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Field: Language Subject: English Level: V Class:

and X
Topic: Learning Situation:
Mod 4/5/6 Knowledge Check Grammar practise

Learning Outcomes (competence based) Key words:

- Complete exercises using the vocabulary.

- Complete exercises using the grammar rules.
- Practise sentence transformation.
- Complete multiple choise exercise.
Resources: Cross curricular links:

Methodology and activities
Methodology(stages of lesson) :
Link the subject to previous student's knowledge

Contruction of new knowdege

First of all, I am going to inform the students about the written test. Then, I am
going to devide the class into two groups and hand out the test papers.
After that, I am going to explain what is required in each exercise. To continue, I
am going to explain again the rules of the written test and ask students to start the
test. I am going to wish students good luck.

Presentation and demonstration of the achieved result



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