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Virtual Learning Consulting/Stewardship






Virtual Learning Consulting/Stewardship

Learning is an important component of any given area. When it comes to religion, most

individuals depend on learning to understand their relationship with their supernatural beings.

For this, the management needs to introduce proper ways of promoting effective knowledge-

sharing outcomes. One of the most significant ways is to ensure a quality technology employed

in promoting educational technology. For my church, the Precious Community Church-Yorba

Linda, I would focus on some technological developments to enhance better learning. The

technology will be used to promote leadership training among the congregational members. With

the world opening up to new learning opportunities, using an android/IOS learning system would

be instrumental in facilitating better learning outcomes among the church members.

Specific and Measurable Learning Objective

For the church, the main focus will look on creating a learning opportunity among

members on how to develop spiritual leadership focused on improving the socioeconomic

background. Educational frameworks of development are mainly focused on promoting specific

knowledge on individuals. For the educational framework, it will be important for church

members to learn how to become leaders in their capacity. Leadership will be about using

spiritualism as a relevant practical tool to improve the socio-economic environment (Hussain,

2018). The training will be about gaps associated with spiritual absence in societal leadership.

God's concept will have to be introduced in training to ensure that members can align the

leadership they learn from the training with the one presented by the supreme being.

As the creator of everything, God the Father and the image of His son, Jesus Christ, will

be seen as exemplary tools in motivating individuals to do good in serving humanity and

changing their environments for the better. The training will look into leadership humility,

serving the needy, and establishing God’s dominion over our socioeconomic environment. The

extensive nature of the training will look into improving the position of individuals in managing

their spirituality and the daily activities they have within society. It will be about focusing on

individuals and how they understand the environment around them to improve it.

Description and Reasons for using the Technology in the Program

Concerning the technology, an android/IOS program will be coded, and the

congregational members will be advised to download it for their use. The program will be

instrumental in enabling seamless communication with trainers, counselors, and spiritual leaders

who will be providing the training. The program's importance will revolve around its features

(Sivaraman, Gharakheili, Fernandes, Clark, & Karliychuk, 2018). Concerning the features, the

technology will work with both an offline and online background to ensure that content is always

available for congregational members to access at all times. Also, the app will allow members to

share their thoughts on different training sessions they undergo, both physically and virtually.

With this, they will receive instant feedback considering that the trainers will be online

almost all the time to focus on queries that their congregational members will raise. Instant

feedback has and continues to be the main issue that ensures communication platforms can gain

relevance in modern society. Communication should be about meeting users' needs and ensuring

that they remain satisfied through using them (Williams, Burnap, & Sloan, 2017). For example,

social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter continue to acquire a large share of the

market because of their position in offering live communication.

The app will also allow congregational members to hold live meetings, with specialized

needs, with their trainers for free. Individuals will be able to download audiovisual materials to

support their learning needs and improve their training session position. This will be one way

through which congregational members will remain in the training sessions without having to

visit them. Those who will miss out on some training sessions will access downloadable

materials to enhance their experience and knowledge concerning the topics presented during the

sessions. The program will be instrumental in creating the right opportunities for the members to

strengthen their leadership capacity and become useful members of their environment. The app

will become more sophisticated such that it will be able to process information within the needed

amount of time. It means that individuals will use it with much ease to promote their learning.

Theoretical Framework supporting Plans

Plans are important in enabling anyone o to achieve the required outcomes. For the

longest period, planning has acted as a guideline towards achieving desired goals (Altamony, Al-

Salti, Gharaibeh, & Elyas, 2016). For the Android/IOS app for the training sessions, it will be

important to undertake research and development regarding learning outcomes among members

at the Precious Community Church. The research will focus on the need to understand the

reasons why learning has not been effective. This will be crucial to ensure that information is

created on how possible it is to change the situation. Interacting with church leaders and

congregational members will create an opportunity to identify this reason. It will be one way to

provide information regarding the possible ways of improving communication when it comes to

the training sessions. It will be crucial to identify the number of training sessions that occur

during each year.

The focus will be on ensuring that the information collected from interviews and

questionnaires will promote the right developments in the process of programming the app.

Better learning outcomes originate from the need to focus on creating the right alignment of app

development and implementation phases. Technology development comes from some factors

(Tritama & Tarigan, 2016). Feasibility and specificity serve as one of the most important factors

to consider when dealing with apps in the market. Users have to feel that the app is easy to use

and focuses on their needs. This is one way through which they will be able to appreciate the

app's position in their lives. The speed of processing data ensures individuals are able to enjoy

using the technology in supporting their development.


To conclude, the Precious Community Church has shown that learning is an important

issue in developments associated with their congregational members. For this, it becomes crucial

to look into the possibility of defining the right learning technology. The discussion has shown

the need to evaluate the need for technology. This means introducing more than enough reason to

introduce the technology. The introduction of leadership training sessions promotes a need to

focus on promoting an android/IOS app to ensure that all the necessary training needs are met.

According to the discussion, the app is about creating seamless and live communication with the

church members to ensure they keep up with the presented knowledge. The right planning, such

as research and interacting with congregational members, makes it possible to develop the best

app for the learning and training sessions.



Altamony, H., Al-Salti, Z., Gharaibeh, A., & Elyas, T. (2016). The relationship between change

management strategy and successful enterprise resource planning (ERP)

implementations: A theoretical perspective. International Journal of Business

Management and Economic Research, 7(4), 690-703.

Hussain, S. (2018). Kurt Lewin's change model: A critical review of the role of leadership and

employee involvement in organizational change. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge,

3(3), 123-127.

Sivaraman, V., Gharakheili, H., Fernandes, C., Clark, N., & Karliychuk, T. (2018). Smart IoT

devices in the home: Security and privacy implications. IEEE Technology and Society

Magazine, 37(2), 71-79.

Tritama, H., & Tarigan, R. (2016). The effect of social media to the brand awareness of a

product of a company. CommIT (Communication and Information Technology) Journal,

10(1), 9-14.

Williams, M., Burnap, P., & Sloan, L. (2017). Crime sensing with big data: The affordances and

limitations of using open-source communications to estimate crime patterns. The British

Journal of Criminology, 57(2), 320-340.

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