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Ilovetostartmydaylistening tom otivationalcontenton YouTube,

and willsom et
im esl i
sten f
orhoursasIgoon aboutmy day.Ial sopl ay
healing t
onesor432hzm usi cwhi leIwork.My favori tecontenttol isten
toon YouTubearet alksaboutquant um physics,posit
iveaffirm at
and thosewhospeak on confi denceand loving yourself.Fi
nd som et
hi ng
thatresonateswi th you and divein.There’salsoa ton ofm ot
videoson my “Roxy Tal ks”YouTubechannel !

2. You wi l
lbegi n creating a l
ifestylearound keepi ng yourgoal sand
desired outcom esi nmi nd asyou navi gatethrough yourcurrentreal it
Overt hecourseoft henext30 days,st artpaying attenti
on towhat
resonateswi th you and whatdoesnot .Try new things,keep yourm ind
open and allow yoursel ftoreal ly experiencedifferenttechniquesand
perspectives.Them oreyou devot eyoursel ftoyourown personal
exploration and pref erences,thebet teroffyou’llbei nthel ong run.

3.Focuson reallypaying attention toyourthoughtsand feelings.W hen

they gonegative(asthey do,noj udgies)changethem t hem om entyou
cwet hem by thinking aboutt heoppositeofthatthoughtort hebest
casescenarioin regardstot hatsituati
on.Wewantt olearn totaket he
high road.Yourt houghtsdonotneed t ogett hebestofyou.Maket hisa
habitand itwi l
lbecom eeasier.I
twon’ thappen overnight,and thatis
okay,Wem akeprogressevery day!

4.Takea m om enteverydaytorem ind yourselfwhoisreallyin control.

You areconnect ed tosom et hi ng beyond thispl anetand som ething is
steni ng toyou and al lofyourt hought s.Theset houghtsarealso
replicating.Yourt hought sareworki ng in every m om enttoform t he
physi calm atteraround you and everyt hing t hatyou experiencei n your
worl d com esfrom ,and onl y from ,yourm i nd alone.Experim entwi th
prayer ,m edit
at i
on,t im ein nat ure,and dai l
y rit
ual stoseewhatresonat es
wi t
h you.Ienj oy standing wi th my baref eeton t heEart hfora few
m om ent stoground mysel fort aki ng m om entsthroughoutmy day t o
acknowl edget hebeaut y and m agi coft hisworl d.I ndulgeinthese
m om ent sjustfort hepuresat isfacti
on ofi t!
5.Iscripteverysinglenightand itisoneofthekeystomysuccess.I
swearby i t!Scri
pting helpsm edream big and keep t hewheel sturning
int heforward direction f
ormy m anifestations.In my scripting notebook
llwri tethingslike:My lifeisi
ncredible,every signleday my l ifegets
better,TheUni versehasmy back,peopl el ovem e,t hey respectm eand
agreewi t
h my ideas..
ket odescribegeneraland speci ficthings
relevantt owhatIwoul dl i
ketoexperiencei n my l

6. Negat i
veexperi enceisnotnegat i
veatall.Itiscont rast
.Hat eisin
contrasttoLove.Feari sin contrasttoExcitem ent.Sorrow isi n contrast
toJoy.Underst and thatcontrastisnecessary t
oappreci at ethegood
m om entsand acceptthatitwi llcom eint
oyourl i
fe.You m usn’tf ocuson
itorm akea bi g dealoutofit,justrecognizethatevery negat i
expereinceisa chancet oaffirm whatyou act ually DO want .

7. Them om entyou firstwakeup i nt hem orning,startrelishing i

how com fortableyourbed is,appreciatethefactthatyou' realiveand
yourbody hascarri ed you t
hi sfarand thatyou havea roofoveryour
head.Thi swi l
lsetthet onef ortherestofyourday.Cont inuet ol i
yourm ind allofthethi ngst hatyou aregratefulforasyourday
ng whatyou havewi l
lbring you m orethingst o

