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ISSN 2029-6991 print / ISSN 2029-7009 online

2012 Volume 38(2): 86–91

UDK 528



Nelli Ustinova1, Vello Kala2, Tarvo Mill3, Artu Ellmann4

Tallinn University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering,
Ehitajate rd. 5, 19086 Tallinn, Estonia
E-mail: (corresponding author)

Received 28 April 2012; accepted 21 June 2012

Abstract. Studies in the Tallinn University of Technology are based on a modular system, where geodetic surve-
ying comprises a self-contained study module in the curricula of all civil engineering specialities. Due to geodetic
surveying being taught to all first year students of civil engineering, it serves as a touchstone to test a student’s
suitability for an engineering specialism. Future civil engineers are taught basic geodetic measurements and how
to use optical theodolite, levelling instrument and laser level. The paper gives an overview of geodetic surveying
lectures, laboratory classes and field survey camp. Teaching and assessment are based on learning outcomes. Stu-
dents who have passed the exam are allowed to participate in the summer field survey camp, the aim of which is
consolidating the knowledge acquired throughout the year and practising teamwork.
Keywords: geodetic surveying, civil engineering students, learning outcomes, lectures, laboratory classes, field
survey camp.

1. Introduction University studies are based on curricula that deter-

mine the aims, learning outcomes, nominal study period
Tallinn University of Technology (TUT), which was es-
of the studies, subject lists with volumes and brief de-
tablished in 1918, is the only university in Estonia that
scriptions, specialisation options, etc. Curriculum design
gives engineering education. According to its Mission
assumes that a student accrues 60 ECP within a year. Ac-
Statement TUT undertakes international level funda-
ademic studies are divided into three stages:
mental and applied research and has potential for de-
– Bachelor’s studies, 180 ECP, study period 3 years;
veloping high-technology applications primarily for
the civil engineering, information and communication – Master’s studies, 120 ECP, study period 2 years;
technology, chemical and biotechnology, environmental – Doctoral studies, 240 ECP, study period 4 years.
technology, materials science and technology, econom- Civil engineering studies are an exception, as in
ics, production technologies, machine and apparatus 2002 five-year integrated studies (altogether 300 ECP)
building industries. were reintroduced for this domain. This was due to the
Today TUT has over 14,000 students in its eight fact that according to the European Union requirements
faculties and four colleges. Academic (teaching and re- the profession of a civil engineer is attributed special li-
search) staff and administrative staff amounts to approxi- ability. Thus we have integrated engineering studies,
mately 2000, including 125 professors. The main lan- which means that for the two final years the curriculum
guage of tuition is Estonian, but courses are also taught allows for admission of Bachelors of adjacent specialities
in English and Russian. and graduates of institutions of professional higher ed-
The changes that took place in society about twenty ucation aspiring for a Master’s degree. The engineering
years ago brought about reforms in study volumes, cur- programme comprises of 10 terms, the last of which is
ricula and duration of studies. Course-based system was allocated for writing the graduation thesis. Upon com-
changed to subject-based. TUT, like the rest of Estoni- pletion of the programme the student is awarded a Mas-
an higher education institutions (HEI), has adopted the ter’s degree (MSc) and is eligible for doctoral studies.
ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation Sys- TUT Civil Engineering Faculty consists of six de-
tem). One ECTS credit point (ECP) equals to 26 hours partments – the Department of Structural Design, the
of notional learning time. The adoption of ECTS aims at Department of Building Production, the Department
facilitating student mobility within Europe and assuring of Mechanics, the Department of Road Engineering,
academic recognition internationally. the Department of Environmental Engineering and the

86 Copyright © 2012 Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU) Press Technika
Geodesy and Cartography, 2012, 38(2): 86–91 87

Department of Logistics and Transport and the Centre course is obligatory for the second year geotechnology

