8A0 - 30.5 - Vocabulary Test

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Vocabulary Test

30 May 2024
Circle the best answer (A, B, or C. for each of the following sentences.

1. The restaurant, nestled in the heart of the city, is particularly famous for its local _________.
A. specialty B. dish C. food D. menu
2. As a symbol of peace and tranquility, the dove is often used to ________ peace and harmony.
A. express B. represent C. depict D. symbolize
3. With his medical condition, he needs to take medication regularly to control his high blood
A. pressure B. cholesterol C. diabetes D. anxiety
4. Visiting her childhood home filled her with a deep sense of _________ for the memories it held.
A. nostalgia B. connection C. affection D. love
5. After a particularly long and demanding day at work, he felt completely __________.
A. worn out B. broken out C. made up D. energized
6. The project, with its complex requirements and tight timeline, was completed __________ and
met all the specified requirements.
A. sufficiently B. thoroughly C. adequately D. efficiently
7. She was left feeling __________ after the meal, as if something was still missing from her culinary
A. unfulfill B. dissatisfied C. unsatisfied D. unhappy
8. Regular exercise is essential to help __________ your muscles and overall health, ensuring a
better quality of life.
A. build B. lengthen C. tighten D. strengthen
9. The government has implemented policies to support __________ minority communities.
A. cultural B. ethnic C. racial D. indigenous
10. In today's fast-paced world, it's increasingly hard to __________ all the latest news and
developments in the tech world.
A. keep up with B. catch with C. stay on D. follow by
11. The students were always very __________ towards their favorite teacher.
A. revered B. respectable C. respective D. respectful
12. After careful consideration of the job offer and its implications, she decided to __________ it as it
did not meet her career aspirations.
A. turn down B. turn off C. turn over D. turn up
13. Many customers are __________ with the service they received and the quality of the products,
and decided to make complaints with the managers.
A. dissatisfied B. unsatisfied C. unhappy D. disappointed
14. His proposals, although innovative, were dismissed as __________ and not yet fully developed.
A. immature B. premature C. advanced D. early
15. In many different cultures, it's considered respectful to _________ when greeting someone.
A. shake B. nod C. bow D. hug
16. She has shown significant __________ in her abilities since joining the advanced training
program, impressing both her peers and superiors.
A. boost B. progress C. growth D. development
17. With her creative flair, she loves to __________ stories to entertain her friends during gatherings,
sparking laughter and conversation.
A. turn up B. put up C. call up D. make up
18. The company's strict policies ensure a(n) __________ work environment for all employees,
promoting fairness and equality in the workplace.
A. consistent B. constant C. ordered D. uniform
19. I need to carefully ________________ all the documents related to the project before the important
A. go through B. undergo C. avoid D. rush through
20. The new CEO, who comes with extensive experience, will officially ________________ the company
next month.
A. initiate B. push over C. take over D. abandon
21. There was a lot of __________ at the concert as everyone tried to move closer to the stage.
A. pushing and shoving B. bumping and nudging
C. moving and shaking D. pulling and dragging

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