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t 4 OGD) Business English business 4 one:one Rachel Appleby John Bradley Brian Brennan Jane Hudson (Wat did he ith people = > 5 (o{=Fel] How to ask for something 2. Talk about he fast ime you asked these ‘people fr these things. Dia anything {inueuol happen? say about ‘01 Usen to the conversation ang answer he questions Speaking , 1) Moke a sutabie request forthe folowing “s 2.Usten to four conversations role-playing shuotons Ty to ure pirases trom Ssiuations 1-8. Compare hem fo your Expressions and the Language box Your requests eacher wil respond fo your requotis 1 You ordered twenty colour conniigas or supplier and ask them to corect the 8. You ask fra atu tan okt to Oxford et you have both Been Work ‘hoods fo be sen 0 head oes focay Yau cat hi to hap hin vememibec Hint cowl wh rorunecan vr mig eases Poi reqs rod wth Nigh norton (rom 9) SSeceee Writing 2. Look atthe exacts om the conversion. 1) Youhave received ihe flowing note rom your boss. ‘Compiate hem wih the phrases wed! for Wile an emat fo ie navel agency requesting ‘asking for something, Information fr his. 1 Het | to Sinan Crowley please. 2 Wouldyou —__ .oupicare? 3 Now we'd poy forthe computers 4 doyou wat Unit pox month? 5 We pay beter ‘he end of June. 6 thw eyment by then well have fo send somaone round 0 pick UD tne computes 2 Lo0k at the extracts in 2 again, Mark them pple () or demanding (0). Then explain ‘your decision to your teacher. ook egal ot lenge 1] pd 12.0 page 11 Lesson record Sew worse —— usfulphrasos ‘rom inelesson rem fi lesson Language box ‘Wo can use would tke in ciflerent waysto ask ‘people for something: {0 the o cup of tea. please, tke fo phone home, you don't min. We'd Ike you to send the cheave foc The following vorbs can alo use the vorb + object + infintve pater. | advise ask expect need “tomind Tol wan We woul oyu fo py in fly 1 Moy We have warned them to pay promi Remember to use ing offer Would you ming: Would you ming opening the window? Not Wedkdyoumindie-sponthewndou? How to make a suggestion In this te: 0 ji Expressions different} d 1 Bruston Bleycles and Cycting Accessores aes lid sin fouble. Soles re 15% down on ost Year is tosing clons. Three offs best sles ‘Beople hove left the company inthe lst {wo months. fo fad out whe going wrong Starter Bright idecs Udo business consuating 1 Istherean a ‘Foup, vied tne company 0 Tew days ago pt ys ‘Sn made the notes Balan In business? 200d he notes ane then discus he ‘ferent problems with your leach. In your ‘pinion, wich ate tne fee most important ‘suse and wy? 3 Would you lke to be a consutant? nts are people who borrow st tell you w BRIGHT id is, and then walk off witht 1 Sa ment eine eee 3 peu ton sg can OF a a ae nr eee re any consultants, when asked, i wonane Sota oreatstes = Gans nactal a Sa GL 6 eee Sate nat do you have in mind: Din eran ee Kn formar Augsine prey samara cefacnlee — © Speaking wating a 1 Yout tend comesto you wih he 1 You aw ne nopoywintne folowing henge 3 (Soungprciara ae wosuggeions ‘Yar asa thyyaste rary ens peer ea lees ne sin you woud enone yu ou Mes & ‘xprersions 08 you can, {wo ferent suggestions or propesas about 1 fhecpartoton of yur ase (oa te, c “" frequently travel to oe) Ey jstcctrmgsing cemanymtident 2 feimewreaaicn Ea] sovhereinmyjn! pekatwodotthe 3 ssysiresnsccinat language. 4. ne TV prograrsenes in the country where: = youwe = “often forget things like meetings Baa ied meee 3 ‘and phone numbers.” Shy umes youve 2. Exlain ne eaxons behind your proposas hd ie “feel so tired and Find ou your teacheagiees with You car's always - ee elie ee eee atin, | coon 762. Ustento he presentation that one or Cconsuitan rom righ ideas gves tothe ‘anagement o Btuton. He memions our Cftne problem aracs. Which ones? a 3 Now lston again. This time compote tho spaces wih tre words the man usos 12 ‘roke his proposal 1 Fistof ot we ‘a chonge fo the company's name. 2 We toomore bvenationd nome, 3 Second we'd ka to ew sos stot 4 We thre new ‘ssstant sto - people wit languages ond experience, 5 Curt omnis use of he ern ose nee tooltor your company. 6 Frat wo serious end mmadiote macsires 10 reorganize he production side of he company: Language box {wo verbs that are offen used for making suggestions or proposals cre suggest and reommend. LS0k at ho fllowing exarnptes \We recommend changing the datos \We recommend that you change the nme, We suggest using the nterst ‘we suggast Mot you use te Internet. Omer expressions: How about chonging your job? Have you consered changing your oo? \wmatit you change / changes yourlob? We'd ke fo prepose that you invest 9.000. Look Look again ot stoning scripts 2.1 and 22 on page 111. Find che examples of suggestions You can male pt ama sags eos ato. The consutant and the soles manager goto lunch. Uston to thelr conversation. What problems does he consullan! mention? The consutlant uss he following expressions. Usten again ‘ond completa the sentences betow with his suggestions. 1 Hove you the nome? 2. You've got big probiems there making meotings more frequent? 3. Ane. well con' ety know how ut 4 How somebody younger to donisjoo? 5 ters sore of your products Took reat oe you employed ‘anew designer? 1 Lesson record I Srewwerss 3 useful choses J fomtislesrn em Pisiesson aes i= a 2 2 3 3 How to react to suggestions In this le: Expressions ways of ing 7°11 Listen fo four shuations where someone is ‘making ¢ suggestion. Answer the following suggesti questions for dlatogues I~4 by fling in tho columns in the table. starter 1) what is the annoying habit? 