H - Atpases in The Plasma Membrane: Physiology and Molecular Biology

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H+-ATPases in the Plasma Membrane: Physiology and Molecular Biology

Thomas Jahn and Michael Gjedde Palmgren The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Copenhagen, Denmark


A typical plant cell expresses four ATP-fueled proton pumps (H+-ATPases), each one targeted to a specific cellular membrane. The F0F, and CF0CF, H+-ATPases, present in the mitochondrial inner membrane and the thylakoid membrane, respectively, operate under physiological conditions to synthesize ATP at the expense of H + gradients. Vacuolar H+-ATPase and plasma membrane H+-ATPase, on the other hand, generate H + gradients at the expense of ATP. The plant plasma membrane H+-ATPase has been extensively discussed in a number of recent reviews [1-5]. In the present chapter we give an overview of recent structural and functional aspects of the plasma membrane H+-ATPase, including its regulation and its role in intra- and extracellular pH regulation. 2 EVOLUTION OF PROTON PUMPS

Plasma membrane H+-ATPase is not evolutionarily related to any other plant proton pumps. This enzyme is composed of a single polypeptide of around 100


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kDa (around 950 amino acid residues) and belongs to the superfamily of P-type ATPases, mainly cation pumps characterized by forming a phosphorylated reaction cycle intermediate and by being inhibited by vanadate [6,7]. Plasma membrane H -ATPases are ubiquitous in higher plants, algae, and fungi but have not been identified in animals and eubacteria. This would suggest a relatively late evolutionary origin of this class of proton pumps. A sequence related to plasma membrane H 1 -ATPase has been identified in the genome of the archaebacterium Methanococcus jannaschii [8]. In the four other archaebacterial genomes available so far, no sequences with homology to H f -ATPases have been observed. Also, a plasma membrane H + -ATPase-like gene has been cloned from Leishmania donovani, a protozoan [9|. In present-day bacteria, P-type ATPases are involved in pumping K f , Mg 2+ , Ca 24 , Cu 2+ , and Cd 2+ , suggesting that, early in evolution, P-type ATPases mainly pumped divalent cations. Evolution of mechanisms for extrusion of metal ions from cells might have been necessary to prevent metal salts from precipitating in the cell or giving rise to toxic effects. Other FT pumps such as F0F, and CF0CF, (both F-type) H + -ATPases are multisubunit pumps that probably evolved early in evolution in order to extrude excess H" generated in anaerobic metabolism [10]. Later, other mechanisms for pH homeostasis evolved, and F0F, ATPases acquired a new role in ATP synthesis by operating in the reverse direction. 3 MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF THE PLASMA MEMBRANE H+-ATPase

Every single plant species investigated has a large number of plasma membrane H+-ATPase isoforms. Twelve different isoforms have been identified in Arabidopsis (according to the P-type ATPase databasePAT-base; http://biobase. dk/~axe/Patbase.html), and so far there is evidence for the expression of eight of these isoenzymes. At least nine isoforms are present in the genome of the tobacco Nicotianu plumbagin(folia [4]. The expression patterns of Arabidopsis and tobacco plasma membrane H + -ATPase isoforms have been studied extensively using reporter genes [11,12] and immunohistochemical localization of epitope-tagged H -ATPase [13]. The picture that has emerged supports the view that each isoform is expressed in a tissue- and development-specific manner [1113]. Furthermore, it has been established that in certain cell types more than one isoform might be expressed at the same time in the same cell [ 1 1 ] . It is not known why there are so many plasma membrane FT-ATPases in a given plant. When expressed in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, different isoforms of Arabidopsis [14] and tobacco [15] plasma membrane H+-ATPases exhibit quantitative differences with respect to a number of kinetic parameters. However, depending upon the isoform, heterologously expressed plant FP-ATPase is phosphorylated in this host at the penultimate threonine residue, which


