Hydro Exam

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1. When a solid substance disappears completely as gas on heating, the

substance is said to have undergo a) evaporation b) distillation c)
crystallization d) sublimation
2. What are the two electrodes used in Daniell cell?
a) Pt and Cu b) Al and Zn c) Al and Pt d) Zn and Cu
3. In an electrolytic cell the electrode at which the electrons enter the solution is
called the ______ ; the chemical change that occurs at this electrode is called
a) anode, oxidation b) anode, reduction
4. c) cathode, oxidation d) cathode What is the product formed at the cathode
in the electrolysis of molten NaCl?
a) Chlorine gas b) Sodium metal c) Hydrogen gas d) Oxygen gas
, reduction
5. What is the preferred electrode when it is not allowed to take part in the chemical
a) Gold b) Silver c) Copper d) Graphite
6. The half-reaction that occurs at the anode during the electrolysis of molten
sodium bromide is:
a) 2 Br- Br2 + 2 e-
b) Br2 + 2 e- 2 Br-
+ -
c) Na + e Na
d) Na Na + e-

7. What mass (in grams) of nickel could be electroplated from a solution of nickel(II)
chloride by a current of 0.25 amperes flowing for 10 hours?
a) 12 g b) 5.5 g c) 0.046 g d) 2.7 g [ Ni = 58, F = 96500C]
8. In the standard notation for a voltaic cell, the double vertical line "||" represents:
a) a phase boundary b) a wire (metal) connection c) a salt bridge d)a
standard hydrogen electrode
9. For a voltaic (or galvanic) cell using Ag,Ag+ (1.0 M) and Zn,Zn2+ (1.0 M) half-cells,
which of the following statements is incorrect?
a) The zinc electrode is the anode.
b) Electrons will flow through the external circuit from the zinc electrode to the
silver electrode.
c) Reduction occurs at the zinc electrode as the cell operates.
d) The concentration of Ag+ will decrease as the cell operates.
10. Which of the following is not a postulate of Kinetic molecular theory of gases?
a) the actual volume of gas molecules is negligible
b) there are high forces of attraction between the gas molecules
c) collisions are elastic in gas molecules
d) kinetic energy of gas molecules is directly proportional to the absolute
11. Air trapped inside a single-piston-cylinder exerts a pressure of 760 mmHg. If its
volume is increased by 30% at a constant temperature, the pressure exerted
would be equal to
a) 533 mmHg b) 544 mmHg c) 584 mmHg d) 633 mmHg
12. According to kinetic molecular model, in gases,
a) The particles are closely packed together, they occupy minimum space and
are usually arranged in a regular pattern
b) The particles occur in clusters with molecules slightly further apart
c) The molecules are very far apart and occupy all the space made available to
d) The particles vibrate about fixed positions and are held together by the strong
intermolecular bonds between them
13. At a total pressure of 10 atm, 56 g of nitrogen and 96 g of oxygen are mixed
isothermally. The ratio of oxygen and nitrogen partial pressures is:
a) 3:2 b) 2:3 c) 3:1 d) 2:1 [N =14, O =16]
14. The densities of two gases, X and Y are 0.5gdm-3 and 2.0gdm-3 respectively.
What is the rate of diffusion of X relative to Y?
a) 0.1 b) 0.5 c) 2 d) 4
15. 60cm3 of hydrogen are sparked with 20cm3 of oxygen at 100°C and 1
atmosphere. The total volume of the residual gases at room temperature is?
16. a) 20 cm3 b) 40 cm3 c) 60 cm3 d) 80 cm3
17. Which curve in figure represents the curve of ideal gas?

