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Submitted by
Hareem Marwat


Submitted to
Umer Fyyaz

MS Clinical Psychology
Session (2023-2024)
I Hareem Marwat SAP ID 51501 student of MS clinical psychology session 2023-2024 hereby

declare that the material printed in this case report is my own work and has not been submitted or

will be printed or published, fully or partially in any university research institute etc, by me in

Pakistan or abroad.

Supervisor signature Signature


Apart from the efforts of myself, the success of any project depends largely on the encouragement

and guidelines of many others. I take this opportunity to express my gratitude to the people who

have been instrumental in the successful completion of this project. I would like to show my

greatest appreciation to Sir Umer Fyyaz I can’t say thank you enough his tremendous support and

help. I feel motivated and encouraged every time I attend her meeting. Without his encouragement

and guidance this project would not have materialized. The guidance and support received from

all the member who contributed and who are contributing to this project, was viral for the success

of project. I am grateful for their constant support and help.


1. Case summary


2. Preliminary investigation

Informal assessement

Formal assessement

3. Diagnosis

4. Management plan

5. References

6. Appendix – B


1. Case summary


2. Preliminary investigation

Informal assessement

Formal assessement

3. Diagnosis

4. Management plan
5. References

6. Appendix – B


1. Case summary


2. Preliminary investigation

Informal assessement

Formal assessement

3. Diagnosis

4. Management plan

5. References

6. Appendix – B


1. Case summary

2. Preliminary investigation

Informal assessement

Formal assessement

3. Diagnosis

4. Management plan

5. References

6. Appendix – B
Case no 1:

Major Depressive Disorder.

Case summary

The client was 24 years old male, client belongs to a nuclear family system have both

parents. She had 2 brother and 1 sister. She is doing job .Reports from the client, showed

that she hadsome marked problem regarding her behavior.Different assessments tools were

used Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Beck

Anxiety Inventory, House Tree Person (HTP) all these were done on the client. She was

taken to CDA Hospital Islamabad for treatment.

1. Bio Data

Names S.K

Age 24 years

Date of birth 22-06-1997

Siblings 1 sister 2 brother

Birth order 3RD

Socio- economic status Average family

Religion Islam

Dependent/ Independent Independent

Reason and source of referral:

S.K was a 24 years old female and she was referred by a friend to CDA Hospital Islamabad.

Presenting complaints (verbatims):

‫میں بہت تنہا محسوس کرتا ہوں‬

‫میرا جسم کانپنے لگتا ہے‬

‫مجھے نیند کے مسائل ہیں‬

‫مجھے بے چینی ہے‬

History of illness:

• Feeling of worthlessness

• Guilt

• Slowing of thoughts

• Anxiety

• Irritability

• Sleep disburbance

• Loss of appetite

• Shivering

• Suicidal ideations.

Background information
The patient belongs to the average middle class family. she has four siblings. She is 3rd among

them. She has two brothers and one sister. The patient father is government officer. Her father is

a man of principle he had maintained balance between everything between his family and office

life. Her mother is a house wife. She has a very polite personality. General home atmosphere is

normal and well managed.

Personal history

The birth of the client was normal without any complication. Client childhood was normal too as

per by client. She is not married and has a desire to marry a person of her own choice. She was in

a relationship for 5 years.because of some family issues there are complications in getting

married due to this she is going through rapid change in mood and constant state of worry which

is affecting her daily life.

Educational history

She went to school at the age of 3 years.she was a very active in her childhood and was always

curious to learn something new in school and make new friends.She had done her graduation in

BS IR and currently doing job in a well reputed company as a assistant teacher with handsome


Pre-morbid personality
The mood before the onset of her illness was normal she enjoyed the company of family as well

as the friends. She was lively and active to explore new things.but after being in persistent state

of worry and mood disorders she has no desire to participate in daily life normal activities.

Preliminary Investigation:

Assessment has been done by following ways.

• Informal

• Formal

Informal assessment:

Clinical interview:

Client was asked about her relation with family, friends. Client was cooperative and extrovert.

she talked about her personal life and what problems are faced by her in past years. All the

information provided by client was same as provided by clients mother.her behavior was

observed by behavioral observation.

Behavioral observation:

The client was informally assessed by the interview as well as behavioral observation. According

to the information provide by her and through observation it was clear that the client is a

pessimist ambivert. She was very cooperative during sessions.

Formal assessment:

Client was assessed through following test:

• Minnental State Examination MMSE

• Beck Depression Inventory (BDI)

• Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI)

• House Tree Person (HTP)

Mental status examination

Quantitative Analysis

Maximum Score Patient’s Score

Total Score: 30 30

Qualitative Analysis

Result of mental state examination revealed that client was attentive alert and cooperative. Eye

contact was maintained properly. The patient was debonair and neatly dressed. Her score was 30

which shows that there is no cognitive impairment.

Beck Depression Inventory (BDI):

Quantitative Analysis
Score Sum Range Levels of Depression

35 31-40 Severe depression

Quantitative Analysis

BDI Score is 35 which shows severe depression.

Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI):

Quantitative Analysis

Score Sum Range Severity Range

46 36 – Above Potentially concerning level

of anxiety

Quantitative Analysis

BAI Score is 46 which shows potentially concerning level of anxiety.

House Tree Person (HTP):

Quantitative Analysis
Client HTP interpretation is not social which means client is not very social person and has less

social interaction with others and environment. Overt behavior which means client thinks that

everything she does are always observed by others. Sexual identification which can also refer

towards client gender or sexual needs. Conflict which refer to disagreement of client towards

different situations or people around her. Aggression which relates to hostile or violent behavior.

Anxiety which refer to some sort of fear or guilt about the future.

Case Formulation:

The client was 24 year old girl with the presenting complaints of depressed mood, lack of

socialization, restlessness, loss of energy, fatigue, loss of pleasure, hopelessness, loss of appetite,

disturbed sleep. The client was assessed through multiple assessment tools which indicate that

most important maintaining factor of the patient’s case. A study was conducted on higher rate of

depression between males and females The prevalence of major depression is higher in women

than in men.(Ford DE, Erlinger TP,2004).Although differences in socioeconomic factors,

including abuse, education and income, may impact the higher rate of depression in women,this

editorial focuses on biological contributors that are experimentally tractable can help to

understand how and why depression is more prevalent in women and lead to better treatments

(Rai D, Zitko P, Jones K, Lynch J, Araya R ,2013).

Women displayed more sensitivity to interpersonal relationships, whereas men displayed more

sensitivity to external career and goal-oriented factors. Women also experience specific forms of

depression-related illness, including premenstrual disorder, postpartum depression and

postmenopausal depression and anxiety, that are associated with changes in ovarian hormones

and could contribute to the increased prevalence in women.(Kendler KS, Gardner CO, 2014).

Bio psycho social model:

Biological factors Psychological factors Social factors

Anxiety Poor interpersonal

Stress relationships

Poor coping skills Stressful environment at

Suicidal ideation home


296.23 (F32.2) Major Depressive Disorder. severe features.With anxious distress


As the clients score lies in severity she need constant care and treatment and her family is very

supportive toward her and he is also willing to get better and want counseling so he can get out

of this illness and live a normal life.

Management plan
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)

Relaxation methods

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)

Cognitive behavior therapy was used with client the first step which was taken with client was

Cognitive restructuring or reframing asked client to make negative things in a positive way like

leaving your good friends in past because of drugs use can be changed into going out again

facing them socializing again. This work as exposure therapy for the client to as facing anxieties

and fear.while overcome the fear of being judged again for negative aspects can be changed into

positive way of living.

Progressive muscle relaxation therapy

Muscle relaxation therapy was used throughout with client to make client more relaxed and

active during the sessions and to give positive environment. Deep breathing process was also

introduced to the client to face anxious situation which can cause anxieties.

Summary of Sessions:

Session No. 1

In first session main focus was on rapport building with the client and then intake form were

filled from the information provided by the client himself furthermore, to discuss about different

issues of the client, and take clinical interview. The client was asked basic information about his

past and present life.

Session No. 2
During second session more detailed information was gathered through history taking form. In

which multiple factors was gathered which may the reason of his drug abuse and anxiety related

to withdrawal symptoms.

Session No. 3

In third session client talked more openely about its previous life while taking educational,

friendship and sexual history and problem faced by client during all these times.

Session No. 4

In this session tests were applied on the client. Started with beck depression inventory, beck

anxiety inventory to check which is more relatable to the client distressful situation.

Session No. 5

In this session client was administered by few more test batteries such as drug abuse screening

test to see if client still do any drugs by any chance but denied in clinical interview after that

mini-mental state examination was done to check client orientation about its environment.

Session No. 6

In this client was provided with paper pencil as instructions to draw house, tree, person on the

paper for personality assessment of the client.while client was drawing HTP client was observed

closely later on asked few questions which were related to the drawing. And client answered

them nicely.

Session No. 7
From the previous session, it was diagnosed that client has major depressive disorder the

therapies which I used with the client were cognitive behavior therapy such as Cognitive

restructuring or reframing asked client to make negative things in a positive way like leaving

your good friends because of drugs can be changed into going out again facing them socializing

again. This work as exposure therapy for the client to as facing anxieties and fear.

Session No. 8

Client was provided with muscle relaxation therapy which help client to overcome situation and

feel more lively and relaxed while making new decision in life.due to good progress in client

health client was terminated from the hospital.


1. Ford DE, Erlinger TP. Depression and C-reactive protein in US adults: data from the

Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Arch Intern Med. 2004.

2. Kendler KS, Gardner CO. Sex differences in the pathways to major depression: a study of

opposite-sex twin pairs. Am J Psychiatry. 2014

3. Rai D, Zitko P, Jones K, et al. Country- and individual-level socioeconomic determinants

of depression: multilevel cross-national comparison. Br J Psychiatry. 2013

Case no 2:

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

1 Case summary

The client was 26 years old male, client belongs to a nuclear family system have both

parents. He had 3 brother and 1 sister. He is doing job .Reports from the client, showed

that she hadsome marked problem regarding her behavior.Different assessments tools

were used Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI),

Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), Drug Abuse Screening Test (DAST-10), House Tree

Person (HTP) all these were done on the client. She was taken to CDA Hospital

Islamabad for treatment.

