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Why Spanish?/ éPor qué Espafiol? 8 Reasons to learn Spanish: + Learning a foreign language gives you global exposure. «Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world. * Learning Spanish will unlock a world of travel destinations. + Spanish is one of the easiest foreign languages to learn. Learning a second language makes you mentally fit. Ithelps to communicate with more than 550 milion native Spanish speakers v, Today, Spanish is the official language of more than 20 countries. Spanish is the official language of numerous international organizations, includir United Nations. i Spanish vs other languages: The World's Most Spoken Languages Estimated number of fist angus Los saludos Vlas des Wl CONEACEO!CO) en, Se S408 ntimers-1(0.39) (Gre, 1. Lee: (Read) A) Avien B (Ge) Barco D (ec) Dedos C (Ce) Cielo 2 i 3, F te) Fétbot H (ache) Hote! K (ka) kiwi L te) Libro M me) Medaia jy ne) Noranjq Oe 9 ©) oj, P e) Pionta § ; 5 (Ese) sitta Tote)Tixe h x (U) Universidad Y (Wve) Ventitadoy Way Me ot. ae, © scanned with OKEN Scanner X (Equis) Xil6fono Y (griega) Yate Z (eta) Zumo Los vocales Pee ene faewae asa ui A A A (ah) s__ | Avion - Aeroplane 7 E E E (eh) x Elefante - Elephant a ee Tee) ¢ Iglesia - Church @ 6) ° ° © (oh) wi _| Ojos - Eyes u u U (uh) w Universidad - University Las consonantes B B Be (beh) | a Barco - Ship ¢ c Ce (ceh) u/w — |Clelo-Sky * } =D. D De (deh) = Dedos - Fingers F F Efe (eh-fe) 7 Fotbol - Football G G Ge (heh) a /7_|Glrasol - Sunflower H H__|Hache (ach-he) = Hotel - Hotel J J Jota (hota) z/a__|Jirata - Giraffe | K K Ka (koh) m Kiwi - Kiwi mo L Ele (el-eh) a Libro - Book > ™ ™ | _Eme (em-eh) a Medalla - Medal BA TN N Ene (en-eh) a Naranja - Orange N Efie (en-yeh) = __|Nifia- Git ie P Pe (peh) a Planta - Plant @ Q@ Cu (cuh) = ‘Queso - Cheese R R Ere (er-reh) z Reloj - Clock s s Ese (es-eh) a Silla - Chair T T Te (teh) a Tigre - Tiger Vv. Vv Uve (uh-ve) a Ventilador - Fan Ww w Uve doble a Windsurf - Windsurf (uh-ve-dob-leh) | ! x Equis (eh-kis) xXiléfono - Xylophone ; Y I-griega a Yate - Yatch _| lee-gri-eh-go) z z Zeta (se-ta) a Zumo - Juice © scanned with OKEN Scanner 2, Las letras y sonidos: (Letters & sours C- If Cis followed by a, 0, u or by any consonant, then C is —_ ‘i © BS Coco Cuba If Cis followed by e & i, then Cis pronounced as (/6/) Cero Cielo S-If Gis followed by a, 0, uor by any consonant, then Gis Pronounced as [/g, bose Gato Gorro Gusano Globos 'fGis followed by e &, then Gis Pronounced as [/4/) Ejs: ee — Gemelos Gigante NOTA: H -‘H’is always silent, Que - [keh], Qui - {kih] Consonantes dobles en espafiol: CC - Ej: Leccién - Lesson Innovacién - innovation RR - Ej: Perro - Dog inn nis © scanned with OKEN Scanner _ El género 3, Clasificacién del género: (Classification of gender) + Words ending with “o” are masculine. 8 Ejs: Chico: boy Vaso: glass Libro: book « Words ending with “a” are feminine. Ejs: Chica: girl Silla: chair Escuela: school Exceptions: Foto: photo Mano: hand | Radio: radio | Moto: bike Exceptions: Dia: day Mapa: map Planeta: planet Problema: problem * Words ending with ‘tad’, ‘dad’, ‘umbre' & ‘ién'are feminine. Ejs: Libertad: liberty Universidad: university Costumbre: custom Televisién: television Cancién: song * Words ending with “E”: Masculine Feminine Ejs: Restaurante: restaurant Clase: class Coche: car Leche: milk Cine: cinema hall Noche: night Perfume: perfume Uave: key Singular y plural Aine Words ending with vowels: (-0,-e. “i, -0. -u) Geiss (4.4.-5,-n,-m...) Words ending with consonants: +8 casa - casas libro - libros +£ES | reloj-relojes hotel - hoteles Ejs: La flor { Words ending with | "7 "2-> ces" | gj: Luz -> Luces Las flores © scanned with OKEN Scanner Los saludos y las despedidas 4. Escucha: (Listen the forms of greetings) Por la mafiana: Pablo: jHola! Bienvenida. Ana: jHola! Buenos dias. P Pablo: Mucho gusto. Ana: Encantada. jAdiés! Por la tarde: Pablo: jHola! Buenas tardes. Ana: iHola! [e[>[>[-Jol< ofolafyo]> YY} O;Fiwlals io ~!O;x/}Ofas/u/sa|s]/— atluj_a{aiu}e -|2|N[ololofz[>]/zl-l[elalale|-s< a) Ef)ulet}r) > w|xio O]/@/o}/um}/—-]> z|wlwlalz|slelolwlaolsfole/aiale ololula{<{zlelnie@ z/ala/x/>|o ujwl/e;rjiusja|aq|orr wial-|/-|rF/= a)/O}rFl/oOl/w)>/saiuso @a)/o/sa/s/w/> a|>|>lo]=/<|=/3/ef@lolelal>luln wo) —-|o}/sijwl}o|)-|a > a)w)ol}r/ tie alulxiolel/s/ulalo -folefwlsfu o}ulald<)/a;w)o/a\w O,u/olalolw @/ujoju/d,a/z;o/;4 a;/O ul>|/x|uw Learn Spanish with Vivos dina © scanned with OKEN Scanner SPAIN | pais: Espafia La bandera: _a capital: Madrid _a moneda: Euro -iudades importantes: Barcelona, Salamanca & Sevilla | mapa: El escudo: Fun facts about Spain | 4. Not all Spaniards are native speakers of Spanish (Castilian). There are four official languages | in Spain (Castilian, Catalan, Basque & Galician). | 2.Spanish culture is greatly influenced by modern art from the late 2800s, with artists like Antoni Gaudi, Pablo Picasso, Joan Miré & Salvador Dali. 3. Spain is renowned for its lively festivals, including San Fermin (“running of the bulls") in Pamplona & Tomatina ("tomato battle”) in Bufiol. | 4. Spain won its first World Cup football title in 2020. | 5.Don Quixote, the famous book written by Spanish author Miguel de Cervantes in 1605, was | Voted the "most meaningful book of all time” by a panel of top authors. | | 6.Traditionally people have two surnames in Spain— the first surname from the father, & | second from the mother. | 7. Madrid isin the physical center of the country & the plaza "Puerta del Sol" is the exact | center of the country. | | 8. Spain is one of the world’s biggest producers of saffron, an important ingredient in Paella, a [Spanish dish, © scanned with OKEN Scanner

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