a) Only B b) C and D c) E and F d) A and B

18. In the process of silver-plating a metal M, the metal M is the?
a) anode and a direct current is used
b) cathode and an alternating current is used
c) anode and an alternating current is used
d) cathode and a direct current is used
19. How does the solubility of gas change in a liquid, as described?
a) Increases with decreasing pressure
b) Increases with increasing temperature
c) Decreases with increasing temperature
d) Decreases with increasing pressure
20. The solubility product of Cu(IO3)2 is 1.08 * 10-7. Assuming that neither ions react
appreciable with water to form H+ and OH-, what is the solubility of this salt?
a) 2.7 * 10-8 mol dm-3
b) 9.0 * 10-8 mol dm-3
c) 3.0 * 10-3 mol dm-3
d) 9.0 * 10-3 mol dm-3
21. As the concentration of an electrolyte reduces, the conductivity
a) reduces to zero b) decreases c) increase d) is unaffected
22. Sodium chloride has no solubility product value because of its?
Sa) saline nature b) high solubilty c) low solubility d) partial solubility
23. The electrochemical equivalent of a metal is 0.126 x 10-6 kgC-1. The mass of the
metal that a current of 5A will deposit from a suitable bath in 1 hour is
a) 0.0378 x 10-3kg b) 0.227 x 10-3kg c) 0.378 x 10-3kg d) 2.268 x 10-3kg
24. During electrolysis, 2.0 g of a metal is deposited using a current of 0.5 A in 3
hours. The mass of the same metal which can be deposited using a current of
1.5 A in 1 hour is?
a) 1.0 g b) 0.5 g c) 3.0 g d) 2.0 g
25. What is the angle of dip at the magnetic equator
a) 450 b) 00 c) 900 d) 1800
26. Which of the following gas will have the most solubility in water?
a) NH3 b) H2 c) O2 d) He

Using the diagram below answer question 27 and 28.

27. At approximately what temperature does the solubility of sodium chloride, NaCl,
match the solubility of potassium dichromate, K2Cr2O7?
a) 60 ºC b) 30 ºC c) 50 ºC d) 83 ºC
28. How many grams of K2Cr2O7, are soluble in 100 g of water at 95 ºC?
a) 83 grams b) 75 grams c) 40 grams d)12 grams
29. In an electrochemical cell, polarization is caused by
a) chlorine b) oxygen c) tetaoxsulphate (Vl) acid d) hydrogen
30. Crude copper can be purified by the electrolysis of CuSO4(aq) if?
a) platinum electrodes are used
b) the crude copper is made the anode of the cell
c) the crude copper is made the cathode of the cell
d) crude copper electrodes are used
1. What is the total work done on moving a test charge on an equipotential surface?
a) Maximum b) Minimum c) Constant d) Zero
2. Which of the following can conduct electricity owing to the presence
of free mobile electrons?
a) Germanium b) Silicon c) Grapefruit d) Copper
3. If the distance between two point charges its increased by a factor of
four, the magnitude of the electrostatic force between them will be
a) 1/4 of its former value b)1/16 of its former value
c) 1/2 of its former value d) 4 times its former value
4. The production and type of charge of a body can only be accounted
for by the?
a) Deficiency or surplus of electrons
b) Equibrium in protons and neutrons
c) Deficiency or surplus of protrons
d) Deficiency or surplus of neutrons
5. If two charged plates are maintained at a potential difference of 3 kv, the work
done in taking a charge of 600 µC across the field is?
a) 0.8 J b) 1.8 J c) 9.0 J d)18.0 J
6. A charge 50 µc has electric field strength of 360 NC-1 at a certain
point. The electric field strength due to another charge 120 µc kept at
the same distance apart and in the same medium is?
a) 864 NC-1 b) 150 NC-1 c) 144 NC-1 d) 18 NC-1
7. If negative charges are induced on an electroscope and a positively
charged rod is brought near the cap of the electroscope, the leaves
a) Close up b)Become positively charged
c) Become negatively charged d)Open further
8. When a capacitor is charged to 200C on each plate the energy stored by it is
40J, at what charges will it store half of this energy?
a) 10.0C b) 5.0C c) 14.4C d) 20.0C
9. Three capacitors of capacitance 2μF, 4μFand 8μF are connected in parallel
and a P.D of 6V is maintained across each capacitor, the total energy stored
a) 2.52 x 10-6J b) 6.90 x 10-6J c) 2.52 x 10-4J d) 6.90 x 10-4J
10. A cell of e.m.f 12V and internal resistance 4Ω is connected to an external
resistor of resistance 2Ω. Find the current flow.
a) 5 A b) 4 A c) 3 A d) 2 A

