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Assignment Community Assessment






Community Assessment

Cities, along with many urban and metropolitan areas across the world are plagued by

different problems. The city of Atlanta is no different. Problems such as crime, pollution,

homelessness, overpopulation, unemployment, are some of the many issues that need to be

considered when it comes to an understanding of what it entails to live in environments such as

Atlanta, GA. Atlanta serves as one of the most populated cities in the United States. It is

associated with the State of Georgia. It comprises about 506,811, becoming the 37th most

populated city in the country (Census Report, 2021). The company's position makes it

instrumental in promoting cultural and economic developments through its metropolitan area.

Since its formation in 1847, Atlanta, GA, city has continued to experience rapid

expansion due to its location as a convergence for multiple railroads (Wikipedia Contributors,

2019). Despite the positive image established by the city in the international community, many

issues surround the different urban-related communities. Just like any other urban community,

issues with congestion among residents has increased housing problems. Many people are

moving into the city to search for employment opportunities. The situation has created a need to

develop a plan that focuses on ensuring access to housing affordability. The same applies to

creating employment opportunities due to its mutual relationship to being able to afford the

home. Understanding the community and the housing affordability challenge would be important

in developing the right plan for its improvement.

Part I: Understanding Atlanta, GA as a Community

An evaluation of the city in the last decade shows significant changes in the socio-

economic status and political developments. The theory of urbanization would meaningfully

apply to the growing nature and expansion of the communities in Atlanta, GA. In addition to any

growing city, Atlanta has continued to attract many individuals who have been instrumental in

causing much of its congestion. This situation is in need of new policies in regards to the housing

affordability in the sector. Due to the increasing number of residents and increasing living

standards, the situation has continued to experience rent evolution. The prices of houses have

continued to go higher compared to before (Vega, 2020). Increased rates in Atlanta mirrors

changes that have continued to affect individuals in the last decade. The influx in rental cost has

created an interesting perspective regarding the nature of housing (Vega, 2020). More so, new

renters continue to move to the suburban areas of this city. Compared to 2010, it is evident that

more renters prefer living in the suburbs compared to the city (Santarelli, M (2021). The

doubling nature of rent has become a major issue that should be taken into consideration. The

main problem is that it is causing an increase to the city’s high unemployment rates, which

creates difficulties among individuals in affording their rent (Tubelo et al., 2021). An increase in

rent has pushed some low-earning individuals to move out of the city. Due to the developments

in terms of entertainment, fashion, and migration of IT companies from Silicon Valley into the

city, many individuals from different parts of the country are moving into the city to look for

greener pastures. This will be a major problem in the years to come since it may exacerbate

existing problems such as congestion, increased insecurity, and pollution, among others.

Part II: Community Assessment of Atlanta, GA

An increase in population is a major issue for any urban area. The main reason is that it

causes significant problems such as congestion. Concerning congestion, it increases the demand

for housing. The city of Atlanta has continued to experience housing problems due to the

demand that is placed by the increasing number of residents migrating and settling into the city.

Like any other major city in the United States, Atlanta’s housing market has continued struggling

to keep up with its demand in the last ten years (Santarelli, 2021). The situation has been about

the number of built houses being slashed in half than the past decade. According Tubelo et al.

(2021), due to an increase in demand for residential real estate, there is a logjam associated with

scarcity of homes, mostly on the supply side—many millennials, who have comprised a majority

of homebuyer’s share-continue marry and have children.

Millennials have entered the city to join the entertainment, fashion, and employment

positions; in results, Silicon Valley companies moving into the city as well. The situation has led

to multiple bidding on the same housing properties, creating an increase in prices. Affordability

issue has been a natural occurrence in the city. The main issue is how the future will be as more

people continue to move into the city. Social stratification is another major issue that should be

considered when it comes to looking into housing affordability in Atlanta. The future of housing

affordability has created questions regarding how individuals will comfortably live and work in

the city. For this, it would be important to focus on a plan that would be instrumental in ensuring

positive outcomes in housing affordability.

Part III: Community & Policy Action Plan (Housing Affordability)

The main issue, in this case, is to ensure the creation of a plan focusing on ensuring

affordability in housing. The housing affordability action plan serves as a bold framework in

ensuring that there is a positive pathway to promoting affordability and equitable housing

opportunities for individuals living in the city. With an increase in Atlanta’s population, it would

be important to introduce a plan focusing on creating affordable housing among city residents.

One house-one person plan is an instrumental plan that will create opportunities in terms of

individuals having to access affordable housing (Jelks et al., 2021). One house-one person plan

will be about creating more than 20,000 affordable homes in the next six years (Santarelli, 2021).

This will be important when an increase in the overall supply. With the plan, it would be

important to leverage vacant public land.

The land will be instrumental in influencing the building of housing. The other step will

be about creating and expanding affordability tools associated with housing. It would be crucial

to revise the important zoning code. It should be about maximizing different funding sources.

The plan will also create a framework for ensuring that individuals can apply for loans and grants

to build their houses. Private housing should be at the center of the plan because it ensures

development in enabling individuals to access affordable housing.


In conclusion, the City of Atlanta has experienced problems relating to housing

affordability for the longest period. The issue has been about the increase in the number of

individuals coming to the city. With this, it becomes important to focus on ensuring a plan that

reduced the amount of rent charged to the population. The paper has shown that it is crucial to

ensure that individuals can live comfortably without increasing rent. The plan is about creating

innovation and streamlining processes involved in promoting more houses to be established in

different parts of the city. Introducing a plan that ensures low rent levels in the city is

instrumental in enabling individuals to balance between paying their bills and finding better

employment opportunities. This will try to control congestion in the streets, mostly for homeless

individuals who would prefer the streets to support their living.



Census Report. (2021). Atlanta-Sandy Springs-Alpharetta, GA Metro Area. Census Report

Official Website.


Jelks, N. T. O., Jennings, V., & Rigolon, A. (2021). Green gentrification and health: A scoping

review. International journal of environmental research and public health, 18(3), 907.

Atlanta Real Estate Market: Prices | Trends | Forecast 2021. Norada Official Website.

Tubelo, R., Rodrigues, L., Gillott, M., & Zune, M. (2021). Comfort within Budget: Assessing the

Cost-Effectiveness of Envelope Improvements in Single-Family Affordable

Housing. Sustainability, 13(6), 3054.

Wikipedia Contributors. (2019). Atlanta. Wikipedia; Wikimedia Foundation.

Vega, M. (2020). Atlanta Neighborhoods by Average Rent Prices. Apartment Guide Official



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