G3 Acapulco, Lamano Et Al.

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Aerobic Exercise Intervention: Uncovering the

Comprehensive Advantages for Reducing Obesity and

Improving Health

Acapulco, Abigail, Bontia, Rosano, Campos, Ashley, Guerrero, Andrea, Jaca, Rv,
Lamano, Joshua, Musa, Nadzmer, Sumalinog, Karmela, Uriate, Hughneaty

Junior High School Department, Jose Maria College Foundation, Inc.

A mini-research report on a socio-cultural issue

submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement mandated
in the English Curriculum Guide (DepEd, 2015, pp.153-155)
in the subject English 10

Hemsley B. Corpuz
May 14 2024
Aerobic Exercise Intervention: Uncovering the Comprehensive
Advantages for Reducing Obesity and Improving Health

It has been shown that aerobic exercise has many benefits for obese people. Aerobics is a

type of physical activity that enhances cardiovascular health, endurance, and general fitness by

combining rhythmic movements with increased oxygen intake. Aerobic activities, which are usually

done in a group environment to music, work the big muscle groups and raise the heart rate for a

longer amount of time, which encourages the body to use oxygen efficiently. These workouts often

include exercises like swimming, cycling, dancing, walking, and jogging, among others. Exercises

recognized to be aerobic can be done by people of different ages and fitness levels because of their

wide variety of movements and intensities. Enhancing cardiovascular function, burning calories,

controlling weight, lowering stress, and improving general health and well-being are the main

objectives of aerobic exercise.

Studies have indicated that engaging in aerobic exercise can lead to a decrease in intrahepatic

lipid levels, insulin resistance, and abdominal obesity in obese individuals (Lee et al., 2012).

Moreover, in obese children, aerobic exercise has been connected to improvements in triglyceride and

LDL cholesterol levels as well as insulin sensitivity (García-Hermoso et al., 2014). Additionally,

research has shown that aerobic exercise improves metabolic health by lowering insulin resistance

indicators in young, obese people (Guilder et al., 2005). Moreover, regular aerobic exercise has been

linked with a decrease in cardiovascular events in overweight and obese adults, irrespective of weight

loss (Ho et al., 2012).

Although aerobic exercise is frequently advised for obese people in order to help them

manage their weight over the long term and achieve better health outcomes, there is still debate over
the efficacy of other exercise modalities, such as resistance training, or the use of both (Goldfield et

al., 2015). Resistance training has been proposed as an alternative to aerobic training in the

therapy of obesity in teenagers. It can be used alone or in conjunction with aerobic training to

potentially provide psychological benefits (Farah et al., 2013).. Aerobic exercise has also been

demonstrated to improve insulin sensitivity, lower obesity, and improve endothelial function by

reducing subclinical inflammation.

In summary, the data demonstrates that aerobic exercise has a substantial positive impact on

body composition, cardiovascular health, insulin sensitivity, and metabolic indicators in obese people.

Even while aerobic exercise works, further studies are needed to examine the possible benefits of

combining it with other techniques, such as resistance training, for all-encompassing obesity therapy.
Research Questions

Our research goal is to change the perspective of the ton, how aerobics is an efficient and

nifty approach to improve our shape and condition on our health. The coming questions

function as compass points as a guide to understand our mini research paper.

1. What is the Importance of Aerobic Exercise?

2. Can aerobic exercise help in weight management?

3. What are the effects of Aerobics Exercise on our mental health?


This section provides a comprehensive overview of the research methodology applied to

investigate the effects of aerobic exercise on obese individuals, aiming to provide clarity on

the approach taken in conducting the study.

1.1 Research Study: Aerobic exercise, often referred to simply as aerobics, is a form of

physical activity that uses large muscle groups and can be sustained continuously for long

periods. It is especially beneficial for obese people, providing many benefits that go beyond

weight loss. One of the immediate benefits of aerobics for obese people is improved

cardiovascular health. This not only helps reduce blood pressure, a common problem in obese

people but also reduces the risk of developing heart disease. Additionally, aerobic exercise

can have a significant impact on mental health. Obesity is often accompanied by a heavy

psychological burden, including a higher risk of depression and low self-esteem. Aerobic

exercise is known to help release endorphins, the body's natural mood enhancers, which can

help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. This improvement in mental health is important

for an individual's motivation and overall health, making the weight loss journey more

manageable and less daunting. Another important benefit is improved metabolic health.

