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A Guide to the

Production Testing of Valves

for the Energy, Process and related Industries


Copyright © 2008 The Engineering Equipment and Materials Users' Association

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ISBN 0 85931 151 1

Imprint reference 06-2008

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EEMUA Publication 205 - Production Testing of Valves © EEMUA


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EEMUA Publication 205 - Production Testing of Valves © EEMUA


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EEMUA Publication 205 - Production Testing of Valves © EEMUA

EEMUA Publication 205 - Production Testing of Valves © EEMUA

Foreword .................................................................................................1
1. Scope ..................................................................................................3
2. Equipment, Facilities and Procedures for Pressure Testing ..................5
2.1 General Responsibilities for the Manufacturer .......................................5
2.2 Equipment and Facilities: Particular Requirements ................................5
2.3 Test Fluid ........................................................................................6
2.4 Witnessing and Test Reporting ...........................................................7
2.5 Removal and/or Refitting of Parts .......................................................7
3. Types and Sequence of Tests ...............................................................9
3.1 Recommended Test Requirements ......................................................9
3.2 Information to be Provided by the Purchaser ........................................9
3.3 Test Sequence .................................................................................9
4. Shell Test .........................................................................................11
4.1 Purpose ........................................................................................ 11
4.2 Hydrostatic Shell Test ..................................................................... 11
4.3 Low Pressure Air Shell Test.............................................................. 12
4.4 Acceptance Criteria ........................................................................ 12
5. Body Cavity Relief Test ......................................................................13
5.1 Purpose ........................................................................................ 13
5.2 Frequency of Testing ...................................................................... 13
5.3 General ........................................................................................ 13
5.4 Test Procedure for Trunnion-Mounted Ball or Slab Gate Valve with Internal
Cavity Relief .................................................................................. 13
5.5 Test Procedure for Floating Ball Valve with Internal Cavity Relief ........... 13
5.6 Test Procedure for Ball Valve, Expanding Gate Valve or Expanding Plug
Valve with External Cavity Relief ...................................................... 14
5.7 Acceptance Criteria ........................................................................ 14
6. Seat Test ..........................................................................................15
6.1 Purpose ........................................................................................ 15
6.2 General ........................................................................................ 15
6.3 High Pressure (HP) Hydrostatic Seat Test Procedure............................ 16
6.4 High Pressure (HP) Hydrostatic Seat Test Procedure............................ 16
6.5 High Pressure (HP) Hydrostatic Seat Test Procedure............................ 17
6.6 Low Pressure (LP) Air Seat Test Procedure ......................................... 17
6.7 Low Pressure (LP) Air Seat Test Procedure ......................................... 18
6.8 Low Pressure (LP) Air Seat Test Procedure ......................................... 19
6.9 High Pressure Gas Seat Test ............................................................ 19
6.10 Acceptance Criteria ........................................................................ 20
7. Operational Test................................................................................21
7.1 Purpose ........................................................................................ 21
7.2 Frequency of Testing ...................................................................... 21
7.3 Procedures .................................................................................... 21
7.4 Acceptance Criteria ........................................................................ 21
8. Anti-static Test..................................................................................23
8.1 Purpose ........................................................................................ 23
8.2 Frequency of Testing ...................................................................... 23
8.3 Procedure ..................................................................................... 23
8.4 Acceptance Criteria ........................................................................ 23

EEMUA Publication 205 - Production Testing of Valves © EEMUA

9. Back Seat Test (Globe and Gate Valves) ............................................25

9.1 Purpose ........................................................................................ 25
9.2 General ........................................................................................ 25
9.3 Frequency of Testing ...................................................................... 25
9.4 Procedure ..................................................................................... 25
9.5 Acceptance Criteria ........................................................................ 25
10. Disc Strength Test (Butterfly Valves) ..............................................27
10.1 Purpose ....................................................................................... 27
10.2 Frequency of Testing ..................................................................... 27
10.3 Procedure .................................................................................... 27
10.4 Acceptance Criteria ....................................................................... 27
11. Test Times ......................................................................................29
12. References......................................................................................31
13. Definitions ......................................................................................33
Appendix A: Typical Valve Test Report ......................................................37
Appendix B: Information relevant to testing to be supplied by the purchaser ..39
Appendix C: Leak rates typically achievable by good quality valves................40

Table 1 Recommended Valve Test Requirements .......................................... 10
Table 2 Hydrostatic Shell Test Minimum Durations ........................................ 29
Table 3 Hydrostatic and Air/Gas Seat Test Minimum Durations ....................... 29

EEMUA Publication 205 - Production Testing of Valves © EEMUA

This Guide, developed by the EEMUA Piping Systems Technical Committee Valves
section, is aimed at providing guidance to users, specifiers and inspectors with
regard to production testing of ball, plug, gate, butterfly and globe valves
designed to internationally recognised standards and intended for use in the
energy, process and related industries.

It is a common assumption that valve test and product standards contain all that
is required to ensure adequate performance, but this is not always the case.
Standards committees dominated by manufacturers, and the difficulties involved
in achieving universal agreement, often result in a 'lowest common denominator'
which may not always fulfil the user’s expectations, particularly for critical

For example, seat leak test pressures should ideally reflect the seating
mechanism of the valve (i.e. whether it utilises externally applied force or
differential pressure) and the differential pressure against which valves are
required to seal in service, but often do not. Also, minimum required test times
are often very short. Purchasers should consider the value of such short test
times, when the time taken for conditions to stabilise might be several minutes.

In this document, the words 'will' and 'should', when used in the context of
actions or requirements of or by the purchaser or other parties, have specific
meanings as follows:

• 'will' is used in connection with an action by the purchaser, or with an

action or requirement normally expected of the manufacturer or supplier;
• 'should' indicates a recommendation; where a recommendation is of
particular importance, phrases such as 'need to' are used.

EEMUA Publication 205 - Production Testing of Valves © EEMUA

EEMUA Publication 205 - Production Testing of Valves © EEMUA

1. Scope
This Guide sets out the recommended production tests to be applied to the
following types of valves: ball, plug, gate, butterfly and globe. It does not apply
to valves used exclusively for control purposes.

Tests of an optional nature are included. Tests outside the scope of this Guide
include material sampling and non-destructive testing of valve materials to
verify their physical properties, chemical composition and quality. Type
approval tests, fire type tests and tests at high and low temperature, are also

EEMUA Publication 205 - Production Testing of Valves © EEMUA

EEMUA Publication 205 - Production Testing of Valves © EEMUA

2. Equipment, Facilities and Procedures for Pressure

2.1 General Responsibilities for the Manufacturer

2.1.1 Testing will normally be carried out by the manufacturer who will be
responsible for providing all the necessary facilities, labour and equipment
required to perform the tests and inspections, and for overall safety in the
preparation for and conduct of the test.

2.1.2 The manufacturer will need to be able to demonstrate to the satisfaction of

the purchaser the adequacy of the methods and equipment used to carry
out and monitor the test.

2.1.3 The manufacturer will normally be responsible for the safety and design of
test equipment and for providing adequate safeguards for personnel in the
areas of the test.

