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Aim: To identify one acidic radical and one basic radical of the given inorganic salt no. 1.
Apparatus Required: Test tube , Beaker, Boiling tube, Funnel, China Dish, Wash bottle,
Funnel,passing tube, glass rod filter paper etc.

Physical observation :
Physical state: crystalline hygroscopic solid
Colour: white
Odour : ammonical smell
Solubility: freely soluble in water
Wet test:

(i) Preliminary Test for Anion:

Experiment Observation Inference
original solution is treated A colourless, odourless May be CO3 -2
with dil. H2SO4 gas is evolved with brisk

(ii) Confirmatory Test for Anion:

Experiment Observation Inference

The gas evolved was Lime water turns milky. CO3 -2 confirmed
passed through lime On passing the gas for
water some more time,
milkiness disappeared.

CO3 -2 + H2SO4 SO4 -2 + H2O +CO2

Ca(OH)2 + CO2 CaCO3 + H2O
CaCO3 + CO2 + H2O Ca (HCO3)2
(iii) Preliminary Test for Cation:
Experiment Observation Inference
A little of the salt solution is Colorless gas with smell of May be NH4+
treated with NaOH solution NH3

(iv) Confirmatory Test for Cation:

Experiment Observation Inference

A glass rod dipped in dense white fumes are NH4+ confirmed

conc. HCl is brought formed
near mouth of test tube

Pass the gas evolved A brown precipitate is NH4+ confirmed

through nesler’s reagent obtained

NH4+ + 2NaOH  2Na+ + 2NH3 + 2H2O

Result: The acidic radical is CO3 -2 (carbonate), and the basic radical is NH4+

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