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“Facilitating Learning with Guidance
and Counseling”

Republic of the Philippines
Alaminos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
A.Y. 2021-2022


Subject: Prof. ED. 5 Facilitating Learning with Guidance and Counseling


“Cognitive Process”

Cognition- refers to our mental abilities such as perceiving, attending, remembering,

memorizing and problem solving.
-it is a way of thinking.
-the brain is responsible for cognition.
-It is a mental process that takes care of the development of abstract concepts, reasoning,
perception, intelligence, learning, and many other functions of the human brain. Also, it focuses
on understanding human perception, thought, and memory. Moreover, cognition is an active
process and, therefore, specific knowledge is:
a. acquired through the senses;
b. transformed through perception, encoding, and interpretation;
c. stored through the process of memory;
d. retrieved through the process of recall; and
e. used in problem-solving activities.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of all the lessons in Chapter 1, students should have the opportunity
1. Monitor their thought processes so that in the end they may become a very good problem
2. Use their expert systems to engage in productive thinking;
3. Explain how cognitive process is influenced by their heredity, maturation and environment;
4. Apply the psychological principles in seeking for creative ways of thinking and
5. Strengthen prior knowledge so that they may develop deep transfer information.
Advanced Organizer:
Thought Processes Cognitive and Metacognitive Factors

Experts and Expert Prior Knowledge

Basic Units of Cognition Strategies for Developing Prior Knowledge

Cognitive Strategies

Strategic Demands

Cognitive Processes
Our everyday experiences are replete with simple to complex events that call for cognitive
processes. Not only can we give concrete examples of how our thoughts process, but we can also
provide various examples in a wide variety of life occurrences such as the following:
Perception. We interact with an attempt to influence others.
Attention. Sociologists have emphasized the symbolic aspects of social interactions.
Memory. There is uniqueness in human interactions.
Language. We communicate with and influence others in ways that are unintentional,
unconscious, non-symbolic, and non-verbal
Reasoning. Various researchers have pondered on the aspects of interactions that are associated
with basic biological responses.
Decision making. Although every culture is unique in itself ,we continue to communicate in
various modes and decide to share certain characteristics.
Problem solving. Differences in opinion, thought processes, language. or metaphysical beliefs
become major sources of problems and conflicts
Cognition is influenced by:
Heredity - At this point, it is very difficult to separate biological and genetic makeup.
Maturation- It is a process of becoming fully grown, experienced adult learners.
Environment-This may include learning opportunities that provide avenues for learning.
Thought Processes
There are hundreds and thousands of examples that show the complexity of our thought
processes. When asked to recall the past experiences of grade school days, some of us would
declare events in a stuttered manner. This happens due to TOT experience or the tip-of-the-
tongue phenomenon that deals with the complexity of our mental activities.
Cognitive Process of Experts and Expert Systems
Andrade and May (2004) identified the different key points in cognitive process of experts and
expert systems. They are as follows:
Special knowledge is focused on what experts know more about certain topic than other people.
Domain specificity deals with the experts' ability to extend and advance their thinking because
they seem to produce sets where the problems are or can be represented.
Analogical reasoning deals with the experts' ability to use their domain-specific knowledge in
other situations. It means that domain specificity can also be used or transferred in new
situations. Reasoning by analogy is another feature of human memory.
Expert systems deal with strategies such as chunking of facts and information into higher-order
tasks that require well-organized rules and schemas.
Creativity hinges on expert knowledge and perseverance. Creative people work hard and long;
they are highly motivated. They are particularly creative in their field of expertise.
Basic Units of Cognition
There are five basic units of cognition: concepts, propositions, schemata, productions, and
1. Concepts are the building blocks of cognition; they are general labels that we attach to
categories of things and information that share common characteristics.

Concepts are arranged in a hierarchy called conceptual domains. These domains are the
superordinate, basic, and subordinate. Basic concepts are the easiest information to learn;
they are needed to acquire knowledge in the second level in the hierarchy On the other
hand, superordinate concepts are those that are abstract while subordinate concepts are
detailed in nature, Children learn first the basic concepts before they learn those in the
other levels of the hierarchy as shown in Figure 1.
2. Propositions are composed of related concepts. These are units of declarative
knowledge that can stand alone as separate assertions about the observed experiences
events, or the relationships among concepts .

3. Schemata. All of us are eager to know how information is organized and utilized to
interpret our daily life occurrences. A schema is an organizational pattern of the mind. It
is a mental structure that helps us organize knowledge; it aids us to understand all the
things around us, Schemata are general knowledge structures used for understanding. A
schema is knowledge. It is not what is true about the world, but it is one's knowledge
about the world. Schemata possess the following characteristics:

They are basic knowledge. In all the types of knowledge, schemata are present. They do
not tell what is true about an object or person; rather, they are what we know about
such objects.
They are highly structured. Schemata are highly structured in the sense that they do not
only contain sets of knowledge, but they also include how such are related to one
another. This structure allows new bits of information to fit into the old ones. In this
way, new forms of knowledge are facilitated for inferring additional knowledge.
Schemata aid us to facilitate simple recall.
They are general categories of knowledge. The brain does not encode information
about a particular situation; instead, it encodes certain types of situation. As such, the
brain does not treat information as separate entities but as dependent on one another.
They are used in comprehension. Schemata are significant features of comprehension;
they are used to activate prior knowledge needed to understand a particular text.
4. Productions- are things made or created which are composed of our knowledge on how
to follow series of step- by- step procedures.

