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1.0 Introduction 03
2.0 Purpose 03
3.0 Scope 03
4.0 Types of Emergencies 03
5.0 Definitions 03
6.0 Organization 04
6.1 Emergency Control 04
6.2 Emergency Coordination Team (ECT) 04
6.3 Traffic and Personnel Controlling 04
6.4 IC (Incident Controller) 04
6.5 AR (Aid Receiver) 04
6.6 Head Count 04
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6.7 Alarm 04
6.8 Medical / First Aid Team 04
6.9 Emergency Preparedness and Response/ Safety Equipment 05
6.10 Accredited Hospitals 05
7.0 Emergency 06
7.1 Emergency Alarm System 06
7.2 Actions to be taken in case of Alarm 06
7.3 All Clear Announcements 07
8.0 Medical treatment and First Aid 07
8.1 Actions to be taken in case of Injury 07
8.2 Minor Injury 07
8.3 Serious Injury 07
8.4 Serious Injury of several persons 07
9.0 Types of Incident and Action 07
9.1 Fire or Explosion Procedure 07
9.2 Action to be taken in Case of Fire 08
9.3 Collapse of structures 11
9.4 Floods (Heavy Rain) 11
9.5 Heavy Wind 13
9.6 Bomb Threats 15
9.7 Incidents in Confined Space(if any) 16
9.8 Incidents at Heights 18
10.0 Reporting Incidents 18
11.0 Appendices For S1, S2, N2, N3 Zone 19
11.1 Emergency Response Team(ERT) Members For S1, S2, N2, N3 Zone 20
11.2 Fire Fighting Team Members For S1 20
11.3 Fire Fighting Team Members For S2 21
11.4 Fire Fighting Team Members For N2 21
11.5 Fire Fighting Team Members For N3 22
11.6 Nesma Emergency Contact Numbers For S1, S2, N2, N3 Zone 23
11.7 Client / Consultant Emergency Contact Numbers 23
11.8 Nesma Clinic Contact Numbers For S1, S2, N2, N3 Zone 23
11.9 Hospital Contact Numbers 24
11.10 Contact Numbers of External Agencies 24
11.11 Site Security Supervisor Contact Numbers 24
11.12 Direction Sign Used For Emergency Evacuation Route & Assembly Point 25

1.0 Introduction

An emergency is an unplanned and unforeseen event which can occur at any time in a construction site.
To be prepared well in advance is the most important thing as far as an emergency is concerned. The first
step towards this is the preparation of a well thought Emergency Response Plan detailing as how to face
and tackle an emergency situation. It is the duty and responsibility of everyone in the project to be fully
familiar of this Emergency Plan. Remember in an emergency and disaster, the results are devastating to
both personnel and property of the facilities and business interruption. If an emergency occurs, the
established Emergency Response Plan must be strictly followed, never be panic, and proceed immediately
to the nearest Safe Assembly Point. In case of an emergency being declared this program shall be
implemented immediately.
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2.0 Purpose

The purpose of the Emergency Response Plan is to provide a preplanned systematic approach in
managing emergencies and to define the assigned responsibilities, outline the course of action, and to
establish coordination in handling the emergency.

3.0 Scope

The Emergency Response Plan and Procedure contained within this Program are designed to assist all the
site employees working in JODP Makkah. These procedure and requirements shall be applied to all
employees of Nesma & Partners Co., its Sub-contractor(s) employees, Consultant and Client working in
the Project.

This plan covers the organization and systematic activities required during an emergency including
personal injury.

4.0 Types of Emergencies

4.1 Fire Incidents

4.2 Medical Emergencies
4.3 Construction Related Incidents

5.0 Definitions:

5.1 Emergency

An emergency is defined for the purpose of this plan as an event or condition, which has the potential of
causing bodily injury to employees and/or damage to the project facility and/or infrastructure.

5.2 Disaster

The most serious form of Emergency where the personnel, equipment and material at facility are
insufficient to bring the situation under control.
5.3 Emergency Assembly Points

A designated safe area where people are assembled in case of an emergency evacuation for head
counting and further instructions. Safe assembly points will be earmarked at various locations and sign
boards will be displayed in Arabic & English “EMERGENCY ASSEMBLY POINT”.

6.0 Organization
6.1 Emergency Control
The overall emergency response activities shall be under the control and direction of Contractor Nesma.

6.2 Emergency Response Team (ERT)

The Emergency Response Team is responsible to coordinate all activities in case of emergency. They have
to decide what activities shall be taken in to action. They gather all necessary information and inform all
concerned personnel from K&A, Hill & JODC.
The Incident Controller (IC) is the leader of the Emergency Coordination Team. The Emergency
Coordination Team consists of Nesma Construction Manager, Project HSE Manager, Area Managers, Area
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Superintendents as well as Sub-Contractors Site Managers and HSE Supervisors.

The members of the Emergency Coordination Team are listed in appendix 11.1.

