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A greeting card adalah selembar kartu atau kertas yang berisi ungkapan persahabatan atau sentimen
lainnya. Kartu ucapan biasanya diberikan pada acara-acara khusus seperti ulang tahun, hari raya, atau
untuk menyampaikan ucapan terima kasih atau selamat.


Tujuan a greeting card adalah untuk mengomunikasikan perasaan dan mengekspresikan emosi. Kartu
ini bisa digunakan untuk merayakan suatu peristiwa, mengungkapkan rasa terima kasih, berbagi
harapan baik, atau mengucapkan belasungkawa.

Generic Structure

1. Receiver's Name: Nama orang yang akan menerima kartu.

2. Greeting: Ungkapan pembuka yang ramah.

3. Body: Pesan utama atau konten kartu.

4. Closing: Frasa atau kalimat penutup.

5. Sender's Name: Nama orang yang mengirim kartu.

Language Features

• Penggunaan simple present tense untuk keinginan umum.

• Penggunaan bentuk lampau saat mengingat kembali kenangan.

• Penggunaan bentuk masa depan saat mengungkapkan harapan atau keinginan di masa depan.

• Positive and warm tone.

• Bahasa yang sopan dan hormat.

Sample Greeting Cards

Dear Sarah, Dear Mr. Smith,

Wishing you a day filled with love, joy, and all I really appreciate your help with the school
your favourite things. May your year be even project. Your guidance made a big difference,
more amazing and blessed. and I couldn't have done it without you.

With lots of love, Sincerely,

Emma John


An Announcement adalah pernyataan publik atau formal yang dibuat untuk memberi tahu orang-
orang tentang sesuatu yang penting. Pengumuman dapat dibuat dalam berbagai konteks seperti
sekolah, tempat kerja, tempat umum, atau melalui media.


Tujuan Announcement adalah untuk memberikan informasi atau mengkomunikasikan peristiwa

penting, perubahan, atau instruksi kepada audiens tertentu.

Generic Structure

1. Title: Menunjukkan subjek atau topik pengumuman.

2. Opening: Salam atau pengantar yang menyapa para hadirin.

3. Content: Informasi rinci tentang pengumuman, termasuk apa, kapan, di mana, dan detail
lainnya yang diperlukan.

4. Closing: Keterangan tambahan, termasuk informasi kontak atau instruksi lebih lanjut.

Language Features

• Penggunaan bahasa yang jelas dan ringkas.

• Penggunaan bentuk present tense.

• Use of formal and polite tone.

• Sering menyertakan tanggal, waktu, dan lokasi.

• Dapat menggunakan poin-poin atau daftar untuk memperjelas.

Sample Announcement

Example 1

School Trip to the National Museum

Dear Students,

We are excited to announce a school trip to the National Museum for all 8th-grade students. The trip
is scheduled for Friday, 15th June 2024. This is a great opportunity for students to learn about our
country's history and cultural heritage.

Date : Friday, 15th June 2024

Time : 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Meeting Point : School Auditorium
Things to Bring : Packed lunch, water bottle, notepad, and pen.

Please ensure to submit your permission slip to your homeroom teacher by Monday, 11th June 2024.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact Mr. John at the school office.

Thank you,
School Administration
Title: School Trip to the National Museum

Opening: Dear Students,

Content: We are excited to announce a school trip to the National Museum for all 8th-grade
students. The trip is scheduled for Friday, 15th June 2024. This is a great opportunity for students to
learn about our country's history and cultural heritage.


• Date: Friday, 15th June 2024

• Time: 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM

• Meeting Point: School Auditorium

• Things to Bring: Packed lunch, water bottle, notepad, and pen.

Closing: Please ensure to submit your permission slip to your homeroom teacher by Monday, 11th
June 2024. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Mr. John at the school office.

Thank you, School Administration

Example 2

Announcement of School Closure

Attention All Students and Parents,

We regret to inform you that the school will be closed from Monday, 20th June 2024 to Friday, 24th
June 2024 due to maintenance work. During this period, all classes and school activities will be

Closure Dates : Monday, 20th June 2024 to Friday, 24th June 2024

Reason : Maintenance work

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Classes will resume on Monday, 27th June 2024.
For further information, please contact the school office.

