8A0 - 23.5 - Vocabulary Test

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Vocabulary Test

23 May 2024
Circle the best answer (A, B, or C. for each of the following sentences.

1. Proper _______ is essential for the safety of the construction site and the workers.
A. fearlessness B. supervision C. proof D. diplomacy
2. Many people, _______, enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking and camping.
A. for instance B. for the sake of C. by all accounts D. by accident
3. She is _______ the marketing team in our company, making crucial decisions every day.
A. by accident B. for instance C. in charge of D. at the beginning of
4. After losing his job and struggling to pay his bills, he found himself deeply _______.
A. in tears B. in the news C. in charge of D. in debt
5. The new policies _______ the workers, leading to increased stress and lower productivity.
A. put a strain on B. take pride in C. are in charge of D. are in debt
6. This _______ course will give you a basic understanding of economics and its
fundamental principles.
A. in charge of B. secluded C. fearless D. introductory
7. She was _______ after hearing the sad news about her friend's accident.
A. in charge of B. in tears C. in debt D. in the news
8. She _____ her children's achievements and never misses an opportunity to celebrate
A. takes pride in B. puts a strain on C. is in charge of D. is in debt
9. We need concrete _______ to support our theory before presenting it to the board.
A. proof B. pride C. supervisor D. diplomacy
10. They spent their vacation in a _______ cabin in the mountains, far away from the hustle
and bustle of city life.
A. fearful B. supervisory C. secluded D. diplomatic
11. It's important to _______ a healthy work-life balance to avoid burnout and stress.
A. supervise B. sustain C. prove D. fear
12. As a _______, he is responsible for overseeing the entire operation and ensuring all tasks
are completed correctly.
A. supervisor B. diplomat C. secluded D. pride
13. She was _______ in her pursuit of justice and didn't let anything stop her.
A. fearful B. diplomatic C. fearless D. secluded
14. The manager will _______ the new project closely to ensure everything runs smoothly
and according to plan.
A. sustain B. prove C. supervise D. seclude
15. I met him completely _______ at the bookstore yesterday while browsing the new
A. in debt B. in tears C. in charge of D. by accident
16. _______, the company struggled to gain a foothold in the market and attract customers.
A. For instance B. In tears
C. At the beginning of D. In the beginning
17. The scientist managed to _______his hypothesis with new data collected from the
A. sustain B. prove C. supervise D. seclude
18. The _______ was sent to negotiate the trade agreement and ensure favorable terms.
A. diplomacy B. supervision C. supervisor D. diplomat
19. We need to finish this project _______, no matter the challenges or obstacles we may
A. by accident B. in debt C. at all costs D. in the beginning
20. International _______ requires a lot of tact and patience, as well as strategic thinking.
A. proof B. diplomacy C. supervisor D. secluded
21. _______, the new policy has been very successful and well-received by the staff.
A. By all accounts B. In the beginning
C. In tears D. In debt
22. The actor has been _______ recently for his controversial comments during the
A. in tears B. in charge of C. in debt D. in the news
23. He sacrificed a lot _______ his family, always putting their needs before his own.
A. for the sake of B. for instance C. in the news D. at the beginning of
24. _______ the movie, the audience was captivated by the stunning scenery and visuals.
A. in tears B. in debt
C. At the beginning of D. for the sake of
25. _______ worrying about things you can't change; it's a waste of time and energy.
A. It's no use B. It's worth
C. It's proud of D. It's sustainable

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