1 Do you ha 2. Wats the suggestion? following ha 3 le the siggeston cocopied (1) 01 They moke oo Bis cous SOOT. They naver rum + They se bad language ot ihe time. 1 + Tat only subject of conversation te eniten, + Thay wots tne anc never got onything son e + Mey smoke contiwousy + Mey nove pay fr eins or meats when yougo out 2 Which ofthe habits do you fet most 8 anoying? 3. How could you deal wth hese colleagues? ‘ Writing Language box 1) Read ine folowing email and suggest \Winen wo react o a suggestion, wo olen ways he supervisor could deal wil he _—sugget! specie action, or propose a posibie problems inthe depariment Roleplay © __llamaive for action Look ot he expressions "onverscton fo follow he ermal wih you used fe reset fo the folowing suggestion: ‘98 Chars ond your teacher as Sam. Beato N abiechoaresuraen Why don't we aloo cut fogemor? Bice = tora gosies We could nave diner ane hen go out there Sam, peat Sony say the stuston into dapartnents geting cut |_| ofan. Erenane tested wth no esters Lotta planning ont now tease no ne know uss propery. Two Ihwouds be eesn beter the company Celoagus ares smoting ath oes dsp the aster apart nev loglabon ac he oer recoup vith ne SF ie us poe? Fachard and Sal have spt up soto amosphare’s Unowaral.Any Beas a8 what ean da? Crate A a 9 ( a eS ES Da ‘= rj io ke} la Y - —i4) 2. Reply tothe email wih your own Kdeos ‘una one on 2. Look ot the extracts rom the four ‘conversations below. Complete them wih the useful phrases for reacting to supgosions 1 he, 3p tat. Inwoud be realy embarassing 2 Notm hat's such a goodtidea, sheis me boss ' 2 Ok thar |suppote 4 What indo thot next tae he eat ‘Shalis used with we and l,especialy In Bish English is often used lo make suggestions Cong with ers ‘Shall we leowe now? Yes o's ers go. When wa reject a suggestion, we normally give IMmmnat eo sue about that It might moke things worse. tink people woul prefer @ Bonus foo right out Hint ‘Yau owe he atowng erosions oa tout ising soos {eon sr Foy eng ve ot enagh ry cig me ry. es aways shout od sac. Speaking 1 Uslon to conversations 1-4. Match each one vith & picture o-d below. 2 Your teacher wil suggest ways fo dea! wih he siuaions. Reepond in on appropriate way. Look Look again at conversations 1-4 Istoning sctiot 3.2 on ‘poges 111-112 Find mere expressions used fo reac! to ‘Suggestions Lesson record Srewwords Suet proses from telessan rom the lesion 1 io 2 2 3 ses 8 Tings fo remember Seer Soee Coe ith people = > is deali How to praise In this le} useful Ia positive 2. Do you tina giving prise er receving praise ‘move aitteu? Why? 1 * BU 8,850.50 PReup of YOU!” Speaking 1 Roleplay the folowing stuctons to prostise ving praise. Your teacher wa play the parson boing posed. Before you agin, decide how you wil nosuee the opie, anc what speciic aspects) you wil praise. 1 Bost to employes - pra for rept Jeon waning © 2. bes toemplovee 3. Coteaguete coteague- pra forthe new company website. 22 Now Isten to two conversations roleplaying the is two stuations above, ‘Compare them wih your version, Expressions 01. Uson fo threo sitions where someone Is ‘ahving praise, 1 Ineaen etotoque 1-8 whot eka someone 2 What nas heppenets osc rea? Coen om Language box In he conversations, diferent words ore used fo mato adjactvesstongor of woaker, Here ks how you can change he sengih of he asjocive gooet WEAKER prot fan / quite 9000 0d NY peetty toy / quite good Feall/ very good STRONGER extemal good Note that it you sess prt / fay / uit, makes the Galecive weaker. Ifyou srassthe ‘djecive alr prety! fay / gute, I makes sronget 2. Look atthe extract ram the three conversations below. Compile them with tho usetl phrases for giving praiso from listening sent 4.1. Then Isten caain ond ‘check your answers. 1 sutton 2 sone. yo ° get auch @ good location. 3 wel Jone. 4. tonto tall you vourpresentotion yestercay You did 9 5 Neal You can also replace the adjective with stronger one! ‘extremely good < fantastic / excelent < ‘obsoltely excelent Bul you hove fo be corel using song ‘adjectives ke excoler, fantasle, amazing, ‘wonder ec: You canno use very with these Wotds. You must use really or absolutely. That was absclutey brit That wat @ realy fantastic presentation. Not was 0-wory Fantasko porormance. Look: Look again at conversations 1 in string soript 4.1 on page 112.Find examples of pretty ay / Quite and ston again. In each case, si ‘making the adjective weaker or songer? Hint en oting ts ede he you yh «ar gn commer hut wee menion st soy yn wy, ‘Oh, have you got amie? writing 1 2 Lesson record 3 wotulphrotes from hie eso 1 2 3 Things to remember ‘One of your colesgues has just returned tom on international conference, where they represeniog ‘your company, You hear not the presentation went ‘ery well AS you are working from home, you decide 1 drop hem on ema to congrctulae ther. Youre the boss of o smal real stove. Anew member of staf noticed mot somebosy was reguicly sealing fom you, and by reporting tte you hes ‘saved you alot of money. Wiis © eter he momber of sft praising hem and fling them the resulls 0! the action How to criticize ‘ving feedbat doesn’ doi very wet problem is sho Sealing win, ana whats wrong wih her ‘epproach? How could you Improve i? 2 2. Now liten tothe same situation, but done mote effocvely. How ls tho managers pproach aterent? 