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might alter the properties of the enzyme [16,17]. Therefore, it is still unclear whether the functional differences observed between the H+-ATPases produced in yeast are relevant in planta. The current completion of eukaryotic genome sequencing programs has showed that multigene families are a normal feature of multicellular organisms. For example, more than 60% of the genes on chromosome 2 of Arabidopsis thaliana have a significant match with another Arabidopsis gene [18]. Gene duplication events might give rise to a large number of functionally more or less equivalent isoforms. Evolution of different promoter regions for such isoenzymes might be the simplest means for providing tissue- and development-specific expression of a given enzyme. 3.1 Structure and Function of Plasma Membrane H+ATPase

How a single polypeptide of rather limited size is able to execute the whole sequence of functions of ATP hydrolysis, energy coupling, energy transfer, as well as highly specific binding and release of the transported substrate is not well understood. Hydrophobicity analyses in combination with biochemical studies have suggested the presence of 10 transmembrane helices, with most of the protein mass (about 70% of the H+-ATPase) facing the cytoplasmic side of the plasma membrane [19]. The cytoplasmic part of the enzyme involves the N- and the Ctermini, a relatively small loop of about 135 residues between transmembrane segments 2 and 3, a large loop of about 345 residues between transmembrane domains 4 and 5, and two very small loops of less than 20 residues connecting transmembrane helices 6-7 and 8-9. The large central cytoplasmic loop includes a conserved DKTGT sequence in which the aspartate becomes reversibly phosphorylated during catalysis. In addition to phosphorylation, the large central loop has been implicated in binding of ATP [7]. Our picture of the structure of the H+-ATPase has been improved by data obtained by two-dimensional (2D) crystallization of the Neurospora crassa homologue (NcPMAl) [20]. This fungal H+-ATPase forms well-ordered 2D crystals in which the protein appears in a hexameric structure. The polypeptide crosses the membrane 10 times and a big cytoplasmic domain is connected with the membrane-embedded part of the enzyme. The transmembrane part of the H+-ATPase most likely contains the H + binding site(s). Intensive mutagenesis analysis of various P-type ATPases has pointed to a role for transmembrane oxygen atoms in binding and coordination of the transported cations. In all plasma membrane H+-ATPases, one aspartate residue is conserved in transmembrane helix 6 (D684 in Arabidopsis AHA2; D730 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae PMA1). Thus, this group is a candidate resi-


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due directly involved in H + coordination. In a recent study, all charged residues in the postulated transmembrane segments of S. cerevisiae PMA1 were mutagenized and the effects on proton pumping by the H+-ATPase were tested [21]. Nearly half of the mutant ATPases (including D730) were misfolded and consequently not properly secreted to the plasma membrane. In this case, the role of D730 in binding of H + was difficult to ascertain. However, mutagenesis studies with PMA1 have demonstrated that H + pumping can take place in the absence of D730 provided that second-site mutations are introduced to remove the positive charge of R695 in neighboring transmembrane helix 5 [22]. Therefore, D730 is apparently not part of the H + translocation mechanism but rather is important for proper folding of the enzyme, probably by forming a salt bridge with R695. Two additional charged residues, E703 in transmembrane segment 5 and E803 in transmembrane segment 8, appear to be important for the coupling between ATP hydrolysis and H + pumping in PMA1 [21], but these residues are not conserved in plant plasma membrane H+-ATPases. The C-terminus of the plasma membrane H+-ATPase functions as an autoinhibitor of enzyme activity [23,24]. Successive deletions [25] and single point mutations have revealed the presence of two inhibitory regions within the Cterminal domain [26-29] as well as a binding site for regulatory 14-3-3 protein (see later). 4 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE PLASMA MEMBRANE H+-ATPase

