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A. Choose the best answer.

The following dialogue is for question number 1.
Rizky : Riana I’m sorry. I can’t attend your birthday party tomorrow.
Riana : It’s okay Rizky, but why can’t you come ?
Rizky : My mother is sick and my father is out of town, so I have to take care of her.
Riana : I’m sorry Rizky. I hope your mother gets well soon.
Rizky : Thank you very much Riana.
Riana : You’re welcome.

1. What might Riana probably do after knowing Rizky’s excuse?

A. She will apologize to Rizky.
B. She will visit Rizky’s mother.
C. She will take care of Rizky’s mother.
D. She will attend Rizky’s birthday party.

The following dialogue is for question number 2.

Vian : Hi, Bima! Finally, the exam is over! I can’t wait for the school holiday to
come. Do you want to go home now?
Bima : Yes. I have to pack my clothes because tomorrow I’m going to Bali.
Vian : Cool! Will you go there with your parents?
Bima : No. My parents still have a lot of work. I’ll go with my brother and my uncle.
Vian : Oh, I see. Bali is nice, there are many beaches. Have fun there!
Bima : Thank you. How about you? What will you do during the school holiday?
Vian : Oh, maybe I’ll go to my grandparents’ house. I haven’t been there in a long
Bima : That’s nice. Please send my regards to them.
Vian : Okay. See you, Bim!
Bima : See you!

2. When will both Bima and Vian go on vacation?

A. On Sunday C. Last holiday
B. After School D. Upcoming holiday.

The following text is for questions number 3 and 4.

Nindi Widya Astuti, commonly called Nindi, is the name of my older sister. She was
born in Semarang on April 15, 2000. Even though she is seven years older than me, has
been married and lives apart of me, she is the most lovely sister compared to my three
siblings. Sister Nindi really understands what I need.
Like most siblings, we also look so similar. We both have long, straight black hair,
slightly pointed nose, wide black eyes with round faces, and fair skin. However, though
we are similar, there are still differences between us.
My sister is shorter and chubbier than me. She is 151 cm tall and weighs 53 Kg.
Meanwhile, I am 158 cm tall and weigh 49 Kg. After moving abroad. I felt like I had lost
some weight.
My sister is so kind. Even though we are apart, she still often calls me, asking I’m
doing overseas.
3. The correct comparison based on the text is .....
A. The writer has long hair like her sister.
B. The writer is four kilograms heavier than Nindi.
C. Nindi is seven centimeters taller than the writer.
D. The writer is seven years older than her lovely sister.
4. Which paragraph shows that the writer’s sister has a husband?
A. Paragraph 1 C. Paragraph 3
B. Paragraph 2 D. Paragraph 4

The following text are for questions number 5 and 6.

Text 1
My Neighbor’s son has a cat named Mumut. When I asked him why he was given the
name Mumut, he replied because the cat is so cute so it would fit the name Mumut very
Mumut has a pair small ears and a pink nose. Mumut’s eyes are darkbrown and
always look sparkled, especially when asking for food. But what so special about Mumut
is that he has pure white fur, without the slightest stain. So, even though Mumut is only a
domestik cat, he still looks beautiful because my neighbor’s son often baths him.
Mumut is a male cat. We really love Mumut because he is a good cat. He is diligent in
hunting down the mice that roam around the house a lot!

Text 2
I have a male rabbit which I named Boni. He is a Persian rabbit given to me by my
uncle as a gift. He has a very fat body with very fine white fur. It weighs about 600 grams
with a body length of about 50 cm. The ears are very long, about 30 cm. Boni has very
beautiful blue eyes.
My bunny, Boni is not like an ordinary bunny who is passive. Boni doesn’t like
silence. He likes to run and jump around. If I take him out and play in the yard, he will be
very happy because we will play chase.
Despite being very active, Boni does not like water. When it’s a bath time, I have to
do my best to give him a bath because he’s bound to run away. I am forced to catch him
first and throw him into a special tub.

5. According to the text we know that .....

A. Mumut and Boni have the same characters.
B. Mumut and Boni have the same owner.
C. Both Mumut and Boni are omnivore.
D. Mumut and Boni are mammals.
6. The similar physical appearance between the two animals is .....
A. The owners of Boni and Mumut are neighbor.
B. Boni doesn’t like to bath while Mumut likes it.
C. Both Mumut and Boni have the same fur color.
D. Mumut is a domestic cat while Boni is an ordinary rabbit

The following text is for questions number 7 and 8.