5. Scripts- These are knowledge representations that set the framework for procedural
knowledge. These are also used for our experiences which represent the clusters of past
and present events so that we may interpret future events and occurrences. Mental
structures do not only contain specific actions but also the outcomes of something that
happen after something else. Scripts are specific knowledge structures that contain the
sequence of events that usually occurs in certain situations. Scripts are commonplace
occurrences; they are properly structured so that the causality of various events can be

Cognitive Strategies
It is important that we understand cognitive strategies. In dealing with the environment and in
interpreting different information, we need some strategies. Cognitive strategies are mental
plans that we apply to manage our thinking and behavior during problem solving or learning.
These help us regulate the flow of information. Cognitive strategies do not fulfill thinking; they
merely help us select and use the appropriate mental skills needed in a particular task. When
we solve for the value of x or y in Algebra, we follow rules. We use heuristics to generate
declarative and procedural knowledge in coming up with the correct solution to a problem.
Specifically, the following cognitive strategies are suggested:
Student-centered instruction. Students must be actively involved in the learning process.
Learning tasks should be participatory and appealing. Students who are actively engaged in
problem-solving tasks tend to interact socially and environmentally.
Activating prior knowledge. Prior knowledge plays a major role in constructing meaning.
Students do not come to class with zero knowledge; they do not come to school as blank slates.
Social interactions. Social interactions are necessary for students to develop authentic learning.
It is in the social context in which they learn how to negotiate, work in a collaborative manner,
and construct meaning.
Problem solving. The creative process of solving a problem happens when students engage
themselves in meaningful learning. The classroom is a microcosm of the real world that is
replete with problems of real life situations.
Elaboration. As much as possible, we avoid the use of memorization of basic facts. Instead, we
should require students to use those facts in meaningful contexts. However, we do not mean to
disregard basic facts and information for they are the building blocks of cognition.
Concept learning. This learning equates to knowledge construction. In concept learning, the
following are important to consider:
Use core knowledge. To provide core knowledge of the different concepts, we should
introduce the necessary lessons that provide strong foundation for mastery and understanding.
It is also important that we present core knowledge in a well-organized and skill-based context.
Integration of concepts across curriculum. To learn the core knowledge in a successful manner,
it should be integrated across all disciplines, if possible. For example, the lessons on thriftiness
in Values Education can also be integrated in English or in some other subjects.
Provision of an open-ended curriculum. In the classroom, students must be encouraged to
bring forth very rich insights and experiences to the existing curriculum.
Provision of cognitive flexibility. As teachers, we should identify what skills our students should
master. This may lead to flexible application of knowledge and not rote memorization. To be
flexible, we should introduce students to a wide array of examples and a plethora of
experiences so that they may have the chance to contextualize their learning.

Provision of cognitive apprenticeship. It is assumed that immersion to the real context plays a
major role in learning. In the classroom, we teach all the abstract concepts and theories.
However, this is not enough for they must be verified and applied outside the school setting.


Republic of the Philippines
Alaminos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
A.Y. 2021-2022


Subject: Prof. ED. 5 Facilitating Learning with Guidance and Counseling


Reflection Paper in
“ANALOGICAL PROCESS" Reported By: Ms. Cortez

Much of humankind’s remarkable mental aptitude can be attributed to analogical ability -

the ability to perceive and use relational similarity. An analogical process involves the
identification of partial similarities between different objects or situations to support further
inferences and is used to explain new concepts, solve problems, and understand new areas and

In Reflection on what I learned from the report of Ms. Cortez are the use of an analogy from a
semantically distant domain to guide the problem-solving process was investigated. The
representation of analogy in memory and processes involved in the use of analogies were
discussed theoretically and explored. Transfer of learning means the use of previously acquired
knowledge and skills in new learning or problem-solving situations. Thereby similarities and
analogies between previous and actual learning content and processes may play a crucial role.

I wanted to create a new method for teaching a creative thinking skill while tackling a challenge
that I have been thinking about for decades (transfer of learning). I feel I know much more about
both topics compared to when I started this project. Along the way, I feel I have utilized many of
the creativity and change leadership concepts learned in the program.

Regarding the concept of analogical thinking, I now know:

• Because humans create new meaning based on what we already know, analogical thinking is
the basis for all learning.

• We use analogies in all aspects of life, often without knowing or noticing.

• Analogies are the source of much scientific breakthrough, creativity and innovation.

• Analogical thinking represents learning transfer and creativity, the highest level of learning.

• Analogical thinking models can be useful in all educational disciplines.

• Analogies can be powerful tools for creating understanding and supporting arguments in
politics, business, science, and other domains.

• There is a process for thinking analogically that can be taught and learned.

• Structure mapping is a key step in analogical thinking and is the basis for advances in artificial

• Concept mapping between source and target analogs holds promise for teaching and learning
analogical thinking.