2 Bio Data

Names S.S

Age 26 years

Date of birth 21-11-1995

Siblings 1 sister 3 brother

Birth order 2nd

Socio- economic status Average family

Religion Islam

Independent/ Dependent Independent

Reason and source of referral:

S.S was a 26 years old male and he was referred by a psychiatrist to CDA Hospital Islamabad.

Presenting complaints (verbatims):

‫انتباہ میں اضافہ‬

‫بلندی محسوس کرنا‬

‫بے ترتیب دل کی دھڑکن‬

‫اعلی جسم کا درجہ حرارت‬

،‫بھوک میں کمی‬

‫نیند نہ آنا‬


‫بے چینی‬

Background information

The patient belongs to the high socio-economic status family. he has four siblings. he is 2nd

among them. he has three brothers and one sister. The patient father belongs to political party.

His father is strick and rigid man. His mother is a house wife. She has a very polite and loving

personality. General home atmosphere is normal and well managed.

Personal history
The birth of the client was normal without any complication. Client childhood was normal too as

per by client. he is not married and has no desire to marry soon. he was in a relationship for 1

years. As by client he and his partner were in sexual relationship they use to do drugs together

before breakup they use too do cocaine but after the breakup client stopped using cocaine which

cause withdrawal symptoms which is causing issue in his daily life.

Educational history

He went to school at the age of 3 years.he was a very active in his childhood and was always

curious to learn something new in school and but he was introvert doesnot make new friends.he

had done his graduation in BS IR and currently doing job in a well reputed company as a

manager with handsome salary.

Pre-morbid personality

The mood before the onset of his illness was normal he enjoyed the company of family as well as

the friends. he was lively and active to explore new things.but after drugs withdrawal symptoms

he is in persistent state of worry and mood disorders he has no desire to participate in daily life

normal activities.such as interacting with friends and going out with family.

Preliminary Investigation:

Assessment has been done by following ways.

• Informal
• Formal

Informal assessment:

Clinical interview:

Client was asked about his relation with family, friends. Client was shy and introvert.he talked

about his personal life and what problems are faced by him past these years. All the information

provided by client was same as provided by clients family.other then this his behavior was

observed by behavioral observation.

Behavioral observation:

The client was informally assessed by the interview as well as behavioral observation. According

to the information provide by her and through observation it was clear that the client is a

introvert person. She was very cooperative during sessions. Client was well dressed and cleaned

up and active.

Formal assessment:

Client was assessed through following test:

• Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE)

• Beck Depression Inventory (BDI)

• Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI)

• Drug Abuse Screening Test (DAST-10)

• House Tree Person (HTP)

Mini-Mental State Examination

Quantitative Analysis

Maximum Score Patient’s Score

Total Score: 30 30

Qualitative Analysis

Result of mental state examination revealed that client was attentive alert and cooperative

throughout the sessions. Eye contact was maintained properly. The patient was neatly dressed.

his score was 30 which shows that there is no cognitive impairment.

Beck Depression Inventory (BDI):

Quantitative Analysis

Score Sum Range Levels of Depression

11 11-16 Mild mood disturbance

Qualitative Analysis
BDI Score is 11 which shows Mild Mood Disturbance.

Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI):

Quantitative Analysis

Score Sum Range Severity Range

47 36 - Above Potentially concerning level

of anxiety

Qualitative Analysis

BAI Score is 47 which shows potentially concerning level of anxiety.

Drug Abuse Screening Test (DAST-10):

Quantitative Analysis

Score DAST Severity Range

3 3-5 Harmful

Qualitative Analysis

DAST - 10 Score is 3 which shows harmful.

House Tree Person (HTP):

Quantitative Analysis

Client HTP interpretation means Conflict which refer to disagreement of client towards different

situations or people around him. The client is not social which means client is not very social

person and has less social interaction with others and environment. Aggression which relates to

hostile or violent behavior. Anxiety which refer to some sort of fear or guilt about the future.

Sexual identification which can also refer towards client gender or sexual needs.lack of

confidence which refers to not being socially active.

Case Formulation:

The client was 26 year old boy with the presenting complaints of increased alertness, feeling

high, irregular heartbeat, high body temperature, reduced appetite, insomnia, agitation,

anxiety.These drug-related changes to brain stress and reward systems have been associated with

enhanced emotional and behavioral sensitivity to stress during protracted withdrawal including

increased reports of irritability, restlessness, depressed mood, anxiety, and high cravings.

(Kampman, Alterman, Volpicelli, 2001).

Despite young adult males displaying increased physiological, stress-related activity compared to

females.subjective anxiety following exposure to personalized, individually calibrated stress,

drug-cue, and neutral imagery. (Fox HC, Garcia M, Kemp K, Milivojevic V, Kreek MJ, Sinha R.

