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PART 1: Vocabulary and Grammar


Word Type Pronunciation Meaning

1 beehive (n) /ˈbiːhaɪv/ tổ ong

2 brave (adj) /breɪv/ can đảm
3 buffalo-drawn cart (n) /ˈbʌfələʊ-drɔːn kɑːt / xe trâu kéo
4 cattle (n) /ˈkætl/ gia súc
5 collect (v) /kəˈlekt/ thu gom, lấy, sưu tầm
6 convenient (adj) /kənˈviːniənt/ thuận tiện, tiện nghi
7 disturb (v) /dɪˈstɜːb/ làm phiền
8 electrical appliance (n) /ɪˈlektrɪkl əˈplaɪəns/ đồ điện
9 generous (adj) /ˈdʒenərəs/ hào phóng, rộng rãi
ger (n) /ger/ lều của dân du lục Mông
11 Gobi Highlands /ˈgəʊbi ˈhaɪlənd/ Cao nguyên Gobi
12 grassland (n) /ˈɡrɑːslænd/ đồng cỏ
13 harvest time (n) /ˈhɑːvɪst taɪm/ mùa gặt
14 herd (v, n) /hɜːb/ chăn dắt/ bầy, đàn
local (adj, n) /ˈləʊkl/ địa phương, dân địa
16 Mongolia (n) /mɒŋˈɡəʊliə/ Mông Cổ
17 nomad (n) /ˈnəʊmæd/ dân du mục
18 nomadic (adj) /ˈnəʊmædɪk/ thuộc về du mục
19 paddy field (n) /ˈpædi fiːld/ đồng lúa
20 pasture (n) /ˈpɑːstʃə(r)/ đồng cỏ
21 pick (v) /pɪk/ hái (hoa, quả...)
22 vast (adj) /vɑːst/ rộng lớn, bát ngát
23 expect (v) /ɪkˈspekt/ mong đợi
24 harvest (n, v) /ˈhɑːvɪst/ vụ thu hoac, gặt hái, thu
25 chore (n) /tʃɔː/ thám hiểm, thăm dò
26 envious (adj) /ˈenviəs/ ghen tị, thèm muốn
27 explore (v) /ɪkˈsplɔː/ thám hiểm, thăm dò
28 cultivate (v) /ˈkʌltɪveɪt/ trồng trọt
29 ferry (n) /ˈfɛri/ phà
30 hospitable (a) /ˈhɒspɪtəbl/ mến khách, hiếu khách
31 lighthouse (n) /ˈlaɪthaʊs/ hải đăng
32 orchard (n) /ˈɔːʧəd/ vườn cây ăn quả
33 picturesque (a) /ˌpɪkʧəˈrɛsk/ đẹp, gây ấn tượng
34 well-trained (a) /wɛl/-/treɪnd/ lành nghề, có tay nghề
35 plough (v) /plaʊ/ cày
36 load (v) /ləʊd/ chất, chở
37 unload (v) /ʌnˈləʊd/ dỡ hàng
38 speciality (n) /ˌspɛʃiˈæləti/ đặc sản

1 cultivate v /ˈkʌltɪveɪt/ trồng trọt
→ cultivation n /ˌkʌltɪˈveɪʃn/ sự trồng trọt, sự dạy dỗ
→ cultivated a /ˈkʌltɪveɪtɪd/ được trồng, được dạy dỗ
2 explore v /ɪksˈplɔː/ Khám phá
→ exploration n /ˌɛksplɔːˈreɪʃn/ Sự khám phá
→ exploratory a /ɛksˈplɔːrətəri/ Có tính khám phá
→ unexplored a /ˌʌnɪksˈplɔːd/ Chưa ai thăm dò
→ explorer n /ɪksˈplɔːrə/ Người tham dò, khám phá
1. The land here has been intensively _______________ for generations. (cultivation)
2. The _______________ of wheat required the most fertile lands. (cultivate)
3. At the height of poppy _______________ in the late 1990s, Afghanistan produced more than 2,000
tons of raw opium annually (cultivated)
4. You can use _______________ mushrooms, but a few wild ones add a better taste. (cultivation)
5. You can then use this hut as a base for _______________ into the mountains around. (explore)
6. Magellan was a famous 16th-century _______________. (exploration)
7. The study looks at a relatively _______________ area of human relationships. (explore)
8. _______________ discussions between management and the unions have ended in stalemate.


A. Các loại tính từ, trạng từ trong câu so sánh tiếng Anh
1. Tính từ ngắn và tính từ dài:
Tính từ ngắn gồm:
Tính từ có một âm tiết. Ví dụ: bad, short, good,….
Tính từ có hai âm tiết kết thúc bằng –y, –le,–ow, –er, et. Ví dụ: sweet, clever,…
Các tính từ có từ ba âm tiết trở lên được gọi là tính từ dài. Ví dụ: beautiful, intelligent, expensive,…
2. Trạng từ ngắn và trạng từ dài:
Trạng từ ngắn là trạng từ có một âm tiết. Ví dụ: far, fast, hard, near, right, wrong,…
Trạng từ dài là trạng từ có hai âm tiết trở lên. Ví dụ: beautifully, quickly, kindly,…
B. Cấu trúc so sánh bằng trong tiếng Anh
1. Cấu trúc so sánh bằng trong tiếng Anh với tính từ và trạng từ
Cấu trúc: S + V + as + (adj/ adv) + as
Thực hiện: Trịnh Kim Son 0908854232

E.g: I’m as good in Maths as in science.

