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IOT : Internet of things combining digital and real world

Industry 4.0 is an important trajectory

on the way to the future of production.

Yet, Industry 4.0 is a topic for all companies –

certainly for small and medium-sized companies

A machine monitoring system that collects data

electronically from the machine, and stores it in a
All Types of Machines can be connected
Corporate Training Modules
Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerances Sheet Metal Part Maunufacturing
Fundamentals of GDNT Creating Value ( Yield Improvement) in Stamping Process
Blue Prints/ Drawings reading and Understanding Dies Design best practice for very high tensile steel
Limit, Fits & Tolerances Die Maintenance Technique
GDNT Advance New Die Development Process
Productivity Improvement in Stamping Process

Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) Lean Thinking & Lean Management

TPM Champion Lean Champion
7 Steps of Autonomous Maintenance (Jishu Hozen) Lean Quick Changeover (SMED)
Initial Phase Development Management Way of Toyota - Lean manufacturing System
Focused Improvement - 16 Losses & OEE improvement Toyota A3 Tool (Toyota Business Practice)
How to Calculate OEE ? How to improve OEE, Productivity

Basics of Manufacturing Excellence Value added Quality Management Systems

Applied 5S PPAP & APQP
Kaizen for maufacturing SPC ( Statistical Process Control
Seven QC Tools : Deep anlysis and problem solving Zero Defect Quality Through Jidoka, Poka Yoke
Seven Steps of Problem Solving CAPA - Problem Solving Technique
Root Cause & 5 Why Analysis Total Quality Management (TQM)
Visual Management, 3 M Waste Elimination Global 8D - rapid problem solving Technique
VA/ VE for cost reduction Toyota A3 Tool - Proactive Problem Solving Technique
Ashish Aggarwal Corporate Trainer Mob no : 9643002507. 9873191528
Gmail : Youtube Channel name : Ashish Aggarwal Corporate Trainer

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