Thank you for your understanding,


Title: Announcement of School Closure

Opening: Attention All Students and Parents,
Content: We regret to inform you that the school will be closed from Monday, 20th June 2024 to
Friday, 24th June 2024 due to maintenance work. During this period, all classes and school activities
will be suspended.

• Closure Dates: Monday, 20th June 2024 to Friday, 24th June 2024
• Reason: Maintenance work
Closing: We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Classes will resume on Monday, 27th
June 2024. For further information, please contact the school office.

Thank you for your understanding, Principal



A Report Text adalah jenis teks informasi yang menggambarkan sesuatu secara umum. Teks ini
menyajikan informasi tentang suatu objek, orang, tempat, atau peristiwa berdasarkan pengamatan
dan analisis yang sistematis.


Tujuan a Report Text adalah memberikan informasi tentang suatu subjek dengan cara yang lugas dan
objektif. Tujuannya adalah untuk memberi informasi kepada pembaca tentang aspek-aspek spesifik
dari subjek yang sedang dibahas.

Generic Structure

1. Title: Menunjukkan topik laporan.

2. General Classification: Memperkenalkan topik dan memberikan gambaran umum atau


3. Description: Memberikan informasi rinci tentang subjek, biasanya disusun dalam paragraf
yang mencakup berbagai aspek.

Language Features

• Penggunaan kata benda umum (e.g., birds, plants, animals).

• Penggunaan kata kerja yang berhubungan (e.g., is, are, have).

• Penggunaan bentuk present tense.

• Penggunaan istilah teknis yang berkaitan dengan subjek.

• Penggunaan bahasa yang formal dan objektif.

Sample Report Text

Example 1

The Komodo Dragon

The Komodo dragon is a large species of lizard found in the Indonesian islands of Komodo, Rinca,
Flores, and Gili Motang. It is the largest living species of lizard, growing to a maximum length of 3
meters and weighing up to approximately 70 kilograms.

Komodo dragons have a robust and muscular body with a long tail and powerful limbs. Their skin is
rough and covered with scales. They have a forked tongue that they use to sense their environment.
Komodo dragons inhabit dry, hot environments, such as savannas, tropical forests, and grasslands.
They are typically found in lowland areas close to the coast. Komodo dragons are carnivorous and
primarily feed on large mammals such as deer, pigs, and water buffalo. They are also known to
consume carrion. Their strong jaws and sharp teeth allow them to tear through flesh easily. Komodo
dragons are solitary animals and come together only during the breeding season. They are known for
their aggressive nature and are top predators in their habitat. They rely on stealth and power to
capture their prey.

Title: The Komodo Dragon

General Classification: The Komodo dragon is a large species of lizard found in the Indonesian islands
of Komodo, Rinca, Flores, and Gili Motang. It is the largest living species of lizard, growing to a
maximum length of 3 meters and weighing up to approximately 70 kilograms.


Physical Characteristics: Komodo dragons have a robust and muscular body with a long tail and
powerful limbs. Their skin is rough and covered with scales. They have a forked tongue that they use
to sense their environment.

Habitat: Komodo dragons inhabit dry, hot environments, such as savannas, tropical forests, and
grasslands. They are typically found in lowland areas close to the coast.

Diet: Komodo dragons are carnivorous and primarily feed on large mammals such as deer, pigs, and
water buffalo. They are also known to consume carrion. Their strong jaws and sharp teeth allow them
to tear through flesh easily.

Behaviour: Komodo dragons are solitary animals and come together only during the breeding season.
They are known for their aggressive nature and are top predators in their habitat. They rely on stealth
and power to capture their prey.


A Recount Text adalah jenis teks yang menceritakan kembali peristiwa atau pengalaman masa lalu
sesuai dengan urutan kejadiannya. Teks ini bertujuan untuk menginformasikan atau menghibur
pembaca dengan memberikan urutan kejadian yang jelas.


Tujuan Recount Text adalah untuk merekonstruksi peristiwa masa lalu dan berbagi pengalaman,
memberikan penjelasan rinci kepada pembaca tentang apa yang terjadi.

Generic Structure

1. Orientation: Memperkenalkan informasi latar belakang, termasuk siapa yang terlibat, apa
yang terjadi, kapan dan di mana acara berlangsung.
2. Events: Menjelaskan rangkaian peristiwa sesuai dengan urutan kejadiannya.
3. Reorientation: Memberikan kesimpulan pada cerita, sering kali merefleksikan peristiwa atau
menyatakan komentar pribadi.

