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Molejon, Amleth Jeven Grace, Lamigo, Audrey Julia, Noya, Junnie Mae, Ello, BenzElle,
Andres, Jann James, Magracia, Rod Mar, Serafica, Keith Nicol

Junior High School Department, Jose Maria College Foundation, Inc.

A mini-research report on a socio-cultural issue

submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement mandated
in the English Curriculum Guide (DepEd, 2015, pp.153-155)
in the subject English 10

Hemsley B. Corpuz
May 14 2024

One of the most important concerns facing our society today is teenage pregnancy.

Indeed, according to the United Nations Population Fund's (UNPF) Report 2019, the Philippines

was identified as having the highest rate of adolescent pregnancies among ASEAN members.

Teenage pregnancy is a critical issue that affects the lives of young individuals worldwide. In the

Philippines, where cultural norms and family structures play a significant role, understanding the

dynamics within families and their impact on teenage pregnancy becomes essential. The

Philippines faces one of the highest rates of teenage pregnancies in Southeast Asia, driven by

poverty, limited access to reproductive health services, and cultural norms. Filipino families

serve as both a source of support and a potential risk. By exploring family structures,

communication patterns, and cultural influences, we can design effective interventions.

Habito et al,(2021) claims that as our parents and elders serve as our role models, our

conservative beliefs are first fostered and established in our families. Open conversations

regarding sex education are still frowned upon in Filipino homes today. In the Philippines, the

prevalence of adolescent pregnancies remains a concern, with implications for the well-being

and prospects of young individuals. With teen pregnancy rates on the rise, it’s essential to delve

into the underlying causes, explore potential solutions, and challenge common beliefs

surrounding this topic (Wise 2024).

Aims/Objectives of the study

This research aims to delve into the intricate relationship between family dynamics,

support systems, and the prevalence of teenage pregnancies in the Filipino context.

Understanding the role of family dynamics and support systems is crucial in addressing the

complex issue of teenage pregnancy. examining how various factors like family dynamics and

support systems influence the likelihood of teenage pregnancy and its outcomes.

Significance of the study

The results of the study will be of great importance to the following:

Students. This research will help the students contribute to the existing body of knowledge on
the topic.

Parents. This study may inspire parents to support their children and have proper
communication to avoid contributing to teenage pregnancy.

Teachers. Incorporating the findings into the curriculum can help students learn about the
significance of family dynamics and support systems in addressing teenage pregnancy.

School. The study’s results can guide schools in creating a caring and encouraging environment.
By emphasizing the importance of family support, schools contribute to educating teenagers
about responsible choices and avoiding teenage pregnancy.

Future Researchers. This study will help them fill the gaps in their research and understand the
family dynamics and support system in addressing teenage pregnancy in the Philippines.
Research Questions

In the context of addressing the pressing issue of teenage pregnancy in the Philippines, our

research seeks to uncover the underlying factors, consequences, and potential interventions.

The following research questions serve as compass points guiding our exploration into this

critical societal concern.

1. What factors contribute to teenage pregnancy rates in the Philippines?

2. How do family dynamics prevent the factors that contribute to early teenage


The discussion of the methods and procedures used in this chapter. The process is discussed

under the following headings: Data Collection & Data Analysis


The researchers needed to collect the data to gather information about family dynamics,

support systems, and addressing teenage pregnancy. With the aid of published journal papers,

Jstor, Scispace, and Google Scholar, the researchers were able to compile data. Using these

sources, the researcher was able to get answers to their research questions about what causes

teenage pregnancy and how families may prevent or lessen the causes of early teenage


The researchers carefully took notes about the sufficient information they found through

the help of these published materials. They scrutinized in great depth how the support system and

family dynamic dealt with adolescent pregnancy. The researcher carefully evaluated the worries,

issues, and points of view regarding the topic using the data that they had gathered. Following

the collection of the data, it is broken down into specifics:

a) factors affecting teenage pregnancy;

b.) role of family dynamics and;

c) the support system of teenagers which aids the researcher in creating an effective data

collection strategy.

Throughout this investigation research paper, the researchers addressed the issue of early

teenage pregnancy..The researchers carefully compiled all of the field notes, the researchers first

held a meeting to discuss their questions in-depth. Among the topics covered were What

variables influence the rates of teenage pregnancy in the Philippines? and How family dynamics

mitigate the risk factors associated with early teenage expectations? Descriptive statistics were

used to organize and condense the collected data. Then, after the data was analyzed, any

unimportant or unrelated data points were eliminated. Moreover, the researchers combined all

the research and integrated the relevant data into a detailed analysis paragraph for presentation.

