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Republic of the Philippines

Northern Iloilo State University

NISU Main Campus. V. Cudilla Sr. Avenue
Estancia, Iloilo

Graduate Education Program

I. Multiple Choice. Read each item carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer on your answer sheet.

1. There are different patterns of development when writing. Which among the choices below is NOT?
A. Clarification
B. Persuasion
C. Definition
D. Description

2. The choices below show the different signal words. Which of them DOES NOT signal narration?
A. First
B. Until
C. Include
D. Then

3. The following transitional devices are used for the different patterns of development. Which among them
signals contrast?
A. Lastly
B. Since
C. However
D. Over

4. Among the different signal words that show cause and effect, which among the choices below is an example
of it?
A. Than
B. Down
C. Since
D. Most

5. When discussing similarities and differences in writing, what pattern of development is used?
A. Comparison and Contrast
B. Narration
C. Cause and Effect
D. Problem Solution

6. Which text focuses on presenting points of view and seeks on encouraging its readers to accept a particular
argument or act in a way?
A. Persuasive
B. Cause and Effect
C. Problem-solution
D. Comparison and Contrast

7. Correct abbreviation must always be followed in formal written texts. Which of the choices below
is an incorrect abbreviation?
A. Captain – Capt.
B. Incorporated – Inc.
C. Corporation – Corp.
D. President – Pre.
8. The word A.S.A.P. falls under what property of a well-written text?
A. Mechanics
B. Acronym
C. Abbreviation
D. Punctuation

9. “Did it happen” or “Does it exist?” are examples of which type of claim?

A. Value
B. Policy
C. Opinion

10. Which type of claim answers the question “how could we solve this problem?”
A. Opinion
B. Policy
C. Value
D. Fact

11. Explicit information are stated directly within the text. From the choices below, which example contains
explicit information?
A. Autobiography
B. Wattpad
C. Poems
D. Fables

12. Inferred information is not directly stated within a text. This is true for materials that contain implicit ideas.
Which of the choices below contains such examples of implicit information?
A. Map
B. Novels
C. Newspapers
D. Dictionary

13.“Our city … deserves a high- tech light rail system.” What property of a well-written text is indicated by the
underlined symbol?
A. Mechanics
B. Organization
C. Cohesion
D. Coherence

14. “Jenny’s hair is long.”What is indicated by the apostrophe in the given sentence?
A. Exclamation
B. Question
C. Possession
D. Cohesion

15. In an article published by our school paper, the author used the word, ‘Vertically challenged’. What
language feature is the underlined word?
A. Jargon
B. Slang
C. Idiom
D. Euphemism
16. Which pattern of development would best suit a text that aims to discuss the taxonomy of a group of fossils
that were recently discovered by a palaeontologist?

A. Comparison and Contrast

B. Narration
C. Classification
D. Problem Solution

17. “Public schools are better than private schools.” What type of claim is expressed by the statement?
A. Value
B. Opinion
C. Fact
D. Policy

18. The sentence below does is missing an end punctuation. What correct end punctuation are you going to use
to complete the statement?

For heaven’s sake Paul, why do you keep on mumbling__

A. Period
B. Comma
C. Exclamation point
D. Question mark

19.“Science Fiction novels are more interesting to read than romance novels.” What claim is made in the given
A. Policy
B. Value
C. Opinion
D. Fact

20. Look at the sample sentence below. What transition word will complete and make the thought of the
sentence correct?
He really loves reading. ________ he reads almost all the time.
A. Despite
B. However
C. In fact
D. Although

21. “Let me tell you about my experience when I lost myself in an unexpected situation.” What part of a
narrative is the given line?
A. End
B. Middle
C. Beginning
D. Conclusion

22. Following the rules of Language use, what would best replace the underlined word in the text below,

“Although offsprings are taught not to obtain free gifts from strangers, many still do.”
A. kids
B. babies
C. children
D. youngs
23. Look at the sentence below, what is signalled by the underlined word?

“There are ways you can make boring tasks more pleasant. For instance, bring a portable radio and listen
to music on the earphones while you work.”