3 Whale your approach forgiving negative feedbaskto colleagues? Speaking 1 Imagine you have to deal with the following sitions i which you Rave fo {give teoaback Pion who! you wily. Role-play tho sitions wi your teacher. 1 You shave an ofce wih 2 coteoaue iho often goes out without Teng you fornou long. When cline phone, you ‘18 una fo tall fern whe fea 2 One of your stat who often vs chen Insstson wecxng Jaons ot work espe the otlce dre code which rate no formally with the staff member 2 ro iy i a £ “2 D £ 3 ® 3 Now listen to a conversation relaying the second conversation in 1 above ‘Compare itt your verson Expressions 11. Uston 1 wo short dialogues. For each, decide wn the people are, and what is eing citicned 2 Nowlison again fo the two shor dlloguos. ‘Compleie he spaces withthe words used in the reversing, 1 Wet 2 Thethng 1 2 Ide when you need te douse werk with me ‘teas 4 OK Wes, tre repat you srt Language box To deter o cifrence between two things, ‘We con ute not as. of. Look o he following example: Wee not os busy 08 ost month For smoilerciferences, use not quite as... For ‘bggordiferencos, use nor nearly as... 1 roting like os The design in quite os ctacive os Weis hoped. These pictues tent Neary es ab0d as the rest one ‘Your works nothing ho a8 good ost wos Hint inn aie Bis god Kao uw an pros ue tm cha Son ‘elect. fo Yih such 08 Stay bier Fn ett we find ou opr eb vp. writing 5 Wel maybe! 1 Your boss wes rude fo you In ron of «cont which Lee NEHER ‘was very embarrassing. This wos not the fs ime ‘Witte an emai fo your bess, ctctng ther behaviour Se el 2 You hove received the formal complcnt below. Wite ‘0 of Mika's reports Con email foal stat expaining he stuation, and ae eared o ‘Sting them to wash their oun Cups uD, ex tre? Memo From: Cleaning. ‘To: Manager of Sales department ‘We've had problems recently withthe kitchen in your department. Cups ae let in the sink, food containers are left Wing around and no ‘one does the washing-up. fs not our job in the cleaning department to do the washing-up in the kitchen, so please ask your staf to see to ths. Thank yo | ee aa Sooo See Lesson record You can also use (net $0. one (net) such Srewwors Suse phrases {ocrticls the actual station: from hisiesson from tis esson Please ty nt to foke so lang over unch F 7 ‘pon, ‘We won't make the deacine I we work so 2 2 showy 3 3 Please don't use such boa longuaae! Things to remember | snoulon't have sent sich an angry ema Look Look again altho conversations in eloning setipts 61-64 on pagoe 112-113. Find more ‘Sxamples ofthese stuctures. dealing with people How to show how Starter 1 Have you! recenihy? teocher? 2 ityounawe a expla fo your the lectures tee messaging, king photos, games et. 3. Have you ever had o phone cal centre torholp? Wnat abou Speaking 1 Bxpion to your teacher how to follow a ‘work process Ina! you have fod, oF how {0 use a mactine in your office 2. Your teacher il now expiain fo youhow fe do something, You eon ask questions to ‘check to do something Expressions 761 oj manages a call canto in nei. Ho's ‘eplaining the Jab fe Davina, « new workor Listen fo Raj innacone 9 Davina What ‘are he main hings she needs 0 remember? Make notes 02 Listen to Ravana Davina take te cal Mark each sentence rue (7 or flse (Fi, 1 The tt calle’ computers new 2. Having ne caler's pasword helps Rofo soe hs prooior. 3 The second cater can't conect to the Language box We usa he 240 conetionato dere something ht cwayshappensin cen onations Ths svery common when Woo Sowing someone now to do someting. you press btn. # records Mo ‘sonvenaton Tiiligh goee on you have anchor call wana Notice hal he two por the sontonce con como man ordot There are teva voiatons oi struct: Winen you etek cn Ih oon. na waco pops ‘8 1000 ght comes. on you'e ‘connected tothe eater ‘oun change he nation os tong os yousheck wah me 3. Look ot the extracts rom the conversations 'bolow. Complete them with he phrases \Used for giving nstuctons. Then ston again forecordings& 1 and 62 and check your 1 Rafe: And hows ne tang going? ovine: $0 2 Now one other thing: we have alot ct cals. 0 aren't ‘ony longer than thoy need to be. 2 Be patient with the colar but the tine. 4 Youte connected and you hous greet me colle. Have 2 5. Sometimes very easy solutions ike that 10 the hardest fo find $0, 6 be say good moming’ “he opler doesn’t werk unl you key in your code, ‘Yeudon't need to re-stot the machine unless this messoge appears. You can aio use an imperative: Jus waten me ang esk any questions Be careful not to tell anyone your password, Look Look ot Iistoning scripts 6.1 and 62.0n page 113, Find more examples ofthe 2010 conditional Writing Hint Tock ht serwone fos noo, you an ‘emorcuer ny esos? Om nape erste. 1. Youte attending « meeting in another country fora week Leave a junior colleague insituetions about how fo complete c smell project that sin progress ct the moment 2 Attend is golng tobe slaying in your house fora tow ‘days, but ou'l be at work. Leave instructions for therm 50 hat mey can work the CD player. TV, DVD / video. ‘era home computer to check emai Lesson rer Snow worcs ‘hom the lezon 1 aoe a Things to remember cord 8 wotul phrases from th esson dealing with people How to delegate Expressions 761. David Jackson i soles manager He broke Nis leg in asking oceident los week ona fou.cen oly cxk people tohop you you ‘vibe off work fer soveral week. Ho phones ce ther bom hit os, Arthur iti, fo tak aout work ‘Complete the fat column wit he diferent Jobs ne mentions. Irpomte 2 ba! to doa jab yous ror shan delegate ‘When you delegate, tthe person to wore ‘os pose. to laos yours ot at fel he person what they need fe da ret ne ena deta Poole envoy having werk delegated to 52. annur organizes o mesting fe announce the changes Inthe second column above, fe the name of he person who wl be doing each Job Speaking 1 Spenela ow minutes baintorming: ‘eportments et, at give work o you Goportments et. has you gio work to Include both your job ond your ite cutie ‘work (0.9 profesional service, fly tenes) 2. elk your teacher through the Iss, giving las about Ine work Involved. Ty to use anguoge tor he unt 3. Look al the extracts om the meeting below. ‘Complete thom with the phrases that Aru Uses for delegating task. Then ston to recording 7.2 again and check your 1 Do youthink you ob? 2 and Suton. ke you tno oo Interviews 3 Inees brochures forthe trace fa 4 coud! Monica? 5 No. that's not neccesary We con Dowd ‘94 Rob and Susan go fora cotfee afer he ‘meeting win arr sion ro mer ‘Conversation, How dogs Rob feel about he rmecting? Why? Language box \When delegating work, you can use tho Iollowing expressions wih the vers ask ‘ond got im going to ask Peter to phone you. loa Peter rhe con phone you liget Pater tophone you. ‘You can aso use have. Note that fos not usec "Uhawe Peter phone you. When using a professional service fo do a plece of Work, you can use get / have something done: Ineed to get my carsendiced We should have ha office redecorated. Hint {yon sreirg is, but you rbd ‘sock yu oan zea naga gst Wot yu be bae two ye Th wo posse elas om: Yes mite tex ot wo) No | wertbs to vo. Writing 1. Imagine that Arhur Lite has no time forthe meeting “vith is team. Wife an informal memo fo Monica: Passing en his ineuctions fo hor Uso the following ‘emo fo Rob as an example. Try to use the languoge ‘tom this unt in your meme. —— Subject Visit to Samson Led rom: Arthur Little Tor Rob Harris Memo As you know. David is going tobe off work for Several weeks. In his abience I would like you to ook after his client, Samson Ld. David ak soing to vist them on the 17%, Pleate phone them to confirm the appointment, and le them ‘know that you are looking after the contract ‘until Davi is back, Arthur Little General Manager Look Look again a stening scripts 7.1-7.2, on pages 113-114, Find examples of hese stuctres, Lesson record Snow words 3 veil phraeae fom hisiesson from thislesson 1 1 2 Pale ote ja 1253 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Teds fo remember i : 1 1 1 1 1 1 . A) a fe) o Q = Ed D AS ie} Oo ao] How to compromise In this h Expressions to nego! 01, Derek's te owner of a chain of Turkish fenouoris in ld. The manoger fone probier fof he restaurants Iso Turkish woman called Sy. sho worso facto Garek aboot ‘Sroingimperont Read th summary of Srextor ‘the first part of the dialogue. Then listen 10. 1 Do yout e ‘Re dlogue ond cones! no ext where is voursoorn es oD soved acto mby hyo wants oto Dero her bo becanse compromiina fesey he's ecoked ctr for only 2. lt can be aticut to combine work wih fom fe: What kinds af compromises do ‘employees and thelr employers have to reach? ‘compromise ‘komprmasz! when ‘people are arguing, they make an Agreement called a'compromise by in Tukay soving here's a preblem ct home ‘and they need hor fo come home tr ce Stour days Detox ioems to unorsiand har reblem, ond i's buy week Listen to he second pat of ne dialogue ‘and underline No Barro he sentence In {ics nat is conect 1 Dotek wit not agree to Aya recuest ‘pesause ho cannot manage witout er he feae ane not being honest Wappen rel Fenian mers) “Yo 3 Liston to the third part of the dialogue. What ceeoaesvoren Speaking Language box Premmaepesinmasscune ni (aiititee tenme renee eee aren ee the goods or senices you have For something that isa smatl or unreal eee Te re spn ruresemmra nee 2 ener ort one go." te pattie eond consort nto ‘the next two weeks, including all oy. Daten: ae ey (meee ae cerns nt Koveneccmeaencecis (aha ele ee meates ‘he fr! sivaton above, Compare #10 your response, would woul make @ let of changes tna he ‘chance, ifve ouaht 10.000 of hem were Nowe storage probiems Hint Iran ju an ape on, ete come fre cen smoot cmpamie 4 Look ot he extacts rom the dialogues, ‘Complete hom wih the prrasos used by ‘yea and Derek. han ltan again to all ‘twee dialogues and check your answers. Imoaine Itt ware your fami 3 Thee what I suaget Lets bath you ternonew moming 4 Rgther..tve writing nr 1 As pat of a presentation o new employees, you 5 Onine ‘noc {Secido fo sugges some "ips for reaching agreement someone wih your experience and abily pi ees nee a eee ee the tik wi he stot end the customers ne ————— 2 6 Sowhat q ‘ord! write an email lo he other person Use some of you went four doy time that would the language tom Ihe uni, and invent appropriate etal. Give urine to show the 1opes to someone ae . Look Look again at stoning scripts 8.1, 82, ond 8:3 on page 114, Find more exomples ofthe second conaitional Lesson record We otto use this second conaltonal for giving Srewwords Suse phicwos odes from triglesson fom this iesson If} were you. | woulsn't accept thot offer. ‘ Notice that he wo parts of a conditional a 4 sentence can be reverted! 