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Instrumentation and Process

Control (CHE 323)

Lectures 16-18: Laplace Transforms

Laplace Transforms of Representative
The Laplace transform of a function f(t) is defined as

• where F(s) is the symbol for the Laplace transform, s is a complex

independent variable, f(t) is some function of time to be transformed,
and is an operator, defined by the integral.
• The function f(t) must satisfy mild conditions that include being
piecewise continuous for 0 < t <∞; this requirement almost always
holds for functions that are useful in process modeling and control.
• When the integration is performed, the transform becomes a function
of the Laplace transform variable s. The inverse Laplace transform
operates on the function F(s) and converts it to f(t).
Laplace Transforms of Representative
Laplace transform and the inverse Laplace transform are
linear operators:

Where denotes a particular operation to be performed,

such as differentiation or integration with respect to time. If
, then Eq. 3-2 becomes:

Therefore, the Laplace transform of a sum of functions x(t)

and y(t) is the sum of the individual Laplace transforms,
X(s) and Y(s)
The unit step function is an important input that is used
frequently in process dynamics and control.
The Laplace transform of the unit step function is:

If the step magnitude is a, the Laplace transform is a/s.
Derivatives. The transform of a first derivative of f is
important because such derivatives appear in dynamic

where F(s) is the Laplace transform of f(t).

Model solutions are most easily obtained assuming that
time starts (i.e., t = 0) at the moment the process model is
first perturbed. For example, if the process initially is
assumed to be at steady state and an input undergoes a
unit step change, zero time is taken to be the moment at
which the input changes in magnitude. 5
• In many process modeling applications, functions
are defined so that they are zero at initial time—that
is, f(0) = 0.
• In these cases, Eq. 3-9 simplifies to
• The Laplace transform for higher-order derivatives can
be found by repeated application of Eq. 3-9:

Exponential Functions. The Laplace transform of an
exponential function is important because exponential
functions appear in the solution to most linear differential
equations. For an exponential, e−bt, with b > 0,

Example 1:

a st   a a
L(a)=  ae dt   e   0     

s 0
 s s
 
1  1
L(e )=  e e dt   e
-bt -bt -st -(b+s)t
dt  -e  ( b  s)t
 
0 0
b+s 0 s+b

 df  df -st
L(f )  L     e dt  sL(f) f(0)
 dt  0 dt

Usually define f(0) = 0 (e.g., the error)

Example 3.1
Solve the ODE,
5  4y  2 y 0  1 (3-26)
First, take L of both sides of (3-26),
5  sY  s   1  4Y  s  
5s  2
Y s  (3-34)
s  5s  4 
Take L-1,
1 
5s  2 
y t   L  
 s  5s  4  
From Table 3.1 (line 11),
y  t   0.5  0.5e0.8t (3-37)
Other Transforms
 d2 f   dφ  df
L 2  = L  where φ =
 dt   dt  dt
 sφ(s) - φ(0)
= ssF(s) - f(0)  f (0)
= s2F(s)  sf(0)  f (0) Note:
d nf
etc. for
dt n
 e-jt  e  jt 
L(cos ωt) = L 
 2 
1 1 1 
=   
2  s  jω s  jω 
 e  j t - e  j t 
1  s  jω s  jω  L(sin ωt) = L  
=  2    2j 
2  s  ω2 s2  ω2 
s ω
= 2 = 2
s  ω2 s  ω2
Example 3.2
d3y d2y dy
 6 2  11  6 y  4
dt dt dt
y( 0 )= y( 0 )= y( 0 )= 0

system at rest (s.s.)

Step 1 Take L.T. (note zero initial conditions)

s Y(s)+ 6 s Y(s)+11sY(s)  6Y ( s ) =
3 2


( s3  6s 2  11s  6) s

Step 2a. Factor denominator of Y(s)

s(s 3+6s 2+11s+6 )=s(s+1 )(s+2 )(s+3 )

Step 2b. Use partial fraction decomposition

4 α α α α
 1 2  3  4
s(s+1 )(s+ 2 )(s+ 3 ) s s  1 s  2 s  3

Multiply by s, set s = 0
4  α α α 
 α1  s  2  3  4 
(s +1 )(s + 2 )(s + 3 ) s 0  s  1 s  2 s  3  s 0
4 2
 α1 
1 2  3 3
For a2, multiply by (s+1), set s=-1 (same procedure
for a3, a4)
α2  2 , α3  2 , α4  
2 2 2 2/3
Step 3. Take inverse of L.T. (Y(s)=  +  )
3s s 1 s  2 s3

You can use this method on any order of ODE,

limited only by factoring of denominator polynomial
(characteristic equation)
Table 3.1 Laplace Transforms for Various Time-Domain Functionsa

f(t) F(s)
Table 3.1 Laplace Transforms for Various Time-Domain Functionsa

f(t) F(s)
Table 3.1 Laplace Transforms for Various Time-Domain
Functionsa (continued)

f(t) F(s)

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