SSC 2025 English 2nd Paper Model Test 1

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SSC 2025 English 2nd Paper Model Test-1/July 9, 2024

Duration: 60 Minutes
Valuation: 60

1. Fill in the blanks with clues

poisonous of preserve greatest be more

refresh stern by production contamination health

Food adulteration is one of the (a) — problems in the recent time in our country. Different food and food
products, vegetables, fruits and fishes are being (b) — (c) — the unscrupulous and profit monger businessmen
and green grocers. However, we, the general people (d) — the victims (e) — all sorts of pangs and serious
diseases. The businessmen use (f) — chemicals such as DDT, Aldrin, Heptachlor just to make their products (g)
— attractive or to (h) — them for a long time. So it is time the authority concerned took (i) — steps to stop such
food adulteration. Proper monitoring, supervision, and public awareness should be compulsory from (j) — level
to consumers.

2. Fill in the blanks with clues

Sincerity is the best way of achieving success. One can go a long way if one does anything with sincerity.
People who are sincere in their work are (a) — of making anything success. The great men are also sincere
because they (b) — that sincerity is the (c) — to success. Those who are not (d) — can never (e) — a long way
in the world. The poor people are not always sincere because they do to know the (f) — of sincerity. If they
knew it, they would (g) — a good use of it. Sincerity means not only to do work (h) — but also with
dutifulness, honesty, modesty and good behaviour. It all of us (i) — sincere, our country will (j) — be
3. Five sentences table
Cricket become popular in our country
a costly game has a costly game
Recently it surpasses a great appeal among the people all over the world
Its popularity be also seen playing cricket
Now rural youths that of football

4. Right forms of verbs

It has been over three hundred years since emperor Shah Jahan of Delhi (a) — (build) the Taj Mahal as a tomb
for his wife in Agra. Architecturally, it (b) — (be) one of the most beautiful buildings in the world. The building
(c) — (make) of fine white marble with inlays of coloured marble. It (d) — (have) eight sides and many open
arches. It (e) — (rest) on a platform of a terrace of red sandstone. Four slender white towers (f) — (rise) from
the corners of the terrace. A large dome (g) — (stand) above the centre of the building. Around this large dome
there (h) — (be) four smaller domes. Just inside the outer walls, there is an open corridor from which the
visitors (i) — (look) through carved marble screens into a central room. The bodies of Shah Jahan and his wife
Mumtaz (j) — (lie) in two graves below this room.
5. Passage Narration
"My sons" said he, "A great treasure lies hidden in the estate. I am about to leave you." "Where is it hidden?"
said the sons. "I am about to tell you," said the old man. "But you must dig the land for it."
6. Changing Sentence
a. We work hard to attain success in our life (Complex).
b. Peace and prosperity is not possible without being industrious (Affirmative).
c. A man who leads an idle life, brings misery for his life (Simple).
d. He can never help the people of the society (Passive).
e. Everybody abhors him (Negative).
f. Reshma Begum is one of the best teachers in the district (Comparative).
g. What a famous doctor her husband is! (Interrogative).
h. He will shine in life (Optative).
i. They never tell a lie (Passive).
j. Their only daughter dances very nicely (Exclamatory).

7. Completing Sentence
a. It is English … … …
b. But most of the students … … …
c. If a student wants to do well in English, … … …
d. Unless he/she practices it, … … …
e. It is high time … … …

8. Suffix, prefix usage

Bangladesh is an (a) —— (populated) —— country. Her (b) —— (dense) —— of population per square mile is
very high. The per capita income of people is also low. Majority people live here below (c) —— (poor) ——
line. Moreover, there are lots of problems that are the (d) —— (hinder) —— to her development. Political (e)
—— (rest) —— is one of them. We are living in a (f) —— (democrat) —— country. We have many (g) ——
(achieve) —— though we live in (h) —— (sufficient) ——. The country is gradually advancing towards (i) —
— (prosper) ——. But observing hartal has become a bad political culture in our country. It harms economy
and causes a great suffering to (j) —— (politics) —— people. We should give up the practice of hartal for our
own interest.

9. Tag Questions
(a) I am sorry, Ramit. I am very late, …
(b) There was a traffic jam, …
(c) Oh! Don't worry. The train is late, …
(d) Then, have a cup of tea, …
(e) Yes. Let' go to the canteen, …

10. Connectors
A hare is a very speedy animal. (a) ---, a tortoise moves very slowly. (b) ---, it has a heavy shell on its back. (c) -
--, its legs are short. (d) ---, it cannot move as fast as other animals. One morning a hare laughed at a tortoise for
its slow motion. The hare asked the tortoise to run a race. (e) ---‘the tortoise felt hurt, It agreed to the proposal
of the hare.

11. Punctuations
is there anybody here who has ever crossed a river by a boat i have teacher i clearly remember what happened
in that journey said Jamal.

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