2.2 Equipment and Facilities: Particular Requirements

2.2.1 The valve needs to be adequately illuminated and accessible for


2.2.2 The test equipment and method of pressurising the valve need to ensure
that all pressure containing parts of the valve are strength tested and it is
not subjected to external constraint. Axial loads should, ideally, not be
reduced by the method adopted to blank the ends (see Note 1 below).
Where this is not practical or economical, in all cases a minimum of one
valve of each unique size, material and rating should be tested.
Approved methods of blanking valve ends for pressure sealing are:
• blank flanges or covers for flanged end valves;
• weld end caps with or without pups for weld end valves;
• screwed plugs for threaded end valves.
Alternative pressure sealing methods may be used when agreed by the
purchaser, but it is recommended that these be considered only where the
validity of the valve design has been proven by prototype or sample
testing with blank ends attached to the valve (see Note 2).
Note 1: When blank ends are attached to a valve, then maximum
longitudinal tensile stresses are developed when the valve is internally
pressurised. This assists in detecting cracks in the valve materials and
weaknesses in bolted joints and other connecting parts. This is
particularly important if valves have a body joint transverse to the pipe
Note 2: A reduction in longitudinal stresses in the valve body can result
from some alternative pressure sealing methods, e.g. clamping the valve
ends in a press and internally sealing valve bores with 'floating bungs'.
The ends of valve bores sealed by floating bungs are not subjected to the
test pressure and may require supplementary non-destructive testing

2.2.3 The test facilities need to permit complete (and demonstrable) isolation of
the valve from the pressure source.

EEMUA Publication 205 - Production Testing of Valves © EEMUA

2.2.4 In order to ensure that the accuracy and sensitivity of volumetric

measuring devices are adequate, their calibration needs to be performed
with the same test fluid, at the same temperature, and to be within the
same tolerances as required for the tests.
Note: Guidance on measurement and calibration systems can be found in
ISO 10012.

2.2.5 The manufacturer should be required to have valid, uniquely identifiable

calibration certificates available for, and traceable to, each item of
measuring equipment used for testing, with calibration carried out in
accordance with an approved quality standard.

2.2.6 The accuracy of pressure gauges used in testing should be in accordance

with EN 837-1, Table 11, Class 1.6 or better. It is recommended that the
gauges display the test pressure between 25% and 75% of full gauge
pressure and have a minimum face diameter of 150 mm. The purchaser
may agree the use of alternative devices to pressure gauges.

2.2.7 Safety relief devices need to be incorporated in the pressurising system in

order to prevent overpressuring the valve and test equipment.

2.2.8 No valve undergoing pressure testing is to be subjected to any form of

shock loading.

2.2.9 Temperature measuring devices are to be capable of indicating

fluctuations of 1°C.

2.2.10 If testing with gas supplied from high pressure storage, the test
arrangement needs to be such that the gas entering the valve does not
lower the temperature to the extent that the validity of the test is

2.3 Test Fluid

2.3.1 The preferred test fluid for hydrostatic tests is clean fresh water at
ambient temperature (but see 2.3.2 below) containing a suitable corrosion
inhibitor, or a non-corrosive liquid whose viscosity at ambient temperature
is equal to or less than that of water, e.g. kerosene.
Note: Certain corrosion inhibitors may have the effect of reducing torque
below that which would be required to operate the valve in service.

2.3.2 To avoid the risk of freezing when the test medium is water, the minimum
temperature of the valve or ambient air during the test should not be less
than 5°C. The water temperature should be held within the temperature
range 7°C to 38°C during testing. Alternatively, up to 50% glycol
(automotive antifreeze) may be added to the test water where the low
temperature toughness of the valve shell material is not in doubt.

2.3.3 Consideration should be given to the use of a wetting agent in the test

2.3.4 If the test water is in contact with austenitic stainless steel, its maximum
chloride content should be limited to a maximum of 50 ppm (mg/kg), i.e.
demineralised or distilled water may need to be used in hard water areas.

EEMUA Publication 205 - Production Testing of Valves © EEMUA

If the purchaser can confirm that the maximum operating temperature of

the valve will not be above 50°C, the maximum chloride content may be
increased to not more than 200 ppm (mg/kg). The pH value of test water
should be within the range 6.5 to 8.5.

2.3.5 After hydrostatic testing, valves should be fully drained. This is

particularly important where austenitic stainless steels are present, to
ensure freedom from chloride deposits.

2.3.6 If air is used for testing, it needs to be clean and oil-free. Bottled nitrogen
is an acceptable alternative.

2.4 Witnessing and Test Reporting

2.4.1 The purchaser may wish to witness tests. In this regard he will need to
specify his requirements to the manufacturer.

2.4.2 The results of each test should be recorded and authenticated by the
signature of the manufacturer's inspector, and also by that of the
purchaser’s inspector where appropriate. A sample test record sheet is
included in Appendix A for information.

2.4.3 For identification during testing, one end of the valve should be designated
'A' and the other end 'B', e.g. by reference to the nameplate. These
designations should be recorded in the test report.

2.5 Removal and/or Refitting of Parts

2.5.1 The removal and refitting, during or after test, of any pressure-containing
valve component, such as body vent or drain plugs and body cavity relief
valves, may compromise acceptance of the hydrostatic shell test. It is
recommended that a formal refitting procedure be agreed between the
purchaser and manufacturer.

2.5.2 It is recommended that as a minimum the procedure ensure that:

• the connections of all dismantled components, including male and female
threads, are examined and verified to be compatible and in satisfactory
• the components originally fitted for the hydrostatic shell test are reused
in the valve unless damaged or found incompatible, in which case new
components need to be used and the test repeated;
• secure engagement is achieved between threaded components;
• if thread sealing tape is used and permitted by the purchaser, an excess
of tape does not preclude secure thread engagement;
• any seals and gaskets used are correctly fitted;
• re-tightening of components is to the degree employed and shown to be
effective in the previous hydrostatic shell test.

EEMUA Publication 205 - Production Testing of Valves © EEMUA

EEMUA Publication 205 - Production Testing of Valves © EEMUA

3. Types and Sequence of Tests

3.1 Recommended Test Requirements

3.1.1 The recommended test requirements for commodity valves and for those
considered by the purchaser to be in critical service are contained in Table 1
(see Page 10). Considerations to be taken into account in determining
criticality are: function, size, nature of fluid (gas, liquid), flammability,
toxicity, temperature, pressure and consequence of failure, etc.

3.2 Information to be Provided by the Purchaser

3.2.1 Details of the information to be provided by the purchaser at the enquiry

or purchase order stage are listed in Appendix B.

3.3 Test Sequence

3.3.1 When planning the test sequence for valves, care should be taken to
minimise the number of steps required to fulfil the testing process. A
proposed sequence is provided below. Note that some tests are not
required for all valve types. Reference should be made to Table 1 (see
Page 10).

The sequence of testing valves should be as follows unless otherwise

a) antistatic test (see Chapter 8)
b) hydrostatic shell test (see Chapter 4 Section 4.2)
c) body cavity relief test (see Chapter 5)
d) back seat test (globe and gate valves only) (see Chapter 9)
e) disc strength test when conducted on an assembled valve (butterfly
valves only) (see Chapter 10)
f) high pressure hydrostatic seat test (see Chapter 6 Sections 6.3, 6.4, 6.5)
g) operational/operating torque test (see Chapter 7)
h) low pressure air shell test (see Chapter 4 Section 4.3)
i) low pressure air seat test (see Chapter 6 Sections 6.6, 6.7, 6.8)
j) high pressure gas seat test (see Chapter 6 Section 6.9).