Harry sings as beautifully as a singer.
Her car runs as fast as a race car.
This dress is as expensive as yours.
This picture is as colorful as the one I have ever seen.
Note: Trong một số trường hợp, có thể thay thế “so” cho “as”. Tuy nhiên cách dùng này thường được ít
sử dụng.
2. Cấu trúc so sánh bằng trong tiếng Anh với danh từ
Cấu trúc: S +hiện:
Thực V Trịnh
+ theKimsame + (noun)
Son 0908854232 + as

E.g: She takes the same course as her colleague.

She speaks the same language as her father.
I wore the same dress as my sister at her birthday party.
Timmy has the same height as Tom.
Their professor is different from ours.
Note: Trái nghĩa với với the same…as là different from.
3. Cấu trúc câu so sánh hơn trong tiếng Anh
3.1. Cấu trúc so sánh hơn trong tiếng Anh với tính từ và trạng từ ngắn
Cấu trúc: ThựcS
+V Trịnh
+ Kim Son 0908854232
(Adj/Adv) + “-er” + than

E.g: Jennie’s grades are higher than her sister’s.

Today is colder than yesterday.
My girlfriend came later than me.
Lindy is shorter than her younger sister.
My ruler is longer than yours.
3.2. Cấu trúc so sánh hơn trong tiếng Anh với tính từ và trạng từ dài
Cấu trúc:
S + V + more + Adj/Adv + than

E.g: He is a more professional soccer player than me.

He speaks Korean more fluently than his friend.
She visits her family less frequently than I used to.
This hat is more expensive than the others.
My father drives more carefully than my brother.
Note: Có thể thêm far hoặc much trước cụm từ so sánh để nhấn mạnh.
E.g: Mike’s phone is much more expensive than mine.
4. Cấu trúc câu so sánh hơn nhất trong tiếng Anh
4.1. Cấu trúc so sánh hơn nhất trong tiếng Anh với tính từ và trạng từ ngắn
Cấu trúc:
S + V + the + Adj/Adv + -est

E.g: My brother is the tallest in our family.

Sunday is the coldest day of the month so far.
He runs the fastest in my city.
Linda is the youngest person in my office.
My house is the highest one in my neighborhood.

B. Cấu trúc so sánh hơn nhất trong tiếng Anh với tính từ và trạng từ dài
Cấu trúc:
S + V + the + most + Adj/Adv

E.g: The most boring thing about English course is doing grammar exercises.
Lisa is the most careful person I ever have known.
Of all the students, she does the most quickly.
This is the most difficult case we have ever encountered.
Linda is the most intelligent student in my class.
Note: Có thể thêm “very” trước cụm từ so sánh để mang ý nghĩa nhấn mạnh.
E.g: Here is the very latest news about the accident.

C. Một số tính từ và trạng từ đặc biệt trong câu so sánh

So sánh hơn So sánh hơn nhất

good/well better best
bad/badly worse worst
little less least
many/much more most
far further farther

TASK 1: Put the underlined words in the right column:

hit ago sofa sick till album

investment kin sin been dill misconduct
rip combat bin until bit astonish
fill congress fist fit gin consistent
hill hit is did imprison it
lick atlantic lid around cactus

/ɪ/ /ə/

TASK 2: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that
of the rest:
1. C.loudly D.mouse
2. A.camel B.cattle C.paddy D.buffalo
3. A.populated B.loaded C.harvested D.lived
4. A.fields C.lemons D.parks
5. A.normal B.visitor C.transport D.chore
6. A. traffic B. relative C. tragedy D. jam
7. A. apartment B. offer C. prefer D. another
8. A. nature B. pressure C. urban D. supply
9. A. create B. peaceful C. increase D. easily
10. A. accessible B. pressure C. illness D. Success
11. A. neighbor B. cough C. although D. drought
12. A. entertain B. rain C. air D. strain
13. A. try B. facility C. typhoon D. supply
14. A. supermarket B. ruler C. pollution D. urban
15. A. nature B. migrant C. facility D. away

TASK 3: Choose the word whose stress is not the same as that of the other three:
1. A. nomadic B. generous C. colourful D. countryside
2. A. popular B. calculus C. beehive D. disturb
3. A. harvest B. collect C. peaceful D. whisper
4. A. charade B. transport C. expect D. paddy
5. A. opportunity B. inconvenient C. facility D. optimistic
6. A. nomadic B. idyllic C. attractive D. peaceful
7. A. experience B. happiness C. memory D. childhood
8. A. privacy B. pharmacy C. vacation D. grocery
9. A. interesting B. idyllic C. natural D. beautiful
10. A. cultivate B. develop C. celebrate D. decorate
Task 1: Old one out.

1. A. duck B. cattle C. chicken D. goose

2. A. mountain B. grassland C. paddy field D. pasture
3. A. pick B. collect C. harvest D. plough
4. A. load rice B. dry rice C. cook rice D. harvest rice
5. A. peaceful B. nomadic C. crowded D. traditional

Task 2: Fill in the blank with a suitable word/ phrase.

Task a
1. In Vietnam, the __________________________ occurs in
September when autumn comes.

2. In the family, everyone has his own job. What the youngest
child has to do every day is to

3. He loves living with his grandparents in the countryside

because he can __________________________ with his
friends every day.

4. You cannot find any __________________________ in

the countryside.