2006).this report clearly shows that’s substance induced anxiety is more common in male.
As per by my client when he left drugs he start experiencing withdrawal symptoms which makes

him restless, loss of appetite, high irratibility, anxiety such as social anxiety which made him

interact less with his social environment family and friends.

Bio psycho social model:

Biological factors Psychological factors Social factors

Anxiety Poor interpersonal

Stress relationships

Insomnia Breakup with girlfriend

History of drug abuse



300.02 (F41.1) Generalized Anxiety Disorder


As the clients score he need constant care and treatment and her family is very supportive toward

her and he is also willing to get better and want counseling so he can get out of this illness and

live a normal life.Client has high chances for recovery because client had insight about his

problem and he was motivated to get proper treatment.

Management plan

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)

Cognitive behavior therapy was used with client the first step which was taken with client was

Cognitive restructuring or reframing asked client to make negative things in a positive way like

leaving your good friends in past because of drugs use can be changed into going out again

facing them socializing again. This work as exposure therapy for the client to as facing anxieties

and fear.while overcome the fear of being judged again for negative aspects can be changed into

positive way of living.

Progressive muscle relaxation therapy

Muscle relaxation therapy was used throughout with client to make client more relaxed and

active during the sessions and to give positive environment. Deep breathing process was also

introduced to the client to face anxious situation which can cause anxieties.

Summary of Sessions:

Session No. 1

In first session main focus was on rapport building with the client and then intake form were

filled from the information provided by the client himself furthermore, to discuss about different

issues of the client, and take clinical interview. The client was asked basic information about his

past and present life.

Session No. 2

During second session more detailed information was gathered through history taking form. In
which multiple factors was gathered which may the reason of his drug abuse and anxiety related

to withdrawal symptoms.

Session No. 3

In third session client talked more openely about its previous life while taking educational,

friendship and sexual history and problem faced by client during all these times.

Session No. 4

In this session tests were applied on the client. Started with beck depression inventory, beck

anxiety inventory to check which is more relatable to the client distressful situation.

Session No. 5

In this session client was administered by few more test batteries such as drug abuse screening

test to see if client still do any drugs by any chance but denied in clinical interview after that

mini-mental state examination was done to check client orientation about its environment.

Session No. 6

In this client was provided with paper pencil as instructions to draw house, tree, person on the

paper for personality assessment of the client.while client was drawing HTP client was observed

closely later on asked few questions which were related to the drawing. And client answered

them nicely.

Session No. 7
From the previous session, it was diagnosed that client has generalized anxiety disorder the

therapies which I used with the client were cognitive behavior therapy such as Cognitive

restructuring or reframing asked client to make negative things in a positive way like leaving

your good friends because of drugs can be changed into going out again facing them socializing

again. This work as exposure therapy for the client to as facing anxieties and fear.

Session No. 8

Client was provided with muscle relaxation therapy which help client to overcome situation and

feel more lively and relaxed while making new decision in life.due to good progress in client

health client was terminated from the hospital.


• Fox HC, Garcia M, Kemp K, Milivojevic V, Kreek MJ, Sinha R. Gender differences in

cardiovascular and corticoadrenal response to stress and drug cues in cocaine dependent

individuals. Psychopharmacology (Berl) 2006;185:348–57.

• Kampman KM, Alterman AI, Volpicelli JR, et al. Cocaine withdrawal symptoms and

initial urine toxicology results predict treatment attrition in outpatient cocaine

dependence treatment. Psychol Addict Behav. 2001;15:52–9

Case no 3:

Delusional Disorder
Case Summary

A.K was 38 years old, not educated. She had 2 siblings, 2 sisters. She was married but later on got

divorced. After that he lost her father too.From the past few years, she has been experiencing lack

of interest, disturbed social functioning, depressed mood, hallucinations, illusions, aggressive

behavior, irritability and anger.Different assessments tools were used Mini-Mental State

Examination (MMSE), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale

(PANSS), House Tree Person (HTP) all these were done on the client. She was taken to CDA

Hospital Islamabad for treatment.

1. Bio Data

Names A.K

Age 38 years

Date of birth 02-08-1984

Siblings 2 sister

Birth order 2nd

Socio- economic status Average family

Religion Islam

Independent/ Dependent Dependent

Reason and source of referral:

A.K was a 38 years old female and she was referred by her family doctor to CDA Hospital. Due

to her psychiatric symptoms.

Presenting complaints (verbatims):

‫میں اپنے والد کی آواز سن سکتا ہوں‬

‫میں اپنے والد کو دیکھ سکتا ہوں‬

‫میں رات کو سو نہیں سکتا‬

History of Present Illness

• Depressed mood

• Hallucinations

• Illusions

• Aggressive behavior

• Irritability

• Lack of interest

Background information

The patient belongs to the middle class family. she has two siblings. she is 1st among them. she

has two sisters. The patient father was a government officer. Her father was loving and

supportive man and she was very close to her father. Her mother is a house wife. She has strick

but caring personality. General home atmosphere is normal and well managed.
Personal history

The birth of the client was normal without any complications. Client childhood was normal too.