of Engineering Graphics. The Civil Engineering Faculty students of the Faculty of Power Engineering and first
prepares specialists for three main domains – civil and year earth sciences students of the Faculty of Science.
industrial engineering, environmental engineering and Geodetic surveying is taught to approximately 200 stu-
road engineering. These, in turn, are divided into three dents per academic year.
to four narrower specialisms. For instance, road engi- It is no secret that the dropout rate at TUT (as, pre-
neering students can major in bridge engineering, road sumably, at any other university of technology) is the
construction or geodesy. highest during the first year of studies. The major touch-
All TUT curricula can be divided into five blocks: stones for first-year students are physics and/or mathe-
General Studies, Basic Studies, Core Studies, Special matics, but probably the role of the geodetic surveying
Studies and Free Choice Courses. General Studies pro- studies in this “natural selection” process should not be
vide students with essential knowledge in humanities underestimated either. This, unfortunately, means that
(philosophy, law studies, foreign language, communi- some of the attention and tuition given to some of the
cation skills) and the fundamentals of economics, envi- students in laboratory classes will eventually (due to lack
ronmental protection and organisation of studies at the of formal output on the student’s part) prove to be result-
university. Basic Studies create a basis in exact sciences less.
and general engineering knowledge. These studies in- As geodetic surveying is one of the first subjects
clude graphics, information technology, and various taught that is related to civil engineering courses, it is es-
mathematics, chemistry and physics courses. Core Stud- sential to gradually familiarise students with the subject
ies lay the foundation for Special Studies. In addition to and clarify its relationship to their specialism. Addition-
the obligatory courses the module offers optional courses ally, the differences between high-school and university
that enable students to start preparing for narrower spe- tuition need to be explained to them, e.g., the necessity
cialisation later on. Special Studies provide students with of the use of required standards and choice of units with
in-depth knowledge of the field they major in. The Free appropriate precision.
Choice block enables students to take courses of interest
either from the TUT or other HEI curricula. Addition- 3. The Geodetic Surveying Module
ally, the curriculum comprises industry training and pre- In Tallinn University of Technology we use outcome-
paring the graduation thesis. based tuition, where the central role belongs to assess-
The study blocks are in turn divided into modules, able learning outcomes the student is expected to achieve
each of which consists of three to seven subjects. For in- at the end of the studies. As the learning outcomes of the
stance, the Civil Engineering core studies are composed self-contained geodetic surveying courses students will
of Mechanics (23 ECP), Civil Engineering (22 + 18 ECP), have:
Optional Courses (9 ECP) and Geodetic Surveying – acquired basic knowledge on depicting landscape
(7 ECP) modules. and situation elements on topographic maps and
The current paper seeks to convey the experience plans;
of teaching geodetic surveying to TUT civil engineering – developed skills for determining positions of the
students. First, the aims of the Geodetic Surveying as a landscape and artificial objects;
self-contained study module are explained, and, further – been introduced to handling basic geodetic ins-
on, its components are analysed in more detail. A brief truments and applying respective methods for
summary concludes the paper. acquiring spatial data;
– been given an overview of on-site geodetic works
2. Target group for the Geodetic Surveying studies
related to construction, maintenance and servi-
For the reader of this journal the subject “teaching geo- cing of buildings/roads and their required accu-
detic surveying” can be understood as teaching a whole racy.
complex of subjects, e.g., for preparing geodetic spe- Due to the academic year being divided into two
cialists. Therefore, it needs to be emphasized that this terms, therefore the Geodetic Surveying I (lectures 12
paper is not intended to be as an introduction of the academic hours + laboratory exercises 16 hours) is of-
curriculum of geodesy major at the TUT. Instead, we fered during the autumn term, and Geodetic Surveying
will focus on geodetic surveying in a narrower sense – II (lectures 20 academic hours + laboratory exercises 16
as one of the compulsory subjects in TUT’s Core Stud- hours) is taught in the spring term. One week is allocat-
ies block. Given the level of complexity (or rather, “the ed for homework (basic geodetic calculations and draw-
level of simplicity”) of the study module, it could actu- ing tasks) and examination preparations. The academic
ally be named “Basics of surveying for Civil Engineers”, year is rounded off by a field survey camp, which aims
highlighting the fact that it is a considerably adapted at consolidating the knowledge acquired throughout the
and simplified version of “genuine geodesy”. In other year and practising teamwork, see Table 1.
words, the target group are those we do not expect to The Geodetic Surveying Module is taught by the
earn their living with the knowledge acquired during Chair of Geodesy of TUT Department of Road Engi-
this study module. Rather the knowledge of the meth- neering. Three to four lecturers are directly involved with
ods of acquiring and using of spatial data they obtain this. Before giving a more in-depth description of the
is meant to support the special studies of civil engi- subjects taught, we will review the available study mate-
neering. In addition to civil engineering students, the rials and equipment.
88 N. Ustinova et al. Geodetic surveying studies for civil engineering students ...

