Business operations strategy for 2024

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Business operations strategy for 2024

Introduction :
This is an attempt to show a roadmap for the Business Operations for Alcon in 2024.
Business Operations directly reports to the G.M. Business Commercial and directly supervises
the Business Development, Low voltage /Electrical section, Logistics & Facilities and directly
co-ordinates the WGI Fabrication yard.
But as the case may be presently, every efforts are glared towards the resuscitation of the great
company, ALCON.
Market Analysis:
ALCON is an E.P.C. company, with a lot of presence in Oil & Gas, Low voltage projects,
Government-civil construction projects, Power projects.
The covid adverse effect had to pull the company to her kneel and the radical hibernation to
curb the negative financial exposure had stalled the giant strides. The company had been
accustomed and had dent the good image the company have enjoyed over the years.
In 2024 ; Alcon shall take its market share of the Nigerian economic landscape working at the
sectors budget for 2024: Key players in the Nigerian economy are:
Oil & Gas in Nigeria – Capital/ Mtce projects/minor projects
Federal government capital projects
Eastern states capital projects budgets
Power projects.
Market Trends:
More projects will be released in the area of infrastructure to appease the electorate . This can
be in form of - construct, Water projects, Agricultural projects, Bridges, etc
Market Target Segmentation
Based on market target segmentation of south / eastern locals;

● Upstream & Mid stream project

● Based on specific need and pain point are constant for power project to supply light and
● Repair , remodificate project especially in oil and gas with power – rural power
electrification , especially in the south south of Nigeria
● Road and Bridge construction to link riverine areas.
Oil and gas

Value Proposition:
we shall develop a compelling value preposition that addresses Alcon target segment unique
challenges and requirement.
We shall diversify our LV division to expand its portfolio to medium voltages.
We shall diversify our A.E.N representation in Nigeria to include Snender, inchell to widen our
economic landscape.
We shall proffer and offer solution, efficiency cost saving and innovation compare to our

Partnership and Alliance

Form project execution alliance with reputable companies, allow foreign companies to ride on
our backs into new contract.
Hire out our N.Y.I facility to prospective clients
This will increase and enhance our market reach, access new resource: we may enter an MOU
with any one that we believe capable or NSG faithful.
From a JV with local contractors to use our yard , resource & Equipment for project Execution.
Under this preview we are looking at
● Renof in its Assa north project

● Align with Bolamack on panel building material relationship .

Regulatory & Compliance understanding of targeted market

The oil and gas regulatory document are herculean task pain, however 80% of our document
are ready as shown below table
But we are focusing also at the manufacturing and private sector that are having less regulatory and
compliance operating documents request in their operation

Product /Service Offerings;

We categorise our product/services into:
1. Low hanging fruit
2. Capital project
Low Hanging Fruit contains among others;
1. Renof alliance to jointly execute Assa North tank stand etc.
2. Bunny Equipt Rentals
3. Woji Fab yard jetty services, storage and office space hire
4. TransAmadi base office equipment hire etc.
Ambulance, self loader, trailers, ambulances etc.
5. LV panel building division workshop space and filtration machine, ABB product
6. Sublet carpentry workshop space and equipment to other companies
7. FYIP As-built drgs completion
8. Minor contracts for oil and gas companies
Capital Projects
TCN: Transmission expansion projecarts,100 new project value @ #109B
FEB: Ministry of sport new 36 projects value @ #6B
FEB: Ministry and housing 345 projects value @ #18.2B
WATER RESOURCES: 638 projects value @56B
AGRIC PROJECTS: 385 projects

Distribution channels:
Most effective way to be used to reach our target audience in 2024 shall be;
1. Direct sales- physically visiting client
2. Partnership with distributor- Bolamack, ABB
3. Digital platforms
4. Participating in industrial events and conferences


1. Content marketing
2. Thought leadership pieces
3. Case studies, targeted advertising campaign


Implementation of metrics to measure the effectiveness of strategy
● Develop spreadsheets and evaluate on a weekly basis
● Minor contract spreadsheets
● Major contract spreadsheets
● LV contract spreadsheets
● Construction market-GOVT/GOVT parasitals
● Private market-private
● Jetty services
● Manufacturing-Lafage, Bagco power plant
● Give more attention to ongoing project and opportunities
● Attend more workshop, seminar and conferences for networking
● Pursue subcontract with other successful bidders
● Monitor key performance indicators
● Gather feedback
● Adapt and iterate based on market changes and customer’s feedback

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