6.3 Traffic and Personnel Controlling

 The security on duty shall control all movements of personnel and vehicles within the Projects; to
ensure all access and evacuation routes are free from obstruction until the all clear announcement
instruction receives.
 Preventing unauthorized entry into hazardous or secured areas.
 To assign security personnel at entrance to direct the rescue vehicles, fire vehicles and
ambulances to the scene

6.4 IC (Incident Controller)

The Incident Controller (IC) controls and directs overall emergency response activities. The function of the
IC will be carried out by Nesma’s Site HSE Manager in close coordination with Site Construction Manager.
A hard hat (bright color) that clearly displays the letters "IC" (English and Arabic) will be permanently
available at the entrance to the Nesma Site office. In the event that an evacuation is necessary the IC will
wear the hard hat to signify his presence to his support team.

6.5 AR (Aid Receiver)

A designated responsible person instructed by the IC will meet the emergency service at the main gate
and direct them to the IC on arrival. The AR will be visible by wearing a hard hat which will have clear
markings "AR".

6.6 Head Count

A responsible person from each contractor will conduct a head count for personnel under their control.
The result will then be given to the IC.

6.7 Alarm
Emergency Alarms/Air Horns will be set up at all zones and will be sounded by personnel instructed to do
so by the IC.

6.8 Medical / First Aid Team

On Site there will be a medical center staffed with a qualified male nurse. An ambulance staffed with an
ambulance driver to transport injured persons to hospital as instructed by the IC. Medical Service and
ambulance will be ready at any time; medical team will be responsible for:
 To provide immediate care to injured persons, as well as the collecting and compiling of
health and medical-related disaster information.
 Coordinating offsite ambulance calling and pick-up, medical assistance.
6.9 Emergency Preparedness and Response/ Safety Equipment

The overall Emergency Response during Construction and Commissioning phase will be taken by
Contractor. Contingency planning, Emergency Escape Procedures, Alarm System and Signals, Medical and
Emergency Alert Procedures, Notification Procedures, Written Response Plan and resources, as given in
these Emergency Response Plan, are developed by CONTRACTOR.

The following flowcharts of these procedures are given in the appendix.

Flow chart in case of Personnel Injury

Accident Report Procedure
Medication Evacuation Plan
Emergency Communication System
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An emergency communication contact numbers will be established (see Emergency Contact Numbers).
These telephone numbers will be posted in the jobsite and notice boards.

As part of the regular toolbox meetings and safety orientations reminder will be given to all personnel
working inside the JODP project.

Emergency Telephone Numbers

FIRE Tel.:# 0515134607 (IC, Emergency Coordination Team)
Injury Tel.:# 0515134607 (IC, Emergency Coordination Team)
Construction Incidents: Tel.:# 0515134607 (IC, Emergency Coordination Team)

Call for Ambulance Tel.:# 02-5222222 Dr. Baksh Hospital
Fire (Major Fires) Tel.:# 998 Fire Department (Civil Defense)

In case of emergency please call describes the following:

Who is speaking?
What had happen?
Where did it happen?
Injured person?
Wait for question.
6.10 Accredited Hospitals:

For emergency cases call first: (in case of serious injury)

Dr. A/R Baksh Hospital Ph- 02-5222222

Madina Al Munawarrah Road Fax 02-5206049
Other Available Hospitals: (In Case of Serious Sickness)
Al Rafie Hospital Ph- 02-5454455
Sharey Sixteen Fax 02-5459077
Dr. Halah Bin Laden Polyclinic, Ph- 02-5973862
Umm al Qura Road Fax 02-5974806
Asian Poly Clinic Ph- 02-5361280
Misflah, infront of Kudai Signal Fax 02-5381379

7.0 Emergency

7.1 Emergency Alarm System on Construction Site:

Emergency alarms shall be sounded. Upon verification of the emergency, the safety department
representative or any other employee near to the siren should activate the siren immediately. Employees
should evacuate the work site immediately after hearing the siren.

Emergency alarms shall be tested on every month.

7.2 Actions to be taken in case of Alarm:

Upon declaration of an emergency or, on hearing the established site alarm or upon receipt of instruction
from Nesma, every Supervisor, crew supervisor, foreman, equipment operator, fire watch and Safety
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Officers, shall ensure the following:

Personnel working at offices shall shut down all air conditioners, exhaust fans, electrical appliances, close
the doors and windows and move to the nearest assembly point.

Employees working at work site shall stop all activities at once. All equipment, machines and power tools
are shut down and move to the nearest safe assembly area. All men are evacuated on foot in an orderly
manner to a pre-determined safe assembly area (running is prohibited except in life threatening

Do not use the elevators during emergency and shall not drive vehicles. The vehicles shall be parked at a
safe place, stop the engine and walk to the nearest safe assembly area.

All crew supervisors/foremen will wait for their employees in the assembly areas. Supervision must ensure
all employees working in confined space (if any) have been alerted and have proceeded to the assembly

Crew supervisors/foremen will conduct a head count of their employees. If any employee is found to be
missing, the responsible supervisor/foreman shall inform the IC (Incident Controller) at the assembly area
immediately, identifying the employee(s), name and his/their last known location.

No attempt shall be made to locate missing employee(s) until a search is authorized by the Emergency
Response Team in collaboration with rescue team when so determined that a search and rescue party can
be reasonably protected during such operation.

No one resumes work unless an all clear announcement is given by IC and a new work permit (if
applicable) is applied for and approved (Note: All issued work permits, if any, are automatically cancelled
during actual emergencies and must be revalidated or replaced with new ones upon resuming work.).