Language Features

• Penggunaan bentuk lampau untuk mendeskripsikan peristiwa yang telah terjadi.

• Penggunaan kata kerja aksi untuk menggambarkan apa yang terjadi.
• Penggunaan kata penghubung untuk menunjukkan urutan kejadian (e.g., then, next, after
• Penggunaan bahasa deskriptif untuk memberikan rincian tentang peristiwa.

Sample Recount Text

Example 1

My First Day at Junior High School

Last year, I had my first day at junior high school. I was very excited and nervous at the same time. I
woke up early in the morning, got dressed in my new uniform, and had breakfast quickly. My mother
walked me to school, which was not far from our house.

First, I went to the school hall for the orientation program. The principal gave a welcome speech and
introduced the teachers. After that, we were guided to our classrooms by our homeroom teacher. In
the classroom, I met my new classmates and our homeroom teacher, Mr. Smith. He explained the
school rules and the subjects we would be studying.

Next, we had a tour of the school. We visited the library, science lab, and sports facilities. Everything
looked so new and exciting. After the tour, we returned to our classroom and had our first lesson,
which was English. Mr. Smith gave us a simple writing task to introduce ourselves.

Finally, the school day ended, and my mother was waiting for me at the school gate. I told her all about
my day on our way home. I felt happy and relieved that my first day went well, and I was looking
forward to the rest of the school year.
My first day at junior high school was a memorable experience. I made new friends and learned a lot
about my new school. It was the beginning of a new chapter in my life, and I was excited about what
was to come.

Title: My First Day at Junior High School

Orientation: Last year, I had my first day at junior high school. I was very excited and nervous at the
same time. I woke up early in the morning, got dressed in my new uniform, and had breakfast quickly.
My mother walked me to school, which was not far from our house.

Events: First, I went to the school hall for the orientation program. The principal gave a welcome
speech and introduced the teachers. After that, we were guided to our classrooms by our homeroom
teacher. In the classroom, I met my new classmates and our homeroom teacher, Mr. Smith. He
explained the school rules and the subjects we would be studying.

Next, we had a tour of the school. We visited the library, science lab, and sports facilities. Everything
looked so new and exciting. After the tour, we returned to our classroom and had our first lesson,
which was English. Mr. Smith gave us a simple writing task to introduce ourselves.

Finally, the school day ended, and my mother was waiting for me at the school gate. I told her all about
my day on our way home. I felt happy and relieved that my first day went well, and I was looking
forward to the rest of the school year.

Reorientation: My first day at junior high school was a memorable experience. I made new friends and
learned a lot about my new school. It was the beginning of a new chapter in my life, and I was excited
about what was to come.


Modal verbs adalah kata kerja bantu yang menyatakan keharusan, kemungkinan, izin, kemampuan,
atau kondisi lainnya. Kata kerja modal yang umum digunakan adalah can, could, could, may, might,
must, shall, should, will, dan would..


Modal verbs digunakan untuk menunjukkan sikap atau suasana hati pembicara terhadap tindakan
atau keadaan yang dijelaskan oleh kata kerja utama.

Common Modal Verbs and Their Uses

1. Can

• Use: Ability, possibility, permission

• Examples:

o She can swim very well. (ability)

o It can be dangerous to hike alone. (possibility)

o Can I borrow your pen? (permission)

2. Could

• Use: Past ability, polite requests, possibility

• Examples:

o When I was younger, I could run fast. (past ability)

o Could you please pass the salt? (polite request)

o It could rain later. (possibility)

3. May

• Use: Permission, possibility

• Examples:

o You may leave the room now. (permission)

o We may go to the park if the weather is nice. (possibility)

4. Might

• Use: Possibility (less certain than may)

• Examples:

o He might come to the party. (possibility)

o You might want to check your answers. (suggestion)

5. Must

• Use: Necessity, strong recommendation

• Examples:

o You must wear a helmet when riding a bike. (necessity)

o Students must submit their homework on time. (strong recommendation)

6. Shall

• Use: Future intention, offers, suggestions

• Examples:

o I shall visit my grandmother tomorrow. (future intention)

o Shall we go for a walk? (suggestion)