Finally, as comparative reflection I consider the reflection on others' actions. By the analogical
process, I mean the reflection on analogies. Based on the analogical reflection. Our basic
hypothesis is the following: In self-reflection, it is very possible that someone cannot recognize
his/her own mistakes. In comparative reflection, this possibility is potentially reduced, because
perhaps the others do not make the same mistakes. We estimate that this possibility is minimized
when the analogical reflection is activated, because it is easier to recognize a strange behavior in
a familiar cognitive domain, where the normal behavior is well known.
Republic of the Philippines
Alaminos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
A.Y. 2021-2022


Subject: Prof. ED. 5 Facilitating Learning with Guidance and Counseling


Reflection Paper in
Metacognition is thinking about thinking. It is an increasingly useful mechanism to
enhance student learning, both for immediate outcomes and for helping students to understand
their own learning processes. So metacognition is a broad concept that refers to the knowledge
and thought processes regarding one’s own learning. Importantly, there is research evidence that
metacognition is a teachable skill that is central to other skills sets such as problem solving,
decision-making, and critical thinking. Reflective thinking, as a component of metacognition, is
the ability to reflect critically on learning experiences and processes in order to inform future

As a teacher, I will use the Inquiry-based learning because it is one of the most powerful
teaching strategies in the classroom because research tells us that students learn best when they
construct their own meaning. Inquiry-based learning triggers student curiosity. Teachers act as
facilitators during the inquiry-based learning process. Most teachers know that if students reflect
on how they learn, they become better learners. For example, some students may think and
process information best in a quiet library, while others may focus better surrounded by familiar
noise or music. Learning strategies that work for math may be different from those applied in the
study of a foreign language. For some, it takes more time to understand biology than chemistry.
With greater awareness of how they acquire knowledge, students learn to regulate their behavior
to optimize learning. They begin to see how their strengths and weaknesses affect how they
perform. The ability to think about one's thinking is what neuroscientists call metacognition. As
students' metacognitive abilities increase,

If I were become a teacher, I would provide learning objectives ideally describe a direction for
the student acquiring new knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Every decision I make about my
lecture or small group session should depend on what I hope my students will be able to do as a
result of my session. As an expert in my field, I probably already have a good idea of what my
want in my students to learn during my time with them. Taking a few minutes before I finalize
your session content and activities to capture those objectives is a worthwhile investment – in the
development of successful learning experiences for my students and in my own development as
an educator.

In conclusion, the lesson what I obtain from the presentation of Mr. Siar is that Metacognition
plays an important role in all learning and life experiences. Metacognition is the ability to
examine how I process thoughts and feelings. This ability encourages students to understand how
they learn best. It also helps them to develop self-awareness skills that become important as they
get older.
Republic of the Philippines
Alaminos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
A.Y. 2021-2022


Subject: Prof. ED. 5 Facilitating Learning with Guidance and Counseling


Reflection Paper in
It is a surprising, though not a widely noted, fact that whenever humans talk or think
about learning they often resort to metaphors. Why is Metaphor? Metaphor is the application of a
name or descriptive term to an object to which it is not literally applicable, such as “a glaring
error” or “abysmal ignorance.” An error is not literally glaring in that it is normally not shining
dazzlingly or disagreeably, but it may be like a glaring object in being prominent or difficult to
miss. It is worth noting that though a metaphor posits at least one respect in which two disparate
things are alike, there will be many other respects in which they are not alike.
The Different Theories Metaphors of Learning are:
•Learning as Key Words Need Reflexes, requirement for survival, companion tool for growth
Process of memory Process of being and becoming, active and dynamic, information processing
and retrieval, strategies used to process and retrieve information.
•Learning as Key Words Product of memory Cognition, tangle proofs of learning, symbolic
representations, concrete products of learning Reflection of effective teaching Knowledge-based,
repertoire of teaching techniques, recognition of individual differences, multiple intelligence,
learning styles and preferences Change in behavior Change in behavior, classical conditioning,
operant conditioning.
•Learning as Key Words Guided Performance Network of social relationship, coaching,
teamwork, collaboration, synergy, mentoring, instructional scaffolds Active process of making
meaning Schema or prior knowledge, transfer of learning>
The Metaphors from Three Learning Theories Learning Theories Metaphors of Learning
Implications for ID Behavioral Theory Learning as response acquisition •Individual progress
•Content sequencing •Analysis of learning task •Assessment keyed to behavior.
The use of image or pictures, helps the students from instructed to create images of the list words
in their head were able to recall more words than people who didn't create images, and they
didn't recall false memories as often. There are different zones in the brain which process
information and store memories. There's a zone for hearing, seeing, touch, etc. The more areas of
the brain that are stimulated at once, the faster the brain will learn something and the more detail
it will be able to recall later.
If I were already become a teacher, I will help my students to:
A. appreciate and model the value of learning in terms of inspire them to great heights of
achievement. I will spend my time to identify that learning is that it helps the individual to
acquire the necessary skills through learning and knowledge so that he can achieve his set goals.
An important fact about learning is that it is a means to improve knowledge and gain skills that
will help in reaching specific goals. Discuss these goals with my students so they understand
them, appreciate their importance, and know ways in which to succeed.
B. Can my students see and appreciate the value of exerting effort to learning by looking at my
various actions and statements in the classroom? As a Teacher, Good teaching is a very personal
manner. I must be concerned with my student as a person and with his general development. And
I must recognize individual differences among my students and adjust instructions that best suit
to the students.. It is always a fact that as educators, we play varied and vital roles in the
classroom. Teachers are considered the light in the classroom. We are entrusted with so many
responsibilities that range from the very simple to most complex and very challenging jobs.
Everyday we encounter them as part of the work or mission that we are in. It is very necessary
that we need to understand the need to be motivated in doing our work well, so as to have
motivated learners in the classroom. When students are motivated, then learning will easily take
place. However, motivating students to learn requires a very challenging role on the part of the
teacher. It requires a variety of teaching styles or techniques just to capture students' interests.
Above all, the teacher must himself come into possession of adequate knowledge of the
objectives and standards of the curriculum, skills in teaching, interests, appreciation and ideals.
C. Can my students see and appreciate the value of exerting effort to learning. As a Future
Educator, I will said that my students can appreciate and see the value of exerting effort to
learning because relevance learning can help my students realize how useful all knowledge can
be. Fulfilling students’ need for relatedness, showing them how seemingly unrelated content fits
together and then into their own scheme of things, and giving students real reasons why today’s
content will be useful to them later on are all good ways to provide relevance for students. I can
help them discover that what you teach is actually interesting and worth knowing.
Republic of the Philippines
Alaminos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
A.Y. 2021-2022