It’s been a week since we moved to a new house. It is a tiny house right in front of
the park. The house has an area of 36 square meters and a land area of 60 square
meters. The house is not too big and not too small for my family.
We have a small garden on the front porch filled with plants in colorful pots.
Every plant thrives, there are flower and fruit plants. In fact, the chili plants has
produced a lot of fruit.
My house consists of a living room, 2 bedrooms, a kitchen, a dining room and a
bathroom. The living room only contains a rug as a seat and a bookshelf mounted on
the wall. To make the atmosphere fragrant, there is an automatic spray deodorizer
installed on the wall. The white tiled floor makes this tiny house look spacious.
That’s my new little house. Even though this house is small, this is where my
family and I will live happily together.

7. What makes the writer’s house look larger than it is?

A. The white tiled floor
B. The amount of rooms
C. The automatic spray deodorizer
D. The small garden in front of the house
8. The last paragraph talks about .....
A. The writer’s satisfaction of the house.
B. The memories of the new little house.
C. The point of view of the house owner.
D. The function of the writer’s new little house.

The following dialogue is for question number 9 and 10.

Via : You look so pale. What happened?
Fifi : I have a bad fever.
Via : Have you taken any medicine?
Fifi : Not yet. I can’t swallow anything now.
Via : you must go to the doctor, Fi. Let me take you there.
Fifi : Thanks.
Via : You (9) ..... and take your medicine regularly.
Fifi : Yes, I will.

9. To complete the dialogue, the suitable expression is .....

A. Always ignore the doctor
B. Let me give this medicine first
C. Have to hear the doctor’s advice
D. Should make your own medicine
10. The meaning of the underlined word is .....
A. Via must go to the doctor to cure Fifi’s ill.
B. Via will go to the doctor for the sake of herself.
C. Via wants to accompany Fifi to go to the doctor.
D. Via gives a good advice about what Fifi should do.

The following texts are for questions number 11 and 12.

Text 1
Dear Nathan,

You never crease to amaze me with your success that you have worked so hard for it. You are
an inspiration to everyone. Congratulations on this monumental struggle.

You secret admirer.

Text 2
Dear Siska,

Success requires a lot of hard work along with the right attitude. You’ve used both to achieve
greatthings, and I can’t wait to see what you do next.

Your best friend.

11. Both messages are intended to .....

A. Praise the recipients on their success
B. Give compliment on someone’s struggle
C. Support the recipients to face their competition
D. Make the recipients proud of themselves with their achievement
12. After reading the messages, the recipients probably will .....
A. Save the texts forever
B. Join ather competitions
C. Say thanks for the congratulation cards
D. Forward the message to the other winners

The following text is for questions number 13 and 14

Dear teachers,

Many thanks for your help to make my dream comes true, love you and happy teacher’s day.

You nicest student.


13. What makes Ernes send the message?

A. He loves his teachers more than others.
B. He thinks his teachers have taught him so well.
C. His teachers always give him a lot of homework.
D. He feels that his teachers makem him proud of himself.
14. “Many thanks for your help to make my dream comes true.”
The underlined word means .....
A. Vision C. Nightmare
B. Reality D. Imagination

The following text is for questions number 15 and 16.

On Monday, my friends and I did a community service in the school environment.
We did this together with the teachers and all school staff.
We worked together starting from sweeping the floor to cleaning the dust stuck to
the doors, tables, and chairs. After cleaning the classrooms, my friend and I cleaned
the school yard and field which were full of dry leaves. We also helped teachers clean
ditches in the neighborhood around the school. So that when the rainy season arrives,
the area won’t get flooded.
While cleaning the gutter, one of my friends unintentionally hit me from behind
which caused me to fall into the gutter. My body was wet and smelled so bad. One of
the teachers reached out his hand to help me out of the ditch.
As soon as I got out of the ditch, I immediately ran to hug the friend who hit me
so that his clothes were also wet and smelled like my body. Almost all the teachers
and students who saw it laughed because of our actions. I was very embarrassed
because of this incident.
My homeroom teacher the allowed me to go home early.

