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Almut Koester, Angela Pitt, Michael Handford, Martin Lisboa iness Bus Business Advantage CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS ‘Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, Sao Paulo, Dethi, Mexico City ‘Cambridge University Press ‘The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 8RU, UK www.cambridge org Information on this title: www.cambridge.org/9780521132206 © Cambridge University Press 2012 ‘This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press. First published 2012 Reprinted 2013 Printed in Italy by L.E.G.O. Sp.A. A catalogue record for this publication is available from the British Library ISBN 978.0-521-132206 Intermediate Scudent’s Book with DVD. ISBN 978-1-107-637702 Intermediate Teacher's Book ISBN 978.1-107-692640 Intermediate Personal Study Book with Audio CD ISBN 978.0-521-132213 Intermediate Audio CDs Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLs for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication, and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate. Information regarding prices, travel timetables and other factual information given in this work is correct at the time of first printing but Cambridge University Press does not guarantee the accuracy of such information thereafter. Development of this publication has made use of the Cambridge English Corpus (CEC). The CEC is a computer database of contemporary spoken and ‘written English, which currently stands at over one billion words. It includes British English, American English and other varieties of English. It also includes the Cambridge Learner Corpus, developed in collaboration with the University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations. Cambridge University Press has built up the CEC to provide evidence about language use that helps to produce beter language teaching materials. ‘The Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary is the world’s most widely used dictionary for learners of English, Including all the words and phrases that learners are likely to come across, it also has easy-to-understand definitions and example sentences to show how the word is used in context. ‘The Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary is available online at dictionary cambridge org, © Cambridge University Press, Third Edition 2008, reproduced with permission. , Business a oe GUL =mummms SUCCesS Starts here: Business Advantage contains a wealth of expert advice from global business leaders, thinkers and specialists, and uses content taken from a corpus of business language as well as vocabulary from real meetings in real companies. This ensures that you benefit from learning the skills and the language that reflect the reality of working in business. wt Ranaatotmdnty bce Sonntonseagmet orn Ee | Business tage , The case studies that accompany each unit of Business Advantage have been carefully selected, meaning you will benefit from seeing how business is done across a wide range of different industry sectors, in organisations of all sizes (both profit and not-for-profit), and from all around the world. Thanks to the innovative Theory-Practice-Skills approach and the substantial input into the lessons and activities from the acs mes ilo asics sere sare wf eee Sas Beet a a = www.cambridge.org/elt/businessadvantage = Map of the course Topic: Business REN ety at oo environment Perens eee ed Dimensionsofcuture Present tenses Hofstede five Dimensions Askquestionsabout cutureof werk ‘onand a Scenifcinteview Sole epatriat with Bob Neiderite,General_ probes Manager Seginning abusness | nvosuctons;small Recordings ofsmalltlcih Make successfulsmal reationsp al ering vee opanisations talk cary Disruptive Technology HorvardBusinessReview Create aint venture Penman! rechrologies teminolegy extract mterwew with Or todealwithaasuptive ay Kamal Muni Cambridge technology Judge Business Schoo! University of Cambridce ice/Case Creating prockct ss article fom the Telephone Waking arangemen's jeleohone to” communication checking infomation andinformaltelechone Information and ake ingfistcontact Fistcomtact though Languagein business Emais between a ake fst contact via IEX« Watch Sequence 1 on the DVD to find out more about Business environment. Topic: Managing peers Input: oo people Pon ee a) cry 31 Theoy Heaberds Mothation- Quanties: Arattclefrom/etMiA Deal with demotivation Pree Hygiene Theory nacompany, 2Practie / Cs ide 3 Interview win Pla Presta Conducting 2 Vocabuaty and Parca ina rformancereview language wing performance review eer onsultancy Carn coe HiRplenring Future tenses interview with Dr Usuld Plan HResources resources nar St Gallen UnNerty nadvercementforahotel Toke patinajeb job and arecorcingo ajob interview IE Watch Sequence 2 on the DVD to find out more about Managing people. 4 MAP OF THE COURSE Topic: Managing cultures ro SA Theory ‘Orgarisetonal oer structures pees eer ‘S2Practice Case Reorgansinga stacy company to increase performance 533k arering crs 61 Theory Lifecycle of a9 peers coxganisaton organisations 62Fectkce (Case Compary study development ‘53h Siatig ameeting Everday business External emals ‘Language Werd partnerships ‘0 talk about oxgansation Medals fo possibilty aod probability ‘Siplaining checking and dasfjing ‘Adverbs of degree Past tenses (past. simple and present pet Going ener the agends ofa meeting Formal and inforal style oy oreo Interview with Professor ‘Achim Weland, New-Uir University of Applied Sciences, Germany tee Systems ine Baract from OganientcralChange raced Services for perioral Success Recording ofa mesting between advsion menager anda new employee Chine article about Larry Grainers Organisational Groen cies by Acceearn Byonston Organic Natu Marketer ew vith Konrad Haupifiisch, COO Recording ofa meeting between a manufsturing ‘company and a consultant Business emis between ‘exganisatons or companies Xk Watch Sequence 3 on the DVD to find out more about