Subject: Prof. ED. 5 Facilitating Learning with Guidance and Counseling


Reflection Paper in


Reported By: Ms. Arellano
As I began this reflection, I want to emphasize that learning objectives are statements that
specify what my future students will know or be able to do as a result of earning their degrees.
Effective objectives are usually expressed as knowledge, skills, or abilities that students will
possess upon successful completion of a program.

In teaching, I reflect that as a teachers do not just stand at the front of the classroom and teach
just for the matter of delivering lesson. An effective teacher will always prepare for their class
with an effective lesson plan that will help students increase their learning ability about a certain
topic that is about to teach in class. However, there are strategies for an effective lesson plan
which include learning outcomes. A Learning Outcomes are goals that describe how a student
will be different because of a learning experience. More specifically, learning outcomes are the
knowledge, skills, attitudes, and habits of mind that students take with them from a learning

We should also think in terms of what we want the students to be able to do at the end of the
course. It is very helpful to articulate learning objectives by completing this prompt: “At the end
of the course, students should be able to _____.” And I learn that Learning objectives should use
action verbs. Focusing on concrete actions and behaviors allows us to make student learning
explicit, and communicates to students the kind of intellectual effort we expect of them.

All of learning objectives we've exemplified are measurable in that they point to a clear
assessment that can easily check whether students have mastered that skill (e.g., asking students
to state a given theorem, giving students a thesis statement to prove, asking students to solve a
textbook problem that requires the application of a theorem, or asking students which theorem
they would use in a given situation).

A good teacher is not that hard to find, but you must know where to look. The good teachers are
well-prepared in advance for their education goals. They prepare their plan of action every day to
ensure maximum productivity. Teachers have a lot of knowledge about everything, specifically
in the subject they specialize in. A good teacher expands their knowledge continues to provide
good answers to their students.

Similarly, a good teacher is like a friend that helps us in all our troubles. A good teacher creates
their individual learning process which is unique and not mainstream. This makes the students
learn the subject in a better manner. In other words, a good teacher ensures their students are
learning efficiently and scoring good marks.

Most importantly, a good teacher is one who does not merely focus on our academic
performance but our overall development. Only then can a student truly grow. Thus, good
teachers will understand their student’s problems and try to deal with them correctly. They make
the student feel like they always have someone to talk to if they can’t do it at home or with their
Republic of the Philippines
Alaminos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
A.Y. 2021-2022


Subject: Prof. ED. 5 Facilitating Learning with Guidance and Counseling


Reflection Paper in
Reported By: Ms. Camba
One of the most difficult aspects of becoming a teacher is learning how to motivate my students.
It is also one of the most important. Students who are not motivated will not learn effectively.
They won’t retain information, they won’t participate and some of them may even become
disruptive. A student may be unmotivated for a variety of reasons: They may feel that they have
no interest in the subject, find the teacher’s methods un-engaging or be distracted by external
forces. It may even come to light that a student who appeared unmotivated actually has difficulty
learning and is in need of special attention.

As a Future Educator, while motivating my students can be a difficult task, the rewards are more
than worth it. Motivated students are more excited to learn and participate. Simply put: Teaching
a class full of motivated students is enjoyable for teachers and students alike. Some students are
self-motivated, with a natural love of learning. But even with the students who do not have this
natural drive, a great teacher can make learning fun and inspire them to reach their full potential.

Motivation is an act of promoting power in students so that they engage in useful learning
activities. In most cases, motivation falls into two classes: extrinsic and intrinsic. A new teacher
can find these two types of motivation so challenging. However, as a person trained to impart
knowledge into students, a teacher is the primary source of motivation.
Students look to teachers for approval and positive reinforcement, and are more likely to be
enthusiastic about learning if they feel their work is recognized and valued. I should encourage
open communication and free thinking with my students to make them feel important. Be
enthusiastic. I always raise my students often. Recognize them for their contributions. If my
classroom is a friendly place where students feel heard and respected, they will be more eager to
learn. A “good job” or “nice work” can go a long way.