5. __________________________ is very hard because nomads

often move from one place to another. However, it is also

6. The city children are very excited because it is the first time,
they have __________________________ in a garden.

Task b

paddy field herd load

harvest time combine harvester

1. It took them an hour to _______________ all the goods onto the truck.
2. Nowadays, people in my village use a _______________ to harvest their rice and separate the grains
from the rest of the plant.
3. Today it is my turn to _______________ the cows.
4. A place in which people grow rice is called a ________________.
5. A busy time when people cut and gather their crops is called _______________.

TASK 3: Fill in the blanks with the correct words or phrases matching the verbs.
Maybe some verbs can be used more than one.

grapes food buffaloes a camel data
dolls a tent water cattle a flag
strawberry a bike fence tea buds a car
goats information an ostrich blackberry sheep
a motorbike a notice postcards a memorial a donkey

1. ride: ___________________________________________________________________________
2. collect: _________________________________________________________________________
3. pick: ___________________________________________________________________________
4. herd: __________________________________________________________________________
5. pick up: ________________________________________________________________________
TASK 4: Fill in each blank in the following passage with ONE suitable word from the
ride grassland cattle loaded kites
beehive vast harvest convenient dry
1. Several people were flying in the field.
2. Russia is a country with a lot of natural resources.
3. My brother is learning to a horse at the moment.
4. Farmers often leave the rice in the sun to .
5. They the buffalo-drawn cart with hay.
6. Farmers always need extra help with the .
7. Local people are turning into farmland.
8. A is a type of box that people use for keeping bees in.
9. Is it to meet you at the moment?
10. My uncle raises a herd of on his farm.
TASK 5: Choose the word or phrase that best fits the blank space in each sentence:
1. There are millions of stars ___________________ the sky at night in the countryside.
A. to B. from C. in D. on
2. Children often ___________________ a lot of noise, so adults often feel angry about that.
A. do B. make C. give D. work
3. ___________________ the bad weather, farmers still work on their fields.
A. In spite of B. Although C. Because of D. However
4. I am ___________________ on visiting my grandparents on the weekend.
A. fond B. keen C. interested D. bored
5. Their farms produce rice, crops, and dairy ___________________.
A. facilities B. comfort C. products D. cargo
6. Some large cities have to find measures to protect them from air ___________________.
A. rubbish B. garbage C. wastes D. pollution
7. The streets in cities are ___________________ than those in the countryside.
A. crowded B. more crowded C. crowdeder D. less crowded
8. City drivers have to drive___________________ than country ones.
A. more careful B. more careless C. more carefully D. more carelessly
9. Harvesting the rice is much ___________________ than drying the rice.
A. more harder B. more hardly C. hardlier D. harder
10. In my opinion, country people are ___________________ than city people.
A. more friendly B. friendlier C. more friendlier D. both A & B.
11. A village is often ___________________ than a city.
A. more densely populated B. less densely populated
C. more densely populating D. less densely populating
12. My family is going to come back to the hometown to ___________________ a visit to our
A. make B. pay C. do D. make
13. Last week was the harvest time. I was staying with my uncle, and I helped him load the rice onto the
A. buffalo – drawn cart B. cart buffalo – drawn
C. cart – drawn buffalo D. cart – buffalo drawn
14. We often spend a lot of time talking with our ___________________ during Tet holiday.
A. relation B. relationship C. relatives D. relative
15. ___________________people in the countryside are not rich, they often have a peaceful and happy
A. Because B. Although C. Despite D. When
16. Except for some minor changes, life in my hometown has generally remained at a slow ______.
A. speed B. rhythm C. pace D. both B & C
17. Which one do you prefer, life in the___________________ area or life in a modern town?
A. far B. further C. distance D. remote
18. I have stayed in a ___________________ area for two weeks. The transportation was very
inconvenient and there was no entertainment canter to relax.
A. rural B. urban C. outskirts D. suburb
19. It is ____________________ in the city than it is in the country.
A. noisily B. more noisier C. noisier D. noisy
20. The English test was____________________ than I thought it would be.
A. the easier B. more easy C. easiest D. easier

21. English is thought to be ____________________ than Math.

A. harder B. the more hard C. hardest D. the hardest

22. My house is ____________________ hers.
A. cheap than B. cheaper C. more cheap than D. cheaper than
23. Her office is ____________________ away than mine.
A. father B. more far C. farther D. farer
24. Tom is ____________________ than David.
A. handsome B. the more handsome
C. more handsome D. the most handsome
25. He did the test ____________________ I did.
A. as bad as B. badder than C. more badly than D. worse than
26. A boat is ____________________ than a plane.
A. slower B. slowest C. more slow D. more slower
27. My new sofa is ____________________ than the old one.
A. more comfortable B. comfortably
C. more comfortabler D. comfortable
28. My sister dances ____________________ than me.
A. gooder B. weller C. better D. more good
29. This road is____________________ than that road.
A. narrower B. narrow C. the most narrow D. more narrower
30. He drives ____________________ his brother.
A. more careful than B. more carefully
C. more carefully than D. as careful as
31. It was ____________________day of the year.
A. the colder B. the coldest C. coldest D. colder
32. She is ____________________ student in my class.
A. most hard-working B. more hard-working
C. the most hard-working D. as hard-working
33. Jupiter is ____________________ planet in the solar system.
A. the biggest B. the bigger C. bigger D. biggest
34. Jim is the ____________________ in his class.
A. clever B. cleverest C. cleverer D. most clever
35. Hotels have developed ____________________ restaurants.
A. as rapidly as B. so rapidly as C. as rapid as D. more rapid
36. Can Tho bridge is the ____________________ one in the South of Viet Nam.
A. long B. shortest C. longest D. longer
37. Albert Einstein’s contributions to scientific theory were _________ those of Galileo and Newton.
A. important than B. more important C. the most important D. as important as
38. Impalas cannot move as ____________________cheetahs but they are more efficient runners.
A. faster than B. fast as C. fast D. are fast as
39. Both are informative articles, but this one is ____________________.
A. best B. the best C. most D. better