7. Should

• Use: Advice, recommendation, obligation

• Examples:

o You should see a doctor if you're feeling unwell. (advice)

o Students should always do their best. (recommendation)

o You should finish your homework before playing. (obligation)

8. Will

• Use: Future intention, promises, offers

• Examples:

o I will help you with your project. (promise)

o She will call you later. (future intention)

o Will you come to the party? (offer)

9. Would

• Use: Polite requests, hypothetical situations, past habits

• Examples:

o Would you mind closing the window? (polite request)

o If I were you, I would study harder. (hypothetical situation)

o When we were kids, we would play outside all day. (past habit)

1. Abandon
• Definition: Meninggalkan sepenuhnya.
• Synonym: Forsake, desert
• Phonetic: /əˈbændən/
• Sample Sentence: They had to abandon the sinking ship.

2. Adopt
• Definition: Mengambil dan menggunakan.
• Synonym: Embrace, accept
• Phonetic: /əˈdɒpt/
• Sample Sentence: The school adopted a new teaching method.

3. Analyze
• Definition: Menganalisis secara detail.
• Synonym: Examine, inspect
• Phonetic: /ˈænəˌlaɪz/
• Sample Sentence: The scientist will analyze the data.

4. Ancient
• Definition: Sangat tua; dari zaman dahulu.
• Synonym: Antique, old
• Phonetic: /ˈeɪnʃənt/
• Sample Sentence: They discovered an ancient artifact in the ruins.

5. Approach
• Definition: Mendekati.
• Synonym: Move toward, advance
• Phonetic: /əˈprəʊtʃ/
• Sample Sentence: The train is now approaching the station.

6. Benefit
• Definition: Keuntungan atau manfaat.
• Synonym: Advantage, profit
• Phonetic: /ˈbɛnɪfɪt/
• Sample Sentence: The new policy will benefit everyone.

7. Capable
• Definition: Memiliki kemampuan untuk melakukan sesuatu.
• Synonym: Competent, skilled
• Phonetic: /ˈkeɪpəbl/
• Sample Sentence: She is capable of handling the project.

8. Climate
• Definition: Kondisi cuaca di suatu area dalam jangka waktu lama.
• Synonym: Weather, conditions
• Phonetic: /ˈklaɪmɪt/
• Sample Sentence: The climate in this region is very hot.
9. Combine
• Definition: Menggabungkan.
• Synonym: Merge, unite
• Phonetic: /kəmˈbaɪn/
• Sample Sentence: The two companies decided to combine their resources.

10. Complex
• Definition: Terdiri dari banyak bagian yang berbeda dan saling terhubung.
• Synonym: Complicated, intricate
• Phonetic: /ˈkɒmplɛks/
• Sample Sentence: The problem is more complex than it seems.

11. Contribute
• Definition: Memberikan sesuatu untuk membantu mencapai atau menyediakan sesuatu.
• Synonym: Donate, give
• Phonetic: /kənˈtrɪbjuːt/
• Sample Sentence: Many people contribute to the charity each year.

12. Create
• Definition: Membuat sesuatu menjadi ada.
• Synonym: Make, produce
• Phonetic: /kriːˈeɪt/
• Sample Sentence: She loves to create new recipes.

13. Debate
• Definition: Diskusi formal tentang topik tertentu.
• Synonym: Discussion, argument
• Phonetic: /dɪˈbeɪt/
• Sample Sentence: They had a debate about the best solution.

14. Decrease
• Definition: Menjadi lebih kecil atau berkurang.
• Synonym: Diminish, reduce
• Phonetic: /dɪˈkriːs/
• Sample Sentence: The number of visitors decreased during the winter.

15. Discover
• Definition: Menemukan sesuatu atau seseorang secara tak terduga atau selama pencarian.
• Synonym: Find, uncover
• Phonetic: /dɪˈskʌvər/
• Sample Sentence: They discovered a hidden treasure.

16. Efficient
• Definition: Mencapai produktivitas maksimum dengan usaha atau biaya yang minimal.
• Synonym: Effective, productive
• Phonetic: /ɪˈfɪʃənt/
• Sample Sentence: The new system is more efficient than the old one.
17. Element
• Definition: Bagian atau aspek dari sesuatu yang abstrak, terutama yang esensial atau
• Synonym: Component, part
• Phonetic: /ˈɛlɪmənt/
• Sample Sentence: Water is composed of the elements hydrogen and oxygen.