The plant plasma membrane H + -ATPase is thought to play a crucial role in a number of essential physiological processes [1,2]. Among them are energization of nutrient uptake, phloem loading, opening of stomata, as well as the regulation of extra- and intracellular pH (Fig. 1). The plasma membrane H+-ATPase is very abundant in cells that are specialized for nutrient acquisition. Here it plays a role in generation of the electrochemical gradient of H* that provides the driving force for uptake of solutes through channel proteins and H + -coupled carriers. Cells specialized for nutrient uptake are, for example, those of the root epidermis, phloem companion cells, and the transfer cells of the xylem. The root is a specialized organ that functions in uptake of nutrients from the soil and translocation of those nutrients to other parts of the plant. In roots, plasma membrane H+-ATPase has been shown to be highly abundant in the epidermis and vascular tissues [30-32]. In the corn root epidermis and outer cortical cells, the plasma membrane H + -ATPase has been shown to be asymmetrically localized, with very high abundance in plasma membrane domains facing the root-soil interface [32]. Asymmetric localization of plasma membrane H + -ATPase has also been shown in other cell types [33]. Phloem companion cells are rich in mitochondria and thus have the capacity to synthesize large amounts of ATP. The ATP produced is believed to fuel mainly


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Ca2+ FIGURE 1 Plant plasma membrane H+-ATPase generates a membrane potential (negative on the inside of the cell) and a ApH gradient (acidic on the outside). This electrochemical gradient in turn can be used as an energy supply for transport proteins. Typical values for pH and membrane potential are indicated.

plasma membrane H+-ATPase, which is abundant in this cell type. In tobacco, promoter-GUS fusion studies have shown PMA4 to be expressed in companion cells but also in other tissues [12]. Based on epitope-tagging studies, Arabidopsis thaliana plasma membrane H+-ATPase AHA3 appears to be specifically expressed in phloem companion cells [13]. The H + gradient established across the plasma membrane of companion cells is believed to energize sucrose uptake through H+-coupled sucrose transporters in the phloem [34]. Sucrose transporters were first localized in phloem companion cells in Plantago major [35] and A. thaliana [36] as the result of promoter-GUS fusion studies. Later, using immunolocalization and in situ hybridization techniques, sucrose transporters were localized in enucleated sieve elements of tobacco, potato, and tomato [37]. In the latter case, sucrose transporter SUT1 messenger RNA (mRNA) and potentially SUT1 protein is targeted through plasmodesmata from the companion cells to the sieve elements. How energization of sucrose uptake through the plasma membrane of enucleate sieve elements takes place is still an open question. One possibility is that the mRNA of plasma membrane H+-ATPase is transported through plasmodesmata from companion cells to the sieve elements, where H+-ATPase is then synthesized. ATP would have to be transported in the same way as enucleate sieve elements lack mitochondria. Alternatively, the membrane potential genTM

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crated by the H + -ATPase in companion cells is transmitted to sieve elements, where it is used to drive uptake through sucrose transporters located in the plasma membrane of these cells. The possibility that plasma membrane H 4 -ATPase is in fact present in the enucleate sieve elements but has escaped detection by the methods employed so far cannot be discarded. For example, modification of H + ATPase mRNA by insertion of a tag or a reporter gene might interfere with targeting to sieve elements. An additional number of cell types in the plant body are specialized for intense active transport and contain high amounts of plasma membrane HT-ATPase. Most prominent are stomatal guard cells and pulvinar cells. Guard cell localization of plasma membrane H ' -ATPases has been demonstrated for MHA2 in Zea mays [38], VHA1 and VHA2 in Vicia faba [39], and PMA2 and PMA4 in Nicotiana plumbaginifolia [12]. Activation of the H+-ATPase in guard cells results in an increased uptake of potassium that precedes water uptake [40]. Due to the special wall anatomy of the cells, osmotic swelling of the cells results in opening of the stomatal pore, allowing transpiration and gas exchange with the environment of the plant. In accordance with this model, cosuppression of PMA4 gene expression in N. plumbaginifolia results in failure of stomatal opening [41]. Pulvinar cells are specialized cells functioning as osmotic motors driving leaf movements. Increased expression of plasma membrane H+-ATPase in these cells [42] suggests a role for this enzyme in energizing the massive ion fluxes taking place here. 4.1 Role in Regulation of Apoplastic pH