Managing cultures, ‘Topie: Managing operations ord 7.1 Theory SCM and logistics Poe on ror) 72Pracice/ Case There ofthe study customer in SCM 739s ‘Negotiating sls corr? 8) Theoy Kaen Creed management 2Practice/ Case Katzen inppractce sudy 133 Sls Managing and) participating meetings wing gras Emails toa gous of emals people Necabulery to descibe peopleinthe sc Using conditionals Lanavsae or regotaieg resent perfect and) present perfect cortnuous Lunking moras Language or chaning ‘and participating in meetings os and dont structuring information at reread Interview with Professor Oleg Zaikin of Warsaw School cf ComputerScience, Poland Extracts on MEA rom The Tres 100 Negotiation between a fish pharmaceutical ‘company and ther German supplier Whar i Kaizen? an article bySteve Huda. ntenet Marketing Manager for Guphic Product tn. ‘nazuincerdew with Daichito Sakamoto Vehicle Plant (heratons Mansoer ‘an interal sales meting in a manufacturing company Interna emis [Eas Watch Soquonce 4 on the DVD to find out more about Managing operations. ko eee ace Find solutions fora rmatri problem ‘locate budgets across depacinents “akg partin'abrefng sesion ‘Apel Greiner theory te company situations Descre the history af anorgarisaton Prepare an agenda and ‘opena mesting Wrte externa! emails in an appropriate style Creer peer aey Make decisons about a suppy-chan svategy Change supelychain “Toke part and negotiate Ina logistics meeting Apply Kaizen 0 exerycey workstations Solve problems a keizen system ‘Take partand cae ‘amecting about controuetsia tops Wite an ematto satin department MAP OF THE COURSE 5 Topic: Marketing PRIN ay Peers Input = een a ee aed 81 Thexy The4Pscfmarieting Marketing teminclogy Marketing Mic ananiclefrom | Ran matlet strategy the Leom Marketing website S2Practice/Case — Matkctingstrategyin Speculatingaboutthe LucartGovolntervew with Analysea strategic study the paper industry pastandhypotneteal assimoGajCommercial__matketing msiake Suations Diector of the Consumer Organising 300 Language to signcosta Give the introduction creating nieesting presentation, persuade toa presentation on presentations and raise interest marketing svateqy sustinaiiy Coats ios Theory CAM asa part Compounds Cintomerelaiorship Present propos tO Customer of business ‘management, a cide dea with CAM problems Serer) ‘management by Elen Bothwickon eo Busiessbals, learning ard Pets development website TO2Pracice /Case Avaluecenwed Past simple, past Ramblers Woy Farminrview — Deal wey customers sty approachtoCRM continuous ard past withTam Chappell founder questions and perfec of Tomé ofMaine founder and compaints CEO oF Rambles Way Form 103 iis Bulking business Fosiive and supportive |Aninternai meeting Usslanguageter relationstip language felationship-bulding with co-worhers and customers Resporsingto Dealing wth Structuring the Aleterofcomplaintandihe Write writen complaints compbin's Fesporseandusing response. responding toa pole larguage complaint, [Eat wateh Sequence $ on the DVD to find out more about Marketing. Topic: Accounting ary Pere cere and finance ee) pears Ta Theory Feeding financial Terminology of prof Interview with Andy ‘Adiee on a balance esiectrs Satemenis andlossaccountsand Tatarchuk Ermmereteasing Sheet balance sheets N12Practice (Case Cashfiow problems Modalsfor obligation Atclefornthe acvice = Soe acast-fow study and acvice WwebsiecftheNewSouh problem Wales Trade & Investment, Ausvala 13S resenting facts and | Verbsforchangesand sales ditectors presentation Make a presentation figuies ends tons department bbasedon g3p5. 1ai Theory Investing Comparisons ‘Article tom Blcombeg = Mike decisions Buses aboutinvesunent ‘opperturities T22Practee /Case Looking for Verbstaling gerunds TalpaPraductsintervew with Developa business plan study investment and/oripfnthes —_Sharon\Wight founder of Tolpa Products and ewentor of dagnaMole 123 Shits ‘Making andietusing |Lanavageforpoite Aninternal meeting na sles Set upanew company requests requestsand efsals department Perry Describing charts, Writing about Adverbs and adiecives Newspaper article abourthe Write a surmmary based (Qraphs ana statstics changasand vende for changes anc tends property market. yaprs on nformatonin graphs [ae Watch Sequence 6 on the DVD to find out more about Accounting and finance. 6 MAP OF THE COURSE Perens 132Prectice Case Suetege planning CastH cee erer) poaererries 142Prectce/Cose Managing leering Susy Reported somech Colcations forkrowledge- oo Perera oy peered pes aoe Incernatorl Center or Soke problems Goneiiatonintersiow with experienced bya Anuradha Desa, Executive restaurant Director ‘Organise anedearring ofkrowedgemanagement platoon management a request ora proposal and proposals Emal requesting a propose! Write» pronoss fora traning course [Eke Watch Sequence 7 on the DVD to find out more about Strategies and deciston-making. Authors’ thanks We are enormously grateful to al those people who contribute supported and put up with us during the writing process, Particular thanks gota all the team at Cambridge University Press:to the senio’ editor Nell Holloway, who has played several roles in the project -a Clear minded editar,a motivating quide, 2 critical reader, and a solid supporter and helper; to Chris Capper the commissioning editor, for being a frm guiding hand who led the project with skill ang diplomacy; to Laurence Koster for coming to the rescue at various the project, providing detailed feedlback and k {¢ on the bal; t0 Joy Godwin, who has been an enormous helo with her experience and judgement of what will workand with her vaice of calm and good sense: to Aison Bewsher for her eagle-eyed treatment ofthe proofs and intelligent suggestions: to Chris Doggert for helping to track down al he permissions that have etained the ‘cook's authenticity, stages of his viewees, who kindly gave us their time and valued expertise: Bob Neidarmie, Or Kamal Munir, Pia Orskov, Or Ursula Knorr, Professor Achim Weland, Konrad Hauptfeisch, Professor