EEMUA Publication 205 - Production Testing of Valves
Table 1 Recommended Valve Test Requirements

Nomenclature: Y = Test recommended N = Test not recommended

A = Test discretionary according to service conditions


Antistatic (Chapter 8) N N N Y2 Y2 N N N Y 2
Hydrostatic Shell (liquid) (Section 4.2) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Shell Tightness (liquid) (Chapter 4) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Shell Tightness (LP gas) (Chapter 4) N N N N N A3 A3 A3 A3 A3
Body Cavity Relief (Chapter 5) Y4,5 N N Y4,5 Y4 Y4,5 N N Y4,5 Y4
Back Seat (liquid) (Chapter 9) Y4 Y 4
Disc Strength (liquid/gas) (Chapter 10) N N N N N N N Y6 N N
HP Seat (liquid) (Sections 6.3, 6.4, 6.5) Y Y Y Y A7 Y Y Y Y Y
HP Seat (gas)8 (Sections 6.3, 6.4, 6.5) N N N N N A3,4 A3,4 A3,4 A3,4 A3,4
Operational (operability) (Chapter 7) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Torque/Force Measurement (Chapter 7) N N N N N Y4 Y4 Y4 Y4 Y4

LP Seat (gas) (Sections 6.6, 6.7, 6.8) A3 A3 A3 A3 Y A3 A3 A3 A3 Y

1 Wedge gate, expanding gate and slab gate.
2 Type test.
3 Gas service applications. Allowable leak rate for HP test should be agreed with manufacturer: will normally be several times LP rate.
4 Sample.
5 Only types which can lock liquid inside body cavity when in the closed position and which may subsequently be heated or could be
exposed to fire.
6 'A' for sizes below DN 350 (14 in).
7 Strongly recommended where sealing force is mechanical, e.g. 'Orbit' type valves.
8 May be substituted for HP liquid seat test.

EEMUA Publication 205 - Production Testing of Valves © EEMUA

4. Shell Test
4.1 Purpose

4.1.1 For all Valves This test assesses the integrity and pressure-containing capability of the
complete shell structure, including the body, bonnet or cap, welded pups,
end flanges, bolting, gaskets, body tappings and stem seals. The test
method needs to ensure that the whole of the shell is subjected to the
test pressure.

4.1.2 For Plug Valves For lubricated plug valves, the test method needs to ensure that the
presence of any defects in the shell is not masked by sealant or grease.
The purchaser may opt to require pressure testing of the empty shell
prior to assembly of the plug. For sleeved or lined plug valves, the empty shell should be tested prior to
the application of the sleeve or lining. Where this has not been done, the
purchaser may require supplementary NDT of the shell.

4.2 Hydrostatic Shell Test

Note: The hydrostatic shell test should be satisfactorily completed before

any other pressure testing is carried out. The recommended procedure is
as set out in 4.2.1 to 4.2.7.

4.2.1 The valve should be fully assembled but not painted prior to testing. If
the supply includes ancillary items which are to be subjected to pressure
under operating conditions - e.g. stem extensions, extended vents,
drains, lubrication lines and small-bore valves - these should be included
in the test. If a non-isolatable pressure relief valve is fitted to the body,
this is to be removed and the body connection blanked. Stem sealant
injection, where provided for, is not to be used.

4.2.2 The valve is to be fitted with a suitable means of operation prior to


4.2.3 The valve ends are to be blanked off, with provision for the pressurising
water to be admitted to the shell and entrapped air vented off.

4.2.4 Maintain the valve in the part open position throughout the test such that
the whole body cavity is fully pressurised.

4.2.5 Admit pressurised water to the shell and vent off entrapped air until the
valve is completely filled with water.

4.2.6 Thoroughly dry all external surfaces of the valve.

4.2.7 Pressurise the valve to the required test pressure (usually 1.5 x rated
pressure at ambient temperature) for the required minimum duration.

EEMUA Publication 205 - Production Testing of Valves © EEMUA

4.2.8 If shell leakage or a pressure drop occurs during testing, corrective action
may be taken to eliminate the leak source, and the valve may be retested.
It is recommended that this be at the discretion of the purchaser's

4.3 Low Pressure Air Shell Test

Note: The low pressure air shell test is normally optional, and should only
be carried out after satisfactory completion of all hydrostatic tests. It can
be useful for detecting microporosity etc. not normally revealed by
conventional NDT techniques, or leaks at low pressure through pressure
energised seals. The recommended procedure, set out in 4.3.1 to 4.3.5
below, is the same in principle as for hydrostatic testing in 4.2 above.

4.3.1 Drain the valve of test water.

4.3.2 Maintain the valve in the part-open position throughout the test such that
the whole body cavity is fully pressurised.

4.3.3 Thoroughly dry all external surfaces of the valve.

4.3.4 Pressurise the valve with air to 6 ±1 bar for the required minimum

4.3.5 Spray all external surfaces of the valve with a soap film or similar fluid and
examine for air leakage. Alternatively submerge the entire valve under

4.4 Acceptance Criteria

Recommended acceptance criteria are as follows:

4.4.1 No visible leakage from any part of the shell, including the stem seal.

4.4.2 No drop in the internal test pressure.

4.4.3 No visible permanent deformation of the shell.

Note: Satisfactory seat leakage tests and operational tests are generally
indicative of the absence of significant distortion of the shell.

EEMUA Publication 205 - Production Testing of Valves © EEMUA

5. Body Cavity Relief Test

Note: This test is not applicable to butterfly and globe valves.

5.1 Purpose

5.1.1 This test assesses the automatic relieving capability of a valve subjected to
build up of pressure in the body cavity as a result of external heating, etc.

5.2 Frequency of Testing

5.2.1 When a body cavity relief test is specified by the purchaser, it should be
applied to a minimum of 5% of the quantity of valves in the order and at
least one valve of each size-rating combination.

5.3 General

Note: This test can be carried out only where the valve has a cavity drain
or vent connection, allowing cavity pressurisation and monitoring of cavity

5.3.1 The upstream, downstream and body cavity pressure should be monitored
by pressure gauges.

5.3.2 It is recommended that this test is carried out as a continuation of the

hydrostatic shell test after the shell has been pressure tested.

5.3.3 If cavity relief is effected by a hole through the ball or around the seat
seal, cavity testing is not required.
Note: A hole around the seal seat renders the valve uni-directional and the
sealing direction must be indicated on the valve body. Refer to marking
Section 11 in ISO 14313 (API Spec 6D).

5.3.4 For test procedures, see Sections 5.4, 5.5 and 5.6.

5.4 Trunnion Mounted Ball or Slab Gate Valve with Internal

Cavity Relief

5.4.1 Reduce the shell test pressure to the valve rated pressure (VRP).

5.4.2 Close the valve using the recommended torque or force.

5.4.3 Increase the valve cavity pressure gradually, until cavity relief is detected
by an increase in pressure in the upstream or downstream pressure
gauge. Note the relief pressure.