3 3 Ir.ogteed to those conditions, woud it ofect imy persion? ‘Would it onect my pension agreed to ‘nota conaitone? For something thats a bigger posslty or an Idea we ore i favour of, we us the fist Conational (880 oso unt 13): tthe baby's 0 gi we" call her Helen. Things to remember teal it How to In this lesson you will learn ‘expressions fo use when you ‘are planning future events, Startor 1 Does your Soman hkaé any of he following plans he ule? Tel our teacher obout nem, 0 ove 100 n= ORES + Yo entera new market to takepart in @ conference venture I " fort a new prciect 2. Have you got any personal plans for he future? Hint Expressions 71. Utten to two suotions where people cre ‘aking plans In each sation compete ths table inthe next column. Wha are thoy planning? What three key points do they Fave to plan? Speaking 1 {00k athe following stucions ond for each one hink oes kay pore Inat have tobe plonned 1 Yeu company is gong to mek 0 Drewniaton 1 another compen 10 2 Your ofce hes been ake 2 Role heft shvtion wih your teach. ‘ourteacher wi tot the Conversation 2. Liter to @ convertion roleplaying the {me stuation, Compare o you verson. Did you ehoowe the some veo Koy pons? 4 Now roleplay he second suction Tis tie, You stot he convertion. organize the Em ene) pion ey points: 1 1 2 2 3 3 2 Lock ot the extracts fom the conversations Complete them wih the phrases used for ‘making plans. 1 Soutne fi thing we ‘when we should mow. 2 So something « ‘get in ouch with a meving compar. 3 Who'sgaing to ‘ne pockng? 4 Hove we ° 5 Whot we oot the advertng campaign erganizec, 6 Ithinethe isto ‘sk sever agencies for sompies Language box Use the future porto! for an action that fiches Dofore a certain imo in the fur. ‘We wilhave completed the project belore the ispoction bogie, ‘We form me futuro perfect with wits haves past participle. ‘We have paid for all me goods bee ‘We offen use the time prepostion by lo mean before with tne future perfect. (Do you think he’ have Anshed the couse by ‘he-endi of May? Look Look again athe conversations in Istening ‘sctipte 9.1 and 92 on pages 114-115. Find more ‘Sxamplet of he fue perfect the Hint Toa oc hw woe congo a ‘ak won se nv go about Seating ang some Ye en gb about hn Wo Wye ow fe gg go aout tering 9 Writing 1 Look back fo the plans you discussed in he Starter Cl his unt. Wite-an emai to a porson who you aro ding he planning wih spactying four or fve things ‘hal You wl need to think about 2 Look at me folowing stores about plons nat went ‘wrong, ‘McDavid Goodallsshopliing expedition id ot go as well as expected te had . hhaly entered the departmentstorehe ‘was planning to rob when he was caught rmataneously by eight pairs of hands, Unfortunately fori the shop was holding a ‘on sthrebruary 1965, Lonel Burleigh opened ‘the Commonwealth Sentinel, Britain’ east ‘suecessful newspaper. Unfortunately he had to love it again the nextday ater he received a phone eal nm the pic ena capes of the nese ‘were on the pavement outside the hotel where he ‘was staying blocking the main read. 8 Using ne examples in 2 as c model, wite about an ‘experience you have hod where your plans went wrong, Lesson record Snewwods 3 use phroter ‘tom the esson om thi neton 1 1 i 2 2 3a 3 Things to tememoer ‘anes one-one How to In this lesson you will learn different ways of falking about Expressions 1 Usten to conversation between the the progress of a project. Starter 1) How do you work out seheduios fo your projects? How do you menlior progress? 2. Con you remember ‘a pojee! where you ran Inf time cfcutiae” Did you solve the time problems odd the project engin general ctector of an advertsing agency fond one of the aecount managers, wn | preparing on advertising campaign for Holeats,& large chain of cofee bars Tek () the correct column in re chart elon: rn cs cm ‘mee he managing crete of Klos some mote esac 0m lea8 of ho crete teem Stas ‘ a) =. enin sredle,/ EG & speaking 1 Youhave been osked to organize & marketing campaign fo promote your ‘company. The campaign wil bo By ‘phone, by moll and by email. You ere ‘making a Ist of companias fo cal, you have ordered some new leatels about the compony. and you have sent about twenty emails, However, he leas Nove ot anved yet, and you ae sil waling for replies fo your emais, ‘Answer yout teacher's questions on the marketing compoign using phrases trom Expressions where possbie. 2_ Now isten to @ conversation roleplaying the tivation. Compare ito your role-pl. Isthe speaker happy wih he progress? ecco which medi use ‘orange 0 doe for ne pecertaton 2 Ave he speakers happy withthe progres? ITAL FE Language box \wnen we tak abou! progres, we offen use the prosent portect vith yot and alreaayto say Which things we nove done and which things wwe have not yet done. We've akeady planned the fst We use the adverbial s0 far and up to now folk about cur progress unl the moment we fre speaking ve met about Up te now [aven't ha me to look Hint Hint xmeroe tte! ett eas at i fe se ao ate wh 8 Sern creat ‘ores rt have cat ome re pet et "her ay mae age we ae. ‘ety. sumone nn Huson "cor way he he ds, Writing 3. Look othe exacts ror he conversation. 1 Your coleagues have ail gone on heiday, leaving Listen again and complete ther with You In chatge of undting your small company’s [phrases used for updating on progres {alotogue, Reply fo me email rom your boss using 1 Goneratarecto: Heather could you ee onthe. ltotcae pitch plecse? ‘Account manager, Wel i's a Sorry you nave ben let to deal with this on your own foctuoty. How are you goting cn? Ie thre anything yeu ned hp win oder to meet he deaie? 2 How the Mia mest research? 