eg Zeikin, alichiro Sakamoto, Massimo Goi, Tom Chappell Andy Desai and Tom Cummings. Our thanks go toall the inter Tatarchuk Sharon Wright, Anuradha We would like to thank our students, colleagues. friends and family, who ha nake this book what tis. helped so much ‘Almut: Mary thanks to Winnie Cheng, Seunghee Choi, Astrid Jensen lan McMaster, Anne Pauwels and Michael and Shacron Pritchard for providing tents anc data. Very spacial thanks to my husband Terry Pritchard for help with data, ideas and activities and his patience, support and encouragement throughout this proja ‘Angela: Special thanks to Susan, Amelia and Mabel for their good humoured inteligent sense and to Michael for hs patience: thank you to the staff and students at Neu-Uim Unversity of Applied Sciences, and to all my family for reminding me that there is life beyond the keyboacd Michael:7) fo my wife Mayu and my children Julia and aya fr bein loving. Tanks to my students at the University of Tokyo and trainees at zu and JCG, to Mike MeCarthy, Ronald Carter awd Hito Tanaka for their support and ment, and to Graham Webb ard Simon Gis for their understanding and encourag insights, And t my fellow authors for such an interesting and Martin: Abig thank you to my wife Manuela fr her support ideas and knowledge of the Havaianas brand, To my children, Max and Nico for their sense of humour and knowledge of ife. Thanks are ferto the numerous students, colleagues and ‘and suagestions have also very much in ox friends in business end academia whose ide added real valve tothe mavea ‘MAP OF THE COURSE 7 Introduction Cin ee ee Wel ge gives you the theory, practice and sk who wish to progress throug and choser pe There ae 14 units in each book The unit topics have been careful find ona yOu with a compcehensive foundation in the main areas 0 management taining course cron an academic Business Studies course. Each units divided into three Practice and Skis - and there is a Writing lesson after every two units 19 of key bus! les and = Writing (iin ered Introduction You ate iniroduced to the lendly forma. We use your personal experiences visual images and quizzes Language focus To improve a ary and grammatical range. The language syllabus en your vocab, atcal structures appropriate to your level plus key vacabulary ar ‘ies taken from the Camiridge mitten ane spoken la in be confident that the language presented is real language used in 8 mrropucTion Output Each lesson builds toa final Cutput section This is usually a language end ideas presented to solve: up task where you have to use the Jblem or deal with a business dlernma or isue Critical analysis and intercultural ar lysis Every unit also includes a least one Critical analysis o intercultural analysis ection, Critical analysis will help you develop questioning sils that are necessary in the academic and business world. Intercultural frstanding of your own culture anc er cultures ~a vial sil in analysis will help you develop an u today’s business world, ‘Transferable skill ind a Transferable skill section in each unit which will provide you with some very useful :00, that vill improve the way you lear and the way you work You will tools such as using a decision-makd he DVD in the Student's Book contains video case studies of real organisations to watch ‘two units, and the reactions of MBA students fi Cambridge You can use the OVD for extra listening practice and to find out mnore about the business topics the DVD sequence in lass, or watch it at home on your computer or TV every edge Business School University of 5s Advantage. When you see I94 in your Student's Book, ask your teacher about watching They siness Advani case studies are accomparied by worksheets evalable in the Teacher's Book and on the eviessite: www.cambridge.org/elt/businessadvantage Whats in the Personal Study Book? ‘The Personal Study Book gives you extra practice of the Grammar, vocabulary and skis you have covered inthe Student's Book There are also edaitional reading activities focusing on inspirational business leaders and thinkers, together with further case studies on avarlaty of organisations, Cini neni ‘Askyour teacher about the Professional English Online website for extra activities ro do in cass www.cambridge.org/elt/pro viish you every success, We hope you enjoy Bot Gop We Almut Ke Angele University of Semin May ettonig) Pete C 5b Michoe! Handtora Matin Usb Foundation Campus, Lucca / University of isa, tly lied Sciences, Germany ham, UK University of Tok INTRODUCTION 9 a Culture and its impact 1.1 Theory: Dimensions of culture Learning outcomes # Learn o Use ey vocabulary to describe cuture Use questions in the pres us appropri jut and understand different cultures of work and study = Find ou eed 1 Discuss the following questions. © 6 Company cultures are like country cultures. Never ty to change one. Try, instead, to work with what youve RoL9 2 Now discuss the following questions. © G Managers cannot manage diverse cultures successfully until they understand what culture is and know their Viewninhinicdicomanttidivhesiomend: *OUti.Hg traditions ofa particular county. But we all belong toa number hor and a of differen cultures. Think about the different cultures which youare part of. In pars. discuss which ofthe cultures below have the most infuence on you | Critical analysis 10 1 CULTURE AND ITS IMPACT BU coy Ce ee sae eS Incividualistic society they will see themselves as single et ee ete eee ere ee eee aa Ea eae eee as Coe eto, are in groups because itis a mat Cee ee etn heey Fea CTY eee rs oon Se ee eel enone Boece if eny surprises. in culture eee nas Coen ye et etd of power and those with ittle power is wider. This leads to ee ede aera us Cree en ea) eee red eee in power have earned it. T Pe ao those in a high power distance society. 1 Read the article, Are these statements true or false? 