9.The Digestive system

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Field: Language and Subject: Level: Class:

communication English V X
Topic: Learning Situation:
The Digestive system Class discussion

Learning Outcomes (competence based) Key words:

The students will be able to:
Digest food, break sth down, molecule,
- Introduce the topic.
absorb, swallow, oesophagus, stomach,
- Read for specific information.
small intestine, large intestine,
- Prepare a presentation based on the picture.
bloodstream, excess, etc.

Resources: Cross curricular links:

Methodology and activities
Methodology(stages of lesson) :
Link the subject to previous student's knowledge
At the beginning of the lesson, I am going to ask students to look at the picture, read the titlle and the first
paragraph and try to guess what is the lesson about.

Construction of new knowdege

Firstly, I am going to ask students to mentions some parsts of our digestive system they already know. Then, I am
going to ask students to read the text, underline the new vocabulary and try to get the meaning of the words from
the context or with my help. To continue, I am going to ask students to look at the picture and lable the parts of
the picture. Later, I am going to explain what students should do in each exercise and ask them to complete
them. In exercise 2 students have to read again the text and replace the words in bold in sentences 1-8 with words
from the text,. In exercise 3 students have to ask and answer questions based on the text. To continue, in exercise
4 students have to use the information in the text and the picture to explain how we digest food. in the culture
spot students have to say what do they know about traditional British dishes. Then, they have to read the text and
translated with my help.
Presentation and demonstration of the achieved result
In order to reflect on the consolidation of information students have to say a few fact about the digestive system.
I will evaluate students on their participation in the lesson.
- Introduce the topic. L2
- Read for specific information. L3
- Prepare a presentation based on the picture. L4
Prepare a presentation

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