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Field: Language and Subject: English Level: V Class:

communication XI
Topic: Learning Situation:
Clauses of purpose Grammar in use

Learning Outcomes (competence based) Key words:

So ,to,for,so that, in case etc.
- To present and revise clauses of purpose.
- To practise and consolidate clauses of reason.
- To present and revise inversions
- To practise and consolidate the clauses.
- Complete exercises using key word transformation..
- Consolidate grammar structures

Resources: Cross curricular links:

Textbook, workbook.
Language and communication
Methodology and activities
Methodology(stages of lesson) :
Link the subject to previous student's knowledge
At the beginning,I am going to ask students to gives examples of clauses of purpose.

Contruction of new knowdege

We use certain clauses to show why somebody does something. These are called clauses of purpose. They are
introduced with the following words or expressions:

to + infinitive; David went out to buy a bottle of wine.

in order to/so as to + infinitive (formal); We were asked to say over in order to finish the project.

so that + can/will – used for a present or future reference; Here’s my number so that you can call me if you have a

so that +could/would – used for a past reference; We left early so that we would be able to park close to the stadium.

in case + present tense – present or future reference – Take your hat in case it gets too hot.

in case + past tense – used for past reference – We took an umbrella in case it rained.
Presentation and demonstration of the achieved result
In order to present their achieved knowledge about students have to complete exercise five.
I will evaluate students on their participation in the lesson list linkers L2 , fill in the gaps L3 , make sentences L4


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