Activation of proton pump activity in plant tissues results in an increase in acidification of external solutions, whose pH can be lowered by at least one unit concomitant with this hyperpolarization of the plasma membrane [43-45]. Although accurate determination of apoplastic pH is difficult, it has been accomplished by the use of pH-dependent fluorescent dyes [46,47] or sharp double-barreled microelectrodes [48]. Although the cell wall is buffered and able to maintain a steep pH gradient toward the external solution, compounds affecting plasma membrane H + -ATPase positively such as fusicoccin or negatively such as vanadate provoke acidification and alkalization of the apoplast, respectively. However, the deviation from normal values (typically between pH 5.1 and 5.9) is not very dramatic and ranges from O.I to 0.6 pH units [46-48]. A more extensive discussion of factors contributing to regulation of apoplastic pH can be found in Chapter 11. Here the specific roles of plasma membrane H+-ATPase are discussed. Acidification at the root surface is important for increasing nutrient accessibility. This is due to the fact that most nutrients in the soil are not readily available for uptake by the plant. Soil particles can be of either organic or inorganic origin, but in both cases they are characterized by having negative charges on their surTM

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face. The negative charge of soil particles causes cationic mineral nutrients such as K + , Ca2+, Mg 2+ , Mn 2+ , Fe3+, and A13+ to be absorbed to their surface, whereas anions in principle do not bind to soil particles and remain dissolved. However, sulfate (SO 4 2 ~) is typically bound strongly to Ca2+, whereas phosphate (PO43~) forms very strong complexes with soil particles by replacing hydroxyl ions (OH*) that are complexed to Fe2+, Fe3+, and A13+. Solubilization of nutrients bound to soil particles occurs by cation exchange with H + , which is very efficient in exchanging bound cations. Factors affecting soil pH are the decomposition of organic matter, acidic rain, and active extrusion of organic acids and H + from the roots. Because the plasma membrane H+-ATPase is responsible for the extrusion of H + from roots to the soil, its role in nutrient mobilization cannot be overestimated. Acidification of the apoplast is believed to play an important role in plant physiology, namely in cell elongation growth. The plant cell wall is a complex cross-linked network of carbohydrate polymers limiting cell expansion. Therefore, for the cell to expand, this rigid structure has to be softened by breaking cross-linking bonds. This process appears to be strictly pH dependent. Growthpromoting substances such as the plant hormone auxin and the fungal toxin fusicoccin have promoted H + extrusion from plant tissues [49-51]. This increased H + secretion has been ascribed to increased activity of the plasma membrane H+-ATPase. Rayle and Cleland [52] and Hager et al. [53] independently formulated the acid growth theory of auxin action that adopts elements of the growth theory proposed by Ruge [54]. According to this model, auxin-induced growth is triggered by acidification of the cell wall, resulting in disruption of chemical or physical bonds in the cell wall matrix. Loosening of cell wall bonds would then allow turgor-driven cell expansion in a well-ordered manner. Initiation of root hairs has been shown to be accompanied by, and strictly dependent on, the formation of local changes in apoplastic and cytoplasmic pH around the initiation zone [55]. This strongly suggests a role of the plasma membrane H+-ATPase in the regulation of cell expansion. A molecular mechanism for the acid-induced softening of cell walls is beginning to emerge. A number of tissues, such as hypocotyl segments, respond with an increase in plastic extensibility when incubated in buffers with a pH of 4-4.5. When such segments are treated with boiling to denature proteins, the cell walls refuse to expand. However, Cosgrove and coworkers [56-58] could show that addition of extracts of native cell wall proteins to the incubation solution restored the pH-sensitive response. This bioassay has been used to identify a class of cell wall proteins, so-called expansins. The ability of expansins to promote cell wall relaxation is strictly regulated by the pH of the apoplast. Expansins comprise a big family with a high degree of functional conservation and, although their biochemical function has not been clarified, they show sequence similarity to a family of endoglucanases [59]. Endoglucanases, xyloglucan endotransglycosyl-