But later on had asthma issues.She had a lot of friends but later on she socialize less with her

friends. She was married to the person she loved but later on she got divorced. Her father could

not bear this pain and had heart attack after few months later after that she’s in the state of

paranoia and facing hallucinations. According to client mother she use to tell her that her father

is alive and at night she can talk to him. Because of such abnormal behavior her family took her

to psychiatrist for consultation who then forwarded her case to hospital.

Educational history

She went to school at the age of early years. she was a very talktive in her childhood and was

always curious to learn something new in school and but she was extrovert and alway make new

friends.she had done her graduation in Masters in economics and then got married to person she

was currently dating for few years they were classmates in same university.

Sexual history

She got married to person she loved few months were very good and sexual relation between

both husband and wife were good. But after sometime husband stops talking interest in her and

she had trust issues with him because she noticed some unusual details that her husband was
involved in someone else other than her.she confronted him but he denied.she cameback to her

parents home after few months he divorced her.

Pre-morbid personality

The mood before the onset of her illness was normal she use to enjoy her life to fullest with her

friends and family.she was lively and active to explore new things.but after her divorce and

sudden death of her father made her traumatized and she lost her connection with social

environment. she starts to live alone locked up in her room stay hungry for days and quit going

out or any social interaction with others after few month she starts telling her mother that she can

talk to her father at night and he’s alive. she was experiencing auditory and visual hallucinations.

Preliminary Investigation:

Assessment has been done by following ways.

• Informal

• Formal

Informal assessment:

Clinical interview:

Client was asked about her relation with family, friends. Client was cooperative and extrovert.

she talked about her personal life and what problems are faced by her in past years. All the

information provided by client was same as provided by clients mother.her behavior was

observed by behavioral observation.

Behavioral observation:

The client was informally assessed by the interview as well as behavioral observation. According

to the information provide by her mother and through observation it was clear that the client is a

extrovert person. he was not very cooperative during sessions. Client was not well dressed and

cleaned up.

Formal assessment:

Client was assessed through following test:

• Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE)

• Beck Depression Inventory (BDI)

• The Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS)

• House Tree Person (HTP)

Mini-Mental State Examination

Quantitative Analysis

Maximum Score Patient’s Score

Total Score: 30 28

Qualitative Analysis
Result of mental state examination revealed that client was attentive alert and cooperative

throughout the sessions. Eye contact was not maintained properly. The patient was not neatly

dressed. Her score was 21 which shows that there is No cognitive impairment.

Beck Depression Inventory (BDI):

Quantitative Analysis

Score Sum Range Levels of Depression

25 21-30 Moderate depression

Qualitative Analysis

BDI Score is 25 which shows Moderate depression

The Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS)

Quantitative Analysis

Scales Score Range Scored

Positive scale 7 - 49 18

Negative scale 7 - 49 20

General Psychopathology 16 - 112 40


Panss overall 30 - 210 78

Qualitative Analysis
PANSS overall score is 78 which means Mild symptoms.

House Tree Person (HTP):

Qualitative Analysis

Client HTP interpretation is feeling of anxiety and insecurity which means she have anxieties

and insecurities regarding others or situation. Sexual concerns which can be related to sexual

orientation and desires of client. Depression, poor interpersonal relationships with others.

Suspiouse towards the situations. Withdrawal from reality which mean no connect with real

world. Psychotic, Paranoid, auditory hallucinations which refers to delusions.

Case Formulation:

The client was 38 year old female with delusional disorder content of the primary delusion:

persecutory, jealous, erotomanic, somatic, grandiose, mixed and unspecified. (Kendler,

Schizophr Bull. 2017) these all primary delusion are subtyped categorized which can give further

information about the condition of client current state of symptoms.the origins of delusional

beliefs, whether in men or women, continue to baffle clinicians (Connors, Halligan, 2020)

so that psychological assistance cannot easily be directed at the putative source of whatever

cognitive distortions exist. These same difficulties perplex the families of patients. The

seemingly unprovoked emergence of implausible beliefs in their relative bewilders them, and

they are at a loss as to how best to respond. (Rose, Mallinson , Gerson, 2006)

The client should be provided by the insight of her problem and should be well aware of what

issues client is going through which therapies will help them to do better. In schizophrenia,

women are prescribed clozapine or long-acting antipsychotics less frequently than men, but these
drugs are not often used for delusion disorder.Again, in the context of schizophrenia, women are

more likely than men to be prescribed an antidepressant, mood stabilizer, anxiolytic and sedative

along with their antipsychotic (Sommer, Tiihonen, van Mourik, Tanskanen, Taipale, 2020) .

Because of estrogen effects on the enzymes that metabolize olanzapine and clozapine,

premenopausal women need lower doses than men at least for these two drugs. (Seeman, 2020).

These are medication which can be proceed along with other therapies for making client

condition stable.