1 People in individualistic societies see themselves as indepen: 2 Peopl ures with alow uncertainyavoidance like to formation as possible wh make plans 3 People in places where there s stance expect le tomo jon of i 4 Men s same values as women in lou masculinity 1 are likely to spends all ld aways follow the t countries The management Sh 2 Had 3 People want to expr 4 You might emg 5 Youshould av ery _ De eee a Cer nn ace cultures. Women are said to value kindness, bulding ee etd te ed ee etre ‘women and there is more equality between men and ee eee ee est Cr ee ee ee Peete ace eet aig eee et ee eet rr ons Bea eee ts ee ae ec saving and hard work are valued in cultures with long rientation, whereas living for the moment is more important in those with short-term orientation. Lo ed Insights for someone wishing to enter a new culture for business, study or ather purposes. These dimensions are tendencies, not rules. They can help to predict actions Cr ees PL en ae 6 You > communicate with the top managers to ge! 8 inthis society ° ted equally. Finding agreeme discussion 0 ably do not expect a job fi 1 CULTURE AND ITS IMPACT 11 rca 1 Look at the table below. It shows a useful way of recording and learning new vocabulary. Complete the table with words from the article used to describe culture. 7 ‘verb Adjective [ Noun communicre | communicative [1 = 2 analyical weiss aol wad: = 5 valued valu wave compete c 2 Now complete these sentences with words from exercise 1 1 Itisimportant fore compary to show that it______ the work of is employees 2 There area lot of o panies which! he market is quit 3 Weuse intranet, email ences to with each other 4 five wart t _ this problem in the future, we need ‘ocharge the situation now 5 The future of the comeany is very thnow F they will go bankrupt or not 6 Ou shows that employe decision-making p Erion 1 Lookat these pairs of sentences and say. 2 which tense is used ~ present simple or present continuous bb what the difference in the meaning of the underlined verbsis. 1 a | wotk fulltime in a communications company b lamworkin 2a He vaca Think about your own language. De you use different present tenses to show whether the action is permanent or temporary? If not, how do you show this? 2 Put these questions in the correct order. 1 mean /‘absurd'/ doe 2 workin 3 departments he / w aking par 4 you 3 Now complete these rules. 1 To forma question with the present continuous, use the auxiliary ndthe ‘auxiliary verb before hey, et 2 To forma question with the pres andthe vithout to 12 1 CULTURE AND Irs IMpacT 4 Write questions using the prompts. Add the question words. below where necessary. More than one question may be possible. when how what why how much Example: you / work Are you working on any projects at the moment? any poijects 1 you /usually /have department meetings? 2 you / always, discuss / decisions with your boss 3 deal with/ this problem? 5 she / never ertive /on time for meetings? Work in small groups. The pictures illustrate diferent cultures ‘of work. Choose one of the groups in the pictures or think about a culture of work which you are familiar with. Discuss the following features in the culture of work you have chosen, teamwork planning diesscode punctuality formality (in how people speak to each other) socialising outside ofthe organisation using mobile phones Stage 1 ‘You want to find out about someone's work or study culture, Look back at the article on page 11 and at the points you discussed above. In your group write @ questionnaire of about ‘eight questions to ask about someone's place of work or study. Try to use some of the new vocabulary you learnt in this unit, Stage 2 Now find someone who discussed another culture of work or study and ask them your questions. Note down the answers. Stage 3 What do the results tell you about the work culture of those. places of work or study? Would you like to work there? Would you change any of the questions you asked to get more ‘or different information? be Bc Celie TBA Case study Learning outcomes #8 Think about and discuss cultural issues in a multinational organisation. 1 Use stative verbs in the present tense. '= Think of ways of resolving problems when returning to your country after working abroad, Profile: Boston Scientific | Boston Scientific, based in Massachusetts, USA, produces | high-tech medical devices whieh are used in surgery and it supports global and local plans to improve health and education. Itemploys more than 25,000 people and has 17 manufacturing facilities worldwide, This means that the company works globally and sometimes needs to move employees to work in other countries. 11 How do you react ina different cultural environment? Imagine that you began work in another country a few weeks ‘ago and complete the quiz. Look at page 136 to see your scores. @ During 2 break at a meeting, a colleague that you see from time to time cores to tak to you You shake hands but they dont let go of yourhand so that you both stand holding hands and talking for some minutes. What do you do? a Pull yourhand away so that you are not hoiding hands any more. bb Continue to hold hands and do what your colleague does. € Speak toa third person so that you can let go and shake hands with someone else. © After you have been ina new job for a week, a colleague invites you to come to their home for a meal. You accept but how do you feel about this? {That fine. | would do the same with a new colleague from another country 'b That's strange. n my job we don't mix personel life and work life That diferent to my culture but accept. You notice that meetings do not start punctuelly and that e lot oftime is taken up with standing around, chatting and drinking tea beforehand. How do you react? ‘a Where come from, we are very punctual but try to follow ‘my colleagues and take partin the tea-drinking and small talk b arrive late so that | don’t waste time standing around talking to people. € use the opportunity to get to know my colleagues better Youar a meeting wth representatives from another ‘company. One of them ~the more senior member of the 4gr0up says