Writing test 2 - Hoàng Bảo

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In the few recent decades there has been a huge rise in the international tourism, as

travel acts as a form of amusement for almost everyone. However, worldwide

travelling has recently become controversial issue because some people find it to
be more problematic. But to me, its advantages still outweigh the disadvantages.

First, when people visit other countries, they spend money on hotels, food, and fun
things. This money helps the country’s economy and can make life better for the
people who live there. Also, when more tourists come, more jobs are needed, like
in restaurants, hotels, and shops. Second, traveling lets us meet new friends from
all over the world. We can learn new languages and see cool things that we don’t
have at home. This helps us understand people who are different from us.

Traveling also helps us relax and take a break from our normal lives. It’s good for
our minds and bodies to change the scenery and try new activities. Plus, the
memories and stories we bring back can make us happy for a long time. Another
reason traveling is important is that it helps us appreciate our own home more.
When we see how other people live, we can come back with new ideas to make our
own cities and towns better.

Some people worry that traveling can hurt the environment or change the local
culture. But if we are careful and respect the places we visit, we can avoid these
problems. We can travel in ways that help the planet, like staying in eco-friendly
hotels or using less plastic.

In the end, traveling is really good if we do it the right way. It can make the world
a better place by helping us all get along and take care of each other. By traveling,
we can also learn about history, art, and nature, which makes us smarter and more
interesting people.

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