Family reactions are important to a patient’s recovery from psychotic illness. where one family

member was experiencing a psychosis for the first time. Some family responses, such as

withdrawal, guilt, fear, and a stigmatization of mental illness, led to the avoidance of engaging

mental health services in the treatment of their ill family member. Although patients with

delusional disorder are older than those with first episode psychosis, the influence of family

response on help-seeking is probably similar in the two conditions. (Wainwright, Glentworth,

Haddock, Bentley, Lobban, 2015)

Bio psycho social model:

Biological factors Psychological factors Social factors

Asthma Hallucination Poor interpersonal

Depressed mood relationships

Illusions Divorced

Aggressive behavior


Lack of interest

297.1 (F22) Delusional Disorder.Unspecified type


As the clients score lies in severity she need constant care and treatment and her family is very

supportive toward her and he is also willing to get better and want counseling so he can get out

of this illness and live a normal life.

Management plan

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)

Relaxation methods

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)

Cognitive behavior therapy was used with client the first step which was taken with client was

Cognitive restructuring or reframing asked client to make negative things in a positive way like

leaving your good friends in past because of drugs use can be changed into going out again

facing them socializing again. This work as exposure therapy for the client to as facing anxieties

and fear.while overcome the fear of being judged again for negative aspects can be changed into

positive way of living.

Progressive muscle relaxation therapy

Muscle relaxation therapy was used throughout with client to make client more relaxed and

active during the sessions and to give positive environment. Deep breathing process was also

introduced to the client which can help to relax during hard times when client is having hurdle

with thinking process.

Summary of Sessions:

Session No. 1

In first session main focus was on rapport building with the client and then intake form were

filled from the information provided by the client himself furthermore, to discuss about different

issues of the client, and take clinical interview. The client was asked basic information about his

past and present life.

Session No. 2

During second session more detailed information was gathered through history taking form. In

which multiple factors was gathered which may the reason of his drug abuse and anxiety related

to withdrawal symptoms.

Session No. 3

In third session client talked more openely about its previous life while taking educational,

friendship and sexual history and problem faced by client during all these times.

Session No. 4
In this session tests were applied on the client. Started with beck depression inventory, to check

which is more relatable to the client distressful situation.

Session No. 5

In this session client was administered by few more test batteries such as mini-mental state

examination was done to check client orientation about its environment. Positive and Negative

Syndrome Scale which indicate positive symptoms and negative symptoms and also

psychopathology symptoms of the patient.

Session No. 6

In this client was provided with paper pencil as instructions to draw house, tree, person on the

paper for personality assessment of the client.while client was drawing HTP client was observed

closely later on asked few questions which were related to the drawing. And client answered

them nicely.

Session No. 7

From the previous session, it was diagnosed that client has delusional disorder. therapies which

used with the client were giving insight of the problem and doing psychotherapy. cognitive

behavior therapy such as Cognitive restructuring or reframing asked client to make negative

things in a positive way like leaving your good friends because of drugs can be changed into

going out again facing them socializing again. This work as exposure therapy for the client to as

facing anxieties and fear.

Session No. 8
Client was provided with muscle relaxation therapy which help client to overcome situation and

feel more lively and relaxed while making new decision in life.due to good progress in client

health client was terminated from the hospital.


1. Connor M.H., Halligan P.W. Delusions and theories of belief. Conscious. Cogn.

2020;81:102935. doi: 10.1016/j.concog.2020.102935.

2. Rose L., Mallinson R.K., Gerson L.D. Mastery, burden, and areas of concern among

family caregivers of mentally ill persons. Arch. Psychiatr. Nurs. 2006;20:41–51. doi:


3 Sommer I.E., Tilhonen J., van Mourik A., Tanskanen A., Taipale H. The clinical course

of schizophrenia in women and men—A nation-wide cohort study. Npj Schizophr.

2020;6:12. doi: 10.1038/s41537-020-0102-z

4 Seeman M.V. Men and women respond differently to antipsychotic drugs.

Neuropharmacology. 2020;163:107631. doi: 10.1016/j.neuropharm.2019.05.008.

5 Wainwright L.D., Glentworth D., Haddock G., Bentley R., Lobban F. What do relatives

experience when supporting someone in early psychosis? Psychol. Psychother.

2015;88:105–119. doi: 10.1111/papt.12024

6 Kendler K.S. The clinical features of paranoia in the 20th century and their representation

in diagnostic criteria from DSM-III through DSM-5. Schizophr. Bull. 2017;43:332–343.

doi: 10.1093/schbul/sbw161
Case 4:

Schizophrenia. First episode, currently in acute episode.

Case Summary

A.A was 40 years old, not educated. He had 2 siblings, 1 sister and 1 brothers. He was not married

but always wanted to get married. From the past few years, as told by family He has been

experiencing lack of interest, hallucinations, disorganized speech, abnormal psychomotor

behavior, and negative symptoms . He attempted suicide 3 times. Different assessments tools were

used Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Positive and

Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS), House Tree Person (HTP) all these were done on the client.

She was taken to CDA Hospital Islamabad for treatment.

1. Bio Data

Names A.A

Age 40 years

Date of birth 02-08-1982

Siblings 1 sister 1 brother

Birth order 1st

Socio- economic status Average family

Religion Islam

Independent/ Dependent Independent

Reason and source of referral:

A.A was a 40 years old male and he was referred by a psychiatrist to CDA hospital Islamabad.