Table 1. Components of the Geodetic Surveying Module companies. Major construction companies may have
a geodetic survey unit who are equipped with relevant
Subject ECP Weekly Term
technology to perform required geodetic measurements.
Code Title hours
Thus civil engineers perform only basic/simpler geodetic
ETG0011 Geodetic 2 1.5 1 (autumn) works, e.g., alignment of construction elements or set-
Surveying I ting out auxiliary structures without any peculiar accu-
racy requirements, where optical theodolites, and optical
ETG0012 Geodetic 3 2 2 (spring)
Surveying II
and laser levels, and steel tapes can be safely used.
Considering the above, TUT civil engineering stu-
ETG0013 Field Survey 2 – 3 (summer) dents use optical 30′′ theodolites FET500 and their older
camp analogues 2T30 as well as precise optical levels GeoFen-
Total 7 nel No10-32 and their older analogues H-3 and HB-1
and optical squares. Also a laser level is used mainly for
demonstration purposes. Instead of steel tapes, fibreglass
4. Study materials
tapes are used, as the former are too fragile to stand han-
As all the geodesy textbooks currently available in Esto- dling by students.
nian are both content- and volume-wise more suitable Next the aims and learning outcomes of the Geo-
for preparing future geodesy specialists, a few years ago detic Surveying Module will be discussed.
study materials for teaching geodetic surveying for non-
geodesy majors were compiled at the TUT. The three bro- 6. The aims and learning outcomes of the subjects
chures (altogether 270 pages) encompass practical guid- Learning outcomes reflect the knowledge, skills and at-
ance to laboratory exercises and field survey camp, for titudes acquired as a result of studying, the existence and
more details see Ellmann and Kala (2010, 2011a, 2011b). acquisition level of which is certifiable and assessable.
Due to a slightly broader scope, these make quite suit- Learning outcomes reflect the expected threshold level of
able textbooks as well. knowledge and skills. The aims of Geodetic Surveying I
It should be stated that modern students seem to are to:
fear textbooks. There is a tendency to consider text- – give an overview of the principal geodetic calcula-
books too voluminous and incomprehensible; besides, tion problems and their solutions;
students seem to lack the habit of reading and search- – introduce basic geodetic instruments and their
ing for information in books. Whereas the internet is application in positioning of landscape objects,
widely used among students, lecture materials are made but also depicting objects on maps and plans.
available prior to the lesson on the subject website. Stu- The respective learning outcomes establish that the
dents are advised to familiarise themselves with the ma- student has to be able to:
terials in advance and also print them out to be able to 1. describe main fields of geodetic activities and
take notes. their connections with other disciplines;
It should be noted that applying innovative meth- 2. identify and draw topographic symbols;
ods in teaching, e.g., using short videos (e.g., on level- 3. solve the direct and inverse geodetic calculation
ling, handling a theodolite, etc.) in lectures and laborato- problems;
ry classes not only enhances the efficiency of tuition but 4. handle the optical theodolite;
also increases students’ cognitive need for knowledge. In 5. perform traverse data processing together with
the future, we plan to shoot short (7–8 minutes) digital estimation of measurement errors.
study movies to introduce various fieldwork operations The aims of Geodetic Surveying II are to:
in class to provide prior understanding of the fieldwork. – give an overview of tacheometric surveying and
the aims and principles of geodetic heighting;
5. Resources and equipment
– introduce levelling instruments, methods and cal-
Geodetic Surveying is a subject that would be difficult to culations;
acquire based only on theoretical knowledge. Thus re- – give an overview of geodetic surveying on cons-
sources and equipment have a significant impact on the truction sites and the necessary skills.
study process. When choosing equipment, two main cri- The respective learning outcomes establish that the
teria were considered: student has to:
– geodetic instruments used in civil engineers’ daily 1. know the main methods of topographic surveying
work; and mapping;
– the cost of the equipment. 2. be able to handle the optical levelling instrument;
Typically Estonian civil engineers do not use high 3. be able to carry out geometric and trigonometric
performance and high precision geodetic instruments levelling and perform the respective data proces-
(digital levels, electronic total stations, GPS receivers) in sing;
their daily work. Currently all the high performance or 4. be able to solve the principal geodetic surveying
high precision on-site geodetic measurements (such as tasks on construction sites: area levelling, setting
setting out of construction elements and axis, as built out buildings; calculating and setting out curves,
survey and deformation observations of main support- route surveys, designing and drawing along-route
ing structures) are outsourced to specialised surveying profile and cross sections.
Geodesy and Cartography, 2012, 38(2): 86–91 89