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ase, and other enzymes also modify cell wall structure during cell elongation but appear to act secondarily to expansin action [59]. In corn coleoptiles, the growth hormone auxin induces expression of an isoform of plasma membrane H f -ATPase [38] concomitant with increased turnover of the enzyme [60], indicating that H 4 -ATPase is an element of auxin-induced growth in this tissue. However, auxin-induced growth stimulation of tobacco leaf strips does not appear to involve plasma membrane H+-ATPase, although cell wall loosening in some form does occur [61]. This would suggest that cell wall loosening induced by auxin does not require H+-ATPase per se but may involve other proteins. Thus, a connection between auxin and the expression of cell wall-modifying proteins is beginning to emerge. The expression of tomato genes encoding xyloglucan endotransglycosylase (LeEXTl) and an endo-1,4beta-glucanase (CelT) is auxin regulated in etiolated hypocotyls [62]. Similarly, expression of expansin genes from tomato [63] and Finns taeda [64] is upregulated in hypocotyls during incubation with auxin. 4.2 Role in Regulation of Cytoplasmic pH

Several factors contribute to the formation of a pH-stat that keeps cytoplasmic pH more or less constant. These factors are discussed in detail by Reid and Smith (Chapter 3). However, the specific role of plasma membrane H+-ATPase will be discussed here. As the result of each catalytic cycle, the plasma membrane H + -ATPase transfers at least one proton out of the cytosol and into the apoplast [65]. Therefore, it would be expected that activation of proton pumping results in alkalization of the cytoplasm. Assuming a cellular volume of 20 pL, a typical cell contains about 10X H + at pH 7. A number of 1 million plasma membrane H + -ATPase molecules per cell is probably not unreasonable; for example, much smaller kidney cells each contain more than a million Na + /K + -ATPase molecules in the plasma membrane [66]. Extrapolating from the maximal turnover rate of 6000 per minute for the purified enzyme (T. Jahn et al., unpublished data), 108 H" would be pumped out of the cell per second. Obviously, this should have dramatic implications for intracellular pH. The pH dependence of the activity of the plasma membrane H + -ATPase does not allow it to operate under alkaline conditions. The curve describing the pH versus activity profile of the enzyme is bell shaped with an optimum that is typically pH 6.5 (Fig. 2). The activity drops sharply when the pH becomes either more alkaline or acidic than the optimal pH. This pH dependence is highly dependent upon the ATP levels in the cell. Similarly, the ATP affinity of the pump is strictly linked to pH. The closer the pump is at its pH optimum, the higher its affinity for ATP is [25].


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FIGURE 2 The pH optimum of plasma membrane l-T-ATPase from oat roots is slightly acidic but moves toward physiological pH as the ATPase is activated, e.g., by lysophospholipids or free fatty acids. (O) No additions; () 24 u^/mL lysophosphatidylcholine; (x) 6 [iM (18:3) linolenic acid; () 6 uM (20: 4) arachidonic acid. (Adapted from Ref. 82.)

