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SIGEHNTRODUCTION) (BHBBZ)chene': [Smiling] Good morning, everyone! Thank you for joining us today. We are excited to present to you the latest insights towards our new business primarily focusing on crepes, Now, We will talk about our manpower/team Firstly | would like to introduce our head pastry chef Taylor Alison Swift Unfortunately she is currently unable to be with us today due to scheduling issues. Chenel: [Pauses] Before we dive into the details of our reports, let me introduce ourselves. Im Chenel, and this is my colleague aka our assistant pastry chef, Jesus John. We've spent the past several months researching and analyzing how to succeed in building a business of crepes.Chenel: [Motivated] Without further ado, let's begin our presentation and explore the wonderful world of crepes together. [chenel and Jesus John nod to each other, and the Tv screen comes to life, The audience's anticipation grows as they eagerly await the insights and delights Chenel and Jesus John have in store] words in the screen?(if no one raise there hands randomly call) Chenel:{determined] Did you know Crepes have gained popularity worldwide. In addition to France, they are enjoyed in countries like Belgium, Italy, Morocco, and even as street food in places like Japan and Thailand.Wala lang share ko lang [next slide] slide 7.onn ooking athe cecen thon to our elesrntee! Pancakes and crepes has differences but Crepes offer a delectable departure from the ordinary, inviting you to embrace a world of flavor, elegance, and culinary creativity [exESIAE| SHAE Chenel: [serious] As we see in screen we have a budget of 1500 peso we have accumulated that and spent 886,Firstly we have spent 288 as 1 tray has 36 eggs in it,Secondly we have flour we have spent 260 pesos on flour cause we have bought 2 400 grams of selected brand john :[serious]thirdly we have butter we have bough 3 thus making it 141 pesos, fourth we have milk we have bought two cartons making it 182 pesos,500 kilo of salt be 15 pesos,Alright we have spent over 886 pesos ;Making our crepes 30 pesos regular if with toppings and filling thatll shall be 70 pesos [RERASIASPSIAEN. ohnexcitea] We have identified our target audience, which includes children. Given that our business is centered around sweets, we believe children are the ideal target demographic, as they have a natural affinity for sweet treats. Now we have here sweet lovers, bawal biga biga we mean people with sweet tooth. Lastly, we also consider adults as a part of our targeted audience , while we acknowledge that some adults may face dietary challenges related to sugar intake ,we are confident that we can as a team that we can address their specific needs [next slide] slide 10chene! We have here one of our team rosano s bontia He strives for his goals [next slide] slide 11we have Jesus John As our assistant pastry chef and a photographer he loves to promote the crepes ahoy thru his wonderful gift [next slide] slide 12and our head manager of crepes ahoy Chenel Patrice!!She dedication made her excel in the workplace making her as the head manager [next slide] slide 13chenel and jesus john:[happy|ALRIGHT EVERYONE THATS EVERYTHING THANK YOU FOR LISTENING a presentation from group 5 [just bow] SIGEHNTRODUCTION) (BHBBZ)chene': [Smiling] Good morning, everyone! Thank you for joining us today. We are excited to present to you the latest insights towards our new business primarily focusing on crepes, Now, We will talk about our manpower/team Firstly | would like to introduce our head pastry chef Taylor Alison Swift Unfortunately she is currently unable to be with us today due to scheduling issues. Chenel: [Pauses] Before we dive into the details of our reports, let me introduce ourselves. Im Chenel, and this is my colleague aka our assistant pastry chef, Jesus John. We've spent the past several months researching and analyzing how to succeed in building a business of crepes.Chenel: [Motivated] Without further ado, let's begin our presentation and explore the wonderful world of crepes together. [chenel and Jesus John nod to each other, and the Tv screen comes to life, The audience's anticipation grows as they eagerly await the insights and delights Chenel and Jesus John have in store] words in the screen?