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Field: Language and Subject: Level: Class:

communication English VI XII

Topic: Learning Situation:
New York Harbor school. Descriptive situation

Learning Outcomes (competence based) Key words:

The students will be able to:
gateway, vibrant, occupy, get a
- Introduce the topic of the text.
glimpse of, former, expand,
- talk about types of schools.
fulfill, syllabus, oyster, measure,
- Read and listen for gist.
low-income, accesible,
- Read for specific information.
resounding, etc.
Resources: Cross curricular links:

Methodology and activities
Methodology(stages of lesson) :
Link the subject to previous student's knowledge
At the beginning of the lesson, I am going to ask students to look at the picture, read the titlle and
the first paragraph and try to guess what is the text about.

Contruction of new knowdege

Firstly, I am going to ask students to read the text, underline the new vocabulary and try to get
the meaning of the words from the context or with my help. To continue, I am going to explain
what students should do in each exercise and ask them to complete them. In exercise 1a students
have to write down as many school subjects as possible and compare with their partner. In
exercise 1b students have to describe the pictures and say which subject is shown in each of
them. In exercise 2 students have to read the post and choose the correct word. In exercise 3
students have to say what types of schools are in our country. In next exercise students have to
read the first sentence in each paragraph and say what is the text about. In exercise 3 pg 119
students have to read the text and complete the gaps 1-6 with the correct sentence A-G.

Presentation and demonstration of the achieved result

In order to reflect on the practising new vocabulary in context.students have to complete
exercise 5.
I will evaluate students on their participation in the lesson.
- Introduce the topic of the text. L2
- talk about types of schools. L3
- Read and listen for gist. L4
Make a presentation

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