Thus, as a teacher I should create a good classroom environment where learners feel free to ask
questions that will motivate them to learn. I Do not tolerate malevolent comments and nasty
hilarity in the classroom, as some students feel embarrassed. Moreover, teachers should cultivate
a sense of unity among students, which will enable them learn from one another whenever they
get involved in learning activities

In Conclusion, I always shows that I have a positive impact in motivating my students to learn.
Motivation is not only important in its own right; it is also an important predictor of learning and
achievement. Students who are more motivated to learn persist longer, produce higher quality
effort, learn more deeply, and perform better in classes and on standardized tests. It’s
commonsense, but it’s also reinforced by hundreds of studies.
Republic of the Philippines
Alaminos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
A.Y. 2021-2022


Subject: Prof. ED. 5 Facilitating Learning with Guidance and Counseling


Reflection Paper in
Facilitating Learner-Centered Teaching with Guidance Councilor Theories of Motivation
Reported By: Ms. Candelaria
One of the most difficult aspects of becoming a teacher is learning how to motivate your students.
It is also one of the most important. Students who are not motivated will not learn effectively. They won’t
retain information, they won’t participate and some of them may even become disruptive. A student may
be unmotivated for a variety of reasons: They may feel that they have no interest in the subject, find the
teacher’s methods un-engaging or be distracted by external forces. It may even come to light that a
student who appeared unmotivated actually has difficulty learning and is in need of special attention.
As teachers, we’re tasked with helping students find their own motivation, leading them to suitable goals,
and lighting the path to get there. This isn’t an easy task (particularly when you consider a classroom of
twenty or more students), but knowing what kind of goals benefits students most is a step in the right
direction. A great place to start is with developing personal learning objectives. Once goals have been
established, the steps to get there will be more clear. More importantly, students will know what their
learning destination is and will be motivated to embark on their journey.
My some goals may depend less on what’s being worked on and more on how the student is working. If
some students practice poor work habits and that ends up impeding their learning, those areas may great
targets for goal setting. Students of all grade levels can analyze their own work habits with guidance to
identify areas for improvement. For instance: Perhaps a student procrastinates, frequently waiting until
the last minute to begin assignments. Consequently, they end up panicking and rushing to get the work
done, which often results in a poor grade. A work habit goal may be set to decide on a timeline for each
big assignment as soon as it’s assigned, setting aside a reasonable amount of time each day to complete
the necessary work. This will likely result in better-quality work.
Adopting learning goals for me it’s about setting goals and pacing ongoing personal and professional
growth in ways that are meaningful, relevant, and sustaining. And as educators, this is exactly the kind of
thinking we need to instill in our students. We want to set students up
they develop that determined resiliency they need to be successful. Setting goals, then evolving and
redefining goals as the realities of learning unfold through our actions. In our role as guides and
facilitators, we need to take every opportunity to help students notice and monitor their goals and
achievements. I focus on students’ strengths, progress, and the process of learning. Notice the small steps
students take toward achieving their personal best. In today’s test crazed school environment, it takes
conviction and perseverance to maintain a growth mindset. Be the example, and set your students up for
the learning behaviors they will truly need as they create a successful future.
We, as instructors, often have a good idea of what we want to accomplish in a given course: We want to
cover certain topics, or we want to teach students certain ideas and skills. We should also think in terms
of what we want the students to be able to do at the end of the course. It is very helpful to articulate
learning objectives by completing this prompt: “At the end of the course, students should be able to
_____.” Good lessons must be planned. Planning helps to make my lessons clear and well-timed,
meaning that students can be active and interested. Effective planning also includes some built-in
flexibility so that teachers can respond to what they find out about their students’ learning as they teach.
Working on a plan for a series of lessons involves knowing the students and their prior learning, what it
means to progress through the curriculum, and finding the best resources and activities to help students

Cooperative learning has supported the increased attendance in learning activities and an
interactive classroom environment which enhances higher student's motivation, participation,
and enjoyment. I think the impact of cooperative learning in motivation are:
a. When students are working toward a common goal, academic work becomes an activity
valued by peers.
b. Students are motivated to help one another learn, Students are able to translate the teacher's
language into "student language" for one another.
c Students who explain to one another strengthen their own learning.
d. When students need to organize their thoughts in order to explain them to teammates, they
must engage in thinking that builds on other ideas (cognitive elaboration) which greatly enhances
their own understanding.
e. Teammates can provide individual attention and assistance to one another.
f. Regular and constructive collaborative study groups can assist you with mastery of material,
exam preparation, and better performance on tests.
My personal experience that I encountered and affect my motivation are during my high school life. I
experience some judgement because of what I am. They don't know that I have past in sexual abuse that
have a big impact to myself. I clearly quite about that thing and I did not say it to my parents because I
don't want to have problems from them. And because of that Experience I emotion Nally and physically
affected. They bullied me for being weak and being a nothing less person. But I always remember that
God is always there for me and my family. They become my motivation to live and to continue my life.
I’ve learned so much about myself and so much about life. I learned what the words family, love,
betrayal, law and life meant. All these events changed me, and I’m glad they happened because I
wouldn’t have learned all these lessons.
In Conclusion, Finding ways to increase motivation is crucial because it allows us to change behavior,
develop competencies, be creative, set goals, grow interests, make plans, develop talents, and boost
engagement. Applying motivational science to everyday life helps us to motivate employees, coach
athletes, raise children, counsel clients, and engage students