(if no one raise there hands randomly call) Chenel:{determined] Did you know Crepes have gained popularity worldwide. In addition to France, they are enjoyed in countries like Belgium, Italy, Morocco, and even as street food in places like Japan and Thailand.Wala lang share ko lang [next slide] slide 7.onn ooking athe cecen thon to our elesrntee! Pancakes and crepes has differences but Crepes offer a delectable departure from the ordinary, inviting you to embrace a world of flavor, elegance, and culinary creativity [exESIAE| SHAE Chenel: [serious] As we see in screen we have a budget of 1500 peso we have accumulated that and spent 886,Firstly we have spent 288 as 1 tray has 36 eggs in it,Secondly we have flour we have spent 260 pesos on flour cause we have bought 2 400 grams of selected brand john :[serious]thirdly we have butter we have bough 3 thus making it 141 pesos, fourth we have milk we have bought two cartons making it 182 pesos,500 kilo of salt be 15 pesos,Alright we have spent over 886 pesos ;Making our crepes 30 pesos regular if with toppings and filling thatll shall be 70 pesos [RERASIASPSIAEN. ohnexcitea] We have identified our target audience, which includes children. Given that our business is centered around sweets, we believe children are the ideal target demographic, as they have a natural affinity for sweet treats. Now we have here sweet lovers, bawal biga biga we mean people with sweet tooth. Lastly, we also consider adults as a part of our targeted audience , while we acknowledge that some adults may face dietary challenges related to sugar intake ,we are confident that we can as a team that we can address their specific needs [next slide] slide 10chene! We have here one of our team rosano s bontia He strives for his goals [next slide] slide 11we have Jesus John As our assistant pastry chef and a photographer he loves to promote the crepes ahoy thru his wonderful gift [next slide] slide 12and our head manager of crepes ahoy Chenel Patrice!!She dedication made her excel in the workplace making her as the head manager [next slide] slide 13chenel and jesus john:[happy|ALRIGHT EVERYONE THATS EVERYTHING THANK YOU FOR LISTENING a presentation from group 5 [just bow] SIGEHNTRODUCTION) (BHBBZ)chene': [Smiling] Good morning, everyone! Thank you for joining us today. We are excited to present to you the latest insights towards our new business primarily focusing on crepes, Now, We will talk about our manpower/team Firstly | would like to introduce our head pastry chef Taylor Alison Swift Unfortunately she is currently unable to be with us today due to scheduling issues. Chenel: [Pauses] Before we dive into the details of our reports, let me introduce ourselves. Im Chenel, and this is my colleague aka our assistant pastry chef, Jesus John. We've spent the past several months researching and analyzing how to succeed in building a business of crepes.Chenel: [Motivated] Without further ado, let's begin our presentation and explore the wonderful world of crepes together. [chenel and Jesus John nod to each other, and the Tv screen comes to life, The audience's anticipation grows as they eagerly await the insights and delights Chenel and Jesus John have in store] words in the screen?(if no one raise there hands randomly call) Chenel:{determined] Did you know Crepes have gained popularity worldwide. In addition to France, they are enjoyed in countries like Belgium, Italy, Morocco, and even as street food in places like Japan and Thailand.Wala lang share ko lang [next slide] slide 7.onn ooking athe cecen thon to our elesrntee! Pancakes and crepes has differences but Crepes offer a delectable departure from the ordinary, inviting you to embrace a world of flavor, elegance, and culinary creativity [exESIAE| SHAE Chenel: [serious] As we see in screen we have a budget of 1500 peso we have accumulated that and spent 886,Firstly we have spent 288 as 1 tray has 36 eggs in it,Secondly we have flour we have spent 260 pesos on flour cause we have bought 2 400 grams of selected brand john :[serious]thirdly we have butter we have bough 3 thus making it 141 pesos, fourth we have milk we have bought two cartons making it 182 pesos,500 kilo of salt be 15 pesos,Alright we have spent over 886 pesos ;Making our crepes 30 pesos regular if with toppings and filling thatll shall be 70 pesos [RERASIASPSIAEN. ohnexcitea] We have identified our target audience, which includes children. Given that our business is centered around sweets, we believe children are the ideal target demographic, as they have a natural affinity for sweet treats. Now we have here sweet lovers, bawal biga biga we mean people with sweet tooth. Lastly, we also consider adults as a part of our targeted audience , while we acknowledge that some adults may face dietary challenges related to sugar intake ,we are confident that we can as a team that we can address their specific needs [next slide] slide 10chene! We have here one of our team rosano s bontia He strives for his goals [next slide] slide 11we have Jesus John As our assistant pastry chef and a photographer he loves to promote the crepes ahoy thru his wonderful gift [next slide] slide 12and our head manager of crepes ahoy Chenel Patrice!!She dedication made her excel in the workplace making her as the head manager [next slide] slide 13chenel and jesus john:[happy|ALRIGHT EVERYONE THATS EVERYTHING THANK YOU FOR LISTENING a presentation from group 5 [just bow]

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