Presenting complaints (verbatims):

‫کمرے میں گھٹن محسوس ہوتی ہے‬

‫آنکھ کھلتی ہے تو خود کو کمرے میں بند پاتا ہوں‬

‫اپنے ہاتھوں پر کٹ لگایا ہوتا ہے‬

History of illness:

• lack of interest
• Disturbed social functioning,

• Depressed mood

• Hallucinations

• Illusions

• Aggressive behavior

• Irritability

• Stubbornness

• Anger

Background information

The patient belongs to the high socio-economic status family. he has two siblings. he is 1st

among them. he has one brother and one sister. The patient father is a businessman. His father is

loving and supportive man. His mother is a interior designer. She has a very polite and loving

personality. General home atmosphere is normal and well managed.

Personal history

The birth of the client was not normal it was by C-section and during time of birth he lost his

breath but was saved. Client childhood was normal too as per by friends. He was not married and

has desire to get married. He was in a relationship in past for 10 years. As by client family he and

his partner were in sexual relationship they use to live together but after breakup that girl got

married to someone else and moved out of Pakistan.before recovering from this trauma he lost

his best friend in an car accident.After that client starts to isolate his self and starts living alone

with no connection with outside world or family.on night his family found him locked in room
after several tries they opened the door found him laying on ground with a cutted wrist after that

family took him to hospital and later on consulted a psychiatrist.

Educational history

He went to school at the age of early years. He was a very shy in his childhood and was always

curious to learn something new in school and but he was introvert doesnot make new friends.he

had done his graduation in Masters in english literature and went to abroad for job for 5 years but

came back due to his nature of being introvert and couldn’t adjust in such open environment and

start doing job here.

Pre-morbid personality

The mood before the onset of his illness was normal he use to stay with his girl friend and

hangout with his best friend..he use to meet his family during this time period. He was lively and

active to explore new things.but after his breakup and death of his only best friend he stats to live

alone and quit going out or any social interaction with others after few month he starts

complying about his friend is alive and he can see him and talk to him. He was experiencing

auditory and visual hallucinations.

Preliminary Investigation:

Assessment has been done by following ways.

• Informal
• Formal

Informal assessment:

Clinical interview:

Client was asked about his relation with family, friends. Client was shy and introvert.he talked

about his personal life and what problems are faced by him past these years. All the information

provided by client was same as provided by clients family.other then this his behavior was

observed by behavioral observation.

Behavioral observation:

The client was informally assessed by the interview as well as behavioral observation. According

to the information provide by his parents and through observation it was clear that the client is a

introvert person. he was not very cooperative during sessions. Client was not well dressed and

cleaned up.

Formal assessment:

Client was assessed through following test:

• Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE)

• Beck Depression Inventory (BDI)

• The Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS)

• House Tree Person (HTP)

Mini-Mental State Examination

Quantitative Analysis

Maximum Score Patient’s Score

Total Score: 30 21

Qualitative Analysis

Result of mental state examination revealed that client was attentive alert and cooperative

throughout the sessions. Eye contact was not maintained properly. The patient was not neatly

dressed. His score was 21 which shows that there is Mild cognitive impairment.

Beck Depression Inventory (BDI):

Quantitative Analysis

Score Sum Range Levels of Depression

45 Over 40 Extreme depression

Qualitative Analysis
BDI Score is 45 which shows Extreme Depression.

Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS)

Quantitative Analysis

Scales Score Range Scored

Positive scale 7 - 49 23

Negative scale 7 - 49 30

General Psychopathology 16 - 112 72


Panss overall 30 - 210 125

Qualitative Analysis

PANSS overall score is 125 which means moderate symptoms.

House Tree Person (HTP)

Client HTP interpretation is Psychotic, Paranoid, auditory hallucinations which refers to

delusions. He has feeling of anxiety and insecurity which means he has anxieties and

insecurities regarding others or situation. Conflict over interpersonal relations means no social

relations with family or friends. Withdrawal from reality which mean no connect with real world.

Sexual concerns which can be related to sexual orientation and desires of client. Depression,

poor interpersonal relationships with others.

Case Formulation:

The client age is 40 years suffering from schizophrenia hallucinations, aggression, illusion,

anger. Several studies have found gender differences in negative symptoms, showing that in

males, they were more severe. (Riecher-Rössler, Häfner, 2000). Galderisi et al. found that men

scored higher in disorganization and negative symptoms. (Galderisi S, Bucci P, Üçok A,

Peuskens, 2012) In a large sample of patients with psychosis, Morgan et al. identified a higher

prevalence of depressive symptoms and lower prevalence of negative symptoms in women.