40. She is the ____________________ girl in our town.
A. more beautiful B. beauty C. most beautiful D. more beautifully

TASK 6 Use the adjective in brackets in their correct forms of comparison to

complete the sentences.
1. Tea is _________________coffee. (cheap)
2. The new harvest machine is _________________than the old one. (effective)
3. The countryside is _________________the town. (beautiful)
4. A tractor is_________________ a buffalo. (powerful)
5. My sister is _________________me. (tall)
6. Blue whales are _________________elephants. (heavy)
7. The Mekong River is _________________the Red River. (long)
8. Do you think English is_________________ French in grammar? (easy)
9. My new bed is _________________ my old bed. (comfortable)
10. The film about my village town is than the book. (interesting)
11. The countryside is (crowded) _________________ and (tranquil) _________________ than cities.
12. I guess that ploughing machine can plough very much (fast) _________________ than a buffalo.
13. Good healthcare service can be (easy) _________________ found in rural areas than in cities.
14. Farmers often have to get up (early) _________________ than city dwellers.
15. Houses in big cities are often (well-furnished) _________________ than those in villages.
TASK 7 Use the correct form of the WORDS and the VERBS in parentheses:
1. There is a _________________of books on the shelf. (collect)
2. It is very _________________for people in remote areas to get to hospitals. (convenience)
3. He is very _________________with his hands. (skill)
4. It is said that water collected from the local streams is _________________ to drink. (safe)
5. We want _________________relations with all countries. (friend)
6. I like to eat _________________, so I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables every day. (health)
7. John adores _________________ (play) badminton in the winter.
8. My father sometimes goes _________________ (hunt) in the forests. He’d like to find some more
food for our family.
9. The boy _________________ (pick) up a stone and threw it in to the river.
10. He _________________ (collect) stamps from many countries since he ___________ (be) eight.
11. Which sports do you like _________________ (play)?
12. Hoa’s teacher wants her (spend) _________________more time on math.
13.I promise I (try) _________________my best next semester.
14.Sandra needs (improve) _________________ her English writing.
15.You should (underline) _________________the word you want (learn) _________________.
16.Can you help me (move) _________________ this table?
17.Nam always (get) __________ grade A in Physics, but last semester he (get) ___________ B.
18.They were proud of (be) _________________ so successful.
19. My parents want to live in the countryside when they get older because of its _________________
life. (peace)
20. In the countryside, the streets are not as crowded and _________________ as in big cities. (noise)
21. Sometimes it is _________________ for people to travel in rural areas because there are not many
different means of transport. (convenience)
22. I think that _____________ life is very unstable because it is always on the move. (nomad)
23. Life in big cities is more _________________ than in the countryside. (stress)
24. _____________are very friendly and hospitable. (village)
25. My grandfather owns a valuable _____________ of stamps. (collect)
26. Spring coming, the hills are_____________ with many species of wildflowers blooming. (color)
27. Each nation tries to work hard to protect the world _____________. (peaceful)
28. _____________a camel is the most exciting activity I have ever experienced. (ride)
29. Nomads usually move to get food and find lands to _____________. (farmer)
30. Country children often react less quickly to technical _____________than city children. (develop)
31. You must drive _______on the city roads or you will take high risk of getting accidents. (care)
32. Iceland is considered the most _____________country in the world. (peace)
33. A _____________ lifestyle has its advantages and disadvantages. (nomad)
34. My brother has been a stamp _____________for several years. (collect)
35. Drinking water in some areas may be _____________. (safe)
36. During my stay in the village, I was _____________with several local farmers. (friend)
37. Encouraging children to eat and drink _____________is very important. (health)
38. Local people in the village often wear their ___________costumer during the festivals. (tradition)
39. Please give _____________ to that charity to help the homeless after the flood. (generous)
40. The baby slept very _____________ because the bed was really comfortable. (sound)
TASK 1: Match the words in column A and the definitions in column B then make a
complete sentence using relative clauses.
1. A nomad a. a place the Mongolian live in
2. A buffalo-drawn b. a period of the year when farmers collect their crops
3. Harvest time c. a vast area of grass for raising cattle
4. A ger d. an activity for taking cattle out for food and looking after them
5. Meadow e. a person who often move to find new lands for growing rice
6. Herding f. a means for transporting and carrying heavy thing by using animals

Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Eg: A ger is a place which the Mongolian live in.
TASK 2: Fill in the changes in the countryside that you have ever observed (or heard
from your parents or grandparents) in the box below then talk about these changes.
Things In the past At present
Roads Eg: Dirt, stone, one lane for all Eg: Paved, more lanes for
kinds of vehicles… specific vehicles…

Means of
Eg: There are a lot of changes in my village. First, roads are now paved and divided into more lanes
for specific vehicles instead of dirt roads which have the only lane for all kinds of vehicles. Second,

