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SECTION 1: Choose the best answer from A, B, C or D to complete the sentences. Write
your answers in the table provided.
21. The more time you spend practicing English, __________ command of it you will have.
A. the fewer B. the better C. the good D. the less
22. I told her many times, but she didn’t remember ____________ the tickets for the show.
A. to have bought B. having bought C. buying D. to buy
23. You should understand ____________ better to work together.
A. one another B. each one C. themselves D. yourself
24. He has difficulty ____________ his ideas across.
A. to make B. being made C. making D. to be made
25. Every one of them ____________ responsible for their action.
A. be B. is C. are D. being
26. They received ____________ help from their parents, but they still become successful.
A. so few B. such a few C. a little D. little
27. You should eat less and do more exercise. ____________you won’t lose weight.
A. If only B. Otherwise C. Or D. Unless
28. Because his story was ____________we all couldn’t help laughing.
A. amusing B. amuse C. amused D. amusement
29 The foreign guest spoke very slowly ____________ to be misunderstood.
A. not so as B. so as for nobody C. not so that D. so as not
30. You will have to ____________ your holiday if you are too ill to travel.
A. cut down B. put off C. put out D. put up
31. I don’t see any ____________ in arriving early at the theatre.
A. cause B. reason C. point D. aim
22. Your hair needs ____________. You’d better have it done tomorrow.
A. cut B. to cut C. cutting D. being cut
33. Let’s go ahead and do it now. Nothing____________ by waiting.
A. accomplished B. accomplishes C. has accomplished D. will be
34. The heavy storm prevented the climbers from ____________ the top of the mountain.
A. reaching B. reach C. arriving D. arrive
35. He doesn’t want to study in a university which has no ____________
A. reputing B. reputation C. reputed D. reputedless

Part 2: Questions from 36 to 45.

Use the correct form of the word in brackets to complete the following sentences.
36. The teacher asked us to_______________________the main ideas in the chapter SUMMARY
we had read in class.
37. The top manager of the shop told me that my credit card was not VALIDATE
_______________________to pay for the jeans which cost under 20€.

38. Art in the 20th century is usually referred to as _______________________art. MODERNIZE

39. Everybody listens to David Guetta's music. It's so_______________________. COMMERCE
40. Butterflies are thoroughly _______________________by scientists. CLASS
41. This took place at the end of the_______________________century. TWENTY
42. Many people don't understand the _______________________of life. SIMPLE
43. People really_______________________the party. JOY
44. This method is a lot more_______________________than the previous one. EFFECT
45. The only cure for _______________________is creativity. BORE

Fill in each of the sentences with correct prepositions.

46. Did you know that Paul is married _______________________ Susie last week?
47. According _______________________ the timetable, the next train is due in two hours.
48. Apart _______________________you, nobody else knows that I have escaped from prison.
49. Please go _______________________ your homework and look for the mistakes once more time.
50. Volunteers were handing _______________________ food and clothes after the flood in the
mountainous area.
Part 1. Read the passage below and choose the best answer to each question.
Nowadays people are more aware that wildlife all over the world is in (51) ________.
Many species of animals are threatened, and could easily become (52) ________ if we do not
make an effort to (53) ________them. There are many reasons for this. In some cases, animals
are (54) ________for their fur or for other valuable parts of their bodies. Some birds, such as
parrots, are caught (55) ________, and sold as pets. For many animals and birds, the problem
is that their habitat- the place where they live- is disappearing. More (56) ________is used for
farms, for houses and industry, and there are fewer open spaces than there once were. Farmers
use powerful chemicals to help them grow better crops, but these chemicals pollute the
environment and (57) ________wildlife. The most successful animals on earth- human beings-
will soon be the only ones (58) ________, unless we can solve this problem.
51. A. problem B. vanishing C. threat D. danger
52. A. empty B. disappeared C. extinct D. vanished
53. A. kill B. protect C. defend D. harm
54. A. game B. extinct C. chased D. hunted
55. A. alive B. for living C. lively D. for life
56. A. land B. area C. soil D. earth
57. A. wound B. wrong C. harm D. spoil
58. A. staying B. survived C. over D. left
Part 2. Read the passage below and choose the best answer to each question
The rules of etiquette in American restaurants depend upon a number of factors the
physical location of the restaurant, e.g., rural or urban; the type of restaurant, e.g., informal or
formal; and certain standards that are more universal. In other words, some standards of
etiquette vary significantly while other standards apply almost anywhere. Learning the proper
etiquette in a particular type of restaurant in a particular area may sometimes require
instruction, but more commonly it simply requires sensitivity and experience. For example,
while it is acceptable to read a magazine in a coffee shop, it is inappropriate to do the same in
a more luxurious setting. And, if you are eating in a very rustic setting it may be fine to tuck
your napkin into your shirt, but if you are in a sophisticated urban restaurant this behavior
would demonstrate a lack of manners. It is safe to say, however, that in virtually every
restaurant it is unacceptable to indiscriminately throw your food on the floor. The conclusion
we can most likely draw from the above is that while the types and locations of restaurants
determine etiquette appropriate to them, some rules apply to all restaurants.
59. What topic is this passage primarily concerned with?
A. rules of etiquette B. instruction in proper etiquette
C. the importance of good manners D. variable and universal standards of etiquette
60. According to the passage, which of the following is a universal rule of etiquette?
A. tucking a napkin in your shirt B. not throwing food on the floor
C. reading a magazine at a coffee shop D. eating in rustic settings
61. According to the passage, ________ requires sensitivity and experience.
A. learning the proper etiquette B. asking for instructions
C. knowing the type of restaurant D. knowing about an area
62. The word "rustic" in the passage is closest in meaning to ________
A. agricultural B. ancient C. unsophisticated D. urban
63. The word "tuck" in the passage is closest in meaning to ________.
A. put B. set C. hold D. fold
64. The word "sophisticated" in the passage could best be replaced by ________
A. expensive B. cultured C. famous D. exclusive
65. The author uses the phrase "safe to say" in order to demonstrate that the idea is ________.
A. somewhat innocent B. quite certain C. very clever D. commonly reported
66. The word "indiscriminately" could best be replaced by ________.
A. randomly B. angrily C. noisily D. destructively
67. The word "draw" in the passage is closest in meaning to ________.
A. pick out B. drag away C. evoke D. infer
68. What is the author's main purpose in this passage?
A. to assist people in learning sophisticated manners
B. to describe variations in restaurant manners
C. to simplify rules of restaurant etiquette
D. to compare sophisticated and rustic restaurants
Part 3: Read the text and fill in one word which best fits each gap.
Our oceans are becoming extremely polluted. Most of this (69) _______________________ comes
from the land, which means it comes from people. Firstly, there is raw sewage which is pumped
directly (70) _______________________ the sea. Many countries, (71) ____________ developed and
developing, are guilty (72) _______________________ doing this. Secondly, ships drop about 6 million
tons of garbage into the (73) _______________________ each year. Thirdly, there are oil spills from
ships. A ship has an accident and oil leaks from the vessel. This not (74)
_______________________pollutes the water, but it also kills marine life. Next, there are waste
materials from factories. (75) _______________________proper regulations, factory owners let the
waste run directly into the rivers, which then leads to the sea.
Part 4: Read the text and do the tasks that follow