In the diagram above, a 200 W bulb is lighted by a 240 V a.c mains supply. If
1kwh is sold at N40, the cost of keeping the bulb lighted for a day is?
a) N1,920.00 b) N192.00 c) N19.20 d)N1.92
12.The efficiency of a machine is always less than 100% because the
a) velocity ratio is always greater than the mechanical advantage
b) work output is always greater than the work input
c) effort applied is always greater than the load lifted
d) load lifted is always greater than the effort applied
13. A wheel and axle is used to raise a load whose weight is 800N when an effort
of 250N is applied.If the radii of the wheel and axle are 800mm and 200mm
respectively, the efficiency of the machine is
a) 85% b) 87% c) 90% d)80%
14. Calculate the upthrust on an object of volume 50cm3 which is immersed in
liquid of density 103 kgm-3 [g = 10ms-2]
a) 0.8N b) 2.5N c) 0.5N d) 1.0N
15. If a solid X floats in liquids P of relative density 2.0 and in liquid Q of relative
density 1.5, it can be inferred that the
a) weight of P displaced is greater than that of Q
b) weight of P displaced is less than that of Q
c) volume of P displaced is greater than that of Q
d) volume of P displaced is less than that of Q
16. Which of the following devices are used to measure pressure? i. Aneroid
barometer. ii. hydrometer. iii. hygrometer. iv. manometer.
a) i and iii
b) ii and iii
c) iii and iv
d) i and iv
17. The atmospheric pressure due to water is 1.3 x 106Nm-2. What is the total
pressure at the bottom of an ocean 10m deep? [Density of water = 1000kgm-
3, g = 10ms-2]
a) 1.3 x 107Nm-2
b) 1.4 x 106Nm-2
c) 1.4 x 105Nm-2
d) 1.0 x 10 5Nm-2
18. The resistance of a piece of wire of length 20m, cross-sectional area 8 x 10-
6 2
m and resistivity 4 x 10-7Ω m is__________. (a) 1.0 Ω (b) 10.0 Ω (c) 0.5 Ω
(d) 5.0 Ω
19.Three cells each of e.m.f. 1.5V and internal resistance 1.0Ω are connected
in parallel across an external resistance of Ω. Calculate the value of the
current in the resistor. (a) 0.5A (b) 0.9A (c)1.5A (d) 4.5A

In the diagram given if the atmospheric pressure is 760mm, the pressure in

the chamber G Is
a) 660mm b) 830mm c) 690mm d) 860mm
21. The atmospheric pressure due to water is 1.3 x 106Nm-2. What is the total
pressure at the bottom of an ocean 10m deep? [Density of water = 1000kgm-
, g = 10ms-2]
a) 1.3 x 107Nm-2
b) 1.4 x 106Nm-2
c) 1.4 x 105Nm-2
d) 1.0 x 105Nm-2
22. I It retains its magnetic much longer than steel.
II It is more easily magnetized than steel
III It is more easily demagnetized than steel
IV It produces a stronger magnet than steel
Which combination of the above makes iron preferable to steel in the making
of electromagnets?
a) I and II only b) II and III only c) I, III, and IV only d) II, III and IV only

In the diagram above, if the south-poles of two magnets strokes steel bar, the
polarities at T and V will respectively be

A. south and north

B. north and south
C. north and north
D. south and south
24. If the angle of declination in a place is 10oE, calculate the true geographic
bearing if the compass reads N40oE
a) N50oE b) N40oE c) N30oE d) N25oE
25. A 0.4 m long straight wire carrying a current of 1.4 A is perpendicular to a 1.2
T magnetic field. What is the magnitude of the magnetic force exerted on the
wire by the field?
a) 0.672 N b) 0.941 N c) 0.467 N d) 1.532 N
26. The instrument used for securing a large number of similar charges by
induction is called
a) electrophorus b) capacitor c) proof-plane d) electroscope
27. What is the least possible error in using a rule graduated in centimeters?
a) 0.1cm b) 0.5cm c) 1.0cm d) 2.0cm
28. The pitch of a screw jack is 0.45cm and the arm is 60cm long. If the efficiency
of the Jack is %, calculate the mechanical advantage.
a) 400 b) 300 c) 200 d)150
29. A cell of internal resistance 1Ω supplies current to an external resistor of 3Ω.
The efficiency of the cell is
a) 25% b) 33% c) 50% d) 75%

The diagram above shows a balanced metre bridge, the value of x is

a) 75.0 cm b) 66.7 cm c) 33.3 cm d) 25.0 cm

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