1. Inversion -XII.

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Field: Language and Subject: English Level: VI Class:

communication XII
Topic: Learning Situation:
Inversion Grammar in use

Learning Outcomes (competence based) Key words:

At the end of the lesson the student:
- identifies examples of inversion in sentences
- explains the purpose of inversion in English grammar
- rewrites sentences using inversion to achieve specific rhetorical
Resources: Cross curricular links:
Textbook, workbook.
Language and communication
Methodology and activities
Introduction Brainstorming (5 minutes):
1. Introduce the topic.
2. Explain that inversion is a grammatical structure where the typical word order of a sentence is reversed,
usually for emphasis or stylistic effect.
3. Engage students by asking if they have encountered inversion before and if they can provide any examples.
Explanation and Examples (10 minutes):
1. Provide clear explanations of when and how inversion is used in English.
2. Display examples on the board or projector, highlighting different types of inversion such as subject-verb
inversion and verb-object inversion.
3. Discuss the contexts in which inversion is commonly used, such as in questions, conditionals, and after
certain adverbs.
Guided Practice (15 minutes):
1. Distribute handouts with examples of inversion and ask students to identify the inverted sentences.
2. Lead a guided discussion about why inversion is used in each example and what effect it has on the
meaning or emphasis of the sentence.
3. Clarify any questions or confusion that arise during this practice session.
Independent Practice (10 minutes):
1. Provide worksheets with sentences that need to be rewritten using inversion.
2. Instruct students to work individually to rewrite the sentences, applying what they have learned about
3. Circulate the classroom to offer assistance and guidance as needed.
Closure (5 minutes):
1. Review key points about inversion in English grammar.
2. Conclude the lesson by highlighting the importance of understanding and using inversion effectively in
English communication.

I will evaluate students on their participation in the lesson.Students will be assessed on their ability to:
- identify examples of inversion in sentences (Level 2 )
- explain the purpose of inversion in English grammar (Level 3 )
- rewrite sentences using inversion to achieve specific rhetorical effects (Level 4
Make sentences using inversion structures

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