Should the extent of the site disaster necessitate general evacuation from the area, if actual situation
warrants, workers from respective safe assembly areas shall proceed to the pre-designated Site
emergency exit gates (main gate), as given on emergency plot plan and move away from the emergency
scene in a quick and orderly manner.

Respective work areas shall have designated site Safety Officers to ensure the safety of the workers and
to implement the evacuation procedure to properly and promptly lead the work force as well in the event
of actual site emergencies. Assigning safety personnel in working areas shall not however, relieve the

responsible Foremen/Supervisors of their defined roles and duties within their respective areas of
supervision and in responsive handling of emergencies.

7.3 All Clear Announcements:

All personnel in the Assembly Area shall return to their work site after an ALL CLEAR ALARM is sounded or
an all clear announcement has been issued by the IC. Workers shall return to their work site in an orderly
manner. If work permits are issued this must be REVALIDATED.

8.0 Medical treatment and First Aid

A Medical Center for minor Injury and diseases will be provided on Site staffed with a male nurse.
All emergency fixtures shall be checked weekly, if they are ready for use. The person carry out the check
shall sign for approval on a table next to the fixtures.
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8.1 Actions to be taken in case of Injury:

For any medical evacuation or personnel injury arises at the jobsite or any related situations, medical
center on Site and accredited hospitals shall be contacted.

8.2 Minor Injury

The injured personnel will get First Aid treatment from the clinic on Site. Any case shall be documented in
the First Aid Log Book. If the injured need further treatment, he will be transported to hospital with the
standby ambulance.

8.3 Serious Injury

Shift the injured person out of the hazard area or eliminate danger and give first aid. Advice a person to
inform IC and the medical center on Site and to call Hospital.

The injured personnel will be sent /transported to hospital or hospitals using the standby ambulance. If
ambulance is not available inform Hospital to send Ambulance and physician.

8.4 Serious Injury of several persons

Shift the injured persons out of the hazard area or eliminate danger and give first aid. Advice a person to
inform IC and the medical center on Site and call Hospitals and ask for ambulance and Physician.

9.0 Types of incidents and Actions:-

9.1 Fire or Explosion Procedures

The threat of fire and explosion exists at every site. Fire and explosion can be caused by accidental
circumstances, such as inadequate or damaged electrical wiring, or careless use of flammable material.
Fires are most devastating when they occur to sites with large concentrations of people. Heat, smoke,
may cause injury or loss of life to persons. Most fire related deaths are caused by smoke inhalation. It is
important to remember that the primary evacuation path may be towards the fire. In these cases an
alternate route of egress away from the fire should be used. Structural damage or collapse may occur if a
fire or explosion is strong enough. In crowded buildings, panic may result in further injuries if people
attempt to evacuate in a disorganized manner. Below is the guidance to control the fire situation.

9.2 Action to be taken in case of fire

In case of any fire on site, the person who detects fire first shall pass on this information to the Area
Supervisor/Safety Supervisor and also to the persons working in the area. Workers shall stop work, inform
personnel working at heights or confined space.

Small fires shall be extinguished, if no hazards occur during this activity. If the fire is beyond control and if
the effort of extinguishing fire is not successful, an internal emergency call shall be set up. The person
who receives the information shall immediately inform to the Incident Controller. (Safety Manager/Safety

On receiving the emergency call by IC, he will call the Fire Fighting Team and will assess the situation,
inform the members of ERT and make the decision on the following activities.
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IC and ERT shall decide if evacuation of the whole or part of Construction site is necessary. Accordingly
they shall give order to sound Emergency Alarm or inform Supervisor to partly evacuate their workers. In
any case of evacuation the actions given paragraph 7.3 "Actions to be taken in case of Alarm" shall be
brought into action.

IC and ERT shall decide if call for external help and rescue teams be needed for this emergency situation.
If yes, they request external help on the emergency telephone numbers. A member of the ERT shall meet
and instruct rescue teams like physician, ambulance and fire brigade at the main gate.

IC and ERT shall give further information to personnel. Further actions shall be brought into action in
agreement with rescue team.

If You Observe A Fire or Smolder

If you see or hear a fire, or smell smoke you might try to put out the fire by using the nearest
portable fire extinguisher if the fire is small and you are trained and confident to use the fire
extinguisher, use the P.A.S.S. technique to operate the fire extinguisher.

 PULL... Pull the pin. This will also break the tamper seal.
 AIM... Aim low, pointing the extinguisher nozzle (or its horn or hose) at the base of the
Note: Do not touch the plastic discharge horn on CO2 extinguishers, it gets very cold and
may damage skin.
 SQUEEZE... Squeeze the handle to release the extinguishing agent.
 SWEEP... Sweep from side to side at the base of the fire until it appears to be out.
Watch the area. If the fire re-ignites, repeat steps 2 - 4.

If The Fire Does Not Go Out or spreads

If the fire is clearly out of control, Immediately evacuate from the building and activate the
nearest fire alarm pull station to alert all others whose life is in danger for evacuation from the
building to the designated Emergency Assembly Point outside the building and report to the site
safety officer.

IC (Incident Controller) Responsibility

Upon receiving the report the site safety officer must inform the IC (Incident Controller) from
the situation.

