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How can 11 HUMSS A1 of JP Rizal Campus cope with the

Different economic lifestyle?

Submitted by

Justine Benedicto
Nhovie Claire Florencio
Joshin Fontanilla
Allyson Job
Cassandra Ocado
Andrew Salavarria
Steven Zarraga

January 2024
I. Definition of Topic

Students' lives are influenced by economic situations, which can impact their social
interactions and academic success. Richer families provide easier access to
resources and educational opportunities, while struggling students face challenges
in housing, food, and extracurricular activities. Despite these obstacles, students
can overcome them with the help of grit, resourcefulness and support networks,
ensuring their academic success.

II. Declaration

In the economy, students from NSDGA's several campuses are categorized as the
younger generation, which indicates they are more likely to be influenced by what
they read or see online and to believe that this is how their lifestyles were formed.

III. Supporting Details (3-5 paragraphs)

Provide 3-5 Facts/Evidence
Site the sources/author

Sosu, Edward M. ( 2016) stated that evidence from the systematic review indicates
that grants and scholarships are a necessary condition for widening access for those
from low income households and essential for increasing access to high status
institutions. Enhancing the affordability of higher education through direct financial
support that reduces the burden on disadvantaged individuals is an essential condition
for widening access. Funding is a necessary consideration for widening access for
those from low income households. More scholarships and grants should be made
available to young people from low income households.

Additional, widening access to higher education is a complex issue in which a wide

range of institutions and programmers have a role to play throughout the whole
educational journey. Issues include attainment, access, retention, success and
positive destinations. It is important to note that while the majority of students
attending low progression schools come from disadvantaged backgrounds, this is by
no means the case for all students.
to determine whether increases in progression are benefiting the most
disadvantaged in those schools. It therefore may instead be the case that
progression rates are increasing for the most advantaged students attending low-
progression schools.

Additionally, research suggests that grants and scholarships not only increase
access to higher education for low-income individuals but also contribute to their
academic success and retention rates. Therefore, it is crucial to prioritize the
allocation of funds towards these financial aid programs in order to create a more
equitable educational system. Furthermore, by expanding the availability of
scholarships and grants specifically targeted towards students from low-income
households, we can ensure that talented individuals are not deterred from pursuing
higher education due to financial constraints.
Santoro, Ninetta (2016) insisted that economic problems among students can have a
significant impact on their academic performance and overall well-being. Addressing
economic issues can help level the playing field and provide equal opportunities for all
students, regardless of their financial background. Economic factors such as tuition and
fees, lost income, and financial resources available to the family can impact a student's
ability to access educational opportunities and resources, which in turn can affect their
academic success. This can create disparities in educational attainment and perpetuate
social inequality. By addressing economic differences, we can help reduce stereotypes
and prejudices that may exist due to economic status. This can lead to more civilized
interactions among students.
According to Zusman
M. and (2005)
Smith, ifLauren
students and McKendry,
their parents are able and
and willing to pay
Sosu, Edward N. and Stephanie Santoro,
Ninettatuition, some institutions and state policymakers facing fiscal pressures arefrom
and Ellis, Sue (2016) Widening Access to Higher Education for Students
preparing to cap or even reduce enrollments, despite growing enrollment demands. This
Economically Disadvantaged
approach may inadvertently limit access to higher education for deserving students who
may not have the financial means to afford increased tuition costs. It is crucial for
institutions and policymakers to consider alternative solutions, such as increasing
funding for financial aid programs, to ensure that all qualified individuals have equal
opportunities to pursue their educational goals. Additionally, implementing measures to
control rising tuition costs can help alleviate the burden on students and their families,
making higher education more accessible and affordable for all.

Zusman (2005) also stated that students from poor families of all ethnic backgrounds
and those whose parents did not have a college education are even less likely than
underrepresented minorities as a whole to enroll in college or even to complete high
school, as a result of what some critics argue is “an elaborate, self-perpetuating system
of social and economic class that systematically grants advantages to those of
privilege.” These disadvantages perpetuate a cycle of inequality, where individuals from
disadvantaged backgrounds struggle to access higher education and improve their

To address this issue, it is crucial to implement comprehensive policies that not only
address the financial barriers but also provide support and resources to help students
overcome the systemic challenges they face.

Lastly Zusman (2005) states that to deal with these changes, students are expected to
It is crucial for higher education institutions to prioritize understanding and addressing the
factors that contribute to students' adoption of maladaptive coping strategies. By providing
resources and support systems that promote healthy coping mechanisms, such as
counseling services or mentorship programs, institutions can help students navigate the
VI. Why is it important to be solved? (1 paragraph)

Economic problems among students can have a significant impact on their academic
performance and overall well-being. Addressing economic issues can help level the playing
field and provide equal opportunities for all students, regardless of their financial background.
Economic factors such as tuition and fees, lost income, and financial resources available to
the family can impact a student's ability to access educational opportunities and resources,
which in turn can affect their academic success. This can create disparities in educational
attainment and perpetuate social inequality. By addressing economic differences, we can
help reduce stereotypes and prejudices that may exist due to economic status. This can lead
to more civilized interactions among students.
IV. Tool
Explain also the steps on how you will collect information or data using your chosen tool

The most effective method for gathering data for this study is to conduct a survey with a
variety of questions that allow respondents to provide feedback on whether or not their
current circumstances are demanding and whether or not those difficulties have an
impact on their academic performance. In addition, the survey should also include
questions that explore the strategies and resources students have utilized to overcome
challenges, as well as their perceptions of the support provided by their educational
institution. This comprehensive approach will provide valuable insights into the
relationship between resilience, adaptability, and academic success in different

V. Respondents

Create a table in this part

Section Number of Students

Grade 11 – HUMSS A1 43
1. Planning of
flow of the
2. Distribution
g of parts
3. Conducting of
the survey to
4. Collecting of
data and
g it
5. Combining of
results and
form a
based on data
6. Proofreading
of work
7. Formatting
rearranging of
8. Finalization
and checking
for misspelled

VI. Propose Solution

Create a Research Proposal Work Timeline

VII. Possible Outcome

What will happen after solving the Problem? ( 1-2 Parangraphs)

We can observe how a student can manage the various economic subjects offered by a
school to solve this challenge. Here, it will be found out if studying is more challenging
or if people are the only ones who can make themselves copy other people. This
dilemma lacks a definitive solution because it depends on an individual's behavior rather
than their level of money or social status.

Furthermore, studying different economic subjects can also help students develop
critical thinking skills and problem-solving abilities, which are essential for success in
both academic and real-world settings. Additionally, understanding the relationship
between resilience, adaptability, and academic success can provide valuable insights
for educators to tailor their teaching methods and support systems to better meet the
needs of diverse student populations.


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