Republic of the Philippines

Alaminos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
A.Y. 2021-2022


Subject: Prof. ED. 5 Facilitating Learning with Guidance and Counseling


Reflection in Report of Ms. Rose Mae Fernandez

“Children’s Development”

“Child development”, or “child and adolescent development” refer to the process of

growth and maturation of the human individual from conception to adulthood. The term
“adolescence” has particular connotations in particular cultural and social contexts. In this
resource pack, it is used to describe young people who are in the stage of development that
occurs between the beginning of puberty until adulthood, without any implication that this period
is characterized by any particular behavior or attitudes. However, a distinction between children
and adolescents is sometimes necessary in order to highlight the particular issues facing older
young people, whose needs can be, and are frequently, overlooked in programming.

Human growth and development is an incredibly complex process, influenced by both genetic
and environmental factors. At certain times and for certain developments, genetic influences
dominate, whereas at other times, environmental influences are more powerful which
emphasizes the fact that genetic and environmental forces are always working together. In fact,
children’s genetic makeup is determined in many ways by their own experiences in their
environment. The burgeoning field of epigenetics studies the effect of children’s early
experiences on the chemical marks that accumulate in DNA and determine how much of a
specific gene will be expressed, as the child development site First Five Years explains. All of
these marks combined make up the epigenome; epigenetics is the study of these marks and their
impact on children and adults.

My personality affects my choices in life because each one of our personality traits makes us
different, unique, and special. But when these same traits work as setbacks to acquire a job, keep
a relationship going, or make friend they propose a challenge. We must try to modify our
personality traits, so they can begin to work in our favor. One of the best tools we have in order
to make changes to our personality is self-knowledge. By being aware of our limitations and
strengths, it’s easier to manage good results in our personal and professional lives. Thus, we can
work on the skills we have difficulties with more exhaustively. Also, we can boost others, which
will give us with an advantage.

How to Act and React when I have problems or moral dilemmas? Depending on the situation, I
may be a victim of unethical behavior, such as discrimination, sexual harassment or bullying in a
toxic workplace culture. I may be the witness to your manager’s or coworker’s unethical
behavior, or you may be asked by a manager or client to do something unethical. I immediate
reaction may be to blow the whistle on the behavior. However, whistleblowing may encourage
retaliation, but inaction makes you complicit or continues to victimize you. It’s an ethical
dilemma! I will overcome them by asking questions: If simply stating the request aloud does not
work, probing your supervisor with questions regarding the reason and motivation behind the
request can also help deter them.

It is important to develop my personal development skills because they allow me to create

strategic and tactical plans for personal and professional growth towards my goals. It can be
helpful to hone my personal development skills so that I can naturally work them into my daily
routines and use them to: Achieve my personal and career goals, Advance in your career,
Improve my strengths and talents, and better to myself.

In conclusion, the lesson what I learn in report of Miss. Fernandez is that children perceive
objects and events in the environment and they respond to a variety of visual dimensions. In
some cases, they engage in intermodal perception in which they integrate information from two
or more modalities. Children learn through their perception as it becomes an important tool in
learning. We know that children learn to think as they grow, but we do not know exactly what
constitutes their thinking, we do not know where and how their perceptual processes cease and
cognitive processes may help us understand their differences.

Republic of the Philippines

Alaminos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
A.Y. 2021-2022


Subject: Prof Ed 5: Facilitating Learning with Guidance and Counseling


Reflection in Report of Ms. May-Anne

“Theories of Intelligence”

After I watch the report of Miss May-Anne, I have learned that society often confuses
academic achievement with intelligence and believes that only good grades will help us become
successful in life. But sometimes even the best-performing students are unable to become
achievers in life. Academic or other achievements don’t necessarily reflect or define one’s

Intelligence has been a topic of debate and contention throughout history, especially in the field
of psychology. There isn’t any standard definition of intelligence to date. The concept of
intelligence can be understood in multiple ways. While some theorists and researchers suggest
that intelligence is a single and general ability, others believe that it encompasses a range of
skills and aptitudes.

I learn that having a strong connection with the outside world and the ability to categorize
objects in nature. Having the ability to recognize and produce sound, rhythm, pitch and timbre.
The ability to think conceptually and use deductive reasoning to identify logical patterns or
concepts. The ability to control the physical form, like your bodily movements, and be effective
physical communicators. The ability to convey or communicate ideas, feelings or theories.
There’s sensitivity to sound and meaning of words. he ability to be self-aware and self-knowing.
It’s also called the intelligence of the self.
In conclusion, everybody’s intelligence is unique and everyone thinks and reasons differently. If
you ever find someone comparing their achievements to yours, remember that you can do things
that person can’t. What matters at the end of the day is how we use our intelligence.