15. The writer’s point to write his story is to .....

A. Share his adventure to all his friends
B. Amuse the readers about his funny story
C. Tell his unforgettable experience about falling in the ditch
D. Retell his experience cleaning the school environment
16. “One of the teachers reached out his hand to help me out of the ditch.”
The sentence has the same meaning with .....
A. The writer was helped by his homeroom teacher.
B. The teacher held the writer’s hand to pull him up of the ditch.
C. the ditch was too deep so that his teacher had to help him up.
D. one of the teachers helped the writer to push him up out of the ditch.

The following texts are for questions number 17 and 18.

Text 1
Last weekend my classmates and I went to the countryside for a vacation after
having a final school examination. We left quite early to avoid the traffic jam.
After driving for about two hours, we arrived at a nice village up a hill. It was near
a river with some big trees around it. The driver parked the car under a tree. Seeing
the clear and cool water of the river, my friends and I decided to swim.
After having lunch together, we ment around the area to enjoy the scenery. We
saw some beautiful birds searching for grains of rice in the rice field near the river.
After walking along the dike of the rice field for an hour, we dicided to return to
the car since the rain started to fall.
We felt so satisfied with our journey. Almost all of my friends said that it was the
first time they swam in a very clear river and run along a rice field.

Text 2
A month ago, all students of grade 8 at my school went on a tour to Kuntum
Farmfield in Bogor. This field trip provides an opportunity for students to learn
We departed at 08.00 a.m. using 5 tourist buses. On the way, we sang together on
the bus until we didn’t realize that we had arrived at our destination. There we took a
photo. Then we queued at the entrance to buy the entrance ticket.
Then, we did some activities, from feeding rabbits, guinea pig, cows, buffalo,
goats, taking chicken eggs in the cage, giving milk to sheep, and farming.
After the activity was over, we took a break at the canteen for lunch followed by a
free program to play and enjoy the beauty of nature.
There were lots of things to learn from nature, including the knowledge of
survival that is not learned at school or in any science textbook.

17. The theme of both texts is .....

A. Going to an indoor spot.
B. Learning how to live outdoors.
C. Having fun with friends in nature.
D. visiting a tourist object to learn about nature.
18. How do you compare the two texts?
A. The writers had the same destination.
B. the places mentioned are outdoor.
C. both places have a charge to enter.
D. the writer of the two texts is the same.

The following dialogue is for question number 19.

Amelia: Hello, Dona! How was the tennis competition yesterday?
Tiara : Yeah. That was on weekdays. Too bad we couldn’t attend your competition.
Leo : I have a feeling that this is a good news. So, how’s the result?
Dona : It was great. I was worried before but finally I got the first place!
Amelia: Really? Congratulations!
Leo : You deserve it, Dona! I knew you always practiced hard.
Dona : Thank you, guys.

19. What makes Dona express her gratitude?

A. She won the tennis competition.
B. Her friends knew that she was the winner.
C. Her friends congratulated her as the winner.
D. Tiara, Dona, Leo and Amelia are classmates

The following text is for questions number 20 to 22.


 Twoo eggs  Onions
 Garlic  Chilies (If you like spicy)
 Vegetable oil  Salt

Cut the garlic, onions, and chili into small pieces first. Break the egg into a bowl in the
second step. Then, combine the garlic, onions, chilies, and salt in a mixing dish. Gently
combine them. Heat a frying pan inn the next step. Then put the mixture into the frying pan
and wait until it turns yellow. Lift with a spatula and place on a plate. The omelet is now
ready to eat.

20. How should the cook mix the ingredients?

A. Harshly. C. Severely.
B. Roughly. D. Smoothly.
21. Before plating the food, the cook has to .....
A. Lift the food with a spatula
B. Put the mixture into the frying pan
C. Break the egg into a bowl and heat a frying pan
D. Wait the mixture in the frying pan turns yellow
22. What would happen if the cook dosn’t put the chili in the mixing dish?.....
A. It will be sour. B. It won’t be spicy.
C. It becomes sweet. D. It will taste peppery.

The following texts are for questions number 23 to 25.

