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PR activities of The Government of Vietnam during COVID-19 pandemic

1. The definition of Government PR (tham khảo bài extra reading trong sgk
trang 32)
Thank you Đào Phương. Now, we will start with the definition of Government PR.
- Government PR is a very specific and sensitive type of PR, which focuses
mainly on official communication between the governments, their official
representatives and various organizations.
- It enables officials to inform and engage with citizens, stakeholders and the
media, with a view to building trust, advocacy and promoting policies.
Chuyển slides
2. The context of COVID-19 pandemic (làm rõ lí do vì sao trong hoàn cảnh dịch
bệnh, Nhà nước cần có kế hoạch quan hệ công chúng tốt) (1 person)
As we have known, the COVID-19 pandemic (2021-2022) has raised many problems
and it is apparent that Vietnam’s Government PR plays a vital role in the process of
addressing such problems.
Here are some noticeable problems during COVID 19 pandemic.

Problems caused by Covid 19 Gov PR ’s responsibility to solve the Tiếng Việt


New variants continue to appear in The Government believes that it is Tình hình: Nhiều chủng mới
the context of COVID-19 spreading necessary to quickly prevent the xuất hiện liên tục
quickly and from a variety of sources, pandemic to avoid a serious outbreak Vấn đề: Người dân hoang
leaving people confused about how to in the community. Therefore, PR
mang, lo lắng, không biết
treat and prevent the disease activities will be an effective tool to
cách phòng và chữa bệnh.
help people be fully aware of the
situation, the risk of infection, and the Vai trò của PR Chính phủ:
consequences when the disease đưa thông tin nhanh chóng,
spreads. chính xác, kịp thời để người
dân cảm thấy yên tâm hơn.

Taking advantage of people's anxiety Through PR activities, the Vietnamese Tình hình: Lợi dụng sự lo
and lack of vigilance, many fake news government has prevented, lắng và thiếu cảnh giác của
sources have spread rapidly, and suppressed and corrected false người dân, nhiều nguồn tin
many fraudulent disguised business information flows in order to reassure giả đã lan truyền chóng mặt,
forms have appeared. people. nhiều hình thức kinh doanh
trá hình lừa đảo xuất hiện.
Vấn đề: Người dân bị lợi
dụng, bị thuyết phục để mua
thuốc giả, mua khẩu trang
với giá cao.
Vai trò của PR Chính phủ:
Ngăn chặn, dập tắt và đính
chính những luồng thông tin
sai sự thật>> Trấn an người

Chuyển slides Through such channels as hotline or Tình hình: Giãn cách xã hội
Social distancing continues social media, officials from the kéo dài
>>The need for people to speak up government continuously listen to Vấn đề: Nhu cầu người dân
when they need help or want to people's opinions and feedback, lên tiếng khi cần sự giúp đỡ
express their opinion on a certain thereby taking timely measures to hoặc muốn thể hiện quan
aspect is very high help people. điểm về một khía cạnh nào đó
là rất cao
Vai trò của PR Chính phủ:
Liên tục lắng nghe ý kiến và
phản hồi của người dân qua
các nền tảng số, từ đó có
những biện pháp để giúp đỡ
người dân kịp thời.