The IC (Incident Controller) must advise to operate the Emergency Siren to evacuate the site
personnel and commercial building occupants to Emergency Assembly Point.

The IC (Incident Controller) must approach to fire scene with fire team to decide either the fire
could be controlled by the available resources or not. If not immediately dial the Civil Defense
(Fire Brigade) at 998.

Reporting Procedure
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Dial 998 when operator answers, give the following information:

• Your name

• Location that you are calling from

• Building or area name.

• Give the precise nature of the fire, (i.e. car fire, chemical fire, electrical fire, outdoor grass fire,
building fire, fuel fire).

• Inform whether there are any injuries, and the number and extent of those injuries.

• Tell operator which entrance the fire truck should enter.

• DO NOT HANG UP until given permission to do so by the operator.

• A return contact phone number.


Safety Personnel at construction site and security personnel are responsible for:

• Redirect building occupants to stairs and exits away from the fire.

• Must Not Allow the personnel to Use Elevators within the building as a means of exit,
only use the stairways.

•To ensure everyone is out of the building and directed to the Assembly Point for head count.

• Supervisor must report any person missing to IC (Incident Controller) during head count at
Emergency Assembly Point.

• Must not allow any person to re-enter the building until advised to do so by the Civil Defense.

• Security Supervisor must assign security personnel at entrance to guide the fire trucks &
rescue vehicles to the fire area without any delay.

ACTIONS to be considered on discovering a FIRE:

R “Rescue”
Rescue any person/s in immediate danger.

A “Alarm”
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Raise the alarm and follow the emergency evacuation procedures

and instruction of Wardens.

C “Contain”
Close doors to contain the fire.

E “Extinguish”
Attempt to extinguish the fire only if you are trained and it is safe
to do so.
Evacuate the building, if the emergency evacuation siren sounds
and/or you are verbally advised to evacuate. Follow all
instructions of the Emergency Response Team. Evacuate to
Emergency Assembly Area.

 A- Al

9.3 Collapse of structures:

Set up internal emergency call. Evaluate the situation. Check for personnel entangled under the debris. If
necessary call for the help of external agencies such as Civil Defense, Fire Service etc.

If there is heavy disaster the actions given paragraph 7.1 shall be brought into action.

If there are injured personnel, action as per clauses 8.3 & 8.4 shall come in to force.

9.4 Floods (Heavy Rain)

Floods are the most common and widespread of all natural hazards. Floods and flash floods usually occur
during or after a period of heavy precipitation when the natural drainage system may become overloaded.
Flash floods are particularly deadly because they occur swiftly and without warning. Seconds may make
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the difference between life and death. Swiftly moving water can damage or destroy buildings and
structures, and cause injuries and drowning. Slowly developing floods can interrupt power, damage
buildings, and make roads impassable. Impassable roads and loss of power may disrupt or halt essential
operations at the site until flood waters recede and utilities are restored. If the site becomes inundated,
significant damage to equipment, supplies, and vital records may occur

if proper measures are not taken. Structural damage is possible from the pressure of the water and from
debris floating in the current. Flood waters only one foot deep can sweep you off of your feet.If the site is
in or near an area that is susceptible to flash flooding, be aware of the possible danger and take adequate
precautions to protect persons. People may be stranded at the site if a precautionary evacuation is not

Types of Floods

Flood forecasts mean rainfall heavy enough to cause rivers to overflow their banks.

Flood warnings or forecasts of impending floods describe the affected river, lake or tidewater, the severity
of flooding (minor, moderate or major) and when and where the flooding will begin.

Flash flood watches mean heavy rains (that may cause sudden flash flooding) are occurring or
expected to occur.

Flash flood warnings mean flash flooding is occurring or imminent along certain streams and
designated areas. Move to higher ground immediately.

Things to do Before a Flood

1. Be familiar with the above terms.

2. Move furniture and essential items to higher elevation if time permits.
3. Open basement windows to equalize water pressure on foundations and walls.
4. Keep a stock of food that requires no cooking or refrigeration. Store
drinking water in clean, closed containers.
5. Keep a portable flashlight in working order with an extra stock of
6. Be sure you have enough fuel in your vehicle and follow evacuation
5. Have first-aid supplies and any medicines you may need.
6. be familiar with evacuation routes in your area. (See Response

Things to do During a Heavy Rain

1. Construction Site Personnel: In heavy rains, be aware of flash floods and all personnel working
at work site must stop the work and equipment and move to the buses for camp, if heavy rain
starts suddenly and not possible to move the buses, all workers has to move to the higher floor
where concrete pouring work is completed.
2. Personnel In Commercial: All personnel in commercial floors has to evacuate and move to their
residence and security personnel must ensure that everyone is evacuated, if not possible due to
sudden high rain, move to the top floors.
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3. Before moving to the top floors and if you have time.

 Secure belongings, move important files, furniture, etc. to an upper floor or stack.
 Lock the doors before leaving.
 Turn off utilities at main switches.
 Disconnect electrical appliances. DO NOT TOUCH any electrical equipment if you are wet or are
standing in water.
 Be sure you have enough fuel in your vehicle and follow evacuation routes.
 Tell others where you are going.