The shape of the pH dependence profile implies that as the pH in the cell becomes alkaline, the activity of the pump diminishes. Similarly, if the pH in the cytosol acidifies from a typical value of pH 7.2, the pump increases in activity severalfold, resulting in adjustment of the pH back to normal. In this way the plasma membrane H+-ATPase by itself serves as an efficient pH-stat of the cell. This is illustrated by the difficulty in changing cytoplasmic pH, even by treating the plant cell with a compound known to activate H+-ATPase activity. Fusicoccin is a powerful agent causing activation of plasma membrane H+-ATPase (see later). An addition of 1 fiM fusicoccin to root hairs of Medicago saliva resulted in an increase in plasma membrane potential of 30 mV, which is probably due to activation of H+-ATPase, but the pH of the cytoplasm remained constant at around pH 7 [67]. Other factors that might lead to a decrease in cytoplasmic pH are low oxygen and acidic soil, both of which are factors that might result in cytoplasmic acidosis. The plasma membrane H+-ATPase operates during anoxia and might therefore play a role under these conditions [68]. Overexpression of a modified form of AHA3 H+-ATPase in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana led to


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increased growth at low pH compared with wild-type plants [69]. These data suggest that proton extrusion via the plasma membrane H + -ATPase can contribute to stabilization of cytoplasmic pH. A role for plasma membrane FT-ATPases in intracellular pH regulation is supported by the data obtained from heterologous expression of regulatory mutants of plant plasma membrane H + -ATPase in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The more activated the plant H '-ATPase, the higher its capability is to confer acid tolerance to yeast cells lacking the endogenous H + -ATPase PMAl [4,26]. In addition, plant isoforms with different pH optima when expressed in yeast support growth at different external pH values [15]. Sudden changes in the cytoplasmic pH are often seen in plant cells attacked by certain pathogens. One example is the rapid acidification of the cytosol of tobacco cells [70] and Chenopodium rub mm [71] after treatment with various fungal elicitors. The role of plasma membrane H + -ATPase under these conditions is unclear. It is also questionable whether these changes in pH are related to elicitor-induced gene expression |71|. 5 REGULATION OF THE PLASMA MEMBRANE H+-ATPase

Because of the fundamental roles plasma membrane H*-ATPase plays in plant physiology, the enzyme is likely to be subject to tight regulation. Indeed, regulation of the PT-ATPase occurs at different levels. Salt stress [72,73], hydroponic growth conditions [74], and addition of exogenous glucose [75] or auxin [38] are factors that have been found to lead to increased expression of plasma membrane H + -ATPase in a number of species. Increased H 4 -ATPase activity concomitant with an increase in immunodetectable protein occurs in response to wounding [76] and aging [77]. The number of fusicoccin binding sites can be taken as a measure of the number of H ' -ATPases in complex with the activator 14-3-3 protein (see later). Auxin application to corn coleoptiles increased the number of fusicoccin receptors [78]. Under cold stress, an increase in fusicoccin binding activity in plasma membranes of suspension cultures of sugar beet cells was accompanied by an increase in H 4 -ATPase activity [79]. Some plasma membrane H -ATPases with short open reading frames in the 5'-untranslated region appear to be regulated at the translational level [4,80]. The physiological significance of this phenomenon is at present unknown. At least fusicoccin (see later), blue light [81], lysophosphatidylcholine and free fatty acids [82,83], and products of phospholipase A2 action [84,85] activate proton pumping and ATPase activity by the plasma membrane H+-ATPase via a mechanism not involving increased gene expression. Considerable attention has been paid to the study of posttranslational regulation of H ' -ATPase activity; this work is summarized next.


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Posttranslational Regulation

The C-terminus of the H+-ATPase functions as an autoinhibitory domain. Deletion of this domain either by trypsin treatment [24] or at the gene level [25] results in activation of the pump. The activated state is characterized by an increase in Vmax, an increased affinity for ATP, a changed pH dependence with increased activity toward physiological pH (Fig. 2), and an increase in the ratio of H + pumped to ATP hydrolyzed. Based on these results, it has been hypothesized that in vivo activation of the H+-ATPase involves displacement of the C-terminal from the catalytic site. In principle, this could occur (1) irreversibly via alternative splicing of mRNA transcripts or by proteolysis or (2) reversibly by displacement of the C-terminus by phosphorylation or by binding of a regulatory polypeptide. 5.1.1 The Role of the 14-3-3 Protein