5.4.4 Continue to increase the pressure in the cavity until the second seat
relieves. Note the relief pressure.

5.5 Floating Ball Valve with Internal Cavity Relief

5.5.1 Reduce the shell test pressure to the valve rated pressure (VRP).

5.5.2 Close the valve using the recommended torque or force.

EEMUA Publication 205 - Production Testing of Valves © EEMUA

5.5.3 Pressurise the downstream side of the valve pressurised to the VRP.

5.5.4 Increase the valve cavity pressure and monitor the upstream side until
relief occurs. Note the relief pressure.

5.6 Ball Valve, Expanding Gate Valve or Expanding Plug Valve

with External Cavity Relief

5.6.1 The external cavity relief valve should be bench tested twice to determine
its set relief pressure.

5.7 Acceptance Criteria

5.7.1 The cavity relieving pressure is not to exceed 1.33 times the valve rated
pressure (VRP).
Note: This is intended to allow some margin for variability etc. compared
to the hydrostatic shell test pressure to which the valve has previously
been subjected.

5.7.2 In the case of double seated valves with internal cavity relief (trunnion
mounted ball, etc.), if one seat relieves the cavity pressure but the other
seat fails to relieve, the valve may be accepted. Further sample cavity
testing may be required at the discretion of the purchaser.

5.7.3 In the case of floating ball valves with internal cavity relief, if a differential
pressure between the cavity and upstream side is not established due to
seat relief, the valve is to be accepted.

5.7.4 In the case of valves with external cavity relief, the relief valve lift
pressure should be between 1.1 and 1.33 times the valve rated pressure

5.7.5 If the valve fails the subsequent seat test, the cavity relief test is

EEMUA Publication 205 - Production Testing of Valves © EEMUA

6. Seat Test
6.1 Purpose

6.1.1 This test assesses the sealing capability of the valve seat(s) at high and
low pressure, in the pressure sealing direction(s) for which the valve is

6.2 General

6.2.1 This section describes the procedure for testing the seat(s) of
uni-directional and bi-directional valves.

6.2.2 The obturator and seats should be free from lubricant and sealant except
where this is the primary seat sealing method. Where necessary for
assembly, an SAE 10W single grade motor oil, or industrial oil of similar
viscosity, may be used for other components, unless otherwise specified
by the purchaser. If injected sealant is intended to be the primary means
of achieving a seal in a particular valve design (e.g. lubricated plug valve),
this may be applied. In the case of ball valves, seat sealant injection,
where fitted, is not to be used.

6.2.3 The valve should not be seated by applying a pressure in excess of that
required for the test. If accidental over-pressure occurs, the valve
should be cycled three times without pressure, and the seat test

6.2.4 The time required to achieve stable conditions may substantially exceed
the test duration depending on the valve design and test fluid.

6.2.5 If leakage is measured from the cavity vent tapping, a calibrated

measuring glass (burette) should be fitted to the leakage measurement

6.2.6 It is preferred that air testing follows hydrostatic testing to assist in valve
drying and preservation, but the air test may precede the hydrostatic seat
test if the valve manufacturer and purchaser agree.

6.2.7 If valves are provided with gearboxes or actuators, these should be fitted
prior to testing unless otherwise agreed with the purchaser.

6.2.8 Bi-directional valves, including those having a preferred direction of

sealing, should be tested in both directions unless otherwise agreed.

6.2.9 Globe valves should be tested only with pressure applied beneath the disc
unless otherwise specified.

6.2.10 In the case of low pressure air seat tests on valves where leakage is
measured at the outlet port and the acceptance criterion is “no visible
leakage”, the downstream side of the valve may be open during the test
with a water seal above the disc.

6.2.11 There can be no accurate correlation between seat leakage measurements

made by counting bubbles of air or gas and those made by measuring

EEMUA Publication 205 - Production Testing of Valves © EEMUA

volume, except where the conditions for bubble formation are specified.
One method of doing this is to count the bubbles emerging from a 4.7 mm
internal diameter tube the end of which is just submerged in water. In
this case, one bubble is equivalent to 0.15 ml.

6.3 High Pressure (HP) Hydrostatic Seat Test Procedure

for trunnion mounted ball valve, slab type gate valve (upstream plus
downstream sealing), expanding type gate valve and expanding plug
valve, with a body cavity vent

6.3.1 Operate the valve from fully open to fully closed at least once without

6.3.2 To test side 'A', open the valve cavity vent and the vent on side 'B' of the
valve. With the valve part open, fill the valve with water until there is
overflow from the cavity vent. Allow water to enter the measuring glass
up to a selected datum level.

6.3.3 Close the valve using the recommended torque/force.

6.3.4 Pressurise side 'A' to the hydrostatic seat test pressure (normally 1.1 x
rated pressure at ambient temperature) and allow the pressure to

6.3.5 Maintain the test pressure for the seat test duration. Measure the seat
leakage via the measuring glass and record results.

6.3.6 Test side 'B' of the valve by repeating this procedure, from 6.3.1 to 6.3.5, with
'A' and 'B' interchanged. A valve with a preferred sealing direction should
also be tested in both directions unless otherwise agreed by the purchaser.

6.3.7 If both valve seats have bi-directional sealing capability this should be tested,
after completion of the above tests, by pressurising the body cavity of the
closed valve to the seat test pressure with the valve ends depressurised.
The leakage across the seats should be measured as in 6.3.5.

6.3.8 If only one valve seat has bi-directional sealing capability, this should be
tested after completion of the above tests by pressurising the body cavity
and upstream end of the closed valve to the seat test pressure with the
downstream end depressurised. The leakage across the seat should be
measured as in 6.3.5.
Note: Upstream and downstream in the test direction is not to be confused
with flow direction, and that double isolation direction is often opposite to
the flow direction.

6.4 High Pressure (HP) Hydrostatic Seat Test Procedure

for floating (seat supported) ball valve, plug valve, wedge gate valve,
parallel slide gate valve, slab type gate valve (downstream sealing), and
for trunnion mounted ball valve, expanding type gate valve and expanding
plug valve without a body cavity vent

Note: If a parallel slide gate valve has a body cavity connection, both
valve seats may be tested simultaneously by pressurising the cavity and
monitoring leakage at both ends of the valve.

EEMUA Publication 205 - Production Testing of Valves © EEMUA

6.4.1 The following procedure for seat testing a valve without a cavity vent
connection is the same in principle as 6.3 except that, to prevent the body
cavity providing a buffer that might mask seat leakage, the valve is both
filled and pressurised to the seat test pressure with the obturator in the
part-open position.

6.4.2 Operate the valve from fully open to fully closed at least once, without

6.4.3 With the valve in the part-open position, pressurise to the seat test
pressure (normally 1.1 x rated pressure at ambient temperature).

6.4.4 To test side 'A', close the valve using the recommended torque/force.
Open the vent on side 'B' and allow pressure to relieve until flow from the
vent ceases.

6.4.5 Allow the pressure to stabilise, then maintain the seat test pressure on
side 'A' for the required test duration and measure seat leakage from the
side 'B' vent connection.