5. If you must travel during heavy rain or floods, do not drive into flooded areas. If flood waters rise
around your car, abandon it and get to higher ground. Watch for broken sewers or water mains, loose
or downed electric wires and falling or fallen objects. Stay away from drainage channels.
6. Under no circumstances should you try to swim or dive into the water. The currents are deadly!
Never try to cross a flowing stream on foot.

What to do After a Flood

1. Do not visit disaster areas.

2. Do not enter in the building if flood waters are over the first floor.
3. Use battery-powered lanterns or flashlights to examine buildings or offices.
4. If doors are stuck, try entering through a window.
5. Do not eat food or drink water if that has come into contact with flood water.
6. Do not use an open flame as a light source because of possibility of escaping gas.
7. Do not handle electrical equipment that has been wet until it has been checked by an expert
8. Report broken utility lines to authorities.
9. Watch out for poisonous snakes.


Do not drive in flooded areas or attempt to cross moving water in an automobile. Moving water
can easily capsize a car or truck and drown the victim. Avoid creeks, low water crossings, ditches,
and flooded roads during heavy rains.

9.5 Heavy Wind

Hurricane – General Information and Categories

A hurricane is storm with rotary circulation that originates in a topical depression over the sea with wind
in access of 74 miles per hour. These winds blow in a counterclockwise spiral around a relatively calm
center known as the eye of the hurricane. Around the rim of the eye, winds may gust to more than 200
miles per hour. High winds can topple trees, outdoor equipment, and electrical lines.

Hurricane Categories and Affect

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A. Category One – Winds of 74 to 95 mph, storm surge of 4 to 5 feet above normal tide. Damage to
shrubbery, trees, poorly constructed signs, and unanchored mobile homes. Low lying coastal roads
B. Category Two – Winds of 96 to 110 mph, storm surge of 9 to 12 feet above normal tide. Some
damage to roofing materials of buildings; some wind and door damage. Major damage to exposed mobile
homes. Coastal roads and low lying escape routes made impassable by rising water 2 to 4 hours before
arrival of hurricane.
C. Category Three – Winds of 111 to 130 mph, storm surge 9 to 12 feet above normal tide. Large trees
blown down. Some damage to roofing materials of buildings; some window and door damage. Some
structural damage to small buildings. Mobile homes destroyed. Serious flooding at the coast; many small
structures destroyed; large structures damaged by waves and debris.
D. Category Four – Winds of 131 to 155 mph, storm surge 13 to 18 feet above normal tide. Shrubs and
trees blown down, all signs down. Extensive damage to roofing materials, windows, and doors. Complete
failure of roofs of many small residences. Complete destruction of mobile homes. Flat terrain 10 feet or
less above sea level flooded inland as far as six miles. Major damage to lower floors of structures near
E. Category Five – Winds greater than 155 mph, storm surge greater than 18 feet above normal tide.
Shrubs and trees blown down; considerable damage to roofs of buildings. Very severe and extensive
damage to windows and doors. Complete failure of roofs on many residences and industrial buildings.
Some complete building failures. Complete destruction of mobile homes. Massive evacuation of residential
areas on low ground within 5 to 10 miles of shore possibly required.
The damage expected from various categories of storms outlined above is typical; actual damage caused
by a storm will vary depending on building code compliance, condition of structures, zoning restrictions,
and a number of other factors.
A “Hurricane Watch” means a hurricane has become a threat to coastal areas. Residents and
businesses in those areas should monitor the situation and be prepared to take precautionary action
promptly if a hurricane warning is issued.
A “Hurricane Warning” indicates that hurricane force winds, dangerously high water, and rough seas
are expected in a specific coastal area within 24 hours and precautionary actions should begin
A hurricane’s intensity, speed, and direction can change rapidly, so the threat to particular areas of the
coast may also change quickly.

Evacuation for Shelter Purpose

Personnel working in podium will use podium Floor No.1 & 2 as a shelter during hurricanes, tornadoes, or
other high wind events, in case of heavy rain and flood they have to utilize podium Floor No. 3 & 4 as a
Personnel working at construction site will use the floors where walls are constructed, door and windows
are fixed in the rooms.
Site management and office staff will utilize site officers as shelter during hurricanes, tornadoes, or other
high wind events.

Things to Do Before a Hurricane

1. Be familiar with the above terms.

2. Stop all cranes & work at height, secure loose objects that could cause damage outside.
3. Secure all columns/tower scaffolds by guy wire from falling on
4. Down all mobile and crawl crane boom and park all equipment away from the building.
5. Keep a stock of food that requires no cooking or refrigeration.
6. Store drinking water in clean, closed containers.
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7. Keep a portable, battery-operated radio and flashlight in working order with an extra stock of
8. Have first aid supplies and any medicines you may need.
9. Be prepared to evacuate and be familiar with evacuation routes
10. Make an inventory of all valuables for insurance purposes. Take pictures or record on DVD all
personal property.
11. Park vehicles in a garage if possible otherwise keep them clear of buildings, walls, fences and

Things to do During a Hurricane Threat

1. Listen to radio or TV for information and instructions.

2. Cover windows with boards, storm shutters or heavy tape. Wedge sliding glass doors to prevent
their lifting from their tracks.
3. Secure outdoor objects or bring them indoors.
4. Fuel your car. Service stations may be closed or unable to pump gas.
5. Ready a "disaster supplies kit" including first-aid items, special medications, important papers,
blankets, cooking equipment and a portable radio with extra batteries.
6. Secure several days’ supply of water, food and clothing. Water is especially important. Fill sinks
and bathtubs with clean water.