2 Were toradio state 4 Weve fornent Friday 5 Koop me: he re easter Lesson record Shaw word duvet phroses fromths lesion from his aon ieee 1 TE wel ae a Ce We offen use the expression fo meet a cate) farget wih he present perfect fo tak about our progress Unfortunately cursuppiershavent met the ale again. Wete celebrating os ou soles people hove ‘et tek forges tis year. Look ' ' ' 1 ' ' pe iewianes ee sarmremroraeteian:, | Sea cecree ae already, $0 far and up to now. How many ' eee, | ' ' ' How to In this lesson you will practise ,, Expressions different ways of announcing 701 Usten to part of a meeting Positive results. 1 Winotethe mesting about? 2. Vinot tm of he years he meeting toking piace? earn ase ae fe Li sigenepali with the missir yrmation for Home Sales. work In the last twelvermentihs that you are aig smeseretoea aie? expat 22% ve ss 550) Goan (6250) oseo* conprediokst 88% 35st wer veo 720) | (re) 6250) ano" “Well, and now the bad news!’ ‘Speaking 1 Report on developments in ABC Lid or this ‘yea. Ute the following chart and ry to Use the same language tnt ony and Susan used in Expressions, acca ta ms) soles $23m $25,5m 24m ott margi| B.A% 9.7% 9.5% productivity 81% 89% 90% ‘units sold 31,500 37,350 35,500 ‘employee satisfaction 18% 89% 85% cont satisfaction 83% 95% 95% umber of new clients 165 236 235 average delivery time 24 days 21 days 22 days Hint Syn seats: 12 = twee gots tors rh ceric pol ae 17.085 = sevenoer pit ch / 20 te °-3. Now Iston to the export sales manager's repo. Complete the chart on page 24 with ‘ne mising information for Expert Sales 4 Now listen again. Compete the sentences below wh the words she uses, 1 Wet that ne Export Marke s doing toil wal 2. I'm dalighted to tel you that wo hove 'b0en 0b%0 to sol 2,000 units or the ts ime the doportment.a which represants cn increase of 11.4%. 38 The forecast fr the tol quarar sso 4 Obvious, bout the way the depertment has been working this yea. 5 Wenave: in ‘stern Europe ond the new Matti offce nes increased is soles by st over 20% since January. which s Language box Use the present perfect when speaking about ‘open of unfished! ime periods The resus neve been cape to fr (ne paviod = 5000 Soles have increased by jst under 10% sce ‘Max: lie poriod = ince May) Our tales team hos been wenn expecialy hare ms year ime peiog =the veo) Use the post simple when speaking about ‘closed or fished’ time periods Jonuary’s gues were excel. ‘ime Doriod = Jarvey) Inthe samme quertor last yoor we sold 15% note. ine pared = Ihe some quorier fst yer) Between March and July sales were slow ‘ime peried = between Maren and Jul) Hint 0 by Beni 0 canoe Sales wet dom by 115, Pros ee up By €1,600, ne ptr abu paces wed a he Slee weap 3.6% Waiting 1 You are the manager of ABC Limited Wire a short Teport about the results ond include igus from the ‘chattin Speaking rv Look Look again at stoning sips 11.1 and 11.2 on page 115. Find examples of the present perfect ond ps! simple. ‘ne thoy ‘open’ or closed time periods? Lesson record Snewwords 3 usetuphrosas ‘rom tis lsson ftom the lesion 1 1 2 2 _ : 3 ae bounes one sone How to In this lesson you will learn ,,, Expressions polite ways of explaining 1 iden to ree stuctions where someone & problems, delays, and cou Oe, mistakes. pile te Storer ion | 1) Look athe cartoon Why does the ran have the sign on hisdesk? ‘logue 1 2. When did you last make cn excuse? 3 When aid you ast ear an excuse? dlologue 2 ologue 3 2 Uslen again i necessary ond rank the pctbleme (onl saris ta ne! eros, 3 Wos i posible o provent each problem? Speaking 1 Rote-piay the following problems, using language for giving excuses. Your teacher ‘il play the role of re parson complaining. Now listen to wo conversations role-playing the stualions above, Compare ‘hem to your response 4 Look ot the exttacs rom the three Conversations below. Complete thar with ‘he useful phroses for making excuses, te call but you now was having lunch with @ cent. We hod 9 chink We ha to watt ages for service, an 2 Youre beleve as before, but my bus broke down on the way in 3 checked the content put Sue ‘ond you know she was sek. don’t know whe Language box When we make on excuse, we otten have 10 give. story explaining excctly how something happened. We offen use the pas! continuous o! the baginning of sores fo sot ho scone! 1 woe snowing on that cola Ft in Chicago, In Stores, uso the past continuous with the past ‘simple wien @ shorter eotion happane in the idle ofa longer one. st os wes wring ‘You can also use he past continuous for ‘actions nappening athe same time: She wes pocessng the oxders ot the sore time o2:she was taking fo a customer on the 12 cheques. we hod a SS ere pogo stant son one re pale, see ul oy ve em enemy sary 140 cpg. | remember te compute. writing 1. Look athe business mistokes below. What excuses ‘could you na forthe errors? ‘The 1982 Association of British Travel Agents conference in Phoenix, Arizona, had to change its venue at the last moment when it discovered that its original hotel had been double-booked. souce:nnpliniDeouklsotane elas te ‘AUS man was 50 frustrated with his laptop, that he shot it in a fit of e-rage, then realized there were important files left on it that he still needed. 