A. Contrast
B. Comparison
C. Example
D. Cause

24. The sentence below has an underlined transition word. What is the nature of the underlined transition word?

“A total lockdown in the entire city had been implemented, so several businesses stopped operating for a
A. Time
B. Addition
C. Comparison
D. Cause and effect

25. “Walking, running, and jogging give you energy. ___________ any exercise that speeds up your heart rate
is good.” Based on the example, what connecting word would best join the sentences above?

A. Finally
B. Then
C. Therefore
D. In contrast

26. The sentence below has an underlined transition word. What is signalled by the underlined transition word?

Science-fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke correctly predicted that satellites would be used for communication.
Moreover, in 1947 he correctly predicted that 1959 would be the year the first rocket to the moon was
A. Addition
B. Time
C. Contrast
D. Effect

27. The sentence below has an underlined transition word. What is signalled by the given underlined word?

Even though most Americans are primarily concerned about AIDS as it exists in the U.S., it should be
remembered that it is now a worldwide disease.
A. Time
B. Addition
C. Contrast
D. Comparison

28. The sentence below is missing a transition word. What word will you use to complete and make the thought
of the sentence correct?

During my younger years of being a diligent worker, I would spend at least 10 hours working in the office
and I would even bring home some paper works. Until, one day I was brought to the hospital when I
experienced more anxieties. My attending physician told me that I collapsed ________ stress.
A. similarly
B. due to
C. second
D. where
29. Using the properties of a well-written text, how will you rewrite the given topic sentence below to make it
“Studying overseas was deemed to be very difficult.”

A. Difficulty in terms of studying abroad was found out in a research study.

B. A recent study conducted by the OWWA found out that studying overseas was deemed difficult.
C. Studying overseas was deemed to be very difficult for 63% of people surveyed due to the impacts of
culture shock, financial concerns and health concerns.
D. 63% of the people surveyed cited a range of difficulties including homesickness, loneliness, difficulty
making friends, changes to diet, health problems, weight gain and difficulties with money and jobs
brough by studying abroad.

30. The following sentences all ask for information, which of them asks for a specific information?
A. Marsha, are you joining the class exhibit tour tomorrow?
B. Mr. Pineda, excuse me, are we there yet?
C. Hmmm, I guess, you are not with us, aren’t you?
D. What do you think is the easiest way to get to the train station on time?

31. “They say that boys are stronger than girls emotionally and physically.” What pattern of development is
evident in the given text?

A. Classification
B. Problem-Solution
C. Comparison- Contrast
D. Exemplification

32. Among all the patterns of development in writing, what pattern is used in the text below?

“Although traditionally pizza is an Italian dish, Greek pizza, Mexican pizza, and Hawaiian are becoming
increasingly popular.”
A. Comparison and Contrast
B. Narration
C. Classification
D. Problem Solution

33. Because of the LGU’s diligence and the different agencies’ cooperation, the Saug Festival this year was a
huge success. Given the preceding text, what pattern of development was used?
A. Persuasion
B. Cause and Effect
C. Narration
D. Description

34. The Municipal Tourism Office of Lemery, Iloilo is creating a facebook page that will feature the origin of
the town’s name and how it prospered over the years. Given this scenario, which pattern of development
would be used to write about Lemery’s history?
A. Description
B. Narration
C. Definition
D. Problem- Solution
35. The Grade 11-HUMMS learners, in their creative writing subject, are tasked to write about their observation
of the historic mango tree considered as Lemery National High School’s landmark seen on google map’s
satellite view. If this is the task they were assigned to write about, which pattern of development should
they use?
A. Cause and effect
B. Persuasion
C. Description
D. Definition

36. Read the excerpt from Emerson T. Armero’s “Healing a Child’s Stitches and Burns” below. What pattern
of development was used by the author to express his ideas?

