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Get Free Cars For Single Moms From Charity Org

Cars for single moms : we are here to help single moms to get a free car, free
cars for single moms charity programs are emerging as a helping hand for single
mothers , pregnant mothers. They are offering free cars for single mother through
various charity organizations,which are exclusively for single mom

 Christopher SIns  32 minutes read 1/10
7/11/24, 5:32 PM Get Free Cars For Single Moms 2024 - Free Cars For Single Moms

 Free Cars for Single Moms

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Cars for single moms: Free Cars for Single Mom Programs are very popular programs. we are here to
help single moms to get a free car, free cars for single moms charity programs are emerging as a
helping hand for single mothers, pregnant mothers. They are offering free cars for single mothers
through various government and non-government organizations, which are exclusively for single
moms in our last post I have shared How to Get a Free auto from the Government Because many
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Christopher SIns
With an illustrious career spanning both the automobile industry and intricate realms of government programs,
Christopher Sins has emerged as a respected voice and authority on CarsForYourHelp. Holding a Master's degree in 2/10
7/11/24, 5:32 PM Get Free Cars For Single Moms 2024 - Free Cars For Single Moms

Automobile Engineering from the prestigious University of Chicago, her academic foundation is as robust as her
practical insights. Christopher's profound understanding of vehicles, combined with her nuanced grasp of
government initiatives, has made her an indispensable asset to our readers. Through her writings, she not only offers
a wealth of knowledge but also a promise of credibility and trustworthiness. When you read a piece by Christopher,
you are not just getting information; you are receiving the culmination of years of experience, passion, and

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Older comments

Daniel Colella
May 5, 2020 at 12:32 am

I am a 34 year old single father of 5, I am no unemployed, I could get a job but no car to get their, I have had no
income in 3 months, my landlord is on the verge of kicking me out of my home,
I’m scared to death to fail as a parent, my kids see me struggle and it hurts to see that they worry as I do especially my
15 year old, i heard their are agencies that help with cars, but have been looking for 4 weeks and every route comes
to a dead end, I’m desperate. Please take a struggling father onto consideration, I will continue to keep trying I thought
that I should give this a shot, I do check my email twice a week atleast, or could text, (814)584-2048, my youngest is just
under 2 month, and a car would be wonderful, thank you for reading my issue, have a wonderful day

Yesenia villa
May 1, 2020 at 10:06 pm

? hello everyone my name is Yesenia Villa and like all single mom’s we end up in needing help of people in our
community who has the will and means to make a difference in our lives. I have no problem in taking public
transportation but lately it’s been difficult. I was diagnosed with breast cancer and I Have 2 kids who are still in
elementary school. Its been hard trying to make it back in time for my kids to get out of school and me making it to my
doctors appointments. I will not ever be in time for my children so I don’t go to my doctors appointments. I have
missed so many chemotherapy appointment cause they are 6 hours straight and after all that it’s very hard to sit out
waiting for the bus to take me home. I also know my health is important because all my kids have is me .

April 27, 2020 at 9:45 am

Hi I’m a soon to be single mother struggling could someone please help

Laci Patterson
February 1, 2020 at 12:03 pm

Hi, my name is Laci. I’m extremely embarrassed and ashamed to be asking for something for free but for my son I must
put my pride aside.
I finally got up the courage to leave my ex who has been abusing me for the past 17 years. My 11 yr old and I are
sleeping on my sisters couch (which I feel blessed to have.) I was never allowed to work, so I am excited to find a job!
My sister lives entirely way too far from public transportation. I posted my resume and received a few employment
opportunities but have no way to get to the interviews.
Can anyone out there help me? 4/10
7/11/24, 5:32 PM Get Free Cars For Single Moms 2024 - Free Cars For Single Moms


Asha Jackson
January 25, 2020 at 8:47 am

Hi, My name is Asha. I was unemployed for over a year due to giving birth and breastfeeding for a year. I recently
started to get back to work. I had a 2005 nissan sentra but on January 7th, I was driving back home and I lost control of
the wheel. My car flipped over with my 1 year old in the car with me. I now have a job but also have to put my
daughter in day care. I really would be grateful if anyone could help me get a vehicle so I can take my daughter to
day care or a babysitter while I go to work. I also started training today and my boss said that I need a vehicle to do
some of the duties at my job. Please help me. I am desperate.

mindy nabil haddad

January 23, 2020 at 5:13 pm

I am in desperate need of a vehicle i live in the high desert which means its 30 minutes commute time for residents of
Hesperia, CA.
I have a 2 1/2 year old girl named Gracie. i just need a car to provide a better financial life for my family. i am lucky to
have a great neighbor who helps me with rides i do not want to burden her my neighbor is 82 years old. i will be able to
work at my business i am a translator and i want to take my real estate exam. i love to go to the park and it is hard if i
am on someone else time. i appreciate your charity and will be very thankful of this blessing. I am arabic i would like my
own freedom to drive and have a car that is my own. i am privileged to have this resource.