(Morgan, Castle, Jablensky, 2008) Higher prevalence of depressive and anxiety symptoms in

women had been found in previous studies. (Walker, Bettes, Kain, Harvey, 1985)

There are many new way of therapies and treatment methods for the person with schizophrenia

Current treatments of schizophrenia have significant limitations. Firstly, they are efficient for

only about half of patients enabling them independent life (Stroup, Lieberman ,Swartz, McEvoy,

2000). Secondly, they ameliorate mainly positive symptoms (e.g., hallucinations and thought

disorders which are the core of the disease) but negative (e.g., flat affect and social withdrawal)

and cognitive (e.g., learning and attention disorders) symptoms remain untreated. (Carbon,

Correll, 2014). Thirdly, they involve severe neurological and metabolic side effects and may lead

to sexual dysfunction or agranulocytosis (clozapine). (De Berardis, Rapini, Olivieri, Di Nicola,

Tomasetti, Valchera, Fornaro, Di Fabio, Perna, Di Nicola, Serafini, Carano, Pompili, Vellante,

Orsolini, Martinotti, Di Giannantonio, 2018).

Bio psycho social model:

Biological factors Psychological factors Social factors

c-section Hallucinations Poor interpersonal

Disorganized speech, relationships

Abnormal psychomotor Breakup with girlfriend

behavior Death of best friend

Negative symptoms


295.90 (F20.9) Schizophrenia. First episode, currently in acute episode.


As the clients score lies in severity she need constant care and treatment and her family is very

supportive toward her and he is also willing to get better and want counseling so he can get out

of this illness and live a normal life.

Management plan

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)

Relaxation methods

Management plan

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)

Relaxation methods
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)

Cognitive behavior therapy was used with client the first step which was taken with client was

Cognitive restructuring or reframing asked client to make negative things in a positive way like

leaving your good friends in past because of drugs use can be changed into going out again

facing them socializing again. This work as exposure therapy for the client to as facing anxieties

and fear.while overcome the fear of being judged again for negative aspects can be changed into

positive way of living.

Progressive muscle relaxation therapy

Muscle relaxation therapy was used throughout with client to make client more relaxed and

active during the sessions and to give positive environment. Deep breathing process was also

introduced to the client to face anxious situation which can cause anxieties.

Summary of Sessions:

Session No. 1

In first session main focus was on rapport building with the client and then intake form were

filled from the information provided by the client himself furthermore, to discuss about different

issues of the client, and take clinical interview. The client was asked basic information about his

past and present life.

Session No. 2

During second session more detailed information was gathered through history taking form. In

which multiple factors was gathered which may the reason of his drug abuse and anxiety related

to withdrawal symptoms.
Session No. 3

In third session client talked more openely about its previous life while taking educational,

friendship and sexual history and problem faced by client during all these times.

Session No. 4

In this session tests were applied on the client. Started with beck depression inventory, to check

which is more relatable to the client distressful situation.

Session No. 5

In this session client was administered by few more test batteries such asmini-mental state

examination was done to check client orientation about its environment. Positive and Negative

Syndrome Scale which indicate positive symptoms and negative symptoms and also

psychopathology symptoms of the patient.

Session No. 6

In this client was provided with paper pencil as instructions to draw house, tree, person on the

paper for personality assessment of the client.while client was drawing HTP client was observed

closely later on asked few questions which were related to the drawing. And client answered

them nicely.

Session No. 7

From the previous session, it was diagnosed that client has schizophrenia the therapies which I

used with the client were cognitive behavior therapy such as Cognitive restructuring or reframing

asked client to make negative things in a positive way like leaving your good friends because of
drugs can be changed into going out again facing them socializing again. This work as exposure

therapy for the client to as facing anxieties and fear.

Session No. 8

Client was provided with muscle relaxation therapy which help client to overcome situation and

feel more lively and relaxed while making new decision in life.due to good progress in client

health client was terminated from the hospital.


1. Galderisi S, Bucci P, Uçok A, Peuskens J. No gender differences in social outcome in

patients suffering from schizophrenia. European Psychiatry.

2. Riecher-Rössler A, Häfner H. Gender aspects in schizophrenia: bridging the border

between social and biological psychiatry. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica. 2000;102(407):58–


3. Morgan VA, Castle DJ, Jablensky AV. Do women express and experience psychosis

differently from men? Epidemiological evidence from the Australian National Study of

Low Prevalence (Psychotic) Disorders. Australian and New Zealand Journal of

Psychiatry. 2008;

4. Walker E, Bettes BA, Kain EL, Harvey P. Relationship of gender and marital status with

symptomatology in psychotic patients. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 1985;94(1):42

5. Stroup T.S., Lieberman J.A., Swartz M.S., McEvoy J.P. Comparative effectiveness of

antipsychotic drugs in schizophrenia. Dialogues Clin. Neurosci. 2000;2:373–379.

6. Carbon M., Correll C.U. Thinking and acting beyond the positive: The role of the

cognitive and negative symptoms in schizophrenia. CNS Spectr. 2014;19(Suppl. 1):35–

53. doi: 10.1017/S1092852914000601.

7. De Berardis D., Rapini G., Olivieri L., Di Nicola D., Tomasetti C., Valchera A., Fornaro

M., Di Fabio F., Perna G., Di Nicola M., et al. Safety of antipsychotics for the treatment

of schizophrenia: A focus on the adverse effects of clozapine. Ther. Adv. Drug

Saf. 2018;9:237–256. doi: 10.1177/2042098618756261.

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