8.Affirm ationsreallyhelped m estarttoretrain mybrain tochoose

higherqual it
y positivethought sversesal waysdefaul ting tot henegat i
Thefi rstaffirm ationsIused were:“Iam i n al
ignm entwi t
h my Hi ghest
Self”and “Thework Idoi si n alignm entwi th my soul ’struecal li
used thesei nterchangeabl y,and saturat ed my m ind wi thet hem
throughoutmy day.It hen m oved on toot hersIf ound resonancewi th,
ke:“Iam t hem ast erofmy dom i nion”“Ihavem oret han enough t i
and m oret han enough energy”“Iam 100% sel f-suffi
ci ent”and my
personalfavori t
e:“Everythi ng i
sworki ng outBEST CASE SCENARI O”(I
even m adea l it
tlesong outofi t!)Thepoi ntistorem i nd yoursel fover
and overt hatYOU aret hecreat orofyourworl d and anyt hing YOU deci de
on,m ustcom eabout .That’
show i tworks,t herei snoot herway.
9.Wehaveatendencytofeelm arried toourhistories.Weletthe
eventsand act ionst hatwehaveexperi enced defineusf ortherestofour
ves,butwedon’ thavet o.Ifyou arerel iving yourpastorf eelt hatyou
can’tbreak freeofi t ,know thatitist hisvery bel i
efand adherencet hat
iskeeping t hi
sa partofyourpresent .Theref ore,you perpetuatet he
story by bri
ngi ng t
hepastt oyourpresent .You arechoosi ng i
n every
m om entt ocontinuet obedefined by som ething thatnol ongeri s.Choose
tofocuson som et hing elseand you wi llbegint otella new story.

11.Getasclearasyou can asyou pondertheideasofwealth and

successand whatt hatlooksl i
kein yourlif
e.Reveli nthesei m ages.Feel
them on every l
evel .Abundanceand successbring clarit
y,they bring
ease,they bri
ng pri deand a senseofaccom pl
ishm ent.Play t
hei m agesof
wealth and success,asrelated toyourlif
e,overand overi n yourm i nd.

12. Yourbody i syoursubconsci ousm i nd i

n physi calform and t he
housing unitforallofyourt hought sand em ot ions.W hatyou’ rethi
ng in any m om entl et
syou know what ’
scom i ng nextf oryou,so
deepening thatconnect ion wi l
lonl y giveyou bet terinsighti nt owhatyou
arem anifesti
ng atal ltim es.Them oreyou rootyoursel fin yourbody,the
eri twillbetot ocont rolyourreact i
onsbot h physical l
y and m ental
when you arefaced wi t
h chal lengesi n yourevery day l if
13. Asyou neart hehal fway m ark,you’ l
lwantt ocheck i n and m ake
suret hatyourgoal sarest illyourgoal s.Yourm ent alattit
udeswi llhave
begun t oshiftand thi
ngst hatwereoncei m portanttoyou m ay seem
trivialnow.Conversel y,you m ay alsobegi n noti
cing thetrueval uei n
thingsyou m i ghthaveonceconsi dered m undane.W hat everthe
out com e,periodical
ly doi
ng a self-check up willensuret hatyou are
m ovi ng forward inthedi rection t
hatyou desi reallthewhi l
e,becom ing
whoyou wantt obe.

14.Bythispoint,you havebeen seeing signsorcoincidenceslining up

thatrem i
nd you thatyourevery thoughtisheard,and thatsom et hing
outtherei sworki ng t
om akeeach ofthosethoughtsa realityin your
world.Thank t heUni verseprofusel
yfortheseinstances,getabsol utel
giddy when they com etopass.Them orethatyou bask i
nt hesem om ent s
them orethatwi llbebroughtbef oreyou.Yourworl disa reflect
ion of
yourthought s.

15.CONGRATS!You arehalfwaythrough.Yourfocus,determ ination

and dedication toyourselfwi l
lonl y benefityou..
.and i n waysyou can’ t
even i
m agineyet !Butit’
si m portantt hatyou geteven m oreroot ed i
yourdedi cation now.Every day you shoul d beconnect i
ng wi th your
onsand reaffi rm ing yourpower ,m aki ng a habitofactively
choosing positi
vet hought sand f eel
ings.You shoul d alsobef orm ing your
own rituals,learning whatworksf oryou and whatdoesn’ t,and
adapting thesepri ncipl
esf orl ong term use.

16. You can rewri t

eyourst ory orcurrentreal it
y atany ti
m e.Ifyou’ re
notcrazy aboutyourj ob,forexam pl e,scri
ptabouthow l istouthow
m uch you loveyourj ob includi ng yourboss,yourcoworkers,t hepay et c
orhow exci t
ed you aret hata new busi nessopport uni
tyiscom i ng your
way.Thi si sal soa greatway t oend yourday sot hatyou can clearout
any negativi ty beforefalling asleep,m eaning yoursubconsci ouswi llbe
fed di
rectly wi th high qual i
tyt hought sofyournew,chosen real i
17.Itisim portantthatyou understand thatyou alreadyARE love,
and ifyou aresearchi ng forit ,thatm eansyou arenotl ooking forit
within,and t hereforewi llnevert rul
y find i
t.You offeral lofthe
validation t
oyoursel f
,nooneel secan dot hatf oryou.Butyou can al so
createany sortofl oving environm entt hatyou sodesi re!Describeyour
worl d and thepeopl ei nitascari ng,kind,and respect ful.W hen you can
resonat ewi th uncondi ti
onall ove,you begi nt oacceptyoursel fforwho
you are.You real i
zet hatyou arewhereyou areand t hati sperfect!You
decidewheret ogonext ,and nom at t
erwhatyou choose,peacewi llbe
there,shini ng uncondi tionalloveon you atal lm om ents.