Regular aerobic activity helps regulate insulin levels and may improve insulin sensitivity,

which is especially important for obese people at risk of type 2 diabetes. Additionally,

aerobics may help reduce insulin sensitivity. Visceral fat, the dangerous type of fat that

surrounds organs, reduces the risk of various metabolic syndromes. In addition to these health

benefits, aerobics also promotes a positive relationship with one's body, encouraging a

healthier lifestyle that can help with sustainable weight control and improved quality of life.

We begin by investigating the benefits of aerobics on obese individuals, we use a

combination of quantitative and qualitative data collection methods. Additionally, we

conducted mass research among the researchers' personal experiences relating to the issue

and their perceived outcome. This approach allowed us to assess the main point of the

problem and make our research a walk better. We carefully focused on several key outcomes.

Examples of these are changes in body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, and body fat

percentage to see improvements in body composition. They also assessed fitness levels by

examining endurance and strength. This approach helped them evaluate both the physical and

mental effects of aerobics on obese individuals.

Continuing our topic to organize the data into two main categories: quantitative and

qualitative. For quantitative data, they recorded BMI, waist circumference, and body fat

percentage to analyze changes. Fitness levels were also organized and analyzed this way. For

qualitative data, they transcribed and grouped responses into common themes. All the data

were combined, making it easy to analyze the physical and mental effects of the aerobics


1.2 Data Collection Methods: Utilizing advanced technology and digital resources, the

researchers accessed various relevant research sites and through the application of

quantitative research methodologies, they structurally gathered and analyzed data directly

relevant to the focus of their study.


In the analysis of the effects of aerobics on obese persons, a comprehensive

method was employed where both quantitative and qualitative data were obtained. Their main

concern was to assess physical changes such as body mass index (BMI), waist circumference,

body fat percentage and fitness levels that signify improvements in body composition and

endurance. Also, interviews were done to acquire qualitative information about personal

experience related to aerobics. The aim of this study was to quantify the holistic effects

concerning obesity patients considering that; there are physical changes that occur in a

person’s life as well as psychological ones. In addition, by going for this combined mode of

research, it is hoped that researchers will be in a position where they can better acknowledge

some positive aspects linked with exercises meant for obese individuals such as mental health

improvement rather than just concentrating on the obvious adverse effects caused by them.

One-third of the population of US children is considered obese and two-thirds

of the adult population falls into the obese class. These figures have tripled over the last

30 years (Silverstone et al., 2011). Health Undersecretary Maria Rosario Vergeire,

officer-in-charge of the Department of Health (DOH), claimed that the main reason for

the rise were physical inactivity as a result of the lockdown that was initiated from

beginning of march of 2020 to late 2022, and another main factor are food disorders

(Peña., 2022). Furthermore, obesity rates have risen every year from the past 30 years.

The charts have peaked at march of 2020 due to the pandemic, people who fall under

the obesity class are physically inactive and suffer from eating disorders due to

unemployment, mental disorders, and illnesses.


RQ1: References of individuals who participate in aerobic intervention exercises?

In this mini research, as we discussed we all have done aerobic workouts, and as our

mind and physical physique have changed we have not noticed but our bodies have

changed sparring on the workout routine we have at least once in our current lifetime.

Our references are ourselves as we've all used aerobic exercises at least once from the


1.0. Overall: to clarify the impact of aerobics on mental health and physical health Firstly,

This study aims to integrate research in the field of aerobics. Studies have also shown that

participating in aerobics can improve mental health. Aerobics exercises can reduce anxiety

levels and alleviate depressive symptoms and improve self-esteem and self-confidence (Pivneva

et al., 2013). No matter your age, weight or athletic ability, aerobic activity is good for you. Aerobic

activity has many health benefits. As your body adapts to regular aerobic exercise, you'll get stronger

and fitter (Sandhya Pruthi, M.D., 2024).