6.4.6 Test side 'B' of the valve by repeating the procedure from 6.4.2 to 6.4.5
with 'A' and 'B' interchanged.

6.5 High Pressure (HP) Hydrostatic Seat Test Procedure

for butterfly, globe and other single seated valve types

6.5.1 Operate the valve from fully open to fully closed at least once, without

6.5.2 With the valve partly open, fill it with water and then close it using the
recommended torque/force.

6.5.3 Pressurise side 'A' to the required test pressure (normally 1.1 x rated
pressure at ambient temperature) and open the vent on side 'B' of the

6.5.4 Allow the pressure to stabilise, then maintain the seat test pressure for the
required test duration and measure seat leakage from the side 'B' vent

6.5.5 Test side 'B' by repeating the procedure from 6.5.1 to 6.5.4 with 'A' and 'B'

6.6 Low Pressure (LP) Air Seat Test Procedure

for trunnion mounted ball valve, slab type gate valve (upstream plus
downstream seating), expanding type gate valve and expanding plug
valve, with a body cavity vent

6.6.1 Drain the valve.

6.6.2 Operate the valve from fully open to fully closed at least once, without
pressure, using the recommended torque/force, and leave the valve

EEMUA Publication 205 - Production Testing of Valves © EEMUA

6.6.3 Open the valve cavity vent and the vent on the downstream side (side 'B')
of the valve. Pressurise side 'A' to 6 ±1 bar. Maintain the pressure for a
time sufficient to allow pressure to stabilise, and monitor seat leakage
from the cavity vent for the test duration, using a soap film or water trap.

6.6.4 If seat leakage is permitted, e.g. in the case of hard metal seated valves,
this should be measured by the collection of air into a water-filled
calibrated glass cylinder, or by counting the bubbles through a 4.7 mm
inside diameter tube, or by the use of a calibrated flow meter. Initial seat
leakage during low pressure testing should not be a cause for valve
rejection if seat leakage is within acceptable limits after an appropriate
stabilisation period.

6.6.5 Test side 'B' by repeating the procedure from 6.6.2 to 6.6.4, with 'A' and
'B' interchanged.

6.6.6 When the purchaser specifies an additional test at 1 bar, repeat the testing
procedure 6.6.2 to 6.6.5 with the seat test pressure at 1 bar.

6.7 Low Pressure (LP) Air Seat Test Procedure

for floating (seat supported) ball valve, plug valve, wedge gate valve,
parallel slide gate valve, slab type gate valve (downstream sealing) and
for trunnion mounted ball valve, expanding type gate valve and expanding
plug valve, without a body cavity vent

Note: If a parallel slide gate valve has a body cavity connection, both
valve seats may be tested simultaneously by pressurising the cavity and
monitoring leakage at both ends of the valve.

6.7.1 The procedure for low pressure air seat testing a valve without a body
cavity vent connection is generally the same as in 6.6, except that, to
prevent the body cavity providing a buffer that might mask seat leakage,
the valve is pressurised with air to the seat test pressure with the
obturator in the part-open position.

6.7.2 Operate the valve from fully open to fully closed at least once, without

6.7.3 With the valve in the part-open position, pressurise to 6 ±1 bar.

6.7.4 To test side 'A' close the valve using the recommended torque/force.
Open the vent on side 'B' and allow pressure to relieve until flow from the
vent ceases.

6.7.5 Maintain the pressure on side 'A' for sufficient time to allow the pressure
to stabilise and monitor leakage over the test duration, from the side 'B'
vent connection using a soap film or water trap.

6.7.6 Where seat leakage is permitted, e.g. in the case of hard metal seated
valves, this should be measured by the collection of air into a water-filled
calibrated glass cylinder, or by counting the bubbles through a 4.7 mm
internal diameter tube, or by the use of a calibrated flow meter. Initial
seat leakage during low pressure testing should not be a cause for valve

EEMUA Publication 205 - Production Testing of Valves © EEMUA

rejection if seat leakage is within acceptable limits after an appropriate

stabilisation period.

6.7.7 Test side 'B' by repeating 6.7.2 to 6.7.6 with side 'A' and side 'B'

6.7.8 When the purchaser specifies an additional test at 1 bar, repeat the test in
6.7.2 to 6.7.7 with the seat test pressure at 1 bar.

6.8 Low Pressure (LP) Air Seat Test Procedure

for butterfly, globe and other single seated valve types

6.8.1 Operate the valve from fully open to fully closed at least once, without

6.8.2 Close the valve using the recommended torque/force.

6.8.3 Pressurise side 'A' to 6 ±1 bar and open the vent on side 'B' of the

6.8.4 Allow the pressure to stabilise then maintain the seat test pressure for the
required test duration and measure seat leakage from the side 'B' vent
connection, by the collection of air into a water-filled calibrated glass
cylinder, or by counting the bubbles through a 4.7mm internal diameter
tube, or by the use of a calibrated flow meter.

6.8.5 Test side 'B' by repeating the procedure from 6.8.1 to 6.8.4 with 'A' and 'B'

6.8.6 When the purchaser specifies an additional test at 1 bar repeat the test in
6.8.1 to 6.8.5 with the seat test pressure at 1 bar.

6.9 High Pressure Gas Seat Test

at 1.1 x rated pressure

Note: This test is recommended only for critical applications in gas service
and should normally be conducted on sample valves only.

6.9.1 The test medium should be nitrogen gas.

6.9.2 Care should be taken to ensure adequate safety by testing in specially

designed pits or bunkers, and by controlling and minimising personnel
access to the test area.

6.9.3 Successful HP gas testing requires a high capacity compressor or a bottle

supply at a pressure sufficiently above the test pressure to ensure a high
fill/pressurisation rate, otherwise testing is very time consuming.

6.9.4 Stabilisation times can be long (e.g. up to 30 minutes for large, high
pressure valves).

6.9.5 The test pressure should be 1.1 x rated pressure at ambient temperature.

EEMUA Publication 205 - Production Testing of Valves © EEMUA

6.9.6 Note that seat leakage rates for most valve types are normally several
times higher than for liquid or low pressure gas seat tests.

6.9.7 The test procedure is basically as described in 6.6, 6.7 and 6.8; however,
in view of the time taken to achieve high test pressures and the cost of
large volumes of test gas, consideration should be given to optimising the
test sequence when testing large, high pressure valves.

6.10 Acceptance Criteria

6.10.1 Recommended acceptance criteria for the different valve types are
contained in Appendix C.

EEMUA Publication 205 - Production Testing of Valves © EEMUA

7. Operational Test
7.1 Purpose

7.1.1 This test assesses the operability of the valve.

7.2 Frequency of Testing

7.2.1 When this test is specified, it should be performed on all valves unless
otherwise agreed with the purchaser.

7.3 Procedures

7.3.1 Tests are to be conducted in whichever of the following modes needs the
most torque as determined by prototype or approval testing, and agreed
with purchaser.
(a) Open to closed with one side (and, where appropriate, the body cavity)
at pressure, and the other side at atmospheric pressure (according to
the definition in Section 13.4).
(b) For double block and bleed valves only: closed to open with both sides
at pressure and the body cavity at atmospheric pressure.
(c) Closed to open with one side at pressure and the other side (and,
where appropriate, the body cavity) at atmospheric pressure.
(d) Closed to open with one side (and, where appropriate, the body cavity)
at pressure and the other side at atmospheric pressure.