18.Wehavecom etobelievethatgetting thethingswewish forwill

bring ushappi ness.Buti n reali
’sthehappi nessitselfthatweare
seeking,nott hething we’repi ning after
.Theonl y reason wewantt hat
thing i
sf ort hefeeling t
hati twillbring us.Learn t osum m on t
ngswi thoutneedi ng thet hing tobet hereand t het hing willfi
nd it
way toyou.Orbet t
ersai d,you wi l
lbegui ded t
oi tthrough im pulsesfrom
TheUni verse.

19. It’
sonl y naturalthatyou wi l
lst i
llhaveresi stancei n relati
on to
m anifesting certain “hard”t hi
ngs.Theseareusual lythingsyou have
strong feelingsaboutorhavehel d certain bel
iefsaboutf ora l ong tim e.A
beliefisj usta thoughtt hatyou t hink foran ext ended peri od oftim eand
thereforei sabl etobechanged.Keep i nmi nd thatthischangedoesn’ t
happen ri ghtaway,buti tdoeshappen evey t im eyou think abouti t
aredi li
gentwi th yourt houghts.Cat ch yourl i
mi ting belifsi nt he
m om ent,swi tch t
hem t oa positiveversi on,and overt im et hisnew way of
thinking wi llbecom eyourregul arthinki ng pattern.

20. Thisi soneofmy favori tewayst om ovet hroughoutmy day!Il ove

ng my own happi nessand posi t
ivest at
eatt hevery forfrontofmy
mind.Not hing ism orei m portantt han my m indsetand how It hi nk or
reactin any given m om ent.Try m aki ng yourselffeelgood by m edit
at ing
yoursefintoa body hi gh,and t hen com eoutand reveli nt heblissst ate
forasl ong aspossible.Lett hehi gh seep intoevery cel
erallyfeelintoxicat ed.Carry t hathigh with you aslong as
bl eand ifneed be,getback i ntot hem editati
vestatesoyou can bl iss
outfort heent i
21. Som etim estherearepeopl ein ourl ives,orsi tuat i
instances,t hatlead ust otakean em ot i
onaldi p.We’ ret riggered by
som ething som eonesaysordoesand i tbegi nsa negat ivespiralt hat
takesusoutofal ignm entwi th ourdesi red reality.Thegoali st ostay in
yourposi t
ivem ind fram easm uch aspossi ble.Cont rolyourt hinking by
ppi ng negativet houghtsintot heirposi t
iveorproduct i
veversi ons.No
m atterwhata person m ay say ordo,you havet heul tim atedecision in
how you react ,whi ch changest hem ani fested version you haveoft hem .
Basical l
y,when t hey dosom ething and you reactt oi t
,you keep t hem the
way t hey areand preventt hem from t ranscendi ng theol d version or
becom ing anythi ng new/diff
erent .

22.Notonlycan you intend forpositivethingstohappen atthestart

ofyourday and att heend ofyourday,butyou can i ntend forposi ti
outcom esforevery si ngleinstancei n yourlife.Usecal i
brat ion or
correctivetechni questokeep yourm i nd superal i
gned onl y with
thought sthatm at ch up t
oyourdesi red reality.Even si m plet hi
ngsl ike
ng a hai rcut,sending an em ai
lordri ving int rafficprovi deuswi t
oppportuni t
iest onarrat etheunf olding processofourl ivesand hel plead
ustoa real it
y wheret hingsalwayswork outi n ourfavor!

23. Thet hingsyou experiencein yourearl y yearsend up shapi ng your

entirelife.Sinceweareal waysm ani festing,weend up creat ing a reali
based on how weexpectt heworl dt oshow up f orusand how weexpect
peopletot reatus.Thisiswhereourpat ternsand cycl esinl if
and thisi swhatm akesthem sohard t o“out -
m ani fest”.They aredeepl y
.Sodeep thatwedon’ teven reali
zet hey area m ani f
est ati
on we
arel i
ving overand overand NOT j ustourdest iny!Butt hisisj ustan
lusion.You CAN changeyourpat ternssi m ply by pledging tochoose
thought sthatm akeyou feelbetterint hem om ent .