18. Enthusiasm
• Definition: Kesenangan dan ketertarikan yang kuat.
• Synonym: Eagerness, passion
• Phonetic: /ɪnˈθjuːzɪæzəm/
• Sample Sentence: She showed great enthusiasm for the project.

19. Essential
• Definition: Sangat penting; sangat diperlukan.
• Synonym: Necessary, vital
• Phonetic: /ɪˈsɛnʃəl/
• Sample Sentence: It is essential to wear a helmet while riding a bike.

20. Explain
• Definition: Membuat sesuatu menjadi jelas atau mudah dimengerti.
• Synonym: Clarify, elucidate
• Phonetic: /ɪkˈspleɪn/
• Sample Sentence: Can you explain how this machine works?

21. Explore
• Definition: Menjelajahi suatu area untuk mempelajarinya.
• Synonym: Investigate, examine
• Phonetic: /ɪkˈsplɔːr/
• Sample Sentence: They set out to explore the unknown land.

22. Fascinate
• Definition: Menarik dan memegang perhatian serta minat seseorang.
• Synonym: Captivate, intrigue
• Phonetic: /ˈfæsɪneɪt/
• Sample Sentence: The magician's tricks fascinate the audience.

23. Generate
• Definition: Menghasilkan atau menciptakan sesuatu.
• Synonym: Produce, create
• Phonetic: /ˈdʒɛnəreɪt/
• Sample Sentence: The company plans to generate more jobs in the area.

24. Identify
• Definition: Menentukan atau menunjukkan siapa atau apa seseorang atau sesuatu itu.
• Synonym: Recognize, determine
• Phonetic: /aɪˈdɛntɪfaɪ/
• Sample Sentence: Can you identify the man in this photo?
25. Impact
• Definition: Tindakan dari satu objek yang datang secara kuat ke dalam kontak dengan objek
• Synonym: Effect, influence
• Phonetic: /ˈɪmpækt/
• Sample Sentence: The impact of the new law was felt immediately.


1. I think

• Definition: Saya berpikir.

• Sample Sentence: I think this book is very interesting.

2. In my opinion

• Definition: Menurut pendapat saya.

• Sample Sentence: In my opinion, the movie was too long.

3. I believe

• Definition: Saya percaya.

• Sample Sentence: I believe that we should protect the environment.

4. I feel

• Definition: Saya merasa.

• Sample Sentence: I feel that this is the best solution.

5. I suppose

• Definition: Saya mengira.

• Sample Sentence: I suppose it could work if we try harder.

6. Personally, I think

• Definition: Secara pribadi, saya berpikir.

• Sample Sentence: Personally, I think that homework is necessary.

7. From my point of view

• Definition: Dari sudut pandang saya.

• Sample Sentence: From my point of view, this plan is very effective.

8. I reckon

• Definition: Saya mengira.

• Sample Sentence: I reckon that we need more time to finish this.

9. In my view

• Definition: Dalam pandangan saya.

• Sample Sentence: In my view, it's a great opportunity.

10. It seems to me

• Definition: Tampaknya bagi saya.

• Sample Sentence: It seems to me that we need to improve our communication.

11. To my mind

• Definition: Menurut saya.

• Sample Sentence: To my mind, he did the right thing.

12. I guess

• Definition: Saya kira.

• Sample Sentence: I guess we can try a different approach.

13. As far as I am concerned

• Definition: Sejauh yang saya ketahui.

• Sample Sentence: As far as I am concerned, we should start the meeting now.

14. If you ask me

• Definition: Jika Anda bertanya kepada saya.

• Sample Sentence: If you ask me, the food at that restaurant is excellent.

15. My opinion is

• Definition: Pendapat saya adalah.

• Sample Sentence: My opinion is that we should wait for further instructions.


1. Can
• Definition: Dapat melakukan sesuatu.
• Sample Sentence: She can play the piano very well.

2. Be able to
• Definition: Memiliki kemampuan untuk melakukan sesuatu.
• Sample Sentence: He is able to solve difficult math problems quickly.