Ballon (2023) the Philippines is facing the biggest challenges when it comes to teenage

pregnancy and the main factor that contributes to this problem is the social problem in our

society and inadequate guidance of the parents. In addition the lack of access to reproductive

health services. And the lack of proper education about sexuality that leads to lack of knowledge

about sex education (Baccay, 2022). Furthermore, teenagers who experience early pregnancy

lack knowledge about sexuality, poor parenting, education about contraception and low

educational attainment.

RQ1: What factors contribute to teenage pregnancy rates in the Philippines?


Teenage pregnancy remains a critical public health concern globally, affecting the

well-being of both young mothers and their offspring. According to a recent report (The

Philippine Statistics Authority) as of 2022 there is a massive increase in early pregnancy among

women aged 15-19 years at that rate (8.6%). In the study of Pepito, (2022), Adolescent

pregnancy is a critical issue with significant implications for health, psychosocial well-being, and

economic outcomes. In the Philippines, as of 2017, 9% of women aged 15-19 have already

initiated childbearing. To address this concerning trend, the Philippine government, in

collaboration with private sector partners, actively promotes family planning and contraception

information throughout the population. In a study examining the impact of exposure to these

informational campaigns through various media channels on teenage pregnancy rates, based on

the analysis of the 2017 Philippine National Demographic and Health Survey, it was found that

despite efforts, the dissemination of family planning and contraception information had minimal

impact on reducing teenage pregnancy rates. These results underscore the crucial necessity to

revamp the content and core messages of contraceptive and family planning campaigns and

enhance their reach and effectiveness within the broader populace.

Moreover, Monis (2020), uneven rates of adolescent pregnancy are a serious problem in

the Philippines, where socioeconomic variables and geographic differences also contribute to the

problem. Girls from low-income families are five times more likely to become pregnant than
girls from wealthy families. Mindanao and geographically isolated and disadvantaged areas

(GIDAs) have higher rates of teen pregnancy. Significantly high incidence rates are found in

regions like Region 10 (Northern Mindanao), Region 12 (SOCCSKSARGEN), and Region 11

(Davao Region). There is a difference between the sexes in rural and urban regions: girls in rural

areas start having children earlier than their urban counterparts.

RQ2: How do family dynamics prevent the factors that contribute to early teenage


Parents play an important role in managing their children even in the smallest action they are

doing children can notice it. Understanding these cultural variations is essential for schools to

effectively engage parents with diverse backgrounds in their children's education. In Philippine

society, the significance of parenting is underscored by the central role of the family as the

cornerstone of one's social world, emphasizing the importance of familial support and

involvement in children's educational journey (Bartolome, Mamat, and Masnam (2017). In

addition, Filipino households are influenced by one family's communication Asean Social

Network Journal (2022). Parents must teach their children about sex education and explain

sexual behavior in adolescence.

(Tabei et al. 2021) have highlighted the significant role of family background as a key

risk factor for teenage pregnancy. Research has consistently shown that living with both parents

reduces the likelihood of teenage pregnancy, while adolescent women raised in single-parent

families are at a higher risk of early childbearing compared to those from two-parent families.
Additionally, findings suggest that adolescents who do not live with either parent are more prone

to experiencing teenage pregnancy. Understanding the influence of family factors, particularly

parent structure, on teenage pregnancy is essential for those working in adolescent health to

identify and support at-risk populations effectively.


When it comes to putting policies into action and maintaining them, the Philippine

government is deficient in many ways. According to Kitong, teenagers between the ages of 15

and 24 carry around one-third of all pregnancies in the Philippines. This highlights the absence

of sexual education leading to teenage pregnancy in the Philippines. Because so many young

people in our nation lack access to health care, teenage pregnancy is a major issue. Adolescence

and family planning approaches are poorly understood. Many Filipino women are eager to learn

about family planning, but sadly, there is a dearth of information from our government on this


Senator Sonny Angara has highlighted the urgent need for government action to address

the alarming increase in pregnancies among very young girls and teenagers, emphasizing that a

significant number of these cases involve older men. He has called for a comprehensive

government approach to develop policies that prevent early childbearing and its negative

impacts. (Manila Bulletin, 2023) In response, Sen. Angara filed Senate Resolution No. 462 to

investigate the rise in pregnancies among 10 to 14-year-olds, acknowledging the health and

developmental risks these young individuals face. Additionally, Sen. Risa Hontiveros supports

Angara's initiative and stresses the importance of enforcing laws such as Raising the Age of
Consent to protect minors from statutory rape and hold accountable those who exploit them. The

senators emphasize the necessity of strengthening laws on teenage pregnancy and ensuring the

well-being and safety of vulnerable youth in the Philippines.


