Writing HW 1

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The line chart given illustrates the expenditure on books in different

country over the period of a decade, commencing from 1995.

All in all, money spent on reading saw an upward trend. Additionally,
German readers spent most on books, while Austrians spent the least
throughout most of the period.
The amount of money invested on reading by people in Germany started
at exactly 80 million dollars, after which it mildly fluctuated until 2003, before
increasing to just south of 100 million. The same trend was witnessed in Italy,
but to smaller extents, where its starting figure was at precisely half a hundred
million to over 60 million by 2005.
From the start, French people expenditure on books were almost double
that of Austrians, which sits at 55 million and 30 million respectively. However,
the growth of Austria is much more significant where it was seen surpassing
Italy in 2003 and came close to France’s figure of 75 million by the end of the

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