TASK 3: Decide whether the statement is an advantage (A) or a disadvantage (D) of the
nomadic life and write the answer in the blank. Then practise the conversation about what you
like or dislike about it.
1. A nomad constantly changes locations, switching from one place to another. ___________
2. It is hard to maintain a relationship. ___________
3. This constant process of change is a great learning experience, and when you learn, you become
smarter. ___________
4. Nomads don’t take life very seriously, and they think about life very optimistically. ___________
5. You can learn to ride a horse from the early age, and travel everywhere by horse or camel.
6. Nomads think and adjust fast. ___________
7. The basic understand for nomads is that “everything is temporary, and nothing is yours. ______
8. Being a nomad, you never really have a feeling of real home. ___________
A: What do you like about the nomadic life?
B: Well,
A: And what don’t you like about it?
B: sưu tầm

TASK 4: Complete the conversation, using the phrases/sentences (A-H) given.

A. It’s a real life, I think.
B. You don’t worry about delay or being late anymore.
C. I see.
D. the fresh air and the open space
E. to make you fit and happy.
F. It’s interesting.
G. We can’t enjoy social activities there, especially in the evening.
H. the traffic systems in the city
Nick: Hi, Mai. Have you just come back from your stay in the countryside?
Mai: Yes, I stayed on my uncle’s farm for the weekend. (1) ________________.
Nick: Do you really like the life in the countryside? Why?
Mai: First, you can enjoy (2) ________________.
Nick: What do you mean, Mai?
Mai: In the countryside, we have the yard or the garden to play in. You can run around, kick a ball or
chase butterflies. (3) ________________.
Nick: In my opinion, the countryside … it’s only nice if people are retired or they get old. (4)
Mai: But in the country, you are not in a hurry. (5) ________________. We can say “no” to traffic
jams here.
Nick: Well, (6) ________________are becoming much better and we can ride a bicycle around (7)
Mai: (8) ________________. Maybe we can live in the town and go to the countryside at the weekend
or during the summer holiday.


TASK 1: Read the information about France and Spain. Complete the sentences
about the countries, using a comparative form of the words in bracket.
Size: 550,000 sq km Size: 500,000 sq km
Population: 64 million Population: 40 million
Summer temperature: 18°C Summer temperature: 24 °C
Winter temperature: 5°C Winter temperature: °C
Rainfall: 650mm Rainfall: 300mm

1. France ____________________ Spain. (big)

2. Spain ____________________ France. (smaller)
3. Spain’s population ____________________France‟s population. (large)
4. France’s population ____________________not _______________Spain’s population. (small)
5. Spain ____________________France in summer. (hot)
6. Spain ____________________not ____________________France in winter. (cold)
7. Spain ____________________ not ____________________ France. (rainy)

8. France ____________________ Spain. (rainy)
TASK 2: Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word.
The country is (1) beautiful than a town and pleasant to live in. Many people
think so and go to the country (2) the summer holiday although they can’t live (3)
all the year round. Some have a cottage built in a village (4) that they can go there
whenever they (5) find the time.
English villages are not all alive, but (6) some ways there are not very different from
(7) other. Almost every village (8) , a church, the round or square tower of which
car (9) seen from many miles around. Surrounding the church is the church yard, (10)
people are buried.
TASK 3: Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word
My grandmother told me that our village (1) very poor many years ago. The
villagers had to work hard in the fields all day, but they could not earn enough for their living. Their
lives were very simple. Many people had to (2) in houses made of straw and mud.
Nowadays my village has (3) a lot. People live in big brick houses. In the evening,
they can listen to the (4) on the radio or watch TV for entertainment. All the people
in my village try their best to make their living better. They raise and resurface the roads (5)
the roads will not be muddy and flooded after it rains. They widen the roads so cars and
lorries can get to the village easily. They build a medical centre so people's health can be looked (6)
at any time. They build a new school so their (7) have better
learning conditions. They built a bridge (8) the river, so villagers have a shorter
way to town. They also build a football ground so their children can (9) sports.
And they grow cash crops so people can export the crops and have more money.
I would like to become an agricultural engineer in the future so I can apply new technology to our
farming and do more for the village (10) our parents did.
TASK 4: Read the passage. Decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F).
If you had your own apple orchard, it means you have a busy, year-around job. Apple growers
schedule tasks all year long to have a good harvest in the fall and to get the apples to your grocery
store while they are still fresh. Early in the spring, you will be out in the orchard fertilizing the trees
and planting new trees. Maybe you are just replacing a few old trees that no longer produce many
apples, or maybe you are adding rows of trees to enlarge your orchard or to try a new variety of
apples. Soon the trees begin to show their pink and white blooms. Don’t spend too much time
admiring the flowers! You need to rent some beehives to pollinate all your trees. You don’t want
your trees to grow lots of tiny apples. You want to grow nice big ones, so after the blooms fade you
start checking your trees to see if the buds need to be thinned. Maybe you will thin them by hand, or
maybe you will use chemicals to do the job.
1. Apple growers always have things to do with their apple orchard. ____________
2. Apples are harvested in the fall and brought to the stores after that season. ___________
3. Apple growers use fertilizers for apples trees. ____________
4. After each harvest season, all apple trees are replaced with new ones. ____________
5. Thinning the buds will bring about big apple trees. ____________

