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Words connected with people Meaning Example sentence

in sport
It takes years of training to
acrobat (n) become a circus acrobat.
The world’s best athletes compete
athlete (n) in the Olympic Games.
Greg is the captain of our football
captain (n) team this season.
Two climbers were rescued from
climber (n) the mountain by helicopter.
You need strong legs to be a
cyclist (n) professional cyclist.
I play video games online with
gamer (n) gamers from all around the world.
You need very good balance to be
gymnast (n) a gymnast.
How many players are there in a
player (n) football team?
The referee blew the whistle and
referee (n) the match began.
Two riders fell off their bikes
rider (n) during the race.

Our tennis coach makes us train

coach (n) hard every day.
The charity has asked Lily to be a
fundraiser and collect money for
fundraiser (n) them.
William was the leader for the first
500 metres of the race then Rob
leader (n) ran past him.
Ellie has fallen and the medics are
medic (n) going over to make sure she’s OK.
I’m watching the match because
participant (n) my brother is a participant.
Stop playing – the referee has
referee (n) blown his whistle!
Tod’s running in the New York
sponsor (n) marathon and he needs sponsors.
Amy loves animals and is a
supporter of several animal
supporter (n) charities.
Congratulations, Millie, you’re the
winner (n) winner!
TOPIC VOCABULARY | Meaning Example sentence
Words connected with sports
Hockey balls are harder than
ball (n) tennis balls.
Cricket bats are usually made
bat (n) from wood.
The other team played very badly
beat (v) so we beat them easily.
Are the competitors ready for the
competitor (n) race? Get set, GO!
There’s a golf course near my
course (n) house but I’ve never played.
Shall we hire a tennis court on
court (n) Saturday morning?
Sam forgot his cue for the snooker
cue (n) game and had to go home!
They are drawing at the moment
and it isn’t long until the final
whistle. They’ll have to play extra
draw (v) time.
Our local sports centre has a
football field which it shares with
field (n) the school.
It’s a good idea to find out
information about an opponent
opponent (n) before an important match.
It’s an artificial football pitch but I
pitch (n) really like playing on it.
After a period of time, rackets
racket (n) need to be restrung.
The two boxers are in the ring now
ring (n) and the fight is about to start.
In the winter, they build an ice
rink (n) skating rink in the square in town.
I never travel to the sea without a
rod (n) fishing rod!
They scored two goals in the first
score (v) five minutes. It was amazing!
There was a great atmosphere in
the stadium thanks to the
spectator (n) spectators.
The two players’ sticks smashed
stick (n) against each other and broke!
If you want to watch the motor
racing, you’ll find you get a much
track (n) better view of the track on
The umpire awarded the final
umpire (n) point to Joe’s opponent.
Millions of viewers watched the
viewer (n) opening ceremony on TV.
He’s won gold three times at the
win (v) championships, he’s so fast!

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