Be prepared to evacuate if:

o Local authorities announce an evacuation.

When evacuating:
o Travel with care.
o Leave early enough to avoid being marooned by flooding, fallen trees, etc.
o Notify relatives or friends of your destination.

If not evacuating:
o Stay indoors away from windows and on the downwind side.
o Don't be fooled by a lull. It could be the eye of the storm passing over.
o Avoid using the phone except for emergencies.
o Listen to the radio or TV for information.
Things to Do After a Hurricane
1. Remain in your shelter until informed by authorities that it is safe to leave.
2. Listen to the radio or TV for advice and instructions.
3. Stay away from disaster areas - sightseers is not welcome.
4. Drive only when necessary and be especially careful.
5. Avoid loose or dangling power wires and report them immediately to concern authority.
6. Report broken gas, sewer or water lines.
7. Ensure any repair work is carried out safely
8. Prevent fires. Water pressure may be low.
9. Check refrigerated food for spoilage.
10. Stay away from streams until flooding has subsided.
11. Avoid drinking domestic water until notification that it is safe.
12. If an electrical line falls across your car, do not move the car or try to get out. Stay where you
are until help arrives.
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11.6 Bomb Threats

Many bomb threats turn out to be a prank; they must be taken seriously to ensure the safety of the
personnel working at construction Site and in commercials.

A bomb threat could be written, e-mailed, communicated verbally or received by phone. Most of the bomb
threats are made by telephone to places of employment. Generally, a bomb threat call is made for one of
two reasons:
1. The caller has definite knowledge about the explosive device and wants to minimize personal
2. The caller wants to disrupt normal activities by creating anxiety and panic.

Upon Receiving Bomb Threat Call

When you are prepared for such a call, you can respond in a calm manner, ask for specific information
about the bomb and listen for some identifying characteristics of the caller. While on the telephone, you
may be able to initiate a trace of the telephone number of the caller, providing vital information about the
caller's whereabouts.

Person Receiving the Bomb Threat Telephone Call Has to Ask the Questions

1. Remain calm. Be courteous and don’t interrupt the caller.

2. Note whether the caller is male or female, an adult or a child.
3. Keep the caller on the phone as long as possible. Don’t hang up until the caller does. The phone
Company may be able to trace the call if you stay on the line long enough.
4. If the caller ID system displays the caller phone number, write it down.
5. Ask question to get information, write all information down.
6. How you know about the bomb?
7. Did you place the Bomb?
8. Why did you place the Bomb?
9. Why the bomb was placed
10. Where did you put the Bomb?

11. When did you put it there?
12. When is the Bomb going to explode?
13. What does the Bomb look like?
14. What kind of Bomb is it?
15. What will make the Bomb explode?
16. Weather the other bomb have been placed and where?
17. What is your name?
18. Where are you?
19. What is your address?
20. Inform the called that the building is occupied and that the bomb could cause several injuries and
21. If your phone has a caller ID display, copy the number and/or letters on the window display.
22. Do not hang up, even if the caller does. Not replacing the handset enables the call to be traced.
23. If possible, write a note to a colleague to call the authorities or, as soon as the caller hangs up,
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Incident Controller/Security Supervisor and Project Manager.

Threat Language

1. Well spoken:
2. Incoherent:
3. Irrational:
4. Taped:
5. Message read by caller:
6. Abusive:

Background Noises

Listen for any background noises and any caller mannerisms voice characteristics or accents

1. Street noises
2. House noises:
3. Aircraft
4. Voices
5. Music
6. Machinery:

In The Event of a Bomb or Bomb Threat:

DO NOT USE portable or public safety radio, Cellular Phone or any other electronic device; these devices
have the capacity to detonate an explosive device. In addition do not turn the lights ON or OFF but have
them remain in their current position.

If A Suspicious Object or Package is found.

1. Do not touch & Call 998 & 999 immediately.

2. When safe to do so, call or inform Security Supervisor/ Incident Controller or Project Manager.
3. Keep areas clear
4. Contact Authorities

Signs of a suspicious package include:

No return address
Excessive postage
Strange odor
Strange sounds
Unexpected Delivery
Poorly handwritten
Misspelled Words
Incorrect Titles
Foreign Postage
Restrictive Notes
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Reporting to Civil Defense- 998 & Police Department- 999

Upon receiving information the Incident Controller/ Security Supervisors or Project Manager has to call
Civil Defense 998 & Police 999 Immediately and give the bomb threat information. DO NOT use
mobile phones or other electronic equipment that may trigger a device. Turn off mobile phones & Use
Landline Only.


IC (Incident Controller) may through its Security Personnel direct the evacuation of any building or area
and request a search of the area be conducted by Civil Defense (Bomb Squad)

1. Construction Site & Commercial personnel should be prepared to evacuate and await further
instruction from Security Personnel.

2. Evacuate the building as instructed to do so by the Civil Defense (Bomb Squad).

3. Wheelchair personnel or persons with mobility impairments have first priority for building elevators if
elevators are operable and safe for use.