7.3.2 For manual valves, the differential pressure applied should be the valve
rated pressure.

7.3.3 A calibrated torque wrench should be used to measure the torque applied
to a manually operated valve, and the equivalent force on the hand wheel
rim or lever should be calculated and recorded.

7.3.4 For actuated valves, the differential pressure applied should be the design
differential pressure stated in the purchase order.

7.3.5 Actuated valves should have the power requirements of the actuator
monitored, and the valve torque or force then established from the
power-torque or power–force curve supplied by the actuator
manufacturer. Alternatively, the valve torque or force may be measured
as in 7.3.3.

7.4 Acceptance Criteria

7.4.1 For manually operated valves, the maximum acceptable force on the
supplied hand wheel rim or lever is not to exceed 350 N unless stated
otherwise in the purchase order. Alternatively the requirements of
EN 12570 or MSS-SP-91 (using a multiplier of 0.5 in the latter case to
account for non-ideal hand wheel location) are to be met if these
requirements are specified.

EEMUA Publication 205 - Production Testing of Valves © EEMUA

7.4.2 For actuated valves, the measured torque or force required to meet the
conditions of 7.3.1 should not exceed the valve manufacturer's stated
requirement. Design factors of safety used for sizing actuator output
above this requirement should previously be agreed between
manufacturer and purchaser.

EEMUA Publication 205 - Production Testing of Valves © EEMUA

8. Antistatic Test
8.1 Purpose

8.1.1 This test assesses the electrical continuity of antistatic devices in valves
with components that are otherwise electrically insulated (e.g. soft seated
ball valves, sleeved or lined plug valves, soft seated butterfly valves).
Non-conductive materials used in stem bearings and soft seats can
insulate the stem or obturator from the valve body. The test is carried out
when specified by the purchaser, to ensure that a static charge is not able
to build up in the valve which could result in a spark discharge in a fire
hazardous area.

8.2 Frequency of Testing

8.2.1 When specified by the purchaser, this test is to be applied to a minimum

of 5% of the quantity of valves on order, and to at least one valve of each
size-rating combination.

8.3 Procedure

8.3.1 The type and location of the antistatic device should be established, and
verified as providing a suitable path of continuity.

8.3.2 The test should be carried out on a new, dry 'as-built' valve before
pressure testing.

8.3.3 The valve should be cycled a minimum of five times before testing.

8.3.4 The discharge path from obturator-to-body and stem-to-body should be

tested with a power source not exceeding 12 volts.

8.4 Acceptance Criteria

8.4.1 The discharge path between stem and body of valves DN 50 (2 in) or
smaller, or between the obturator or stem and the body of larger valves,
should have electrical continuity with a resistance not exceeding 10 ohms.

8.4.2 Should a sample valve fail the test, further testing should be carried out to
determine whether the failure is of a fundamental nature or is unique to
the sample valve. The extent of such further testing should be agreed
with the purchaser.

EEMUA Publication 205 - Production Testing of Valves © EEMUA

EEMUA Publication 205 - Production Testing of Valves © EEMUA

9. Back Seat Test (Globe and Gate Valves)

9.1 Purpose

9.1.1 The back seat test assesses the ability of the back seat to limit leakage
from the stuffing box, in the event of leakage past the stem packing.
Note: A back seat is not intended to have a pressure integrity such that it
is safe to remove and replace the stuffing box packing whilst the valve is
under pressure.

9.2 General

9.2.1 The test may be conducted with or without the gland packing in place. If
the packing is retained, the compression load should be removed for the
test. Pressure energised gland seals, such as O-rings, should always be
removed during the back seat test.

9.3 Frequency of Testing

9.3.1 This test should be performed on all valves unless otherwise agreed with
the purchaser.

9.4 Procedure

Note: It may be convenient to carry out the back seat test in conjunction
with and immediately subsequent to the shell test. In that case, valve
stem seals or packing should be tested subsequent to re-instatement.
Alternatively, the test could be performed prior to the hydrostatic shell
test so that the stem seal is then subjected to the hydrostatic shell test.

9.4.1 Where gland packing is fitted, slacken the gland so that the stuffing box is
not under compression, and then fill the valve with test fluid until this
appears at the gland.

9.4.2 Open the valve on to the back seat, using the recommended back seating

9.4.3 Apply the specified test pressure (normally 1.1 x rated pressure at
ambient temperature) and maintain it for the required test duration.

9.4.4 Measure the leakage rate, ensuring that the stuffing box packing is still not
under compression.

9.5 Acceptance Criteria

9.5.1 Leakage should not exceed the permitted value given in the reference
standard or purchase specification.

EEMUA Publication 205 - Production Testing of Valves © EEMUA

EEMUA Publication 205 - Production Testing of Valves © EEMUA

10. Disc Strength Test (Butterfly Valves)

10.1 Purpose

10.1.1 This test assesses the structural integrity of the butterfly disc and may be
conducted on the disc in a suitable fixture prior to assembly.

10.2 Frequency of Testing

10.2.1 This test should be performed as a type test on all valves size DN 350
(14 in) and larger, and on smaller sizes if specified by the purchaser.

10.3 Procedure

10.3.1 This test should be carried out with the pressure applied in both
directions, or in the direction in which the disc is weaker (established by
appropriate calculations).

10.3.2 Pressurise the appropriate side to the shell test pressure for the minimum
test duration (not less than that of the hydrostatic shell test), and watch
the un-pressurised side of the disc for 'through disc' leakage and any
signs of structural deformation.

10.4 Acceptance Criteria

10.4.1 There should be no permanent deformation of the disc or leakage through

the disc itself. Seat leakage during this test is not a cause for rejection.
Note: Satisfactory seat leakage tests and operational tests are generally
indicative of the absence of significant distortion of the disc.

EEMUA Publication 205 - Production Testing of Valves © EEMUA

EEMUA Publication 205 - Production Testing of Valves © EEMUA

11. Test Times

11.1 Test times specified by commonly used test standards, such as EN 12266-1
and API Std 598, and are often very short. EN 12266-1, for example,
requires a maximum seat test hold time of 30 seconds for metal seated
valves, using gas, regardless of size, and for valves up to DN 200 (8 in) the
time is only 15 seconds. Purchasers should consider the value of such
short test times when the time taken for conditions to stabilise might be
several minutes.

11.2 In the case of 'commodity' type valves for non-critical applications, it may
often be difficult (and costly) to apply additional or non-standard tests. For
valves in more critical service, or manufactured to special order, the
minimum test times given in Table 2 and Table 3 below are recommended.

Table 2 Hydrostatic Shell Test Minimum Durations

Valve Size Minimum Test

DN Inches Minutes
Up to 100 (inclusive) Up to 4 (inclusive) 2
150 to 250 (inclusive) 6 to 10 (inclusive) 5
300 to 450 (inclusive) 12 to 18 (inclusive) 15
500 and above 20 and above 30

Table 3 Hydrostatic and Air/Gas Seat Test Minimum Durations

Valve Size Durations

Stabilisation Test
DN Inches Minutes*
Up to 100 (inclusive) Up to 4 (inclusive) 2 to 15 2
150 to 250 (inclusive) 6 to 10 (inclusive) 5 to 15 5
300 to 450 (inclusive) 12 to 18 (inclusive) 10 to 15 5
500 and above 20 and above 15 5
* The stabilisation period precedes the test period.
Note: In the case of gas testing, particularly at high pressure, stabilisation
times may be longer than indicated above.