TASK 5: Read the conversation again and choose the correct answer to each question
Nick: You look great with a tan, Mai!
Mai: Thank you. I've just come back from a very enjoyable summer holiday.
Nick: Really? Where did you stay?
Mai: I stayed at my uncle’s house in a small village in Bac Giang Province.
Nick: What did you do there?
Mai: A lot of things. It was harvest time. The villagers were harvesting rice with a combine harvester. I
helped them load the rice onto a truck. Then we unloaded the rice and dried it.
Nick: Sounds great!
Mai: And sometimes I went with the village children to herd the buffaloes and cows. I made friends
with them on my first day.
Nick: Were they friendly?
Mai: Yes, they were. They took me to the paddy fields to fly kites. And in the evening, we played
traditional games like bamboo dancing and dragon-snake.
Nick: Oh, I envy you!
Mai: Things move more slowly there than in our city, but people seem to have a healthier life.
1. How does Mai feel about her summer holiday?
A. She likes it. B. She doesn't like it. C. She thinks it was fine.
2. Where did she stay during her summer holiday?
A. At her friend’s house. B. At her uncle’s house. C. At her grandparents’ house.
3. During harvest time, people harvest rice by _________ .
A. themselves B. using a truck C. using a combine harvester
4. Which of the following is NOT true according to the conversation?
A. Mai made friends with the village children on her first day.
B. Mai and the village children played traditional games.
C. Nick doesn’t like what Mai and the village children did.
5. Mai thinks people in the countryside lead ___________.
A. a healthy life B. an exciting life C. an interesting life

TASK 6: Choose the correct answer for each gap to complete the following passage.
My parents are farmers. They work very (1) ____________ on the paddy fields. They usually get (2)
____________ very early in the morning. After (3) ____________breakfast, they feed the buffaloes,
pigs, chickens, ducks, and they (4) ____________ the eggs. From about eight, they work in the field.
They (5) ____________rice but their (6) ____________ is vegetables. From eleven thirty to one thirty,
they rest and have lunch. They continue to work until five in the afternoon then they come back home.
My mother (7) ____________ the animals again while my father (8) ____________ the buffalo shed
and the chicken coop. They usually finish their work at about six thirty. Twice a week, my mother (9)

____________ the vegetables and eggs to the town market to sell them then she often buys the things
we need for our daily life. She also (10) ____________me a small present each time.
1. A. hard B. hardly C. harder D. hardest
2. A. on B. off C. up D. in
3. A. to have B. having C. have D. had
4. A. take B. see C. have D. collect
5. A. plant B. water C. grow D. cut
6. A. period B. crop C. time D. harvest
7. A. leads B. feeds C. gives D. calls
8. A. cleans B. washes C. polishes D. clears
9. A. makes B. takes C. carries D. brings
10. A. buying B. buys C. to buy D. bought

TASK 7: Read the text, and do Task a, b.

Life is changing rapidly in the large cities of England. However, life in other areas remains much the
(1) ____________ as it has been for centuries. Factories have brought huge population increases to
the cities, and city life boomed.
City residents have discovered a new (2) ____________of life, but in country villages the
traditional lifestyle has remained nearly (3) ____________. There have been a few changes,
particularly the new steam-powered machinery. It made farm production more (4) ____________.
But for the people who remain in the countryside, daily life continues much as it had before the (5)
____________ Revolution. Life in country villages continues to (6) ____________at a slow pace.
The daily schedule depends on the times that the sun rose and set and on the weather. In a typical
village, the (7) ____________number of workers is still employed in agriculture or in domestic
service. A smaller number of people work in various trades. Even (8) ____________work in the
a. Choose the most suitable word to fill in the blank
1. A. similar B. same C. different D. both A & B
2. A. method B. walk C. way D. path
3. A. changeful B. changeable C. unchanged D. change
4. A. efficient B. efficiently C. efficiency D. inefficient
5. A. Industry B. Industrial C. Industrialize D. Industrialized
6. A. run B. walk C. move D. drive
7. A. largest B. biggest C. highest D. all are correct
8. A. more B. less C. few D. fewer

b. Fill in the blank with one word/ phrase from the passage
1. The population in the city has increased because of ___________________.
2. There have been hardly any changes in the ___________________ in rural areas.
3. Steam – powered machinery helps ___________________ a lot.
4. The daily schedule of people in the countryside depends on___________________.
5. Most countryside people in England work in agriculture or in ___________________.
TASK 8: Read the text, and do as direct:
Living in the country without a doubt sounds appealing but it is highly important to be aware
that country life is very different from what you have experienced during a few-day vacation and
that the countryside has changed a lot in the last few decades. So before you start packing, you are
recommended to take into account both the pros and cons of country life.
First of all, country life depends greatly on where you live because living in the country can
mean a lot of things including living in a small village, a market town or an isolated place with the
first neighbor living 10 miles away. The latter option sounds very tempting because it gives you
all the privacy and peace in the world .

you could possibly ask for. However, living far from the "civilization" also means living far from
the shops, schools, pharmacies and other things city dwellers take for granted.
Many people who live in villages and market towns will say that city dwellers have more
privacy and they are partly right. In the country, everyone knows everyone and everyone knows
everything about everyone. People in the country are friendlier and more open but they are people.
This means that they are naturally curious and that they may want to know too much about your
personal stuff. But then again, people will only be as intrusive as you allow them to be.
Living in the country offers a number of benefits over city dwelling but it is not as idyllic as
many people think it is. You are recommended to take time and think things through before you
decide to move to the country and buy an old farmhouse. Also, keep in mind that you can also buy
a small cottage with a lovely wood burning stove to have a place of your own to retreat when you
need a break from the city.

a. Matching.
1. appealing, tempting a. the stage of human social development and organization which is
considered most advanced
2. isolated b. stores sell drugs
3. privacy c. be situated far from the main centers of population
4. pharmacies d. attractive
5. civilization e. extremely happy, peaceful
6. city dwellers f. far from other places, buildings, or people
7. personal stuff g. a small house, typically one in the country
8. remote h. people who live in a city
9. idyllic i. things belongs or relates to a particular person
10. cottage j. the state of being free from public attention
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

b. Choose the correct answer.

