group Activity
Speed in a Given Direction!

For Group 1


• Stopwatch (cell phone will use)

• Compass
• Meter stick

1. Choose 1 player from your group to perform the task.
2. Using the floor, mark the starting and end point of a 2 meters distance with a direction.
3. As a group, discuss the result and complete the table below.

Record your data from the experiment in the chart.

Task: Walking on one leg

Direction Distance Time Average

East 2m
Which task can cover a distance of 2 meters the quickest?
For Group 2


• Stopwatch (cell phone will use)

• Compass
• Meter stick

1. Choose 1 player from your group to perform the task.
2. Using the floor, mark the starting and end point of a 2 meters distance with a direction.
3. As a group, discuss the result and complete the table below.

Record your data from the experiment in the chart.

Task: Walking on two legs

Direction Distance Time Average

East 2m
How can you determine that the task that group 1 chooses is the quickest?

Presentation 10 points
Teamwork 5 points
Time Management 5 points
Total 20 points

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