CAP_31101_QBA1 (1)

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Introduction to computer system

(CAP 31101)

The mouse and keyboard skills

Question Bank Answers 1 (QBA1)

Let an assiduous student relax with QBA1 and add some assiduous answers.
1. a. Define the term, ‘‘keyboard skills’’
Keyboard skills refers to the ability to put information using a
keyboard smoothly while typing.

b. Differentiate a hand span from a forearm

Forearm refers to the region of the upper limb between the elbow
and the wrist whereas a handspan is width of a person’s hand as
measured from the tip of the thumb to the tip of the little
finger, when the fingers and the thumb are spread out.
2. a. Mention any four keyboard skills you know
sitting position, keyboard height, distance from the keyboard,
position yourself, fingers anchored, blinking eyes
b. Which keyboard skill will help you reduce the risk of dry-eye syndrome?
Blinking eyes
c. Write the keyboarding skill that provides support to your fingers on the home row.
Fingers anchored
d. An assiduous student is failing to reach the punctuation symbols denoted on the numeric keys
under the alphanumeric key section. What keyboard skill is being violated?
Distance from the Keyboard
3. a. List any four function keys and their use
F1: Get Help or visit Microsoft Office Online
F2: Rename the chosen file or folder
F3: Search for files or folders from the desktop
F5: Find and replace
F7: Choose the Spelling command (Review tab)
F8: Usually used with LCD projector/dual monitor device.
F10: Show Key Tips
F12: Choose the Save As command (Microsoft Office Button)

b. Mention ten keys that are found on the home row

A, S, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, Caps, Lock, Semi colon, Enter key
c. Name three combination keys that are found on the typewriter key section.
Ctrl, Shift, Win Key, Alt key.
d. Which combination key could you use to access the punctuation symbols denoted on the
numeric keys under the alphanumeric key section on your standard computer keyboard?

©2023 Innocent Enosh Nguluwe @WSKB

e. Apart from the arrow keys, name four navigation keys you know.
Home, End, Page up, Page down

4. a. Write the other name for typewriter keys.

Alphanumeric key
b. They are three keys on the keyboard that when each of them is pressed a small light appears,
what are these keys?
Caps Lock, Num Lock, Scroll Lock
c. Apart from letters, numbers and punctuation symbols. What other six keys are found on the
typewriter key section of the keyboard.
Tab key, Caps Lock, Ctrl key, Shift key, Win Key, Alt key.

5. a. Name other five Ooops keys you know

Del key, Win key, Esc key, Back space, Enter key, Tab key
b. Innocent Nie was compiling a list of students who are learning introduction to computer system
at Wiseman Part Time Classes. After typing the word Physics, he accidentally pressed the R
key on the keyboard. Provide an Ooops key he could use to correct the word if the cursor
appeared before R.
Del key
c. The keyboard cursor control keys allow computer users to navigate a written document. When
a key was pressed on the keyboard the behavior of these keys automatically changed allowing
an assiduous student to go through the document without affecting the text cursor. You as an
expert in introduction to computer system, identify what key could it be.
Scroll Lock


©2023 Innocent Enosh Nguluwe @WSKB

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