1. The same meaning with “pros and cons" is:
A. advantages and disadvantages B. truths and lies
C. dos and don'ts D. facts and figures
2. What should you do before moving to live in the countryside?
A. You should start packing your things.
B. You should start packing only your necessary things.
C. You should prepare money to buy a farmhouse.
D. You should consider the pros and cons of living in the countryside.
3. "The latter option" is:
A. Living in the country B. Living in a small village
C. Living in an isolated place D. Living in a market town
4. What sentence is NOT TRUE about living in the country?
A. People in the country are friendlier and more open.
B. It gives you more privacy than living in cities.
C. The countryside has changed a lot in the last few decades.
D. Country life is very different from life you have experienced during a few-day vacation.
5. How many cons in which living in the countryside results are said in the essay?
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
6. According to the passage, people who need a break from the city should
A. take a vacation to the country
B. buy an old farmhouse
C. move to the countryside to enjoy the nature and breathe fresh air
D. buy a small cottage with a lovely wood burning stove

TASK 9: Read the text, and do as direct:

A Harvest Scene

It was the middle of April. I had a chance to go to my village. The fields for miles around
were full of yellow ripened crop of wheat. The fields waved in the gentle breeze. The air was
full of peculiar scent. The scenery all round was most picturesque. The farmer's joy knew no
bounds. He sang and danced with joy at the sight of a bumper crop.
The next day was the harvesting day. There was bustle and activity on all sides. The farmers
with sickles and scythes in their hands set out to reap the ripe crop. They sang and danced to the
beating of drums. They were mad with joy.
They sat in a line at one end of the field. They reaped and reaped till it was noon. The
drummers went on beating the drums. At noon they stopped. They rested for a while and had
their lunch. It consisted of chapattis with glassfuls of clarified butter and country-sugar.
After a little nap, they again set to work. They vied with one another in the output of their
work. They were so happy at the prospect of a rich harvest that they knew no fatigue. They
toiled from morn till night yet never felt bored.
As the sun set, the harvested crop was bound into sheaves. They were carried and stored in a
safe place. The harvesting went on for a number of days. The farmers were very generous of
hand. They gave freely to all who came to them for a handful of stalks. They were intensely

happy at the fruit of their honest and diligent labour. They did not send away anybody empty-
handed. They obliged one and all whether water- men, labourers, menials or beggars.
The harvesting time is a hectic time for the farmers They are busy day and night. They
know no rest. All hands are required. All young, and old men and women, are put to the job.
There is a race against time. The harvest must be brought home in the shortest possible time for
who knows the rains may come and spoil the whole show. The farmers bend all their energies
to the task to avoid all risks. A harvesting scene is a rare scene. It is indeed a sight to see the
farmers singing dancing out of spontaneous joy.

1. Match the words in column A to the correct meanings in column B.

1. peculiar a. a tool with a semicircular blade, used for cutting corn, rice
2. picturesque b. a tool used for cutting crops such as grass or corn, with a long curved blade
at the end of a long pole
3. sickle c. showing care in one's work or duties
4. scythe d. different to what is normal or expected
5. reap e. a person who lives by asking for money or food
6. diligent f. a person who hires out boats or provides transport by boat
7. country-sugar g. being free to do something
8. fatigue h. full of continuous activities
9. toil i. visually attractive, especially in a quaint or charming way
10. stalk j. sugar made from any of various locally available sources
11. water-men k. to cut or gather (a crop or harvest)
12. menial l. a job without requiring many skills
13. beggar m. extreme tiredness resulting from mental or physical exertion or illness
14. hectic n. the body part of rice
15. spontaneous o. to work extremely hard

Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
2. Read the essay again then choose the correct answers. sưu tầm
1. The time that wheat is yellow ripened is
A. in the early April B. in the middle of April
C. in the late April D. in May
2. "a bumper crop" is
A. a crop with high yield B. a crop with low yield
C. a crop with fatigue D. a poor harvest

3. At noon, farmers
A. rested for a while and had lunch B. continued beating drums
C. took a nap D. both A and C
4. According to the essay, farmers were:
A. not willing to give freely to ones who want a handle of stalk.
B. generous, happy and respectful the fruit of their honest and diligent labour.
C. able to send away someone empty-handed.
D. not obliged to share their fruits to watermen, labourers, menials, or beggars.

5. Harvest time is described as a race against time because:

A. Farmers have to work hard day and night.
B. It needs the efforts from all people even old or young men and women.
C. Farmers have to bring their crops home in shortest time to avoid all risks.
D. Farmers toiled from morn till night yet never felt bored.