Text 1

Cleaning a Touch Screen

(1) Select a microfiber cleaning cloth. This is the best way to clean a touch screen. Some
devices will come with a cleaning cloth, or you may use the one from your sunglasses.
(2) Before cleaning the gadget, make sure it is turned off. When the device is turned off, it is
usually much easier to see where to clean.
(3) Brush the screen with the microfiber cloth in small circles to give it a once-over. This will
eliminate the majority of minor flaws.
(4) Moisten a cotton rag, or use a corner of your cotton shirt, and repeat the little circular
motions only if genuinely necessary. It may be sufficient to simply breathe over the
screen and utilize the moisture.
(5) Finish with a last brush with the microfiber cloth. But don’t over-rub! If there is any
remaining moisture, simply let it air dry. When cleaning the screen, do not use too much

Text 2
How to Recover a Wet Phone
(1) As quickly as possible, remove the phone from the water.
(2) Quickly gather some paper towels or soft cloths to place the phone on while you remove
the battery after pulling it from the water.
(3) Discard all other items, including memory cards and protective coverings.
(4) Use soft cloths or a towel to dry your phone.
(5) Place the phone overnight in a bowl of uncooked rice. The rice can absorb some of the
phone’s residual moisture.
(6) Connect it to the charger. Take your phone to an authorized dealer if it still doesn’t work.

23. What will the readers get after reading the texts?
A. They can keep their devices properly.
B. They will advise these methods to their friends.
C. They may use the steps to recover their devices.
D. They will know how to keep their devices clean and safe.
24. The similar thing about the two texts is that .....
A. They show us the way to operate something.
B. They explain about a treatment related to a certain device.
C. They tell the readers how to make something in good sequences.
D. They talk about hoq to zlean and recover a broken touch screen.
25. Before someone does the method mentioned in both texts, he or she is advised to .....
A. Turn of the devices
B. Clean the devices with a damp towel
C. Remove the touch screen from the devices
D. Go to the authorized dealer if they still do not work.

The texts are for questions number 26 to 28.

Text 1
Once upon a time a fox lived in a dark jungle. Shoddy was his name. He was well-
known among the animals. Because of his harsh looks and mannerisms, everyone in
the forest wass terrified.
Shoddy was drinking from the river bank on a beautiful summer morning when he
noticed a young rabbit was in peril. A snake appeared behind it. The snake would
enjoy it as a tasty meal. Shoddy jumped over the snake as quickly as he could, scaring
Shoddy had just saved the small rabbit from a hazardous serpent, and he was
relieved. The small rabbit then told the others in the forest that Shoddy was a good
fox. He had just rescued her. There’s no reason to be fearful anymore that it made all
the animals felt happy.

Text 2
A horse and a stag had gotten into an argument. As a result, the horse approached
a hunter for assistance in taking revenge on the stag. The hunter consented but he
added, “Allow me to put this iron between your jaws so that I can direct you if you
wish to defeat the stag. You must also allow this saddle to be placed on your back so
that I can keep up with you while we pursue our targets.”
The horse agreed to the terms, so the hunter chased and captured it right away.
The horse then defeated the stag with the help of the hunter. “Now, come down and
release those things from my mouth and back,” the horse said to the hunter.
“Not so fast, mate,” warned the hunter. “Now I’d rather make you mount”

26. The similar situation occurred to the main actors of the texts is .....
A. They were losers. C. They loved to quarrel.
B. they were powerful. D. They intimidated other animals.
27. How was the ending of both texts?
A. Both text 1 and 2 have bad ending to the main characters.
B. Both text 1 and 2 have beautiful ending with the main characters.
C. Text 1 ended with a beautiful story while text 2 has bad ending for the horse.
D. Text 1 ended with bad ending for the fox while text 2 ended with beautiful ending.
28. Good attitude that can be emulated from stories is .....
A. A fox helped a small rabbit.
B. Aman that used a horse as a ride.
C. Astag that defeated an evil horse.
D. Ahorse that cooperated with a man.

The following text is for questions number 29 to 31.