ite. Hisjunior employee knows much more about the situation you ae talking about. What do you do? 2 feel uncomfortable. here tomeet the boss,nothis | assistants b | diplomatically bring the meeting toa close so that afterwards can speak to the junior employee alone about the matter € Ispeakto the junior employee and let the senior partner speakifthey wantto } © You request some statistical information from a colleague by email and the colleague replies, Have | understood correctly that you need this information?"You find this, ‘answer rather strange. What do you do? ‘a Youreply,’Yes, that’s correct. Ineed this information. it} would be good if| could have itby the end of the week’ You write back “Thank you for your reply Yes, that’s correct! But you dacide to try and get the information from someone else. ‘¢ You reply, Thank you for your quick response. Yes, Ineed this information from you (s there anything I can do to. help you with this? 1 CULTURE AND Trsimexct 13 | 2 What questions would you ask if you had to go and work in another country? Put the words in order to make typical questions. Example: new /what / involve /Job/ does the ? What: does the men job involee? 1 the/ lke/are/ what / peoole? 2 leam /have to /language /|/do/ another? 3 like / schools / are /the / what? 4 a/is health there / good / system? 5 it/is/there / expense? 3 You know somebody who is coming to work in your country. ‘Answer the questions in exercise 2. You are going to listen to Bob Neidermire, General manager for Boston Scientific. 1 Inthis part of the interview, Bob Neidermire talks about corporate and national culture. Which do you think i ‘more important for employees who are ‘working in a multinational company? 2 Listen and complete the text. (My personal vie is that when you work fora 1 ‘company, you also have 3 company culture that overrides 2__cutural ferences that exist diferent parts of the world, And ifthat is strong enough, then it overshadows any 3__aters that exis. [think tis vey important that as the company develops and grows ina ‘countries it n2eds to find a way to import the 5 —____culture into those countries To me, that isthe key to make it work 3 Are you surprised by what he said? Can you foresee any conflict between corporate and individual cultures for people working abroad? perenne eee ree assignment, the company prepares them for their relocation. How do they do this? Listen and tick (7) the things that Bob igen 14.1 courore ano rs impact 4 aheath insurance package. 5 an expaviate financial package. 2 If you were going to work in another country for two years, ‘what support would you want from your employer? @EI 1 In pairs, discuss what you think are the two biggest challenges employees face when they move abroad. 2 Now listen to see whether Bob Neidermire mentions the same things. What does he say is the key to success? 3 Listen again. Are these statements true, false or not mentioned? 1 Ieis necessary to think about the employment of the em partner, _—__ 2 Its easy for children to move. 3 Employees may not be able to move because they of someone in the family has a health problem. 44 Expatriates should remember that they are a guest in thelr host county. People who have worked abroad often say that coming back to their own country was difficult. Statistics show that about 60 percent of repatriated people left their company within one year of returning home. This is usually @ problem for companies, because they lose the experience of the employee and they have to look fora replacement. Many organisations have repatriation programmes to help employees when they come home. 11 What do you thinks the most dificult challenge for repatriated employees? How do you think companies can help theiremployees when they return home? 2 Listen to Bob Neidermire talking about his experience with another company before he started working for Boston Scientific. Make notes to answer these questions. 11 Was it mor difcult for Bob to mave fiom the USA to Asia or om ‘Asia back 0 the USA? 2 What were his responsicities when he wos in Asa? 3 Why was he unhappy in his work when he returned to the USA? Now check your answers with the audio script on page 146, 3 Would you like to go and work or study in another country? WhyWhy not? There area number of terms often used when we talk about intercultural communication. Circle the words a~cwhich can go with each underlined word to ‘make collocations, Sometimes all the words are possible. Example: corporate culture 1 corporate a culture b identity —_€ overseas 2 multinational a team culture « company 3 cultural a difierences _b similarities € policy 4 business a people b expatriate ¢ cards 5 a bocal b individual © ¢ abroad culture 6a host b foreign © compary tt 7 2 parent international ¢ global company Batekcation —bexpattiae repatriation package ‘Many organisations ask their staff to use gender-neutral language, so that neither men nor women feel excluded. What Is the situation where you work or study? 11 Which groups might feel excluded by the following statements? Why? a Amanager should always teat his staff with respect he should make sure that employees can come to him with problems. Single mothers often find it dfcut to combine a job wth family ite. 2 Now look at this sentence. How is this language more inclusive than that in the sentences above? very person cartes wth him- or herself number of afferent cultura identities. We often use they to mean he or she. Look at these examples: When the project leaders planning a telephone conference they should think about what time zones people ae. ‘Do you think tha the CEO should invite thei stato company events? 3 How could you change the examples in exercise 1 above so that they are gender neutral? 4 Some languages make it dificult to be gender neutral, What about your language? Is it possible to be gender neutral? fics, are the alternatives used? If not, why do you think this is? eerie ‘ O 1 Look atthe varbs in these sentences. Can you change them into the present continuous? Why/Why not? 1 We believe thatthe management team should come from diferent backgrounds. 