The pandemic situation is PR activities help call for solidarity Tình hình: dịch bệnh diễn ra
complicated, requiring both human and joint contributions from phức tạp, đòi hỏi nguồn lực cả
and material resources to carry out businesses and individuals to together nhân sự và vật chất để triển
activities to support people in repel the epidemic. khai các hoạt động hỗ trợ
difficulty, invest in specialized người dân khó khăn, đầu tư
medical equipment and buy more các thiết bị y tế chuyên biệt
vaccines cho bệnh này để chữa cho dân,
>> The government's resources, mua thêm vắcxin về tiêm cho
material and human resources are dân..
limited. Vấn đề: Nguồn lực, vật chất,
nhân lực của chính phủ còn
hạn chế.
Vai trò của PR Chính phủ:
Kêu gọi sự đoàn kết, chung
tay góp sức từ các doanh
nghiệp, cá nhân để cùng
nhau đẩy lùi dịch bệnh.
Next, Loan and Yến will mention such PR activities that the Government of Vietnam
has carried out in details.
3. PR activities of The Government of Vietnam during COVID-19 pandemic
(2 people)
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Vietnamese Government has used PR as
one of the effective measures to prevent and fight the pandemic, and in fact, it has
contributed not only to improving operational efficiency, but also to the government's
Firstly, the government effectively used communication to mobilize public
participation in pandemic prevention. Recognizing the importance of timely and
accurate information, the government devised a comprehensive communication
strategy, including clear messages. Slogans like “fighting the epidemic is like fighting
against the enemy”, which means "Chống dịch như chống giặc" in Vietnamese and
“The whole country unites to fight the covid 19”- "Cả nước chung sức đồng lòng chống
dịch COVID-19" or 5K message and 5T message become powerful tools to rally public
support. The government utilized various communication channels, from traditional
media to modern technology like social media and text message, ensuring that
everyone received reliable information about the risks, preventive measures and
government initiatives.
Secondly, the government excelled in managing press and information flow,
crucial during the pandemic. Accurate information management was vital to prevent
misinformation, which could cause public panic and undermine trust. Instances of
false information spread on social media were promptly addressed using legal
frameworks like Vietnam Cybersecurity Law
Thirdly, the government actively sought public feedback on its pandemic
response. The Ministry of Health used platforms like Zalo to send updates and receive
feedback, ensuring two-way communication.

Fourthly, the Government of Vietnam undertook various public relations (PR)

activities including event organization during the COVID-19 pandemic to address and
manage the crisis effectively.
The Vietnamese government launched extensive public awareness campaigns through
many media channels, including television, radio, social media, and print media. The
campaigns focused on educating the public about COVID-19 prevention measures, and
the importance of hygiene practices such as wearing masks, washing hands, and social
Next, As vaccines became available, the government organized extensive
vaccination campaigns to kickstart the vaccination drives. Information on vaccine
safety and efficacy was widely disseminated to address vaccine hesitancy.
In addition, there are various other notable PR efforts of the Government such as:
organizing events to mobilize volunteers and community groups; using music and art
to spread awareness; conducting Regular press conferences and daily briefings or
organizing events to support businesses affected by Covid 19
Last but not least, The government also regularly informs and coordinates with
international organizations and countries to prevent and fight the COVID-19
pandemic such as the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations (UN),
and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). These communications
involved sharing data, strategies, and updates on the country's pandemic status and
response efforts.
Vietnam received international aid in medical supplies and financial assistance and
provided aid to other countries in need. This enhanced Vietnam's image as a
responsible and cooperative member of the international community.
4. Evaluation and suggestion (1 person)
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Government of Vietnam effectively
carried out PR activities, contributing significantly to the overall task of preventing
the infectious disease. According to some research papers, the government of
Vietnam's PR activities are the hybridized use of Western public relations strategies
with communist communication and the fluctuating emphasis on one or the other
depending on the outbreak's implications. To be more specific, all media outlets spoke
in a uniform voice to advocate the government’s policies and containment measures
during the pandemic. But in both phases of the pandemic in Vietnam, fact-based
communication worked when the government’s performance was perceived as
efficient, with a relatively high level of transparency. Also, the Government of
Vietnam applied persuasive appeals to national culture, traditions, and ideologies,
that is, patriotism, solidarity and collectivism, to win hearts and minds and ultimately
public consent.
Many profound management lessons have been learned from the pandemic, of
which effective use of PR tools is one of the valuable experiences. In the coming time,
to take advantage of this potential, the Government needs to implement the following
1. Identify PR as one of the methods serving state management activities
in modern administration. To contribute to improving the reputation
and efficacy of the Government's operations, PR can be used as one of
the necessary tools.
2. Improve the skills of public employees and the members of the
Government in PR activities. In Vietnam, equipping officials with these
skills has not been given due attention. Therefore, it is essential to focus
on training, fostering and enhancing these skills for Government
officials, especially those in charge of PR activities.
3. Lastly, promote the role and strengths of communication channels. In
addition to the State's traditional information channels, the
Government can take advantage of social media platforms.
Time and assignment:
1+2: 3’ (1 person)
3: 6’ (2 people)
4. 3’ (1 person)

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