24. W hen you m akef eeli

ng good a priorit
ng begi nst of
great!Fusel oveand fun i ntoeverything you dothroughoutyourday.
Makeeveryt hi ng around you enjoyable,even yourday-to-day t
having FUN bet henumberonegoali n yourday!Observeyourt hought s,
zewe’ reheret ol oveand enjoy ourselvesand taket hesetacticsto
youreveryday l i
25. Lifeon t hispl anetisborn,i tli
ves,i tdiesand i tdecays.From
thatdeat h new l if
ei sbroughtf orward and t hecyclecont i
nothi ng truly evergoesaway.Energy cannotbecreat ed ordest royed,it
can onl y betransf erred.You areheref ora t ri
p,in a fleshy vehi cl
callyourbody,and oncet hattripisfi nished yourenergy wi l
lrej ointhe
infinitesourceunt i
li tisready tocom eback t oEart h agai n.Thecycl e
continues.Learn,grow,experi ence,repeat .You areet ernaland your
poweri seternal .Al lofthegoodnessi nt heworl disal l
ocat ed whereyou
say itis.It’
sal lwai ting foryou.Et ernally.

27.Ifyou arecontinuallylooking atand reacting towhat“is”in your

fet hen you arecalling m oreand m oreofi tt oyou.You’
rekeepi ng an
old m anifest
ation al
iveby yourat tention toit.Your“now”i sa refl
ofyourpastt hought sand feelings.It
’slikegum t hathasalready been
chewed.Yourf ocusneedst obeon m at ching t
het houghtsoft heversion
ofyou t hatyou wantt oembody.Them oreyou areabl etooverhaulyour
thought s,thefasterand easi eryourm ani festati
onscom e.

28.Weallhaveem otionaltriggersthatwedealwith on a dailybasis.

Theset riggers,ifactivated,can send usdown a pat h ofnegat i
reactionsand t hinking.Learning t odealwi tht heseisi m perativeon a
m anfestati
onalj ourney,asweareconst antly bombarded by pot entiall
triggering st
im uli.Thegood newsi st hatasyou l earn tonavi gatethese
triggers,you becom ebet terand betteratit!Iti si
nevi tablethatyou wi ll
encount ernew subj ectsthatwillt riggeryou,when you havea sol i
practicein place,thet ri
ggersloset heirpower .
29.Bynow you realizetheconnection yourm ind and thoughtshave
tothecreat ivef orcesoft hisworl d.Onceyou know,you can nevergo
back toyourol d way oft hinking.You can deci det oreveli n a bad m ood
orf eel
ing fora shortperi od oftim e,butbef oretool ong,you wi l
rem inded ofwhati satst ake.You areoutofal ignm entwi th your
desired reality and thatiswhy you f eelnegat i
vely.W hen you areoutof
alignm entwi t
h youri dealsel f,you can besureyou areal igned with
yourcurrentreal i
ty,m eani ng,you arenotm ovi ng forward.I t
’syourl i
tocreat eatal lm om ents,butonceyou real izet his,itisyourdut yto
yourselfand t hegood ofal lm anki nd,t okeep yourf ocuson where
you’regoi ng.Moni t
oryourt hought s.I fit
’snotsom et hing you’d wantt o
experience,t hen shutdown t hatt houghti m m ediately and shiftyour
focust osom ethi ng you DO want .

30. Thi sisan ongoi ng process.Keep worki ng on knocki ng outyour

doubtsand repl acing them wi th betterqualityt hought s.You wantt o
adaptthisasyournew l i
festyle.Don’tallow resistancet ostop you.Thi si
m orethan justachei ving a m anifestati
on hereand t here.W i tha
dedicated pratice,you can turn yourselfintoa m ani festing m achine
whereEVERYTI NG you’veeverwant ed isim m ediatel
y atyourfi ngerti
You havet hepowerwi thin you tocreateworl ds! Embracei tand gof orth
inloveand l ight!

BONUS.YOU DID IT!!Ihopeyou aresoincrediblyproud ofthe

person you arebecom i ng.You owei tt
oyoursel ftoturn t his30 daysi nto
60 and then 90 and then 365t oi nfi
nity!You areon thepreci pi
own great ness,conti nuet hem om ent um asyou look t onew hori zons.
Theset acticswi l
lcarry you t hrough any dark si
tuati on i
fyou rem ai n
igentand dedi cated toyourown wel l-
being.Noot herhum an hast he
powert oexertt hem sel vesint oyourexi stence.Everyt hing you seeand
experiencehasbeen cal led t
oyou t horgh yourpract iced vibration.Take
ownershi p with prideknowi ng thatal lpowerrestsi n yourhands,what
willyou chooset odowi thit?

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