2 Prices rise 3 What do you mean? 4 Shee works for Global Highland d/cauietin Roms eymernyes oe aio which are usually permanent. They are not usually used in the pean eee ae ona 4 Nir does nibs cpr CoE? ae neon eee ers Facer naa sik embrsarstiainneica eae oe Enolons | ow wetink | Pasendon | Tedaat aoe | este wees | tom ano 3 Write sentences about what it would be like to work in another country that you know well. Use some of these stative verbs. like know owe prefer Intend want doubt possess consist of, You work for a multinational company with subsidiaries on different continents. Work in two groups, A and B. Group A: look at the information on page 144 (the ropatriated manager). Group 8: look atthe information on page 145 (the HR manager) Stage In your groups, discuss the information on your card. What are the problems and why do you think they happened? What do you think the solutions might be? Stage2 Work with a member of the other group. Role play the discussion between the HR manager and the repatriated colleague. Stage 3 Share the solutions you found with the class. Which do you think are the best? 1 CULTURE AND Is 1MmPRCT 15 1,3 Skills: Be Learning outcomes 1» Hecognise the importance of relations iy bulling in business. 1 Incroduce yourself and other people and make successful small tak = Show interest and keep a conversation gong iscuss the following questions. = What topic Listening 1: Meeting people and making small talk (© Listen to three different extracts from business conversations. What is happening in each conversation? Write the correct conversation number. ern seer eee ent people 1 Tum to page 146, read conversation 2 and complete the table with suitable phrases. 1 Introducing yourself | 2 Introducing someone else 33 Responding to an 4 Greeting someone Introduction 2 Can you add any other words or phrases to the table? 16 1 CULTURE AND ITs IMPACT (tire tanec e Listen to the three conversations from Listening 1 again. What topics do the people discuss in each conversation? [ intercutturat analysis Discuss the following questions in pairs or small groups. 1 Which ofthe topics in the conversations would you use 26 discussed ir folo propriate in you theweather sports yoursalary your family yourage jokes religion your hobbies embarrassing experiences you have had politics food | aM Roe eon mo 1.0 1 Listen to the begi 19 of a business meeting. Alanis welcoming Belinda to his company. Answer these questions. 1 | this successful small talk? Why/Why not 2 you we Belinda, wi ou think of Alan? Ifyou were Alan, what would you 2 Look at Conversation 1 from Listening 1. Audio seript Dave: if yous Jean-Luc: Dave: Yeah Well just wait for Paul. He's makin Francine: So,no ain Dave: atthe moment, The weather forecast i for nice weather forthe Oh, that’ good, ple of days anyway Francine: Dave: Francine: Yes It makes achange! What is different about the way the speakers make small talk compared to the conversation you have just listened to? The situation is similar; Jean-Luc and Francine are visiting Daves company, and they are making small talk before a meeting, Language focus ore ern nt ee There are different strategies that people can use to keep a conversation going: 1 use an expression the ere '= add some information after answering a question © make a further comment on the same topic 1 Look at the two extracts from Conversation 1 and 2in Listening 1 and 2. Which of the strategies above do the speakers use? What language do they use to do this? Setract 1 Francine: So, no ain here today then moment. The weather forecasts for ni er forthe next couple of days anyway. Oh that’s good, Extract 2 Maria: 4 lane had been closed off and no one was doing anything Really Maria: V/e must have been waiting for half an hour. 2 What other expressions can you use to show interest? Make 2 list in the table below. Expressions to show interast | Seo pee ere sete ee aeeall 3 In pairs, change the conversation in Listening 3 so that it is more successful. Think about: . that show interest aimation after answering 2 questior 4 Practise the conversation and then listen toa good example. Stage 1 1 Choose three of the topics from intercultural analysis on page 16, You are meeting a business partner for the first time, 2 How would you introduce these topics if you were making, small tlk? 3 What further comments would you make about them? 4 Write down a phrase for each topic. Stage 2 Work as a whole cass. You are at an evening reception of a business conference. You are interested in making some new business contacts. Try to speak to as many people at the reception as possible. Remember to: = int f 1 tal about one of the smalhialk topics you have prepares = show incerest in what other people say. UU | az { nf 2 Technology _ and business Pe Buta Learning outcomes — Consider the theory of disuptive technology and how it affects business. 1 Use vecabulry for talking about technological development. Discusshow to deal with a dsruptive technology and propose ajoint venture | 1» How do you fee! about new techno! ‘ow hasit helned you organise you f your time? Business view 5 was ayton Christensen from 2 Lookst the pictures. How have changes to this technology influenced your life? organisations d ovations says 6G ... pour resources into their core business. They listen to their best customers. 9 ® rechnolagies wnich may sear small and unprofitable at fr : 44 Read some examples of what Professor Clayton Christensen is talking about, ‘Apple led the worid ot personal computing and established tha standara for user‘riendly iy computing but was five years 6 behind the leaders in bringing portable computers to the market, “The lange phococopying centres thac represented Xerox’ customer base at first had no use for smal, slow tabletop copiers and Canon was the 3 Now dlscuss the following questions. company which developed these 1 What fect do you think these changes have had on tational rnpanies and hon do yurthink thy reacted? Can you think of any other examples? Do you thin companies 1 Have you witnessed any ofthese changes? should only do what their best customers say? 18 2 TECHNOLOGY AND BUSINESS Language 1 Do you know the differance in meaning between the [Giscover innovate invent design devetep 2 Match the words in exercise 1 with their definitions below. 