4. Persons may be asked to remove all personal belongings, such as bags and briefcases when


Safety Personnel at construction site and security personnel at JODP Gates are responsible for:

 Redirect building occupants to designated Assembly area advised by Civil Defense.

 To ensure everyone is out of the building and directed to the Assembly Area.
 Supervisor must report any person missing to IC (Incident Controller) during head count at
Assembly Area.
 Must not allow any person to re-enter the building until advised to do so by the Civil Defense.
 Security Supervisor must assign security personnel at entrance to guide the Civil Defense (Bomb
Squad) team.

11.7 Incidents in Confined Space(if any):

Set up internal emergency call. Evaluate if there is any toxic atmosphere inside confined space. If yes,
wait for arrival of rescue team and advice of IC. If no, give first aid.
Never enter in to Confined space without permission and presence of manhole watch.

11.8 Incidents at Heights:

Set up internal emergency call. Evaluate if there is any risk of climb up to scene of accident. If yes, wait
for arrival of rescue team and advice of IC. If no, give first aid to injured person.

12. 0 Reporting Incidents:

Any Incidents shall be reported to IC and Contractor without delay. All incidents shall be reported to the
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Supervision Consultant & Clients as per the attached flow chart. This comprises:
Personal injury
Any construction related incident

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FOR S1, S2, N2, N3 ZONE

11.1 Emergency Response Team (ERT) Members For S1, S2, N2, N3

Sl. No. Name Position Contact Nos.

1 Naseer Ahmed Project Safety Manager 0515134607
2 Sayed M. Nematullah Project Safety Supervisor 0515207902
3 Danish Ali Khan Safety Supervisor 0515251047

4 Naseruddin Ahmed Sr. Safety Officer 0515154817

5 Mustafa Merhi Support Service Manager 0515159605
6 Abrar Khan Safety Supervisor 0515197556
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7 Mubashir Ahmed Safety Supervisor 0515142868

8 Sarfraz Ahmed Acting Safety Supervisor 0515139948
9 Mohammed Gous Safety Officer 0515060506
10 Tanveer Alam Safety Officer 0515153015
11 Naseem Ahmed Store Keeper 0515113423
12 Irfaan Ali Electrical Supervisor 0515135312
13 Adullah Fahd Al-Mowalad Security Manager 0569195666
14 Ahmed Almadi Auto Mechanic Foreman 0515047703
15 Syed Hussain Sr. Timekeeper 0515186062

11.2 Fire Fighting Team Members (For S1 Day and Night)


S.No. Name Position Contact Nos.

1 Naseruddin Ahmed Sr. Safety Officer 0515154817

2 Ayazur Rahman Area Safety Supervisor 0515046287
3 Khaja Khaleel Uddin Area Safety Supervisor 0515027481
4 Mohammed Sameer Fire Fighter 059 910 7382
5 Mosim Ali Fire Fighter 053 232 0944
6 Irfan Ahmed Fire Fighter 053 826 4990
7 Lukman Ansari Fire Fighter 053 372 9721
8 Noor Alam Khan Fire Fighter 053 323 2937
9 Mohammed Shamim Fire Fighter 054 575 6306

S.No. Name Position Contact Nos.
1 Azhar Mehmood Safety Supervisor 0569283200
Arafa Ibrahim Hasanin
Mohamed Fire Fighter 054 946 9345
Hazem Husein Tawfik Abdel
Alim Fire Fighter 059 476 3236
4 Mohammed Inayat Ali Fire Fighter 053 125 4437
5 Mohammad Saddam Fire Fighter 053 149 9857
6 Mohdammed Mukhtar Alam Fire Fighter 053 671 8461
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7 Saber El Sayed Ahmed M Fire Fighter 054 886 1643

11.3 Fire Fighting Team Members (For S2 Day and Night)


S.No. Name Position Contact Nos.

1 Mohammed Gous Safety Officer 0515060506

2 Al Farid Khan Safety Officer 0515251045
3 Asanudeen Nooriyan Safety Officer 0515135261
4 Mohammed Taqi Safety Officer 0537246364
5 Asmatdad Khan Fire Fighter 0533056966
6 Mohd Shahid Fire Fighter 0543090617
7 Dilsher Ali Fire Fighter 0500789844
8 Mohd. Umar Fire Fighter 0593553091
9 Mohd. Zafir Fire Fighter 0580515453
S.No. Name Position Contact Nos.

1 Tasleem Ahmed Safety Supervisor(S2) 0515136007

2 Mahboob Ali Khan Safety Officer 0534807866
3 Shamsh Tabrez Alam Fire Fighter 0537277452
4 Sajhar Ahmed Fire Fighter 0544937401
5 Mohammed Azad Ahmad Fire Fighter 0556440279
6 Mohd. Khairy Syed Fire Fighter 0543567147
11.4 Fire Fighting Team Members (For N2 Day and Night)


S.No. Name Position Contact Nos.