2 Choose one and imagine what might have causod ‘he problem. Wile the story using the pes! continuous Look Look again et stening script 122 on poge 116. Find ‘mote examples ofthe pas! continuous. Lesson record Snewwords 3 usefu phrases from triletsori tor thi zon 1 1 a 2 3 3 Things to remember 1 1 1 ' 1 ' 1 ' = 1 Il 1 1 I 1 I a Dunas one one How to In this lesson you will learn to ‘explain why changes are necessary. Starter 1 How offen do you change your catmobile ‘phone, computer, ofowse? Normally, what feaons do you nave ferehonging? chaps it could be a Littl Speaking 1. You ara applying for © new job. Your fiend can't understand why you wart leave yout curent job, Roleplay the ‘conversation wih yout teacher 2. You ote sales manager ot a US company. ‘Yu wan! fo have a stand at an important fade far, Your boss inks tht rods fae ‘fe ‘usualy costy and not very productive’ Role-play he conversation Betwoon you and your bos. Uso the language trom the uni to persuade him. Hore are some reasons you could use’ + vow your products and services to many people atthe sometime + increase your ses or cents .,, Expressions 01. ison and onswer the quesions bolow. 1 Yo s specking? 2 Whot ar they taking abou"? 3 What co you think wll nope net? 2. Now itten again and complete these sentences rom the conversation, n 2 Weskmply ‘ 3 We Mam on 4 we anew one. get ve.gct ne 3 Alias sl Leen ving one of his most important clents -JPC 183, Ho returns To Ns fofiee ond speaks fo his boss Uston and Conswer the questions Below. 1 Why Allworted? 2 Who ma 1008 Tom think hay should 00? Language box ‘When justiving change, we often uso tho fst Cconaifonal. The stl congtional is used to tak ‘bout realsic posses. The if unless part ofthe sentence uses tho present spi: The other part ofthe sentence dscussos the probable recut Tis uses wil mage 2 fo oe Together the two halves o ne sentence make the ts conattiona 4 wha’ gong te happenin the near tune? {5 Wha! do you think wl happen in the long nun? 44 Usten again and complete the spaces wit the necessary wore. ‘Ni Noz Tom. think they've made a dacion Cobout ti. tink wert pty 1 setup. small plant n China near their factory. We 2 tolove them 1s clans An JC Is not the only ont wes going te China Yom: But opening in China wil cost us & sal forune! ‘nes rou But we sol a dot 4 we're in trouble, told hin wo'd study the question stout But don't tink we have 5 butte open up there and prety quick! Instead of usng if you can use unioss to mean itnot We won't be abs fo trish this project i we don't get move stot Wewon'tine able to afford a naw system ness we get © government gran Look look again at lstening scripts 18.1 and 132.00 ‘page 176 and find futher examples of he fst Conditional int Aus wr ub wen Seg opine ‘have, wich near We 'Ne mae ey immedi. theme ne wi guaran. "ou sedge Yronne py. Or se aleve ne comoan Writing 1 Wite« short emai to your boss covering the main Ponts you discussed in Speaking exercise 2 Explain Yyout reasons for going 1 the ale fa. Wie about 75 ‘words. Wile your answer in the email below. Lesson record Snow words useful prrosos ‘rom tiseason for thi laeon ( 1 Ss 2 3 3 : Things to remember How to In this lesson you will learn different phrases for liaising with clients and suppliers. Starter 1 What experience ngve youhos of working wih people ouside our ea™pany: ‘suppl, reeloncerses (er of working in ‘nose roles yoursell? 2. Do you prefer o icte face fo face, on he ‘phone or by emai? What ore the Savantages and disadvantages of each? Speaking 1 Imagine you have to deat withthe following stuctions Plan wha! you wil soy, ‘ong then flo-piay the situations as phone ‘alle oF fave to-face meetings. Your teacher wal play the other rte, 1) You are wating for some proofs ct some: new cxivarteaments tom the designe They ore area thes days fate, ore Yournesd fo send thers tone pnters by the end ofthe wook 2. Youoter Fairing courses for your sot run by an outige rainng company. You ‘woul ike aces on wher couse() they would fecernmand fo IMPIOVEQ Customer-cent elton You have only (ota eral budget, anal raining shoul Fooly tous ploce within the nent reo ments, Expressions 71 Mansoor sllsrozen foods wholesale to Supermarkels. Most of hs business soning Ho uses @ company cated Webshater fo run the website and keep It up fo dete. Youtl hear him on the phone and meeting Adom from Websnakat In person. Liston To me. ‘hres short conversions the fst conversation? nat suggestions dacs Acar oe inthe second ond thea conversations? Suageston In second conversation Suggestion in thie conversation 2. Now isten oaain. This time complete the spaces with the words used in he recording 1 [hed to rtum your cals moming but ccousr't vou. 2 Somme the \weote? Language box nan we are considering how things happened ar didn't happenin the post we ‘often ues @ modal vero wth hav the tec form of no vor: | should have The celery must 2d ‘These can be used inthe postive ond negative Younsednt have Beught the coples He wouldn't have oad your eral yostersoy Sects he had 2 doy of samen nel Ege coup of gs Te ma ig is 3 Wollmy mon to mo¥e changes tothe mati we sent 4 tes wonderna, sometime next week to tak tough? The thing ot 6 Adem: ston. ove me & couple of days. Maneoor: OK When 7. By the end of ne week? What would b= email because De lot hs week writing 1 Imagine you are Adam rom the recording in Expressions. Wife an email fo your colleagues fo LUndate nem on the outcome of ne phone calls and meelings you had with Mansoor rom Frozen Foose Fast 1 Lesson record 1 Note tho he oppose of must have is can't 1 Snow wore ef pirates 1 1 tom es 1 lier nv 1 1 Sei 12 2 1 Clam aura rot po a 1 Look V shings ! Look again at steringseript 4.1 on poges : ' 16-117 ond undertne atthe simian woys used 1 to alec onthe pas. 1 I 1 ' 1 ' It ' 1 aes | 1 1 << How to In this lesson you will learn ways to give news about d new product. Starter 1 Tell your teacher about We or hvoe new tovelopments nat nave happened feconlly in-your company. 