TASK 1: For each group, choose the correct sentence A or B.
1. a. More industry and automobiles are concentrated in urban areas than in rural areas.
b. More industry and automobiles are concentrated in urban areas that in rural areas.
2. a. Air pollution in cities is more worse than in the countryside.
b. Air pollution in cities is worse than in the countryside.
3. a. The air in the countryside is fresher than in cities.
b. The air in the countryside is more fresh than in cities.
4. a. City children play less freely on the streets because of crowded traffic.
b. City children play more freely on the streets because of crowded traffic.
5. a. In the countryside, the life style is less faster than the life style in cities.
b. In the countryside, the life style is not so fast as the life style in cities.
6. a. Most people believe that country people live happier than city people.
b. Most people believe that country people live more happily than city people. people.
7. a. Farmers have to work harder in harvest time.
b. Farmers have to work more hardly in harvest time
8. a. The starry sky at night in the countryside is more clearer and more fantastic than that in cities.
b. The starry sky at night in the countryside is clearer and more fantastic than that in cities.
9. a. The cost of living in cities is more high than in the countryside.
b. The cost of living in cities is higher than in the countryside.
10. a. Life in a small town is less exciting than life in a big city.

b. Life in a small town is not so exciting than life in a big city.
Task 2: Rewrite the following sentences, using the given words.
1. No one can fly kites better than Hung in my village.
→ Hung flies kites _________________________________________________.
2. People living in cities have to drive more carefully than those living in the countryside.
→People living in the countryside don't have to drive so___________________.
3. It is more difficult for people to find jobs in the countryside than in the cities.
→People find it .
4. I have never seen such a beautiful picture before.
→This is the most .
5. His house is the biggest one in the village.
→None of houses in the village .
6. It is better for farmers to harvest their crops earlier than usual because of the bad weather.
→In bad weather, the earlier farmers harvest their crops, .
7. More and more people love to live in the countryside than in cities.
→More and more people prefer .
8. Some people think country folk are friendlier than city people.
→Some people think city people are not so .
9. I haven't returned to my village for 5 years.
→It is .
10. A couple of fathers and his child spend at least 3 days and 2 nights living in a village in the
program of "Daddy, where are we going?"
→It takes _________________________________________________________
Task 3: Rewrite the sentences of comparison.
1. Her old house is bigger than her new one.
→ Her new house ______________________________________________________________
2. No one in my class is taller than Peter.
→ Peter ______________________________________________________________________
3. The black dress is more expensive than the white one.
→ The white dress _____________________________________________________________
4. According to me, English is easier than Maths.
→ According to me, Maths ______________________________________________________
5. No one in my group is more intelligent than Mary.
→ Mary _____________________________________________________________________
6. No river in the world is longer than the Nile. sưu tầm
→ The Nile ___________________________________________________________________
7. Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.
→ No mountain ________________________________________________________________
8. This is the first time I have ever met such a pretty girl,
→ She is ______________________________________________________________________
9. He works much. He feels tired.
→ The more __________________________________________________________________
10. This computer works better than that one.
→ That computer ______________________________________________________________
11. Yesterday the temperature was nine degrees. Today it’s only six degrees.
→ It’s _______________________________________________________________________
12. The journey takes four hours by car and five hours by train.
→ It takes ____________________________________________________________________
13. We were very busy at work today. We are not as busy as that every day.
→ We _______________________________________________________________________
14. Jane cooks better than her sister.
→ Jane’s sister ________________________________________________________________
15. Tom is the best football player in this team.
→ Nobody in this team _________________________________________________________

Task 4: Make up sentences using the words and phrases given.

1. It/ to/ quite simple/ is/ cook Bun Bo Hue.
→ _______________________________________________________________________________.
2. to/ do/ you/ like/ in/ live/ the big city /or the countryside?
→ _______________________________________________________________________________.
3. becoming/ is/ the/ better/ traffic.
→ _______________________________________________________________________________.
4. life/ in/ is/ better/ the/ changing/ country.
→ _______________________________________________________________________________.
5. Ho Chi Minh city/ Mr. Hung/ tonight/ arriving/ in/ is.
→ _______________________________________________________________________________.
6. I/ countryside/ the/ last Sunday/ went/ my uncle/ to/ and.
→ _______________________________________________________________________________.
7. is/ home/ so/ dark/ should/ It/ we/ go/ getting
→ _______________________________________________________________________________.
8. grandfather/ Saturday/ I/ my/ am/ on/ visiting.
→ _______________________________________________________________________________.

Task 5: Use the words or phrases given to write meaningful sentences.

1. Villagers/ usually earn/ living/ farming/ raising animals/ making handicrafts.
→ _______________________________________________________________________________
2. They/ live/ a small community/ a temple/ where great events/ such as/ festivals/ organized.
→ _______________________________________________________________________________
3. Villagers/ the Southern/ usually live/ houses/ built on stilts/ keep above flood waters.
→ _______________________________________________________________________________
4. Along/ coastal lines/ fishermen/ depend/ sea/ live on.
→ _______________________________________________________________________________
5. People/ Central Highlands/ and/ northern regions/ live/ growing rice/ rubber trees/ coffee/ tea.
→ _______________________________________________________________________________
Task 5: Life in a small town or a village is different from life in a big city. Compare the life in
countryside and in big cities from your observation or your own experiences. Use comparison
forms to make your writing better.
Eg: Life in a small village differs from one in a big city. The first difference is about the cost of living. The cost of
living in a village is lower than that in a big city. Villagers usually produce their own food such as vegetables, fruits or
even meat, so they don't need to buy such food with high prices.

Your paragraph:



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