1 M. Tanveer Alam Safety Officer 0515153015

2 Mohammed Abdo Safety Officer 0515143406
3 Mohammed Ameeruddin Safety Officer 0562680028
4 Shaikh Imran Safety Officer 0540330154
5 Taqui Ansari Fire Fighter 0537699213
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6 Zaakir Hussain Fire Fighter 0536209467

7 Rashid Hussain Fire Fighter 0534286849
8 Khush Mohammad Fire Fighter 0557061694
S.No. Name Position Contact Nos.

1 Basheer Ahmed Safety Officer 0566825168

2 Sarfraz Ahmed Fire Fighter 0537382477
3 Ehsan Khan Fire Fighter 0537504193
4 Ainul Aaabdeen Fire Fighter 0536899886
11.5 Fire Fighting Team Members (For N3 Day and Night)


S.No. Name Position Contact Nos.

1 Danish Ali Khan Safety Supervisor 0515251047

2 Mubashir Ahmed Safety Supervisor 0515142868
3 Firoz Sajjad M. Safety Supervisor 0515085901
4 Qaisar Imam Fire Fighter 0515085889
5 Sayed Usman Ali Shah Fire Fighter 0563206368
6 M. Ammad Faruk Fire Fighter 0503057932
5 Meraj Shaikh Fire Fighter 0592792172
6 Mohammed Imtiaz Fire Fighter 0500286544
7 Mohammed Javed Abdul Fire Fighter 0501027568
8 Pappu Alam Fire Fighter 054133689

9 Shahil Anis Fire Fighter 0536898468
10 Syed Mohammed Amir Fire Fighter 0535678431
11 Mohammed Nasim Fire Fighter 0553143858
12 Mohammed Jamshed Fire Fighter 0532730826
S.No. Name Position Contact Nos.

1 Rehan Ul Haq Safety Officer 0591780842

2 Moizuddin Safety Officer 0598564374
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3 Mohammed Kafeel Fire Fighter 0560904484

4 Mohammad Akram Fire Fighter 0549083506
5 Mansur Dhobi Fire Fighter 0594533937
6 Sartaj Khan Fire Fighter 0533855470
7 Shaikh Kalamuddin Fire Fighter 0508152170
11.6 Nesma Emergency Contact Numbers FOR S1, S2, N2, N3 ZONE

S.No. Name Position Contact Nos.

1 Naseer Ahmed Project Safety Manager 0515134607
2 Sayed M. Nematullah Project Safety Supervisor 0515207902
3 Danish Ali Khan Safety Supervisor (N3) 0515251047
4 Sayed Abrar Safety Supervisor (N3) 0515197556
5 Hassan Askari Safety Supervisor(S2) 0515250145
6 Tasleem Ahmed Safety Supervisor(S2) 0515136007
7 Mohammed Gous Safety Officer (S2) 0515060506
8 Sarfraz Ahmed Safety Supervisor(N2) 0515139948
9 Syed Misbahuddin Safety Officer (N2) 0515143409
10 Tanveer Alam Safety Officer (N3) 0515153015
11 Rida Khidr Construction Manager 0505907541
12 Salim Abu Samsam Sr. Site Superintendent 0515082626
13 Burhan Jeddan Site Superintendent 0515081421
14 Mustafa Merhi Support Service Manager 0515159605
Arch. Engineer / Logistic
15 Mohammed A. Al Amoudi 0515051499

11.7 Client / Consultant Emergency Contact Numbers

Name Position Contact no. Company

M. Ahmed Nooreldin Chief Resident Engineer 0593161456 Khatib & Alami

Farooque Marickar Safety Officer 0535277114 Khatib & Alami
Essam Rafaey HSE Manager Hill International
Director of Security &
Abdullatif Hamzah Senan 0504521828 JODC
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11.8 Nesma Clinic Contact Numbers For S Zone and N3 Zone.

S.No Name Position Contact No

1 Mansoor Ali Khan Sr. Male Nurse (Day shift) 0515113424/0557351001

2 Ambulance Driver (Day
Mohd Tatok 0506481366
3 Syed El Shazly Sr. Male Nurse (Day Shift) 0515226155/0501563272
4 Ahmaad Almalki Male Nurse (Night Shift) 0595992262
5 Salih Almalki Male Nurse (Night Shift) 0561078914 & 0598115101
11.9 Hospital Contact Numbers

Hospital Description Contact No.

Dr. A/R Baksh Hospital Ph- 02-5222222
Transfer Victim In Case Of Serious Injury
Madina Al Munawarrah Road Fax 02-5206049
Al Rafie Hospital Ph- 02-5454455
Transfer Victim In Case Of Serious Sickness
Sharey Sixteen Fax 02-5459077
Dr. Halah Bin Laden Polyclinic, Ph- 02-5973862
Transfer Patient In Case Of Serious Sickness
Umm al Qura Road Fax 02-5974806
Asian Poly Clinic Ph- 02-5361280
Transfer Patient In Case Of Serious Sickness
Misflah, infront of Kudai Signal Fax 02-5381379

11.10 Contact Numbers of External Agencies

In the event of an emergency situation help may be obtained by contacting any of the following personnel
/department immediately.

1. POLICE 999
2. FIRE 998
4. TRAFFIC 997

11.11 Site Security Supervisors Contact Numbers

Name Position Contact#

Abdullah Razeeq Alshamrani Security Supervisor 0555612409

Hosain Mohamad Flata Security Supervisor 0559674308
Abdullah Farhan T. Almaqati Patrolling 0551887462
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11.12 Direction Sign Used For Emergency Evacuation Route
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