2. Inwhat ways are hese improvements? Expressions 701. Lien tothe fist pat ofthe meting ot AP Electronics ond answer the folowing questions: 1 Whats the man speaking about? 2. winy she man sohopey? 2. Lslen egain and try fo wre the exact words the man soy Good morning everybody, have foryoual! 3. Urtento the second part of the meeting with Helen, the technical manager she mentions ‘several changes made fom the Ad7 tothe ‘RET model Wit the changes in the table Dalowe os Co 235 grams 18x4x30m ‘olgabyte Speaking Language box 11 Youwork for AP Electronics and your ‘hare are many difeconces between the now foacher is one cf your cents Role-play AAT: medel and the old model ne folowing the felophone corwersaton belween the words were used fo quanty these dferences: two et you. Tell your Feacher about the tee aise cca ‘ow Ad7] from Expcessons. st ae i. * ory All ol these words con be used with a ‘comparative 1 snow a eiteronce between two things. 4 Peter wits works forthe Sales Departmen! at AP Electronics. He phones & lion! with news ofthe R471 Listen fo what he says, 1 Whot does he ofr the cliant? 2. What she going lo do? 5 Uten to the conversation again and wite ‘down tho words Peer uses, 1 fm phoning becouse | think 2 You'ilbe Wsmuch tighter ond smal 3. Yes.but thors ccrvsirm axe yeu ‘hat we con afer you euch bette price! The thope Is iia squarer When you paint he room, con you make the yellow 0 bt brighter? Tho gole model sighty more sxpensve eter times quicker han lat year's mode Wllbe 20% cheaper wim your discount Adouibi room is €30 move expensive Look Look ot listening serps 15.1, 152 ond 153.07 ‘page 117, and undetine alle examples of ‘ese worcs win comparatives tna! you fn. Hint Te awe et vn god, tm ti Have go nor ya ‘ots a itretg pace of news He soeatgaet Writing 1 Wo two short emails about the following, Ty to wie Wit short email ie a clant about arecent evelopment in your company that eroves ts Serves of procuct Mention fe advantages ofthe ew devant Imogne Peter Wiliams cour? speck fohie ent an ‘he phone Usten fo stening sept 16.90 one lure @ sheet emo teing he client about the new ‘aT Alea suggest day and tens fora meting. Lesson record Snowwerds Suet phrases liom tht lemen fom ti leenon| 1 1 2 2 3 3 Things to remem How to In this lesson you will learn .,,, Expressions useful phrases for giving and 7.1. Word Eye Records sls world music CDs it i cond DVDs. They hove jis! hal @ stand and getting feedbackion projects: tent to sell CDs at an operrair world muse festval in Krakow. Pokane, Usten to Word Eye Recor sof dacusting how success he sites fesivol was, and complete the fable boro. 1 Imagine you run tha GB fa ofthe festival Imagine you run nea oto ror how rr we preload fi Pee) {do 0 get as many rapa. gs posible Yo ‘ist your stall and buv.eDe2 2. Have you ever tuna sal or stand to promate or eel something? How cit go? Speaking 1 You work fora sports equipment compary. Youhave come back fom a conference, where you were In charge of the ‘Company sland. Give yout evaluation 10 Yourbost (your leacher), based on these roles, and make your own suggestions. OER COT CS a ne ANE ouonovas MATES nna HELENA ee We MN rr [0 2. Now ist to the same people having & meooting a week lle fo evaluate thet potipction and completo the ta510 Below tow Penn TT is 2 co SES ss aMLARMUSC) Language box To desctive past ocions. and express regret or ‘nol doing something in he pst, we can use. ‘he third conceional The fist port of he thre concitional uses i This ‘gxplain a pos! postiby Ire knewn how many pep ‘ha second part ofthe tnd conctional uses & ‘modal verb + have + pas! participle fo explain What ed not happenin the poet 3 Usten fo recording 16:1 again ana complete the spaces below. 1 ste specitc numbers before next week? 2 One ine paperna, 3 Yes,we should betterinfems of quontty anc dstouion. 4 Now siento recording 142 ogain ond complete the sentences below. 1 Fist pethors we setos cat, 2 Andinen the wate hits 8 putt think that our sack on the stan matenas he tov ine up o atte mach batter. 4 OK make ‘or nest time 5 Welve got by 090, o¢ wollos by nationeiy of al ‘ose whe vied the ston ‘he thd conditional isa very tout grammar iructure fo get ight When the two haves of ‘ne stucture come fogeiner the stuctre Is very long! IF known how mony people were corning I would have bought more food. Ifwe nad ried some of our kay efents the arly woUs have been great fo! Buses. Inmight not nave happened if you'd told me vestetsor Attendance could have boon beter if we'd ‘contacted our mating I. Look {ook again at Istening scripts 16.1 and 162.0n page 117, ond find other examples ofthe third ‘onestional Hint ik someting Hoag =k fl osttes We need o ik om tte aug eae the out seeing = conc We rust he mw tou pring. ‘sik smi = roca We at ik our wo sty. Writing 11 Youve jst retuned! rom a tip abroad, where you tepretented your company ot a conference. Wite an ‘email to your boss at head office, explaining which ‘ofpecs of your pericpation were succossu in ‘promoting your company. Include suggestions for future conference paricipation, Wille your answer Inthe email below. Eisai Oa ait A ie) el 2 Think ofan event hat you atlonded, fo oxamplo, ¢ ‘raining course, « conference, festival, et. wite feedibock on the event and suggestions fer Imoreving |Mfor he message board on ine organaors webste,

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