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Niranjan Kar
MBBS, MS (Orthopedics)
Regn No:3067(o)

Name : Mrs.Basanti Lakra Age/ Gender: 38 / Female Hospital: eClinic

Phone Number : 6371516875 Visit Type: Quick Consultation Visit Date: 09/ 07/ 2024

Chief Complaint: Back ache for 2 years.

Symptoms :
Lumbago 6

Vitals : Height - 148 CM Weight - 47 KG BMI - 21.46 KG/ M2 Blood Pressure (SYS) - 130 mmHg Blood Pressure (DIA) - 80
mmHg Pulse Ox. - 99 % Heart Rate - 75 Beats/ min Respiration Rate - 17 Breaths/ min Temperature - 98 °F

Medicines Prescribed :

Medication Dosage Qty Notes Instruction Duration

Veloz D Capsule SR
1 1-0-0 1 Before Meal 20 days
Domperidone (30mg) + Rabeprazole (20mg)

2 Unicarbazane forte 0-1-0 1 After Meal 20 days

Hifenac SR Tablet
3 0-0-1 1 After Meal 14 days
Aceclofenac (200mg)

Becelac Fortz Capsule

4 0-0-1 1 After Meal 20 days
Folic Acid, Cyanocobalamin, Lactic Acid Bacillus, Niacinamide, Biotin.

Recommendation :
Adv .CBC and total blood test , XRay LS Spine AP and Lat , stop tobacco in any form , drink plenty of warm water after brief
exercises and walking daily morning

Dr.Niranjan Kar
MBBS, MS (Orthopedics )
Regn No. 3067 (o)
Disclaimer :
• The information and advice provided here is provisional in nature as it is based on the limited information made available by the patient
• The patient is advised to visit in person for thorough examination at the earliest
• The information is confidential in nature and for recipient's use only
• The Prescription is generated on a Teleconsultation
• Not valid for medico - legal purpose

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