7. Geodetic Surveying lectures interest in the subject only during the field survey camp,

i.e., toward the end of the course. Interestingly, there
The Geodetic Surveying Module subjects are taught in
have been cases of civil engineering students changing
both Estonian as well as Russian in accordance with the
their initial major to geodesy after the field survey camp.
language of tuition of the student. The lectures of Geo-
Proceeding from our observations, the following
detic Surveying I and II are therefore held in the respec-
measures could be taken to enhance motivation:
tive language for large audiences. Proceeding from the
1. explicit and well-illustrated explanations;
aims and expected learning outcomes of Geodetic Sur-
2. increased student involvement during lectures,
veying I and II, the lectures cover the following topics:
and encouraging, even provoking, questions;
1. Autumn term: Shape and size of the Earth. Co-
3. clarity of the grading system and increased frequ-
ordinate systems. Orientation of lines. Geodetic
ency of assessment;
control networks. Surveying methods and equi-
4. considering the preparation level of the audience;
pment. Processing of surveying results.
5. offering illustrative material on how the subject
2. Spring term: Tacheometric survey, fieldwork, data
relates to the students’ specialism and potential
processing, plan drawing. Aims and principles
problems that a civil engineer lacking the basics
of geodetic heighting. Geometric levelling. Esto-
of geodetic surveying knowledge will face;
nian National Vertical Control Network. Precisi-
6. fair and benevolent attitude.
on classes for levelling. Levelling instruments and
The best motivators are certainly an inquisitive
levelling staffs. Processing levelling results. Area
mind and a desire to acquire a profession, but as an ini-
levelling. Route surveys, designing and drawing
tial incentive aspiring for high grades and authority in
along-route profile and cross sections. Setting out
the group would suffice. These will provide an adequate
on construction site. Area calculation.
springboard for a desire for knowledge. Here we should
In addition to knowledge transfer, the lecturer plays
not forget teacher’s assessment of a student’s work as a
an important role in raising students’ motivation. Stu-
powerful motivation tool.
dents may be blessed with inherent abilities, they may
be taught at well-equipped classrooms, but if they lack 8. Laboratory classes and homework
interest in the subject taught, tuition will be to no avail.
Clearly, it is impossible to teach an unmotivated student. Practical assignments are divided into individual and
University studies require working through vast groupworks. Laboratory classes are held for 15-strong
amounts of material and many of the subjects are rather groups every two weeks. Prior to practical classes there is
demanding. It is an advantage if students are interested introduction for the entire or half-group, but the subse-
in the specialism studied from the outset, because they quent practical exercises are organised in small groups of
have had some prior contact with it through work ex- 2 to 4 including both individual as well as cooperative as-
perience and want to replenish their knowledge; or they signments. In case of individual assignments groupwork
have respective experience or information gained from involves mutual checking of results and also peer guid-
parents, relatives, acquaintances or literature. Unfortu- ance, as the lecturer due to lack of time might have diffi-
nately, many first-year students tend to lack motivation, culty with identifying the student’s problem instantly. As
which could be caused by the following factors: a rule, assignments are checked individually. For practis-
– choice of HEI due to parental influence; ing measurements there are cooperative assignments.
– starting HEI under peer influence; In these classes, after having listened to the instructions
– shock at the high demands on the prospective from their lecturer, students perform the following tasks:
student’s level of knowledge; – Acquaintance with the optical theodolite, levelling
– disappointment with the chosen specialism; instrument, optical square and laser level.
– pursuit of a diploma solely to gain authority in – Horizontal angle measurements with theodolite,
one’s social environment; testing a theodolite, laboratory simulation of ta-
– habit to strive for good marks rather than know- cheometric surveying.
ledge. – Laboratory simulation of levelling, testing and
While planning the teaching process, it has to be adjusting a levelling instrument.
considered that motivation is neither a skill nor informa- – Acquaintance with modern geodetic instruments.
tion; but it is a system of goals and intentions that en- In April-May, if the weather permits, laboratory
hances human functioning. It cannot be practised like classes on levelling and tacheometric surveying are held
handwriting or memorised like a multiplication table. outdoors. Geodetic Surveying I and II homework as-
Motivation can only be stimulated, increased or devel- signments are as follows: 1) map symbols and scales;
oped. Students’ attendance of lectures cannot be a goal 2) traverse calculations and adjustment; 3) tacheometric
of its own - students should actively participate in the surveying and map drawing; 4) area levelling calculations
study process, i.e., there should be cognitive, behavioural and map drawing; 5) profiling a route together with lev-
and emotional engagement. The attempt to focus solely elling and calculation of the chainage and the elements
on knowledge acquisition could prove boring. Addition- of circular curves.
ally, we cannot ignore the fact that the theoretical part
of geodesy – applied mathematics – does not seem very 9. Examination
attractive at first encounter compared to other subjects, The Examination takes place at the end of the spring se-
e.g., chemistry, physics or literature. Many start to take an mester. The exam questions cover all the topics of both
90 N. Ustinova et al. Geodetic surveying studies for civil engineering students ...