a). Choose the heading that supports the main idea of each paragraph

List of headings
i. The future of mental health
ii. Violence has a wide scope in urban areas
iii. Support is on offer for youths surviving violent backgrounds
iv. The cause of female and male violence
v. The future of mental health in the school system and beyond
vi. Conflict prevention methods should be used to promote harmony
vii. Knowledge of assaults on women and men

A Depression is the third leading cause of illness and disability among adolescents, and
suicide is the third leading cause of death in older adolescents (15–19 years). Violence,
poverty, humiliation and feeling devalued can increase the risk of developing mental health
B Building life skills in children and adolescents and providing them with psychosocial
support in schools and other community settings can help promote good mental health.
Programmes to help strengthen the ties between adolescents and their families are also
important. If problems arise, they should be detected and managed by competent and caring
health workers.
C Violence is a leading cause of death in older adolescent males. Interpersonal violence
represents 43% of all adolescent male deaths in LMICs in the WHO Americas Region.
Globally, 1 in 10 girls under the age of 20 years reports experiencing sexual violence.
D Promoting nurturing relationships between parents and children early in life, providing
training in life skills, and reducing access to alcohol and firearms can help to prevent injuries
and deaths due to violence. Effective and empathetic care for adolescent survivors of violence
and ongoing support can help deal with the physical and psychological consequences
76. Paragraph A:
77. Paragraph B:
78. Paragraph C:
79. Paragraph D:
b). Decide the following statements are True/ False or Not Given
80. Depression is the leading cause of death among adolescents.
81. Feeling valued can reduce the risk of developing mental health problems.
82. Building life skills in children and adolescents can help promote good mental health.
83. Globally, sexual violence is only reported by adult females.
84. Reducing access to alcohol and firearms can prevent injuries and deaths due to violence.
85. The best way to deal with physical and psychological consequences is ongoing support.


Part 1: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the
sentence printed before it.
86. It is said that he escaped to a neutral country.
 He
87. Although he was very tired, he agreed to play tennis.
 Tired
88. “You have done really well to pass your driving test so quickly.” She said to me
 She congratulated
89. I regret not going to the airport to say goodbye her.
 I wish
90. As he grew older, he became more and more forgetful.
 The older
Part 2: Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given.
91. You must never let anyone use your Identity Card. should
 Under ______________________________________________________ let anyone else use your identity card.
92. Many people believe that Edison has the ability to become world judo champion. capable
 Many people believe that Edison ______________________________________________________ the world
championship in judo.
93. My passport needs renewing because I´m going abroad this summer. get
 I need ___________________________________________________ because I´m going abroad this summer.
94. Clara said that she had not seen the missing letter. having
 Clara ____________________________________________________________________________ the missing letter.
95. It's important to consider everyone's opinion before a final decision is made. account
 Everyone's opinion must ______________________________________________________ before a final
decision is made.
Part 3: Paragraph writing
“Why do you choose to study in a high school for the gifted?”
Write a paragraph of about 150 words to express your choice.

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