1.2. Well-being: The well-being of Aerobic exercise can play a role in the management

and prevention of many of the conditions primary care physicians encounter on a daily

basis—coronary artery disease, obesity, depression, and diabetes, to name a few. Dr

Mersy reviews what every physician needs to know about the contributions of exercise

to health (Jack H. Wilmore et al., 2024).

RQ2: Factors influencing the ability to maintain exercise habits?

In this mini research paper the factors we've focused on are physical and psychological,

as these factors are the key to understanding the tons own self-value, insecurities, and

problems associated with scars that could be their awakening on using aerobic exercise

so they can enhance their physical and mental physique.


A holistic strategy for managing obesity can be achieved by investigating the possible

additive benefits of combining aerobic exercise with other therapies, such as dietary changes,

behavioral therapy, and medication. Thinking about individualized interventions catered to

each patient's needs and preferences is prompted by the discussion of incorporating various

modalities into comprehensive treatment programs. Furthermore, analyzing the data

demonstrating combination therapy's effectiveness in treating the intricate interplay of

psychological, biological, and environmental components clarifies the multidimensional

nature of obesity. Through the discourse surrounding the mutual advantages of amalgamating

aerobic exercise with alternative interventions, interested parties might strive towards the

enhancement of obesity control tactics that foster enduring health and welfare(Jin., 2023).

Studies have demonstrated that aerobic exercise interventions can effectively reduce body

weight, body mass index, body fat rate, and body circumference, leading to improvements in

lipid and glycemic components, and thereby reducing complications associated with obesity

(Jin., 2023). Furthermore, a study about the impact of doing aerobic exercises for 8 weeks

shows that in just 8 weeks a significant change can be seen in the BMI and the composition

of the body

Obesity is a significant health issue affecting many individuals worldwide. With the use

of Technology and electronic devices, we can use them for managing obesity. They assist by

monitoring calories burned, sleep patterns, and activity levels. Fitness trackers and apps are

examples of devices that establish objectives, offer feedback, and encourage users to make

healthier decisions. Technology also provides online resources for teaching about fitness and

diet. By reaching more people and assisting them in leading better lives, the use of these tools

transforms the way we approach healthcare overall (Gilmore LA et al., 2014).

RQ3: effectiveness of exercise interventions for obesity reduction and overall health


Obesity is a major public health issue associated with numerous health problems, including

heart disease, diabetes, and mental health disorders. Exercise interventions are frequently

recommended as a strategy to combat obesity and enhance overall health. Though recovering

from obesity is never easy as it can have its psychological scars attached to it, aerobic exercise

improvement on the person can be successful at times, and gradual improvement is


The results of the investigation led the researchers to draw the following conclusions and



Although it has been proven that aerobic exercise is beneficial in reducing obesity and

improving one’s health wellness, it’s still being debated on its efficacy compared to other

exercise modalities, such as resistance training, and more.

The aerobic exercise intervention implies doing things that make your heart beat

faster and your breathing become quicker. These activities can include things like dancing,

jogging, or swimming. By completing these exercises frequently, you can enhance your heart

health, increase your stamina, and feel more energized overall. it's similar to giving your

body a special kind of workout to maintain its strength. Relating aerobic exercise to obesity

emphasizes its role in burning calories, lowering body fat, improving metabolism, moderating

hunger, and maintaining long-term weight stability. By implementing regular aerobic

activities into their routines, individuals can effectively prevent and control obesity while

enhancing their overall health and well-being.


Aside from doing aerobic exercises, having a good diet to start with is also another

way to reduce your weight as well. Not only is it beneficial, but it can also help you feel

motivated to start doing exercises and be healthier.

In addition to the aerobic exercise intervention, trainers should provide information

and behavioral support to help promote long-term behavioral change. Trainers should also

provide advice on how to overcome obstacles to exercise, stay motivated, and sustain

adherence, as well as the advantages of engaging in regular physical activity


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