3. Manage to
• Definition: Berhasil melakukan sesuatu, biasanya sesuatu yang sulit.
• Sample Sentence: They managed to finish the project on time.

4. Capable of
• Definition: Memiliki kemampuan atau kualitas yang diperlukan untuk melakukan sesuatu.
• Sample Sentence: She is capable of running a marathon.

5. Know how to
• Definition: Memiliki pengetahuan atau keterampilan untuk melakukan sesuatu.
• Sample Sentence: Do you know how to fix this computer?

6. Skilled at
• Definition: Memiliki keahlian dalam melakukan sesuatu.
• Sample Sentence: He is skilled at drawing.

7. Proficient in
• Definition: Sangat terampil atau mahir dalam suatu bidang atau aktivitas.
• Sample Sentence: She is proficient in three languages.

8. Have the ability to

• Definition: Memiliki kemampuan untuk melakukan sesuatu.
• Sample Sentence: He has the ability to make people laugh.

9. Good at
• Definition: Terampil atau kompeten dalam melakukan sesuatu.
• Sample Sentence: She is good at solving puzzles.

10. Expert in
• Definition: Memiliki pengetahuan atau keterampilan yang sangat tinggi dalam bidang
• Sample Sentence: He is an expert in computer programming.

11. Can handle

• Definition: Mampu mengelola atau menyelesaikan suatu tugas atau situasi.
• Sample Sentence: She can handle stressful situations well.

12. Can cope with

• Definition: Mampu menghadapi atau mengelola sesuatu yang sulit.
• Sample Sentence: He can cope with the pressure of exams.

13. Can manage

• Definition: Mampu mengendalikan atau menyelesaikan suatu tugas atau situasi.
• Sample Sentence: She can manage the team efficiently.
14. Can deal with
• Definition: Mampu menangani atau menyelesaikan sesuatu yang sulit.
• Sample Sentence: He can deal with difficult customers politely.

15. Can perform

• Definition: Mampu melakukan tugas atau aktivitas tertentu.
• Sample Sentence: She can perform the dance routine perfectly.


1. I am willing to
• Definition: Saya bersedia untuk melakukan sesuatu.
• Sample Sentence: I am willing to help you with your homework.

2. I would like to
• Definition: Saya ingin melakukan sesuatu.
• Sample Sentence: I would like to join the school club.

3. I am ready to
• Definition: Saya siap untuk melakukan sesuatu.
• Sample Sentence: I am ready to start the project.

4. I am prepared to
• Definition: Saya siap untuk melakukan sesuatu.
• Sample Sentence: I am prepared to take on new challenges.

5. I am happy to
• Definition: Saya senang untuk melakukan sesuatu.
• Sample Sentence: I am happy to help you with your studies.

6. I am eager to
• Definition: Saya bersemangat untuk melakukan sesuatu.
• Sample Sentence: I am eager to learn new things.

7. I am excited to
• Definition: Saya sangat antusias untuk melakukan sesuatu.
• Sample Sentence: I am excited to participate in the competition.

8. I am keen to
• Definition: Saya sangat ingin melakukan sesuatu.
• Sample Sentence: I am keen to improve my English skills.

9. I don't mind
• Definition: Saya tidak keberatan melakukan sesuatu.
• Sample Sentence: I don't mind helping you with the project.

10. I am up for
• Definition: Saya siap untuk melakukan sesuatu.
• Sample Sentence: I am up for a game of basketball after school.
11. I am open to
• Definition: Saya terbuka untuk melakukan sesuatu.
• Sample Sentence: I am open to trying new activities.

12. I am interested in
• Definition: Saya tertarik untuk melakukan sesuatu.
• Sample Sentence: I am interested in joining the art class.

13. I am looking forward to

• Definition: Saya menantikan untuk melakukan sesuatu.
• Sample Sentence: I am looking forward to the school trip next week.

14. I would love to

• Definition: Saya sangat ingin melakukan sesuatu.
• Sample Sentence: I would love to go to the movie with you.

15. I am determined to
• Definition: Saya bertekad untuk melakukan sesuatu.
• Sample Sentence: I am determined to get good grades this semester.
Berikut adalah 20 IDIOM dalam kegiatan sehari-hari dalam bahasa Inggris beserta dengan definisi,
sinonim, dan contoh kalimat:

1. A dime a dozen

o Definisi: Sangat umum, mudah ditemui.

o Sinonim: Common, plentiful.

o Contoh: Those old books are a dime a dozen at the flea market.