The fungus Fusicoccum amygdali is a parasite that invades peach and almond trees by growing with its hyphae in the leaf parenchyma and participating in the primary metabolism of the host plants [86]. To gain access to the leaf parenchyma, the fungus spreads a toxin, fusicoccin, on the lower leaf surface, which promotes irreversible opening of stomata irrespective of the plants' endogenous regulation. When applied to different plant tissues, fusicoccin results in increased H + secretion, increased K + uptake, and an increase in turgor. Marre [87] suggested early that fusicoccin was a direct activator of plasma membrane H + ATPase. Fifteen years later, 14-3-3 proteins were identified as being part of a fusicoccin receptor in plant cells [88-90]. The 14-3-3 proteins are ubiquitous in eukaryotes and are known as regulatory players in the cell cycle and the activity of various enzymes [91,92]. It is now known that the fusicoccin receptor is a complex of two proteins: 14-3-3 protein and plasma membrane H+-ATPase [9395]. Neither of the two proteins alone binds fusicoccin. In plants, 14-3-3 proteins bind directly to the C-terminal regulatory domain of the H+-ATPase [96,97]. Fusicoccin stabilizes the association between 14-3-3 protein and the C-terminal regulatory domain of the plant H+-ATPase [96-98], resulting in an almost irreversible complex (KA = 1 nM) [16] between the two proteins in which H+-ATPase is stabilized in an active comformation [27]. The complex can also be formed in the absence of fusicoccin, but in such a case binding is phosphatase sensitive [99]. Similarly, heterologous expression studies have shown that activation of the plant H+-ATPase in yeast involves binding of 14-3-3 protein to the H+-ATPase in a phosphatase-sensitive manner [16]. Recently, direct evidence for a physiological role of 14-3-3 protein in activation of plasma membrane H+-ATPase has been obtained. Blue light activates the plasma membrane H+-ATPase in stomatal guard cells [81]. A pulse of blue light results in phosphorylation and subsequent binding of 14-3-3 protein to the


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C-terminus of the H+-ATPase in guard cells. The time course of phosphorylation and binding of 14-3-3 protein parallels an increase in H + pumping and ATPhydrolytic activity in isolated microsomes. 5.1.2 Regulation by Protein Kinases and Phosphatases Several lines of evidence indicate that plasma membrane H+-ATPase is a target for protein kinase action in vivo, and apparently both serine and threonine residues in the pump molecule are phosphorylated [81,100,101]. Plasma membrane H+-ATPases from the algae Dunaliella acidophila [102] and the higher plants Vicia faba and spinach are phosphorylated at their C-terminal end. Sequencing of peptides derived from spinach H + -ATPase phosphorylated in vivo has led to the identification of an in vivo phosphorylation site at the penultimate C-terminal residue, a threonine [101]. The effect of phosphorylation on the activity of plasma membrane H + ATPase is highly disputed. Thus, it has been reported that H+-ATPase activity is increased concomitantly with either phosphorylation [101,103] or dephosphorylation [104-107]. Binding of 14-3-3 protein to the H f -ATPase involves its three C-terminal residues (YTV in almost all FT-ATPase sequences so far) and requires phosphorylation of the penultimate threonine residue [16,17,108]. Based on these results, it is hypothezised that phosphorylation-dependent activation of the H "-ATPase involves binding of 14-3-3 to the extreme end of the C-terminus and subsequent displacement of the autoinhibitory domain from the catalytic site (Fig. 3) [16,26,108]. In corn roots, a protein kinase with characteristics of a calcium-dependent protein kinase (CDPK) was partially purified and shown to phosphorylate the last 103 amino acids of the corn H f -ATPase expressed as a recombinant protein in Escherichia coli [109]. However, phosphorylation did not induce binding of 14-3-3 protein, suggesting that the site is different from the penultimate C-terminal residue (see earlier). Thus, it appears that, apart from the threonine in the penultimate position [16,17,108], there is more than one regulatory phosphorylation site within the C-terminal domain. In addition, a sequence with homology to a common 14-3-3 binding site involving a phosphoserine has been identified in the small loop connecting transmembrane segments 8 and 9 of the H+-ATPase [99]. However, it is not known whether the corresponding serine residue in the H+-ATPase is phosphorylated in vivo. When a peptide corresponding to this sequence is phosphorylated at the serine residue, the peptide inhibits 14-3-3-dependent activation of the H f -ATPase [110J. Similar results have been obtained using a phosphorylated peptide derived from the 14-3-3 protein binding site in Raf-1 kinase [26]. Phosphorylation of a second site in the C-terminal domain could in principle disrupt binding of 14-3-3 protein to the C-terminal end, thus leading to deactiTM