Republic of the Philippines

Alaminos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
A.Y. 2021-2022


Subject: Prof Ed 5: Facilitating Learning with Guidance and Counseling


Reflection in Report of Bro. Romartino S. Soriano

“Guidance: Meaning, Function, and Scope”

After I watch the video report of Bro. Romartino I learn that guidance is a wider concept
which includes all types of education, formal, non-formal, vocational etc., which aims to adjust
the individuals in his environment in an effective way. According to Traxler “Guidance is a
process of enabling each individual to understand his abilities and interest to develop them as
well as possible and to relate them to life goals and finally to reach a state of complete and
matured self-guidance as a desirable human element of the social order.”

For me Guidance has a great impact to all Human being in the way of assisting the individual
through counselling and to make wise choices, adjustment, and interpretations in connection with
critical situation in his life in such a way as to insure continual growth in ability for self-
direction. The guidance refers to the process of helping individuals to discover and develop their
potential. The need of guidance is something that cannot be ignored by anyone. Furthermore,
guidance helps in the development of educational, vocational, and psychological skills in an
individual. Most noteworthy, guidance would help an individual to achieve an optimal level of
happiness and peace in life. Moreover, an individual who receives proper guidance would surely
contribute significantly to society.
The elements of guidance are called essential because it helps the students get to know
themselves better and find effective solutions to their daily problems. it also helps students
improve themselves in all areas and be full-functioning individuals. The elements of guidance
focus our attention on the individual and not the problem. Guidance leads to the discovery of
abilities of an individual. Guidance is based upon the assets and limitations of an individual.
Guidance leads to self- development and self-directions. Guidance helps the individual to plan
wisely for the present and the future. Guidance assists the individual to become adjusted to the
environment. Guidance assists to achieve success and happiness.
There are three important types of guidance:
The first is Educational Guidance: may be defined as the guidance which child or educed needs
while learning in educational institutions or schools. It stands to help them to sort out the
problems they face there. The educational guidance gives all kinds of information that the
children or students need to join the type of school that he may be found most suitable to each of
them. Education is the process of directing and guiding one to have his proper development.
The second is Vocational Guidance: The modern society is changing faster because of scientific
and technological advancements which results in bringing changes in the conditions of life and
have created a new number of occupations in the field of work and activities. Rapid
industrialization has resulted in a rise from a few occupations to thousands of specialized jobs.
So, in this changed situation and in the changing world of occupations and jobs there is a vital
need for vocational guidance, whose importance has realized immensely at present.
And lastly is Personal Guidance: It is known to one and all that a welfare nation is built upon the
foundation of healthy social individual and democracy as its proper functioning requires socially
efficient individuals. For producing such individuals, they are to be provided guidance for total
development of their personality.
If I given a chance to be Guidance Counselor, I will pursue or encourage the students’ academic,
social, emotional and personal development. Being a Guidance Counselor, I give them necessary
support such as helping them to understand themselves and their needs, to solve their problems,
to make realistic decisions, to improve their abilities and skills, and to adjust themselves and
their environment in a healthy way. It is essential for me as a guidance counselor to
communicate and cooperate with the students’ parents and the others in relations because when
all the information is gathered together about a student, guidance counselors have a clear opinion
about the student’s need. Either I can ask for a meeting about the student’s development or the
student’s parents and teachers can. Parents may also ask for an appointment from the guidance
counselors to discuss their child’s academic, social, emotional development or to give
information about the changes in their family life or the changes in their child’s development.
In conclusion, I learn that guidance can not only play an important role in education but also help
students throughout their educational journey. It can also help them to achieve their goals. The
guidance provides different benefits upon extending its importance which is clear from the points
mentioned above that it does play an important role in education. However, they need proper
guidance at right time they must seek advice from qualified teachers or counselors who are well
aware of prevailing situations they must know how much effort is required before taking any
particular step towards their chosen goal you should not be in a hurry to take any step you should
think several times finally make your decision on the basis of guidance given by somebody.

Republic of the Philippines

Alaminos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
A.Y. 2021-2022


Subject: Prof Ed 5: Facilitating Learning with Guidance and Counseling


Reflection in Report of Bro. Lloyd Garcia

“Guidance Services”
After I watch the video report of Bro. Garcia, I realize that the essence of guidance and
counseling are very much required for school/college going students to identify their strength, weakness
and at the same time work on their strength and area of interest to do wonders in future. This service
makes available to students’ certain kinds of information not ordinarily provided through classroom
instruction. It enables the counselor to give important facts concerning personal, social and educational
adjustment. It includes the orientation among Freshmen and incoming students, workshops, seminars and
community extension services to disseminate information on the relevance of the Guidance Services to
students’ adjustment and academic life as well as to provide information to ensure maximum welfare of