1 to make or draw plans for something: id information, a place or an object. especialy forthe fist time; \ something into existence, to start to appar; to grow or change into’a more advanced, larger or stronger for 4 to.create something which has never been made before: 5 tointroduce changes and new ideas. 3 Complote the table with the noun forms of the verbs above. Verb Noun discover nnovare invent design develop 4 Disruptive technologies are innovations that improve a product or service in a way that the market does not expect, eg. the ways in which digital cameras have replaced cameras that use a film. Discuss these questions. 11 How important are digital cameras, MP3 technology and motile phones in your everyday life? How important s the design of these products 10 you? 2. What do you think isthe most important discovery of the lat 50 1 Youare going to read an extract from an article by Professor Clayton Christensen and a colleague, Joseph Bower, about distuptive technologies. ‘The following four steps have been removed from the text. Quickly skim through the text and put them inthe correct, place, a Setup an independent crgarisation co buld a dstuptive techrolegy business b Define the stateci significance of the disruptive technology € Locetethe intial markt for the discuptve technology 4 Determine whether the technologys cistuotive os: ssining 1 ‘The frst step is 10 decide which of the many technologies on the horizon are disruptive and, of those, which are real threats. —_————— In this step itis important to ask the right people the right {questions about the strategic importance of the disruptive technology. Strategic reports tend to ignore disruptive technologies carly on because managers either ask the ‘wrong questions or esk the wrong people the right questions, Established companies have regular procedures for asking, ‘mainstream customers to assess the Value of innovative products, These customers are inaccurate when asked about 2d ‘auios prau Aew nok sowawios noge Bupyies 5! Uosied 249, 24M Jo eap) [219496 e306 03 3575 ou puersiopUn o} asNf uBnoua sy sawnauios ‘BuyKes 5] uoawios 1eyM puersiopuN 0) pion AzeAa pueysiapun 01 paau 1,UOp oA ‘nOYSIO BIg YIM ‘xaysonul 249 Ut plom A19A9 pueysrapun 30U PIP A\qeqoud Noy, saqued 09 Ja4R0 LeU 2 Kom ue t yeas sian ‘nNeB1D YAN w 20¥8I9 Bg 0: BUI ansnayn € wansAs ay Jo Aue 267 A901 5900 Z axg fem aig noge ja2eds Shey goayonow nok oe (apes si spuema Aued suwonsonb ay amsue pue mayusiul ay1 yo ved 1x9 ay 0 UaIsT] “soakojdwo soup premor ‘1 op ue> sayuedwio> s6urip yp jo 18H @ enum sdno46 jews UL waws0> AOyR YUM UIA 0p SUOsERL TEU L “suopsenb ‘2y3 JOMsUe PUP AOYSIO Big YRIM MOIALDIU 94) 07 UDIETT| ie cae Sin tena anor {wear sno yo ye uli prerno) aun 212U5 02 Buyrawos panaype noky) Kddey 2q nok pynorA fo Butop 40) 12acx@ nos py fajdood Gunenrow 1 sprees eur Z24sow 01 a22\d pO0B @ UoResIUeGI0 40 KUEdWOD e SDAEWIEUIA. “suonsonb Burmoyioy ays ssn3sia doug > 1$2q 24p Jo. aUO se spree um sey Suvduner 1 SpuepayPAN ayp pue Kuvuds ‘purpug ‘Keauoy, Uuopamg “peuMuidg UF BUPHON JE] Jo ured) v sey pur (0002 Ur paustiqeas> seas “sqeusieur Sqgou puE we syjas ey Suedurco ystue |yeuss e sj Auedusoy anwar 10} 4048 01 | squedu Auredutog anvarg :apyord ‘a2eichuam feop! 243 Pue sp1eMa1 ‘uoRIpUOD BUIHLON SsrOSq = re ase 1/00 ay) BUEO SapILe a _yers sy ayer ous Aueduso> ryss929Ns e Moy Jap\SUOD soutooino Surusay Selita on NV ces RNS at eCe eae Wats 11 Using background knowledge ‘When we listen, we use our background knowiedge about the topic oF situation to help us understand. Think about the answers to these questions. 11 What do you already know about the wey Creativ teats its sta? 2 Would you expect the management to have very strict rules? 3 How might the Importance that Creativ puts on face-to-face discussions affect the number of rules the company has? 2 Listening for gist Listen to the next part of the interview. Which is the best summary of what Pia Orskov says? 1a Employees cften abuse the system and therefore the company needs a lot of rules bb Employees cont often abuse the system because its based on trust; therefore there are only afew rules. «¢ Employees usually follow the rules because there ae severe punishments if they dont. 3 Listening for specific information Listen again and soe if you can understand some more specific information. Answer these questions. 1 Pia Orskov says that the company has three important rues. What are they? 2 What does she sey employees lke best about wor company? Discuss the following questions. 11 What do you think about the idea of employees meeting fora Face-toface meeting fora few minutes every day? Do you think that this isa good idea? Why might some peopie not ike it? 2 Inthe interview the interviewer says that alot of companies, ‘pa lip servce'to team building? What does he mean? 3 Inthe interview, Pia Orskov says, We thinkit’s important to have awe sprit instead of a me spirt'0 you agtee? Would Yyou like to work in a company where the team, rather than the individual, is rewarded? 32 3 morivaTION eros) 1 Here are some things the interviewer and Pia Orskov sald in the interview. 