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protein kinase protein phosphatase


FIGURE 3 Model for regulation of plant plasma membrane H+-ATPase by a protein kinase, a protein phosphatase, and 14-3-3 protein. A protein kinase is likely to promote binding of activator 14-3-3 protein to the pump, whereas a specific protein phosphatase inhibits this association. Further phosphorylation of the H+-ATPase by a second protein kinase (not shown) might impair binding of 14-3-3 protein.

vation of the H+-ATPase. A phosphorylation-dependent inactivation mechanism for plasma membrane H+-ATPase has been suggested on the basis of elicitor studies. Thus, elicitor-induced dephosphorylation of tomato H+-ATPase leads to increased H + pumping [104]. In this case, two kinases, one with characteristics of a protein kinase C (PKC) and the second one with characteristics of a Ca2+/ calmodulin-dependent kinase II, may be involved in rephosphorylation and concomitant inhibition of the H+-ATPase [106]. To draw further conclusions, it will be important to pinpoint the respective phosphorylation sites, as the involvement of different kinases does not per se exclude the possibility that the same modification occurred at the H+-ATPase. The complex between plasma membrane H+-ATPase and 14-3-3 protein is labile in plant materials in the absence of fusicoccin. This is probably due to the presence of endogenous phosphatases in the preparation [99]. One such phosphatase having the plasma membrane H+-ATPase as a target has been partially purified from maize plasma membranes and was found to have characteristics resembling those of protein phosphatase 2A [99]. The activity of this enzyme disrupts the phosphorylation-dependent interaction between 14-3-3 and H + -ATPase and might function in vivo as a natural regulator of plasma membrane H + ATPase activity. Phosphorylation of the H+-ATPase might have additional roles, such as being part of maturation of the enzyme or its passage through the secretory pathway to the plasma membrane. In yeast, it has been shown that the H+-ATPase PMA1 becomes phosphorylated during intracellular trafficking [111]. The degree


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of phosphorylation increased along the path of intracellular trafficking and secretion of the H 4 -ATPase to the plasma membrane. The molecular mechanism of this phenomenon is not understood. However, it seems that the phosphorylation of PMAl is a necessary modification for a regulated targeting to the plasma membrane [ 1 1 1 ] .

In the near future, site-directed mutagenesis studies in combination with crystallization of plant plasma membrane H + -ATPase and related P-type ATPases are expected to result in structural insight that will illuminate the mechanism of cation translocation by this class of ion pumps [112]. Phenotypic description of mutant plants carrying single or multiple knockouts in H+-ATPase genes [113], or plants that by other means have altered expression of H + -ATPase genes [41], will provide useful tools for analyzing the physiological roles of individual H+-ATPase isoforms. Finally, bioimaging techniques, which allow detection of protein-protein interactions [114,115], movement of protein domains [116,117], and the activity state of proteins ( 1 1 8 ] , should be applicable to plants [119] and would be useful in analyzing the physiological factors regulating plasma membrane H + ATPase activity and cellular trafficking in vivo.
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