A long time ago in a kingdom of Belinyu, there lived a king and his queen. They
had been married for a long time, but God had not given them a child. One night, the
queen dreamed of a turtle, telling her that they would have a baby soon.
Shortly, the dream became a reality. She gave birth to a beautiful baby. The king
named he Komala. She grew up as a pretty girl, but she had a bad attitude because the
king used to spoil her.
One day, the queen told Komala her dream about the turtle. Komala was curious
to find the turtle and wanted it as her pet, so she instructed all guards to find it.
Accompanied by the king’s guards, finally, she found the turtle on the beach. She
shouted “penyu busuk, wait for me.” However, the turtle kept swimming into the sea.
Komala chased the turtle and submerged herself into the sea. Unfortunately, she
drowned, and the guards could not save her. Since then, people call the beach
29. What can we learn from the text?
A. Always behave well if we want everybody to love us.
B. Never let your children find out about a strange animal.
C. Don’t ever find something that seems impossible to reach.
D. Never spoil our children too much because it will make them selfish.
30. What might happen if the king didn’t spoil his daughter too much ?
A. The king would live happily ever after.
B. The king’s daughter would live forever.
C. The daughter would grow up as a humble princess.
D. The turtle would always come into his wife’s dream
31. The main idea of the last paragraph is that .....
A. The turtle kept swimming into the sea.
B. Komala finally caught the turtle on the beach.
C. Komala died in the sea while looking fo the turtle.
D. Komala was accompanied by her guards to find the turtle.

The following text is for question number 32 to 34.

Chicken and cat comparison:
Chicken life cycle : Egg – chick – adult chicken
Cat life cycle : Kitten – young cat – adult cat
Use of chicken : source of food (protein)
Use of cats : Pets
The characteristics of cats The characteristics of chicken
 Mammals (breastfeeding their offspring)  Aves (birds)
 Have earlobes  Not brestfeeding their offspring
 Reproduce by giving birth (to give birth)  Reproduce by laying eggs
 Carnivores (meat eaters)  Herbivores (plant eaters)
 Have four legs  Have two legs
 Body covered by fur  Body covered with feathers

32. Which of the statements is TRUE according to the text?

A. There are two stages of a chicken’s life cycle.
B. Cats have four different stages in their life cycle.
C. Cats and chicken can be sources of food for pets.
D. People can obsviously see both cats and chicken’s ears.
33. The same thing about chickens and cats is .....
A. Both are vertebrates.
B. Both chickens and cats breastfeed their babies.
C. Both chickens and cats have more than two legs.
D. Both can reproduce babies by laying eggs and giving birth.
34. The intention on writing the text is to .....
A. Compare two different kinds of animals
B. Tells basic shapes between cats and chickens
C. Show the carasteristics of herbivore and carnivore
D. Report a certain cat and chicken owned by the writer

The text is for question number 35.

Heal the World
By: Michael Jackson

There's a place in your heart and And I know that it is love.

And this place could be much brighter than tomorrow.
And if you really try, you'll find there's no need to cry in this place you'll feel, there's no hurt
or sorrow
There are ways to get there, if you care enough for the living. Make a little space, make a
better place

Heal the world, make it a better place For you and for me and the entire human race
There are people dying if you can enough for the living
Make it a better place for you and for me
If you want to know why there's love that cannot lie
Love is strong, it only cares of joyful giving
we try we shall see in this bless we cantiot feel
Fear of dread, we stop existing and start living
Then it feels that always love's enough for us growing
So make a better world, make a better place

35. What is the moral value of the song above?

A. A place in your heart is called love
B. Love can unite all people in the world
C. We need to be strong to live in the world
D. There is nothing we can do to heal the world

B. Answer the following questions.

The following text is for questions number 36 to 38

Dear Marcel.

Hello Brother Congratulation on being the runner up in the English Stand-up Comedy
Competition. You accomplished it while fighting for yout final exam is an ement sted believe
you' Orite again, cong head mo proud of you. George

Hello, Brother! Congratulations on being the runner up in the English Stand-up Comedy
Competition. You accomplished it while fighting for your final exam is an awesome
achievement. I know you deserve it. Your skill is undoubted. I believe you' grow as a
multitalented student. Once again, congratulations! Wishing you every success in other
competitions ahead! I'm so proud of you.
Source: plebay.comCurkinon Art