the lectures and practicals of Geodetic Surveying I and – Precise levelling (at least 1 km, both forth and
II. The prerequisite for taking the examination is timely back) for determining heights of benchmarks.
completion and submission of homework and laboratory – Route (at least 0.5 km, with 3 turning points) chai-
assignments together with providing adequate explana- nage and survey, setting out of the circular curves
tions where necessary. by three different methods, calculations and de-
The examination is graded on a scale of 0–5. The signing and producing profile and cross section
examination is a written test and is divided into two ma- drawings at a scale of 1:2000/1:200.
jor parts: – Precise height determination of an inaccessible
– answering thematic questions; target using trigonometric levelling.
– solving calculation tasks. – Setting out of main construction axis.
Only insignificant inadequacies are allowed in an- – Common on-site engineering surveying tasks,
swers. An unsatisfactory or considerably faulty answer e.g., setting out of pre-defined angles, distances,
(less than 50% of the expected volume and content) gives heights and coordinates; setting out of buildings
0 points. and tilted surface; check a building for verticali-
Answering a question or solving a task completely ty, transfer of heights to the construction horizon,
and flawlessly is awarded by the maximum points indi- survey of the system of precipitation collectors
cated on the task sheet. Calculation errors and incom- and pipes, area levelling, etc.
plete answers result in a proportional decrease in points. During the fieldwork, optical theodolites and lev-
The examination is considered a pass if both of the fol- els are used, which is intentional, as a civil engineer will
lowing conditions have been fulfilled: obviously not need expensive high-precision geodetic
– the answers to thematic questions score a mi- instruments for routine tasks on the construction site.
nimum of 50% of the possible maximum, while Geodesy students are introduced to usage of modern ge-
none of the questions has been left completely odetic instruments during the course of Special Studies
unanswered; in later study years.
– the answers to calculation tasks score a minimum It should be noted that the added value of the field
of 50% of the possible maximum for calculation survey camp lies in testing and developing social skills of
tasks. students. Apparently, for many students this is the first
In case these two conditions are fulfilled, the points experience of teamwork where they have to achieve ac-
scored will be summed to get the final examination ceptance of their ideas and proposals amongst their own
mark. peers. For a future manager self-assertion skills are of
considerable importance. 5 to 8-strong teams are formed
10. Field survey camp for carrying out fieldwork tasks. Each team elects a team
leader and his/her assistant.
We assume that upon successfully passing the examina- Fieldworks are guided by four to five lecturers, each
tion, the student should be prepared to the field survey in charge of three to four teams. The lecturer gives short
camp, which has been allocated three full weeks. We instructions for each task, referring to the respective
consider the fieldwork the most important part of the theory part. Next, solutions are sought for in brief and
Geodetic Surveying Module, as geodesy is an applied sci- relatively random group discussions that take place upon
ence, where application skills are of no less importance necessity and stimulate creativity in searching for differ-
than theoretical knowledge. We expect sufficient con- ent solutions. Thus, teamwork enhances cooperation and
solidation of the theoretical knowledge during the field collaborative learning among the students and results in
practise. consolidated experience. At the end of the field survey
The aims of Geodetic Surveying fieldwork are: camp the students are assessed either individually or in
– creation of conditions similar to real-life working teams.
environment; The expected learning outcomes of summer field
– consolidation of various geodetic measurement survey camp establish that the student has to:
methods acquired throughout the preceding aca- – be able to plan, organise and perform geodetic
demic year; measurements both in separate stages of surve-
– demonstration of the significance of accuracy in ying as well as a complete process;
documenting and visualising surveying data. – be able to design geodetic measurement methods
During the field survey camp each team (consisting dependent on given requirements and conditions;
of 5–8 students) will perform a set of geodetic works that – be proficient in handling various geodetic instru-
comprise: ments in conditions similar to actual construction
– Testing and, if necessary, adjusting of all instru- site environment;
ments (theodolite, levelling instrument) and equi- – have consolidated geodetic data processing and
pment (measuring tape, levelling staffs, optical reporting skills.
square) to be used during the course of the camp.
– Carrying out tacheometric surveying of a 2 ha 11. Conclusions
plot at a scale of 1:500 (accompanied with traver-
A review on the Geodetic Surveying subjects taught at
se and levelling line measurements/adjustments),
the Tallinn University of Technology for Civil Engineer-
calculations and map drawing.
ing students was given in this paper. Having performed
Geodesy and Cartography, 2012, 38(2): 86–91 91