2. Back to the drawing board

o Definisi: Mulai lagi dari awal.

o Sinonim: Start over, begin again.

o Contoh: The prototype didn't work, so it's back to the drawing board.

3. Beat around the bush

o Definisi: Berbicara tidak langsung atau menghindari topik utama.

o Sinonim: Avoid the issue, skirt the question.

o Contoh: Stop beating around the bush and tell me what you really think.

4. Bite off more than you can chew

o Definisi: Mengambil tanggung jawab atau pekerjaan lebih dari yang bisa dihandle.

o Sinonim: Overcommit, take on too much.

o Contoh: I think I've bitten off more than I can chew with this project.

5. Break the ice

o Definisi: Memulai percakapan untuk meredakan ketegangan atau keheningan.

o Sinonim: Get the ball rolling, start the conversation.

o Contoh: He told a joke to break the ice at the meeting.

6. Cost an arm and a leg

o Definisi: Sangat mahal.

o Sinonim: Very expensive, cost a fortune.

o Contoh: The new iPhone costs an arm and a leg.

7. Cut to the chase

o Definisi: Pergi langsung ke inti atau pokok masalah.

o Sinonim: Get to the point, don't beat around the bush.

o Contoh: Let's cut to the chase and discuss the main issues.
8. Don't cry over spilled milk

o Definisi: Tidak perlu menyesali hal yang sudah terjadi dan tidak bisa diubah.

o Sinonim: Let bygones be bygones, move on.

o Contoh: Yes, I made a mistake, but there's no use crying over spilled milk.

9. Every cloud has a silver lining

o Definisi: Dalam setiap situasi buruk, ada sesuatu yang baik atau positif.

o Sinonim: There's always a bright side, every dark cloud has a silver lining.

o Contoh: Losing my job was tough, but I found a better one soon after. Every cloud
has a silver lining.

10. Hit the nail on the head

o Definisi: Mengatakan atau melakukan sesuatu yang tepat atau akurat.

o Sinonim: Get it right, hit the mark.

o Contoh: You hit the nail on the head with that explanation.

11. Jump on the bandwagon

o Definisi: Mulai mendukung atau melakukan sesuatu karena hal tersebut sedang
populer atau sukses.

o Sinonim: Follow the trend, join the crowd.

o Contoh: After seeing the success of the campaign, many other companies jumped on
the bandwagon.

12. Keep an eye on

o Definisi: Memantau atau mengawasi dengan cermat.

o Sinonim: Watch closely, monitor.

o Contoh: Can you keep an eye on the kids while I make dinner?

13. Let the cat out of the bag

o Definisi: Mengungkapkan rahasia tanpa sengaja.

o Sinonim: Spill the beans, give away a secret.

o Contoh: She let the cat out of the bag about the surprise party.

14. On the ball

o Definisi: Sangat sadar, cepat tanggap atau responsif.

o Sinonim: Sharp, quick on the uptake.

o Contoh: He's always on the ball during meetings.

15. Piece of cake

o Definisi: Sangat mudah dilakukan.

o Sinonim: Easy as pie, a breeze.

o Contoh: The test was a piece of cake.

16. Spill the beans

o Definisi: Mengungkapkan rahasia.

o Sinonim: Let the cat out of the bag, reveal a secret.

o Contoh: She accidentally spilled the beans about the surprise party.

17. Under the weather

o Definisi: Merasa tidak sehat.

o Sinonim: Feeling unwell, sick.

o Contoh: I'm feeling a bit under the weather, so I'm staying home today.

18. Up in the air

o Definisi: Tidak pasti atau belum ditentukan.

o Sinonim: Uncertain, undecided.

o Contoh: The date for the meeting is still up in the air.

19. When pigs fly

o Definisi: Sesuatu yang tidak mungkin terjadi.

o Sinonim: Never, not in a million years.

o Contoh: You'll finish your homework when pigs fly!

20. Zip your lip

o Definisi: Berhenti berbicara atau merahasiakan sesuatu.

o Sinonim: Keep quiet, hush up.

o Contoh: Zip your lip and don't tell anyone about the surprise party.

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