Amanda L McConnell
January 19, 2020 at 8:48 pm

**For the privacy of others I will not be using the names of ppl involved.**

Like every girl, my dream was to become a mother. October 1st 2001, 28 days shy of turning 19, I took a test that
changed my life forever. I welcomed the cutest long-haired baby girl into the world. She was beautiful. BD father was
never in the picture so I was a single mother from birth until 6 months. That is when I was introduced to BF who then
fathered my two sons: JG Was born 9-30-03 and BS 11-19-04.

BF and I had a very toxic relationship. He was very mentally, physically, and emotionally abusive. He was jailed multiple
times for Domestic Violence. I can sit here and blame BF for my choices or the person who literally picked up my kids
and took them to CPS, but that would be wrong. I am an addict. I chose those drugs and I was lost after I lost my
children. This situation is my fault, and I can and will own it. 5/10
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When my Children were in foster care I justified continuing down the road of self-destruction I was on by telling myself
at least they were all together. At the end of 2007 I couldn’t do it anymore. I knew it was either treatment, jails,
institutions, or death. I chose treatment on my own! I was done. I had hit rock bottom. I completed treatment at The
Center for Drug and Alcohol inpatient treatment facility in Wenatchee, Washington in February of 2008. I have refrained
from using any illegal drugs to this day.

After treatment I lived in a Clean and Sober Oxford House and travelled to Moses Lake twice a week for visits. During
those visits I realized how happy they were. It was amazing. I was so thankful for AM and AD. I then agreed to the open
adoption. Visits twice a year, pictures and letters twice a year. Today is April 13, 2019 I had a court ordered visitation and
they chose not to come. In ten years I have never received a letter. Not one time.

I went into the adoption with an open heart and an open mind. I truly believed that as a mother this was the most
selfless decision for me to make. I knew that AM and AD could give then the life I at the time could not.

As you could imagine, my first few years of sobriety were intense, waking up every day to an empty home. The anxiety,
depression, feelings of self hatred were very real. In 2010 I was diagnosed with PTSD and clinical depression. At that
time I was working with multiple different services for mental health and it took about a year before getting the correct
medication. At this time I was living with my best friend back in Ephrata Wa.

In September 2011, I moved to Rock Island Wa. I lived with my brother and his wife. They had just found out they were
expecting twins and already had a five year old son. It was during this time I came to the realization that I may not have
my children, but one day they would be old enough to come home. I was going to do everything in my power to have
something to offer them when that time came. I didn’t want 15 years to pass and my children to feel as if I gave them
up because I chose drugs over them.

I have been given roughly 30 minutes twice a year to spend time with my children 11 years, 22 visits. I’m not a horrible
human being. I am a mother, friend, sister, and daughter, but most important I am an addict in recovery.

In the summer of 2017, I got a call that would change my life forever. AM had decided they didn’t want JG anymore. It
was either I take him, or he goes back into foster care. There was a catch. If I took JG, my visits would come to an end
with BD and BS. Hard decision, but I chose to take my son. I did not want him back in foster care. The agreement was JG
would be picked up at 4:30 that day. At 4:00 I got my heart ripped out when AM called and let me know they had
decided to keep JG. I was devastated but thankful he was able to stay with his siblings. To be truthful it was like having
my son ripped away from me again.

I have been asked on several occasions why I never took AM and AD to court for not following the adoption agreement.
My answer was always that I never wanted to make them angry. My children had suffered enough because of me. In
January 2019 I got a call from my sister asking if I knew where my son was. I replied “I don’t know…with AM and AD?”
she proceeded to tell me he was in foster care. At that moment I knew this was my opportunity to fight like I should
have many years ago.

I’m currently a student at BBCC, I also attend counseling once a week and work a full time job. I also have my own
apartment. I know that I made bad choices and I know I need to prove myself. I’m asking the department to give me
another chance to parent my child and show the world that addiction may be powerful, but hard work and dedication
can overcome the most powerful obstacle.

?This was my appeal to the state when they first denied me contact with my son whom at the time I thought was just in
foster care after being adopted on 2010. However it was more then that JG was now a ward of the state the AD and AM
had decided once again they didn’t want JG anymore.

10.26.19 I ended up having an emergency surgery on my back that put me out of work and out of a job. No job means
no char payment. I ended up having to let my car go back. I chose to save the money I did have saved for
emergencies to pay my bills. My child can not live in a car. 6/10
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On 12.31.2019 I by the grace of god I was granted my reunification w/ 6 months supervision by child protective
custody. This requires us to complete multipl different services. Individual Counseling, family counseling, multipul
doctor appointments, School UA’S.. I’m sure as u know the list goes on and on.

Having a reliable vehicle would mean that I would no longer have the worrie about what if’s and focus on getting
through the next 6 months and building this beautiful bond with this smart, amazing, strong beautiful child of mine.

Thank you for your time in reading this.


Bernice Suma
January 18, 2020 at 2:33 pm

I am a single mother with six children ftom Papua New Guinea. All are going to different schools which I pay for taxie
everyday to take them to and fro and when we are down with cash, I walk them to school then I get to work. It has now
vecone very expensive for me so now am kindly seeking outside assistance for any free vehicles that are donated to
help me.

Appreciate your understanding and heart to help.

I can be contacted on +67571429820 or via email.

Bernice Suma

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