The basic guidance and services are: Orientation Service, Individual Inventory Service, Information
Service, Counselling Service, Placement Service, Referral Service, Remedial Service, follow-Up Service,
Research Service, and Evaluation Service.
When it says the orientation service is provided to the students those who are new comers and those who
go to new class or new course in the school set up. It is a well-known fact that the students those who join
first time. In the school or get promotion for higher classes are heterogeneous in nature as they are from
different family backgrounds, from different socio-economic status, from different areas, and from
different abilities, interests, aptitudes and skills.
So that the orientation service is normally meant for students to enable them to know school courses,
rules, regulations, different facilities given to the students by school and to know the clear image of the
school. On the same line school also keeps record of the students about their bio-data including
identification, socio- economic background, capacities and abilities, interest for courses etc.
Individual inventory service is an important type of guidance service which may be recognized often as
“pupil’s” inventory service. It is very much essential for student as it assists to know the student
“himself” at the time of taking any decisions so far his educational courses and careers are concerned.
Really the student proceeds in his educational set-up as he has made proper choice regarding concerned
subject or courses according to his own abilities, interests, aptitudes, attitudes and skills. The adequate
and accurate data are collected for the same purpose.
Information actually plays a vital role in each and every guidance programmed. Because it assists
students to take suitable decisions in case of educational planning and career and vocational career. At the
same time, it is helpful to students to adjust well in different social situations including school situation
and occupational situation.
As an integral part of guidance programmed, counselling service is not a recent idea and service having
wide applications in different social set up such as family, school, medical, other counselling centers etc.
counselling service may be provided by parents to children in the family, by teachers to students in
school, by doctors to patients in medical and so on to overcome the problems what generally occur in
their lives. In day-to-day life thousands of problems create hindrances in the development and prosperity
of I lie individual as these are educational, occupational and personal-social in nature.
In the ever changing society, as an professional activity, the need of counselling service is highly felt to
find out the solutions towards innumerable problems such as change of disliking subjects, problem of
study habits, preparing for examination, inadequate participation in school curricular and co-curricular
activities, free studentship, and scholarship and stipend, planning for future vocation, making and keeping
relation with friends, co-operating with teachers and mates, adjusting with family members and parents,
dealing love affairs, developing inferiority complex, behavioral problems, health problems, economic
problems, problem of dealings, manners and morals, problems in the context of utilization of leisure
hours, problems relating to under achievement, absence and dropping out of school college and other
related educational or training center, material problems etc.
Like other guidance services, placement service is a kind of guidance service which is especially carried
on by teachers on guidance workers to assist students to find out his own place in the educational setting
on occupational world considering his abilities, interests, skills, aptitudes and attitudes.
It is obvious that the individual goes to the temple of education with certain occupational and vocational
goals. Thus, educational and vocational guidance enable student to have a right choice in case of
educational courses, vocational courses and trainings. Both type of guidance assist student in the
placement of good job and meant to provide maximum satisfaction out of his placement.
The referral service is meant for the students those who are not subject to be guided and counselled by
the teachers or guidance workers in a normal group. This referral service is arranged for the purpose of
specialized help. In these special cases student is advised by teachers and counsellors to go for taking
special help from specialized person or agency. Because the student needs specialized help and much care
to overcome the problems.
The teacher and guidance worker recommend and refer the student to go for better guidance service
through specialized person or agency taking student’s development into account. But it is not only
business of teacher or guidance worker to refer student but also to follow-up him to know about his
progress and prosperity so far the purpose of referring is concerned. Therefore, it is natural that the
teacher or guidance worker keeps good relationship with the referral student and referral agencies as a’
result of which the main aim of referring service can be fulfilled.
Like referral service, the remedial service is a kind of specialized service which is meant for exceptional
children such as student having speech defects, hard of hearing, incapable of reading and developing
study habits etc. These exceptional children are not normal children those who will read, think and act
properly. So that they need special treatment to overcome these handicaps.
For this reason, teachers and counsellors make arrangement for the remedial help for these exceptional
children. It is generally offered in the school with much care. That is why almost all students get benefit
by certain training like training meant for developing study skill.
Follow-up service is considered as an important guidance service which is intended to evaluate and
ascertain the student’s progress and performance in the context of educational career and activities and
progress in the job placement. It is not only the main task of teacher and guidance worker to provide
educational placement and job placement through placement service but also it is most important concern
is to evaluate the performance and success in the respective field.
Research service occupies an important place in guidance service which is needed highly in the
guidance process for the following reasons:
(i) The research service helps guidance personnel for the purpose of a better understanding of students,
his school activities and his difficulties.
(ii) The research service gives chance to know about available school resources.
(iii) The research service helps guidance personnel to evaluate the achievement of the students in the
context of their goals.
(iv) The research service helps guidance personnel to enrich the curriculum on the basis of findings of the
(v) The research service helps guidance personnel to redirect and re-orient the various other services
which are already provided.
(vi) The research service is meant to examine and study the personnel those who are involved in the
school guidance programmed.
(vii) The research service is meant to examine the techniques of guidance programmed which are used by
guidance personnel to accelerate the guidance service.
(viii) The research service provides a basis for guidance development programmed in the school.
(ix) The research service helps guidance personnel to develop new methods and techniques of guidance.
The evaluation process is an essential part of the process of guidance which is continuous in nature and
done from time to time. Because it completes the entire process of guidance provided in the school.
It is needed to evaluate following considerations such as:
(i) Use and application of collected information’s to continue activities to find its effectiveness.
(ii) How far guidance services satisfy the needs and the student’s efficiency.
(iii) To what extent the time consumed for guidance service is right.
(iv) To what extent the money spent for guidance service is right.
(v) How far guidance personnel involved in the guidance programmed have done their work.

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