There might be two doable solutions to overcome the problem mentioned in the previous paragraphs. The
first step would be to give them the opportunity to intensely rehabilitate and provide educational programs
suited to their needs and abilities which will prepare them in the harsh realities of life. It is also equally
important that they get the full support and encouragement of their parents and fellow learners.
- Excerpt from Emerson T Armero’s “Healing a Child’s Stitches and Burns”
A. Description
B. Narration
C. Definition
D. Problem- Solution

37. There are rules to follow when using transitional devices in sentences. Which of the following sentences
below shows the correct usage of a transition signal?
A. Mrs. Vista will accept late homework; however, she will take points off of the grade.
B. The Grade 11 class finished the test early; indeed, they were allowed to read quietly before the bell.
C. Since Donna was the last to leave class, she was the first on the bus.
D. No one expected so many people at the evacuation area; furthermore, we ran out of food.

38. Precise and clear language must be observed in formal written text. Given the different examples of
sentences below, which one of these observes the said rule when writing?
A. Killer sentenced to die for second time in ten years.
B. The movie is a classic example of a horror movie because it incorporates all the elements of a horror film.
C. He is an interesting individual.
D. The practice of theory of politics is studied in the classroom but political habits on campus do not seem to
benefit from such labor.

39. Below is an example of a faulty text. What property of a well-written text was not properly used in it?

“ Plagiarism is a recurrent problem, which is considered an important matter in university education.

Chalmers is no exception to that and therefore has a strict policy regarding how it should be dealt with.”
A. Coherence
B. Cohesion
C. Organization
D. Mechanics

40. Below is an example of a faulty text. What property of a well-written text was not observed in it?

My favorite color is blue. I’m calm and relaxed. In the summer I lie on the grass and look up.
A. Language Use
B. Mechanics
C. Cohesion
D. Coherence
41. “I tell you what I wanna do with this message he sent me.”Which word from the given text does not follow
the rule of language use in formal written text?
A. you
B. wanna
C. this
D. sent

42. Conciseness is another concept to be observed by writers when writing formal written texts. Which of the
following sentences below shows conciseness?
A. Brunch was very good.
B. She struggled to sit through his tedious speech.
C. Jane was in an elated state of mind.
D. They are connected together.

43. The sentences below are all examples of claims. Which one of these is an example of a claim of value?
A. Physics is a branch of Science.
B. Mercy killing should be banned.
C. Philippines is composed of Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao
D. I love dogs rather than cats.

44. The sentences below are all examples of claims. Which one of these is an example of a claim of policy?
A. It is better to be feared than loved.
B. Minors should not be allowed to go out after 10 P.M.
C. Laptops are in demand among teachers and students.
D. Facebook is the no. 1 social media platform.

45. The sentences below are all examples of claims. Which one of these is an example of a claim of fact?
A. K-drama is loved by most people nowadays.
B. BTS is a Korean pop group.
C. Duterte was the best president we had.
D. J&T is better than Ninja Van now.

46. The sentences below are all examples of claims. Which one of these is an example of an opinion?
A. Acer is a brand of laptop in the Philippines.
B. I think I’m in love with you.
C. Jose Rizal is Philippines’ national hero.
D. Classes start at 7:30 in the morning.

47. Amber wants to buy a new smart phone but she doesn’t have the money. Which question from the list below
would be considered explicit?
A. Why does she need a new phone?
B. Why can’t Amber buy a new phone?
C. How is Amber going to raise the money?
D. Where does she plan to buy a new phone?

48. During the recent interview of Andi Eigenmann on the cause of her mother – Jacklyn Jose’s demise, she
mentioned the word “Myocardial Infarction”. If you are to write about this word on your written output for
the subject Reading and Writing, what pattern of development will you use?
A. Definition
B. Persuasion
C. Problem-Solution
D. Comparison- Contrast
49. Wendy was walking from home to school when she found a sick bird lying on the ground under the tree. She
stopped and gave the bird a look. She looked up and noticed a nest in the branch above her. She looked
forward and continued walking home. What implicit information can you obtain from this story?
A. Wendy loves animals.
B. Wendy is running late for an appointment.
C. Wendy is a selfish person.
D. Wendy needs to get home before dark.

50. Mrs. Demate walked into the classroom of Grade 11- Athena and slammed the door behind her. She threw
her clipboard to the floor and knocked a pile of papers to the ground. What implicit information can you get
from the scenario?
A. Mrs. Demate walked into the classroom.
B. She threw her clipboard to the ground.
C. The door slammed after she came in.
D. She was angry when she came to the class.

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