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This agreement and its articles signed between 2 parties, This Agreement is effective upon the
signing hereof and remain valid from until termination by Parties.
1.1 (“The Broker”)
Tax office and tax number:
Trade registry number:

1.2 (“The Company”)

Tax office and tax number:
Trade registry number:

This Agreement is intended to set forth the regulations / restrictions in the processes with
respect to the sales real estates . The subject of this contract is introduction of a buyer or
investor (who wants to purchase property, real estate in Turkey.) From The broker to the
company ,after introducing the investor/buyer and providing information about the type of
property/real estate the buyer/investor wants to purchase, the company will search and
introduce the properties in accordance with the provided specifications, after the usual
procedure for buying real estate introduced by the company, if the buyer/investor purchased
any property/real estate that the Company introduced, the parties of this contract will share
The related commission together in accordance with the Article 5.
3.1. The company shall not be held responsible for problems and claims for pecuniary or non-
pecuniary damages etc. as may occur between The broker and buyer/investor during the process.
3.2. In case of the termination of a Sales or Promise to Sell Agreement from buyer/investor for
any reason except rightful reasons or faultiness of the company whatsoever, The broker cannot
demand any money of any nature such as expenses and etc. in addition if the Company paid any
amount of money to The broker before such situation occurred ,The broker must return That
money to the company.
3.3 All negotiations in meetings ,details ,identity of the buyer/investor among descriptions of
the projects/real estates related to this contract Must be specified in written and add to this
contract as annex.
4.1. Both parties of the contract accept that the all information (business process,
organization, sale strategies, activities, sales channel finding activities etc.) including the
properties/real estates information, buyer/investor information and all information related to
this contract and its annexes, which they share with each other is confidential and will remain
between parties of the contract and they cannot disclose to any third parties including the
property owners or buyer/investor unless with written approval of the other party.
This agreement herein is also confidential itself.
The confidentiality provisions of this Agreement shall remain in force even after duration of
the contract.
5.1. COMMISSION shall mean the amount That the company will receive from The Seller in
consideration of the marketing, advertising and promotion services, at the rates to be determined
according to the amounts of the sales of the property/real estate, which the company and The
broker shall act as intermediaries for the sales thereof . This amount will be determine in annex
of the contract and will be calculated from the (net) cash sales price excluding the VAT, And
after the completing The sale procedure and transferring the title deed to the buyer The company
will receive the above mentioned commission from the Seller ,and must divide the received
commission and keep 60% of it and pay the rest 40% to the broker.

5.2. The company shall pay The above mentioned share of Broker from The received
COMMISSION depending on the total price of the property/real estate excluding the VAT, for
which The broker has acted as an intermediary for the sales thereof, following the completion
of the respective sales. The broker shall not be eligible for the commission fee unless it has
fulfilled its all obligations hereunder. If the Announced amount makes discount from the
Announced amount more than the discount rate allowed by The company, then the discount
amount shall deduct from The broker share of The commission.

6.1 If during the contract it is proved in any way that the information provided by the broker
was untrue Or for any reason the broker refuses to introduce the buyer/investor, The company
will have the right to terminate the contract unilaterally.
6.2 If it is proved in any way after the introduction of the the property/real estate (details of
introduced property/real estate are included in the contract annex along with the date of
introduction and visit) That The broker or buyer/investor tries to enter into negotiations with
the seller directly and without coordination with the company, or The same investor/buyer
that will be mentioned in annex, Buys The property/real estate The company introduced
without informing The company, The company will have the right to terminate the contract
unilaterally and The penalty for violating of this clause of The contract is equal with The amount
of The commission determined in annex related to that real estate/property and according to
free will in contracts and law of debts and obligations The broker agreed to pay that amount
to the company as penalty if such situation occurred.
6.3 if The company anyhow Tries to inter negotiation for sailing The property/real estate
related to this contract (details of introduced property/real estate related to this contract are
included in the contract annex along with the date of introduction and visit) Directly to the
buyer/investor without coordination with the broker, The broker will have the right to
terminate the contract unilaterally.
6.4 If it is proved in any way after the introduction of the the property/real estate (details of
introduced property/real estate are included in the contract annex along with the date of
introduction and visit) That the same introduced buyer/investor Buys The property/real estate
The company introduced (related to this contract) without informing The broker and with
corporation of company, The broker will have the right to terminate the contract unilaterally
and The penalty in case of violating of this clause of The contract by the company is equal with
The amount of share of the broker From The commission determined in annex related to that
real estate/property and according to free will in contracts and law of debts and obligations
The company agreed to pay that amount to The broker as penalty if such situation occurred.


. This agreement, including the interpretation and implementation hereof, shall be governed
by the Turkish Laws and, in case of any dispute, the Istanbul Courts and Execution Offices shall
be competent.
the addresses specified in the article I of this Agreement are the legal addresses of the Parties.
in case of a change in these addresses, the change shall be notified to the other party not later
than three (3) days following the date of the change. Otherwise, the notices to be made to the
addresses mentioned in the article 1 bear all the legal consequences of a valid notice.


This agreement was signed in Istanbul, Turkey by the duly authorized representatives of the
parties as of [__.__.____] in two copies and, a copy hereof including the annexes hereto is
delivered to the parties and the length of the contract considered ……. from the date of the

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