36. Decide whether the following statement is TRUE or FALSE according to the text
No Statement True False
1. George has got the second place of the English Stand-up
Comedy Competition.
2. George gives compliments to Marcel's achievement on
being a multitalented student
3. Marcel is still writing his final exam when he joined the
English Stand-up Comedy Competition
4. George hopes to see Marcel succeed in his next

37. Based on the text, which are NOT the intention of the writer writing the message?
Give a tick ( ) to the correct answers. (You may choose more than one answers)
( ) To praise his brother's success.
( ) To express his pride to win a competition.
( ) To make a promise to join the next competin
( ) To ask for tips on how to be multitalented student

38. "You accomplished it while fighting for you final exam ..........” (the 3rd sentence)
The underlined pronoun refers to ......
A. the speech
B. Marcell's skill
C. the campionship
D. the English examination

The following text is for question number 39.

In ancient times, camels roamed on all of the continents except Australia and Antartica.
Desert-dwelling people in Asia domesticated the camel more than 3,000 years ago. Since then
people have relied on the camel as a means of transportation and a source of milk, meat,
wool and hides. Often called the "ship of the desert”, camels are known for their incredible
endurance as a pack animal. The camel is unrivaled among mammals in its ability to survive
for long periods of time without food and water. The fatty humps on the camel's back provide
when no food is available.

39. Match the appropriate pairs on the column A to the column B based on the text

Column A Column B
Survive for long periods of time It has incredible endurance a
without food and water. animal.
The way men take advantages of Camel's ability
Provide nutrition when no food is Unrivaled among mammals
It is dubbed the ship of the desert. As a means of transportation,
sou milk, meat, wool, and hides
The fatty humps

The following text is for question number 40.

We are the Champions Song
writer: Freddie Mercury

I’ve paid my dues

Time after time
I’ve done my sentence
But committed no crime
And bad mistakes
I've made a few
I've had my share of sand
Kicked in my face

But I've come through

And we mean to go on and on and on and
We are the champions, my friends
And we'll keep on fighting till the end
We are the champions
We are the champions
No time for losers
Cause we are the champions of the World

40. Decide whether it is TRUE or FALSE about the message given from the song.

No. Moral Value True False

1. The song is about overcoming problems and dangers in life and the
singer can finally become a champion.
2. There will always be obstacles in life, we should just ignore them
because all humans will have problems.
3. To be a winner, one must be able to survive whatever comes his or
her way. She or he should just keep going after overcoming the
4. Good people don't necessarily become champions, so there's no
need to overwork

The following text is for questions number 41 and 42.

When I was little, I really liked going on adventures in the wilderness of the village forest
with my friends. Out main objective was looking for fruit and also swimming in the river.

Arriving at the river, we rushed to take off our clothes to immediately swim and perform
various jumping maneuvers in the river.

Besides swimming, sometimes we also picked some com in the rice fields beside the river
and then we made roasted corn. That's how we swam in the river accompanied by eating
roasted corn and young coconuts that picked earlier. The most difficult thing to forget is when
the farmer caught us taking his corn.

41. What would the writer do if he didn't find the river?

42. Continue the story above with your own words in two sentences.
Read the text and answer the question number 43.

We offer the lowest prices available for business cards, stationery and brochures. If
you don't know what you want, consult one of our design specialists, who can help
you choose the look that is right for your busines from our sample. We have
thousands of designs to choose from. It is guaranteed and free from dissatisfaction.
Place your order today and take it within one week. Visit us immediately for all your
printing needs.

43. Who will probably use the product?

Read the text and answer the questions number 44 and 45.

On a summer day, the weather was very hot and everybody was thirsty. A lion and
zebra came at the same moment to a small well to drink. They were arguing which of
them should drink first and were soon fighting furiously

When they rested from their fighting, they saw some vultures in the distance. The
birds were waiting for one of them to lose so they could eat. The vultures were
looking and anticipating eagerly. There were more than five free vultures ready to
grab any victims from the fight.

Realizing the situation, the lion and the zebra soon decided to stop the fighting and
made up. They didn' even continue the quarrel and arguments. "Look at those
vultures, They can't wait to eat our bodies once we lose Let's just stop fighting," said
the lion to the zebra.

44. "Realizing the situation, the lion and the zebra soon decided to stop the fighting
and made up From the sentence above we can say that ....

45. Create your own sentences to complete the story.

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