EEMUA Publication 205 - Production Testing of Valves © EEMUA

EEMUA Publication 205 - Production Testing of Valves © EEMUA

12. References
This EEMUA Guide makes reference to the publications listed below. Unless
otherwise specified, the latest editions of these publications, including all addenda
and revisions, apply.

12.1 International Organization for Standardization

ISO 5208 Industrial Valves - Pressure Testing

ISO 10012 Measurement Management Systems. Requirements for
Measurement Processes and Measuring Equipment
ISO 14313 Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries - Pipeline Transportation
Systems - Pipeline Valves
ISO 17292 Metal Ball Valves for the Petroleum, Petrochemical and Allied

12.2 European

EN 837-1 Pressure Gauges. Part 1: Bourdon tube pressure gauges.

Dimensions, metrology, requirements and testing
EN 12266-1 Industrial valves. Testing of valves Part 1: Pressure tests, test
procedures and acceptance criteria. Mandatory requirements
EN 12570 Industrial valves - Method for sizing the operating element

12.3 American Petroleum Institute

API Spec 6D Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries-Pipeline Transportation

Systems-Pipeline Valves (National adoption of ISO 14313)
API Std 598 Valve Inspection and Testing
API Std 608 Metal Ball Valves - Flanged, Threaded and Butt-welding Ends

12.4 American Society of Mechanical Engineers

ASME B16.34 Valves Flanged, Threaded and Welding End

12.5 Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valves and

Fittings Industry Inc

MSS-SP-91 Guidelines for Manual Operation of Valves

EEMUA Publication 205 - Production Testing of Valves © EEMUA

EEMUA Publication 205 - Production Testing of Valves © EEMUA

13. Definitions
13.1 Bi-directional Valve

A valve designed to seal against flow or pressure from either direction.

13.2 Design Differential Pressure

The maximum pressure against which the obturator is intended to shut off (which
may be less than the rated pressure of the valve).

13.3 Double Isolation Block Valve

A single valve having two seats, each of which provides a seal against pressure
from a single source. This feature may be provided in one direction or in both
directions, e.g. expanding gate and plug valves, double piston seated ball valve.
Note: In the latter case, the valve seats do not automatically relieve body cavity
overpressure and an external relief valve may be required.

13.4 Double Block and Bleed Valve

A valve with two seating surfaces which in the closed position blocks flow from
both directions, and having a cavity between the sealing surfaces capable of
being vented.
Note: This definition is similar to that in ISO 14313 (API Spec 6D) and relates to
blocking of two opposing sources of flow/pressure and the ability to vent the
space (i.e. the valve cavity) between them. This function is frequently confused
with 13.3 above, which is a more frequent requirement. (Note that any trunnion
mounted ball valve or expanding type gate valve can offer double block and bleed
capability in standard form.)

13.5 Double Piston Seat Ball Valve

A trunnion mounted valve with two seats such that when the closed valve is
pressurised from one side, the downstream seal is designed to seal if the
upstream seat should fail. This feature may be provided on both sides or on one
side only.
Note: In the latter case the valve becomes directional and provides double
isolation in one direction only, but the pressure relieving capability of the
unmodified seat is preserved.
Note: Upstream and downstream in this context is not to be confused with flow
direction and that the double isolation direction required is often opposite to the
flow direction (e.g. in the case of a pump outlet isolation valve).

13.6 Downstream Sealing Valve

A valve that seals on the downstream seat either by mechanical or pressure action.

13.7 Expanding Gate Valve

A parallel gate valve having two gate halves with inclined mating faces, such that
operation results in mechanical loading of each gate half against its seat.

EEMUA Publication 205 - Production Testing of Valves © EEMUA

13.8 Expanding Plug Valve

A parallel plug valve having two plug halves separated by an internal wedge, such
that operation results in mechanical loading of each plug half against its seat.

13.9 Floating (Seal Supported) Ball Valve

A valve in which the ball is supported by the seat rings, without a bottom
trunnion, i.e. a downstream seated ball valve.

13.10 Hard Seated Valve

A valve having primary seats manufactured from hard metallic, ceramic or other
non-resilient material.

13.11 Lined Plug Valve

A plug valve having a fully moulded, bonded or keyed non-removable lining on all
internal wetted surfaces.

13.12 Lubricated Plug Valve

A valve having the mating surfaces of the plug and body separated from each
other by a pressurised, renewable thin film of lubricant or sealant.

13.13 Metal Seated Plug Valve

A plug valve incorporating no polymer or elastomer parts to assist shut-off. A

metal seated plug valve is usually of the lubricated type.

13.14 Obturator

The closure member of a valve (gate, ball, plug, disc, etc.).

13.15 Parallel Slide Valve

A downstream sealing parallel gate valve incorporating two discs separated by a

spring. Generally used for power generation and steam service applications.

13.16 Purchaser

The buyer, user or their contractor.

13.17 Purchaser's Inspector

An inspection engineer employed by the purchaser, or the inspection authority

appointed by the purchaser.

13.18 Sealant Injection

The injection of a sealant, by means of a suitable facility, to the stem and/or seat
area of a valve to form a secondary and emergency seal in the event of excessive
leakage in service.

EEMUA Publication 205 - Production Testing of Valves © EEMUA

13.19 Sleeved Plug Valve

A non-lubricated valve having a moulded, bonded or keyed sleeve of low friction

polymer between the plug and the body that acts as the seat seal.

13.20 Slab Gate Valve

A gate valve with a single parallel sided gate normally sealed by floating,
pressure energised seats. Fixed seats are sometimes used for small bore valves.

13.21 Soft Seated Valve

A valve having primary seats comprising, or containing inserts of, polymer,

elastomer, or similar resilient or semi-resilient material.

13.22 Soft Seated Plug Valve

A non-lubricated valve having soft seats of a low frictional material fitted between
the body and the plug. The valve can be sleeved, lined or have separate seats.

13.23 Trunnion Mounted Ball Valve

A valve in which the ball is held in position at the top and bottom by trunnions
and bearings and in which the seating force deriving from differential pressure
can be controlled by design of the seat ring.

13.24 Uni-directional Valve

A valve designed to seal against flow or pressure from one direction only.

13.25 Upstream Seated Valve

A valve that, when closed, seals by the line pressure acting on the upstream seat
ring, e.g. a trunnion mounted ball valve or slab type gate valve.

13.26 Valve Rated Pressure (VRP)

The maximum allowable working pressure at ambient temperature as stated in

ASME B16.34, and similar standards, for the valve body material.
Note: Ball valves to ISO 17292 and API Std 608 may have ambient seat pressure
ratings significantly lower than in ASME B16.34. Use of valves with these
restricted ratings is subject to agreement between supplier and purchaser.