2 And se do you think that his information sharing is the most important way of making a company successful? b ..issomething that people here attach very ro when they al about the workslace € Seat staff meetings we celebrate and applaud 2. Good effort or ‘00d results ofa aroun ora team Look at the table with uses of a/an, the and no article. Which rule explains each ofthe waysin which the speakers used/ didn’t use articles in the underlined phrases in sentences a-¢ above? importance Use of a/an Use of the Use of no article Twedon'tknow | 4 the speakerand | 9 with possessive whichone orit | listener knows pronouns doesnit matter | what isbeing which one spoken about Zanymember | $ wesaywhich | 10 with proper ofagioupieg, | onewemean | names (usually) a doctor. a businessman) the fistiime | 6 kwasmentioned wehearofthe | before ‘object ina story 11 things in| genera [7 the only one) 8 with superlatives 2 Complete the sentences with the, a, an or no article (-) using the table above. 1 HFithappens itwillbe biggest takeover in history 2 —___ollprces are going to continue to increase over the next 2years. 3 Weneed to hire French contract, 4 Oh nollve left the documents at___ office, 5 Canyougo and pick them up in ‘my car? 6 kin, cupboard next to the photocopier. 7 Could you lend me pen, please? 8 We cant start our meeting without. CEO, 9 Would you lke to come in and see Me Brown? 10 He saw. ‘man enter the office late lastnight. man had shor blond halt. translator to help with the Look at the sentences in exercise 1 again. Write the correct ‘use’ number from the table above next to sentences 1-10. salary career opportunities glass ceiling fringe benefits worlife balance open-plan office effort-eward balance ‘commission appraalsystem tip bonus severance package mentoring system flextime 41 Match the words and phrases above with these definitions. 1. Asystem of working where people worka set amount of hours ina period of time, but choose when they start and fish, 2. Afinec ammount of money that an employee receives. 3 Aworking space where everybody has a desk, but nobody has their own individual office. 4 Abarrier that stops certain groups of people getting promoced, tothe next level 5A number of chances to improve your positon in the company, 6 An extra amount of money you may pay toa walter or taxi river 10 say thank you 7. ayment to somebody who sells goods The more they sell the mote of this they receive 8 Asystem where anew employee leams froma more experienced employee at work 9 Thistries to make sure thet peoole spend the right amunt of time at notk and dorit mark too much, 10 Payand benefits that somebody receives when they leave ajob. 11 Extie money somebody receives for a good pteformance 12 Annay of measuring how successful an employee has been. 13. Batasto the money that an employee receives. eg. a company car free heath care 114 Where the company tiesto make sure that employees receive the correct amount of mongy for the ammount of work they do. 2 Do the words and phrases refer to pay and rewards or conditions? Complete the table. | Pay and rewards ‘Working conditions + Discuss the following questions. 11 Whats mast important or you a high salary or career ‘opportunities forthe fture? 2 What exampies of glass ceiling’ can you think o® 3 What ae the most common ffinge beneftsin your county or the organisation you work for? 4 What do you think makes good worklife balance? 5 Would you prefer to workin an open-plan ofice or would you prefer managers had their own personal office? Why? 6 What do you thing about appraisal sysioms? What are the posites and negatives in your opinion? 7 Which people in society benefit rom being able to work flexitme? Can you think of ary jobs where people couldnt work flexime? stage 1 ‘What would your ideal job or workplace look like? Think about ‘things tke: flexible wicking hours and the possibilty of working at home 1 career prospects 18 opportunites for training and taking time out of work for further education 1» revards and fringe benefits (are bonuses or things lke having @ company car important for you?) 1» working in a team versus working independently social events ac work Stage 2 Now imagine you are at an’‘Away Day'with your department. (One of the tasks you have been asked to do is prepare a presentation on an ideal workplace. Work in groups and prepare the presentation. When you have finished, present your ideal workplace to your colleagues and managers. 3 MOTIVATION 33, 3.3 Skills: C Learning outcomes 1» Use key vocabulary for performance reviews 1 Give constructive feedback 1» Hold a performance review meeting Discuss the following questions. .W performance re dae # Lookat the advice Advice for managers ina performance review 1 Always remember why you are having the meeting: to review the employees performance and to give constructive feedtack. 2 Don't speak too much, let the empleyee respond and ask ‘questions and speak about their achievements and why things happened. they arent clea, ask them to explain +3 Remember to set goals and objectives forthe future. 4 If your assessment ofthe candidate's that they have performed boacly, then look at how they can lean from their mistakes and perform well in the futur. Advice for employees in a performance review 1 Beserious. This is your chance t tell your boss how important You are tothe team, 2 the feedback that your manager gives you isnt clear then say 5a You cart know ifhe/she has reals expectation of ou if you don'tunderstand, 3 Tellthe truth. Don't say that you were excellent at something you werent: yourmanager st stupid 4 Don't blame others. You should find ways to solve problems. lfyou supervise someone, then think about how you can help them. Take responsibilty for your actions. 343 MOTIVATION Language focus 1: Vocabulary for performan Look at the words from the advice for managers and employees in the Introduction, Match the words and phrases 1-8 with their definitions a-h. 'b be the person odo something © useful x You are going to listen to the beginning of a performance review meeting ina business support consultancy, The business, development manager, Jenny, is having a performance appraisal with her boss, the marketing director, David. How does David begin the performance review? Are these statements true or false? 1 He asks Jenny Fshe wants 3 He invites her totale abc

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