the required independent calculation/drawing practi- Ph +372 620 2602, Fax +372 620 2601, e-mail: nelli.ustino-

cals and laboratory tasks; demonstrated the theoretical
knowledge as well as ability to apply these; and, finally, A graduate of Tallinn University of Technology in 1992,
consolidated all knowledge and skills during the field civil engineer. She holds a MSc degree (engineering teacher)
survey camp; the student should be prepared for per- since 2011. Co-authoring a geodetic course book.
forming basic on-site construction surveying tasks. Research interests: construction surveys.
A drawback here, however, is that the Geodetic Sur-
veying subjects are taught during the first study-year, Vello KALA. Lecturer, Tallinn University of Technology, Fa-
which leads to a suspicion that many students may have culty of Civil Engineering, Dept. of Road Engineering, the
forgotten much of the material by the time they graduate Chair of Geodesy, Ehitajate tee 5, 19086, Tallinn, Estonia,
from university. Ph +372 620 2602, Fax +372 620 2601, e-mail:
Years ago, another specialised subject filled the A graduate of the Moscow State University of Geodesy
gap – “The Basics of Construction Surveying for Civil and Cartography (formerly MIIGAiK), an engineer of enginee-
ring geodesy, 1974. He holds a MSc degree from TUT in 1997.
Engineers”, which took a more detailed approach to on-
8 presentations at international conferences and seminars. The
site geodetic surveying (the volume of the current con-
autor of over 20 course books, handbooks, standards and more
struction surveying course does not allow for this) and than 30 scientific and technical papers.
was taught in the third study year. That course provided Research interests: construction surveys, precise levelling.
a deeper insight into the relationship between construc-
tion and geodetic works, thus enabling the future opera-
Tarvo MILL. Lecturer, University of Applied Science, Facul-
tions manager to better plan the works with simultane- ty of Construction, the Chair of Construction Geodesy, Pärnu
ous revision of handling geodetic instruments. Today, mnt 62, 10135 Tallinn, Estonia, Ph +372 666 4508, e-mail: tar-
this subject has been removed from the curriculum, as
due to addition of various new subjects, curricula would He holds a MSc. degree (from 2008) from the TUT, cur-
otherwise get overloaded. The sole expectation is that rently pursuing postgraduate studies towards PhD degree in ci-
young specialists will be introduced to the material un- vil engineering (geodesy) at the TUT. Author of scientific pu-
covered during their studies at their workplace, in the blications. Participated in a few international conferences.
framework of lifelong learning. Research interests: terrestrial laser scanning, engineering
Artu ELLMANN. Prof., Tallinn University of Technolo-
Ellmann, A.; Kala, V. 2010. Geodetic Surveying I: Guides for
gy, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Dept. of Road Engineering,
Laboratory exercises. Tallinn University of Technology (in
the Chair of Geodesy. Ph +372 620 2603, Fax +372 620 2601,
Ellmann, A.; Kala, V. 2011a. Geodetic Surveying II: Guides for He holds a PhD (since 2004) degree from the Royal Ins-
Laboratory exercises. Tallinn University of Technology (in titute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm. 2004–2006, a rese-
Estonian). arch fellow at the Geodetic Research Laboratory, University of
Ellmann, A.; Kala, V. 2011b. Geodetic Surveying: Guides for New Brunswick, Canada. Over 30 presentations in Internatio-
field survey camp. Tallinn University of Technology (in Es- nal conferences, author/co-author of over 80 publications in re-
tonian). ferred Journals and Conference Proceedings, technical reports,
magazine articles. National correspondent to the International
Nelli USTINOVA. Lecturer, Tallinn University of Technolo- Association of Geodesy (IAG).
gy, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Dept. of Road Engineering, Research interests: physical geodesy, gravity field and
the Chair of Geodesy, Ehitajate tee 5, 19086, Tallinn, Estonia, geoid modelling in particular, national geodetic networks.

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