EEMUA Publication 205 - Production Testing of Valves © EEMUA

EEMUA Publication 205 - Production Testing of Valves © EEMUA

Appendix A: Typical Valve Test Report



Order No: Valve Code No:


Type/Fig. No: Size:

Class: Serial No:


Hand wheel diameter: Wrench/ handle length:

Gearbox manufacturer: Reduction ratio:


Order No:

Type: Serial No:





EEMUA Publication 205 - Production Testing of Valves © EEMUA

Typical Valve Test Report SHEET 2 OF 2

Test Units Specified Actual Remarks

(where applicable)



pressure at start bar
body leakage ml/min
bonnet/cover leakage ml/min
stem leakage ml/min
pressure at end bar
test duration min


(when specified)
relief pressure A bar ≤1.33 × VRP
relief pressure B bar ≤1.33 × VRP
ext relief valve lift pressure bar 1.1 to 1.33 × VRP


pressure bar
side A leakage ml/min zero /
side B leakage ml/min zero /
side A leakage reverse direct* ml/min zero /
side B leakage reverse direct* ml/min zero /
test duration min
test mode (a, b, c or d)
test pressure bar
diff. pressure - manual bar
diff. pressure - actuated bar
torque Nm
calculated force N 350 max
body leakage ml/min zero
bonnet/cover leakage ml/min zero
stem leakage ml/min zero
test duration min
side A leakage ml/min zero /
side B leakage ml/min zero /
side A leakage twin seat ml/min zero /
side B leakage twin seat ml/min zero /
test duration min
side A leakage ml/min zero /
side B leakage ml/min zero /
side A leakage reverse direct* ml/min zero /
side B leakage reverse direct* ml/min zero /
test duration min
* Where applicable, e.g. double piston seat ball valves, expanding gate and plug valves.

EEMUA Publication 205 - Production Testing of Valves © EEMUA

Appendix B: Information relevant to Testing to be

supplied by the Purchaser
Information to be supplied should include the following:

• requirements for additional and/or optional tests compared with those

included in the valve product standard or referenced test standard;
• permission to use a wetting agent when this is required;
• maximum operating temperature of valves with austenitic steel internals;
• requirements for witnessing of tests;
• requirements for chart recorders;
• if tests on sample valves are requested (e.g. HP gas seat test), the
minimum number of valves to be tested;
• any restrictions on the use of lubricants;
• any waivers on testing valve seats in both directions;
• if an operational test is required, the minimum number of valves to be
• any variation from the specified maximum hand wheel operating force;
• any factors to be applied to operating torque;
• whether an antistatic test is required;
• any deviation from the seat test pressure specified in the referenced
product or test standard;
• minimum test durations when these are longer than those specified in the
referenced product or test standard;
• permissible seat test leakage rate when different from that specified in the
referenced product or test standard;
• elevated seat test pressures if these are required to allow the valve to be
used as a barrier during piping hydrostatic tests, etc.

EEMUA Publication 205 - Production Testing of Valves © EEMUA

Appendix C: Leak rates typically achievable by good

quality valves
The leakage rates tabulated below are those which in the opinion of the EEMUA
Piping Systems Committee are achievable by 'good quality' valves under test
conditions. These rates are provided for guidance purposes and should be
adjusted where necessary to take account of particular circumstances and

Rates 'A', 'B' etc., are as defined in ISO 5208 and EN 12266.

TYPE at 1.1 x Rated at 6 bar g at 1.1 x Rated
Pressure Pressure

Gate B C 3xC (Note 1)

Ball Soft seat - A Soft seat - A Soft seat - B

Metal seat - B Metal seat - C Metal seat - D
Check D 3xD 9xD
Globe B B 3xB
Butterfly Soft seat - A Soft seat - A Soft seat - B
Metal seat - B Metal seat - C Metal seat - 5 x C (Note 2)
Plug A A B

Note 1: For wedge and parallel slide types, discuss with supplier.
Note 2: D for non-preferred sealing direction.

EEMUA Publication 205 - Production Testing of Valves © EEMUA

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186 A Practitioner's Handbook - Electrical Installation, Inspection and

Maintenance in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres

181 A Guide to Risk Based Assessments of In-situ Large Ex 'e' and Ex 'N'

133 Specification for Underground Armoured Cable Protected against Solvent

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201 Process Plant Control Desks Utilising Human-Computer Interfaces - A

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191 Alarm Systems - A Guide to Design, Management and Procurement

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187 Analyser Systems - A Guide to Maintenance Management

175 Code of Practice for Calibration and Checking Process Analysers

155 Standard Test Method for Comparative Performance of Flammable Gas

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138 Design and Installation of On-Line Analyser Systems

138 S1 Design and Installation of On-Line Analyser Systems. A Guide to Technical

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205 Guide to Production Testing of Valves for the Energy, Process, Oil and Gas

204 Piping and the European Pressure Equipment Directive: Guidance for Plant
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200 Guide to the Specification, Installation and Maintenance of Spring

Supports for Piping

199 On-Line Leak Sealing of Piping - Guide to Safety Considerations

196 Valve Purchasers' Guide to the European Pressure Equipment Directive

EEMUA Publication 205 - Production Testing of Valves © EEMUA

195 Compendium of EEMUA Information Sheets on Topics Related to Pressure

Containing Equipment

192 Guide for the Procurement of Valves for Low Temperature (Non-cryogenic)

188 Guide for Establishing Operating Periods of Safety Valves

185 Guide for Hot Tapping on Piping and other Equipment

184 Guide to the Isolation of Pressure Relieving Devices

182 Specification for Integral Block and Bleed Valve Manifolds for Direct
Connection to Pipework

179 A Working Guide for Carbon Steel Equipment in Wet H2S Service

168 A Guide to the Pressure Testing of In-Service Pressurised Equipment

164 Seal-less Centrifugal Pumps: Class 1

153 EEMUA Supplement to ASME B31.3-1996 Edition, Process Piping

151 Liquid Ring Vacuum Pumps and Compressors

143 Recommendations for Tube End Welding: Tubular Heat Transfer

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194 Guidelines for Materials Selection and Corrosion Control for Subsea Oil and
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176 Specification for Structural Castings for Use Offshore

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146 90/10 Copper Nickel Alloy Piping for Offshore Applications - Specification:

145 90/10 Copper Nickel Alloy Piping for Offshore Applications - Specification:
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144 90/10 Copper Nickel Alloy Piping for Offshore Applications - Specification:
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EEMUA Publication 205 - Production Testing of Valves © EEMUA


190 Guide for the Design, Construction and Use of Mounded Horizontal
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183 Guide for the Prevention of Bottom Leakage from Vertical Cylindrical Steel
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180 Frangible Roof Joints for Fixed Roof Storage Tanks: Guide for Designers
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104 Noise: A Guide to Information required from Equipment Vendors


206 Risk Based Inspection: A Guide to Effective Use of the RBI Process

195 Compendium of EEMUA Information Sheets on Topics Related to Pressure

Containing Equipment

193 Recommendations for the Training, Development and Competency

Assessment of Inspection Personnel

149 Code of Practice for the Identification and Checking of Materials of

Construction in Pressure Systems in Process Plants

148 Reliability Specification - Model clauses for inclusion in purchasing

specifications for equipment items and packages

105 Factory Stairways, Ladders and Handrails (including Access Platforms and

101 Lifting Points - A Design Guide

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