Young people's sexual and reproductive health needs are diverse, encompassing a range

of services such as modern contraception, emergency contraception, HIV and STI testing and

treatment, gynecology, pregnancy testing, safe abortion, counseling, and support for

gender-based violence and harmful practices. This comprehensive access to reproductive health

services is crucial as studies indicate that a minority of sexually active adolescent women in

health facilities, and adolescents often delay recognizing pregnancies and are at higher risk of

unsafe abortions. Pregnancy and childbirth remain significant causes of mortality among

adolescent girls aged 15-19, highlighting the critical importance of addressing the specific

healthcare needs of young people to ensure their well-being and reproductive health outcomes

(Plan International)

In the Philippines, the government's introduction of a Universal Health Care initiative in

2010 marked a significant commitment to providing health insurance coverage, particularly

targeting the economically disadvantaged population through the Philippine Health Insurance

Corporation (PhilHealth). (GPRBA, 2009) Efforts were made to enhance and accredit healthcare

facilities nationwide, aiming to ensure quality care for all citizens. However, challenges persist in
enabling the poor to access accredited healthcare providers and health insurance, attributed to

financial constraints, limited awareness, and the distant location of healthcare facilities in rural

areas. Low participation from local government units responsible for enrolling underprivileged

individuals in the insurance scheme further hindered equitable access. In 2012, the Global

Partnership on Output-Based Aid (GPOBA) intervened to bolster insurance coverage and expand

the network of accredited healthcare providers in the impoverished Eastern Visayas

provinces—Leyte, Southern Leyte, Samar, Northern Samar, and Eastern Samar, addressing the

healthcare needs of some of the most marginalized communities in the country.

According to Reproductive Rights (2018), The importance of respecting, protecting, and

fulfilling women's access to reproductive rights for the advancement of a healthy, equitable, and

developed Philippines is underscored in various international agreements, such as the

International Conference on Population and Development Programme of Action, embraced by

the Philippines in 1994. Moreover, UNFPA states that in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in

Muslim Mindanao (BARMM), women from this region make health centers that help our

community become more aware and have access to sexual reproductive health services.

The results of the investigation led the researchers to draw the following conclusions and



Children learn their first words and behaviors from their parents, which is why parenting

is such a crucial part of our lives. In order to manage their child from the tiniest action to the

largest decision, parents are crucial. Children should receive their education about values, norms,

attitudes, and sexuality mostly from them. Parenting advice and law enforcement play a critical

role in addressing this issue in the Philippines, where teen pregnancy is quite common and has a

high proportion. Furthermore, giving teenagers access to healthcare empowers them to create

better futures for themselves. by fostering better family ties, encouraging appropriate dialogue,

and offering assistance to young people who are struggling with issues associated with

adolescent pregnancy


To address teenage pregnancy, future researchers may dive into comprehensive sex

education, improved parent-child communication, expanded support services,

empowerment of teenage parents, prevention of repeat pregnancies, addressing

sociocultural factors, integrating mental health services, fostering collaboration, evaluating

interventions, and advocating for policy change. These actions can empower teenagers to

make informed choices, reduce stigma, and promote the well-being of young families.

Batang Ina Communication Patterns and Teenage Pregnancy among Filipino Youth

W. (2024, March 26). Addressing Teenage Pregnancy in the Philippines 2024.

Pinay Wise



Habito, C. M., Morgan, A., & Vaughan, C. (2021, May 26). Early union,

‘disgrasya’, and prior adversity and disadvantage: pathways to

adolescent pregnancy among Filipino youth. Reproductive Health.

Retrieved May 3, 2024, from bnvm

Ventanilla, V. M., & Ventanilla, J. P. V. (2022, June 30). Family Communication

Patterns and Teenage Pregnancies among Filipino Youth. Asean Social

Work Journal/ASEAN Social Work Journal.

Philippine Statistic Authority Teenage Pregnancy Decline From 8.6 to 5.4

Reproductive Health Journal


Adolescent Pregnancy in The Philippines 2020


Parental Involvement in the Philippines:A review Literature Vol.6 2017

Lack of Services Fuels Teen Pregnancy - Philippines, 2012 ReliefWeb.

(Tabei et al., 2021)Association between Teenage Pregnancy and Family Factors:

An Analysis of the Philippine National Demographic and Health Survey 2017.


(Smoothing Rough Roads to Reproductive Health Services in the Philippines -

Philippines, 2023)

Ballon, J. J. R., & Tamoria, J. R. (2023, March 1). Factors contributing to and

biological concepts about early pregnancy among Filipino adolescent mothers.

International Journal of Public Health Science.

Gov’t should probe teenage pregnancies especially those that involve older

men—Angara. (2023, February 7). Manila Bulletin.


Access to SRHR services - Plan International. (2023, December 7). Plan


Center For Reproductive Rights 2018


Philippines: Reproductive Health Services | The Global Partnership for

Results-Based Approaches (GPRBA). (n.d.).

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Pepito, V. C. F., Amit, A. M. L., Tang, C. S., Co, L. M. B., Aliazas, N. A. K., De Los

Reyes, S. J., Baquiran, R. S., & Tanchanco, L. B. S. (2022, December 21).

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